
create database school;

use school;


-- 创建学生表student

 create table student(

 s_id varchar(10) primary key,

 s_name varchar(10) not null,

 s_age date not null,

 s_sex varchar(10) not null default '未知');


-- 导入学生表数据

insert into student(s_id,s_name,s_age,s_sex)

value('01' , '赵雷' , '1990-01-01' , '男'),

('02' , '钱电' , '1990-12-21' , '男'),

('03' , '孙风' , '1990-05-20' , '男'),

('04' , '李云' , '1990-08-06' , '男'),

('05' , '周梅' , '1991-12-01' , '女'),

('06' , '吴兰' , '1992-03-01' , '女'),

('07' , '郑竹' , '1992-04-21' , '女'),

('08' , '王菊' , '1990-01-20' , '女');



-- 创建课程表course

create table course(c_id varchar(10) primary key,

c_name varchar(10) not null,

t_id varchar(10) not null);


-- 导入课程表数据

insert into course(c_id,c_name,t_id)

value('01' , '语文' , '02'),

('02' , '数学' , '01'),

('03' , '英语' , '03');



-- 创建教师表teacher

create table teacher(t_id varchar(10) not null  primary key,

t_name varchar(10) not null);


-- 导入教师表数据

insert into teacher(t_id,t_name)

value('01' , '张三'),

('02' , '李四'),

('03' , '王五');



-- 创建成绩表score

create table score(s_id varchar(10),

c_id varchar(10) not null,

score int not null);


-- 导入外部数据---------------示范,在本例子中不需要前面两个数据


路径不能出现中文,注意路径中的\改成/或者\\,路径要用英文状态的' ' 导入的表名与数据文件的命名不可以一样


从文本导入load data local infile 'E:/Monthly_Indicator.txt'

into table monthy_indicator

fields terminated by '\t'

ignore 1 lines;#不需要原始数据集标题时

csv导入load data local infile 'E:/final3.csv' into table Final fields terminated by '\,';


-- 导入成绩表数据

-- 手打导入数据----------------------------------------------------------

#insert into 插入数据  字符串要用引号‘’,数值型的不用,要用逗号隔开

insert into score(s_id,c_id,score)

value('01' , '01' , 80),

('01' , '02' , 90),

('01' , '03' , 99),

('02' , '01' , 70),

('02' , '02' , 60),

('02' , '03' , 80),

('03' , '01' , 80),

('03' , '02' , 80),

('03' , '03' , 80),

('04' , '01' , 50),

('04' , '02' , 30),

('04' , '03' , 20),

('05' , '01' , 76),

('05' , '02' , 87),

('06' , '01' , 31),

('06' , '03' , 34),

('07' , '02' , 89),

('07' , '03' , 98);





-- 条件查询------------------------------------------


-- 1、查询学生表所有数据

select * from student;


-- 2、查询教师表所有数据

select * from teacher;


-- 3、查询课程表所有数据

select * from course;


-- 4、查询成绩表所有数据

select * from score;


-- 5、查询学号为01的学生信息

select * from student where s_id=01;


-- 6、查询男性同学的学生编号、学生姓名

select s_id,s_name from student where s_sex='男';


-- 7、查询本月过生日的同学及学生信息  curdate() curtime() now()

select curdate();#2019-07-24

select curtime();#19:12:23

select now();#2019-07-24 19:13:05


select * from student where month(curdate())=month(s_age);


-- 8、查询课程编号为01的课程名称

select c_name from course where c_id = '01';


-- 9、查询学生编号为01的学生总成绩:学生编号、总成绩

select s_id,sum(score) as 总成绩 from score group by s_id having s_id='01';


-- 10、查询学生编号为01的学生成绩总分、平均分、最高分、最低分

select sum(score) as 总分,avg(score) as 平均分,max(score) as 最高分,min(score) as 最低分 from score group by s_id having s_id='01';


-- 11、查询不及格的学生成绩信息

select * from student where s_id in (select s_id from score where score <60);

select * from score where score<60;


-- 12、查询学生编号不为01的其他同学的成绩信息

select * from score where s_id <>'01';


-- 13、查询成绩60-80分闭区间的成绩信息

select * from score where score between 60 and 80;

select * from score where score>=60 and score <=80;


-- 14、查询成绩不在60-80分闭区间的成绩信息

select *from score where  score not between 60 and 80;

select * from score where score < 60 or score >80;


-- 15、查询学生编号0102的学生信息

select * from student where s_id in('01','02');


-- 16、查询学生编号不为0102的学生信息

select * from student where s_id not in('01','02');

select * from student where s_id <> '01' and s_id <> '02';


-- 17、查询学生编号为01或者02课程编号为01的成绩信息 (and 和 or 的优先级)

select * from score where (s_id='01' or c_id='02') and c_id='01';


-- 18、查询名字中含有“风”字的学生信息 like '%%'

select * from student where s_name like '%风%';


-- 19、查询“李”姓老师的数量  like '%'

select count(*) from teacher where t_name like '李%';


-- 20、查询出现过学生考试不及格的课程ID  distinct删除重复的记录

select distinct course.c_id from course

left join score on course.c_id=score.c_id where score.score<60;


select distinct c_id from score where score < 60;

-- 排序------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


-- 21、按成绩升序显示成绩信息  默认是升序,升序是asc 降序是desc

select * from score order by score asc;


-- 22、按成绩降序显示成绩信息

select * from score order by score desc;


-- 23、按学生编号升序,课程编号降序显示成绩信息

select * from score order by s_id asc, c_id desc;


-- 24、查询课程编号为01的学生成绩,按分数降序学生编号升序排列

select * from score where c_id='01' order by score desc,s_id asc;


-- 分组----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


-- 25、查询每门课程被选修的学生数

select c_id,count(*) from score group by c_id;


-- 26、查询每位同学的平均成绩,并按分数降序学生编号升序排列

select s_id,avg(score) from score group by s_id order by score desc,s_id asc;


-- 27、查询每门课程的平均成绩,结果按平均成绩降序排列,平均成绩相同时,按课程编号升序排列

select c_id,avg(score) from score group by c_id order by avg(score),c_id asc;


-- 28、查询90学生的男女数量,并按照数量降序排列 (扩展:横向显示)

select s_sex,count(*) from student where right(year(s_age),2)>=90 group by s_sex order by count(*);


select sum(s_sex='男') 90后男,sum(s_sex='女') 90后女 from student

where year(s_age)>=1990 group by s_sex order by count(s_sex) desc;


-- 30、查询不同性别、各年份的出生人数

select s_sex, year(s_age) 年份, count(*) from student group by s_sex, 年份;

select s_sex,year(s_age),count(*) from student group by s_sex,s_age;


-- 31、查询同名同姓学生名单,并统计有同名的学生姓名和同名人数

select s_name,count(*) from student group by s_name having count(*)>1;


-- 32、查询每门课程的平均成绩,并且平均成绩大于等于70

select c_id, avg(score) 平均成绩 from score group by c_id having 平均成绩>=70;


-- 33、查询每位同学的平均成绩,并且平均分数>=60

select s_id, avg(score) 平均成绩 from score group by s_id having 平均成绩>=60;


-- 34、查询至少选修了2门课的学生学号

select s_id, count(c_id) 课程数量 from score group by s_id having 课程数量>=2;


-- 35、查询至少两门课程及格的学生学号

select s_id from score where score > 60 group by s_id having count(*) >=2;


-- 36、查询成绩前三名的成绩信息 limit

select * from score order by score desc limit 0,3;-- 从第一名开始取3

select * from score order by score desc limit 3;-- 默认取前面的三位

select * from score order by score desc limit 3 offset 0;


-- 37、查询成绩第三名到第五名的成绩信息


select * from score order by score desc limit 2,3;


-- 多表查询--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


-- 38、连接学生表和成绩表

select * from score left join student on score.s_id=student.s_id;


-- 39、连接学生表、成绩表和课程表

select * from score left join student on score.s_id=student.s_id 

left join course on score.c_id=course.c_id;


-- 40、连接四张表,删除不必要字段 left join ….on…..

select student.*,score,c_name,t_name from score

left join student on score.s_id=student.s_id

left join course on score.c_id=course.c_id

left join teacher on teacher.t_id=course.t_id;


-- 41、将学生表的s_id、s_name与课程表的c_id、c_name做纵向链接

#注意区分union和union all (一般包含有重复项)

select s_id,s_name from student


select c_id,c_name from course;


-- 子查询-----------------------------------------------------


-- 42、查询学生编号为02的学生的所有课程成绩都高的成绩信息

select * from score where score> all (select score from score where s_id='02');


-- 43、查询学生编号为02的学生的任意一门课程成绩高的成绩信息

select * from score where score >any(select score from score where s_id='02');


-- 44、查询平均成绩大于等于60的学生的成绩信息

select * from score where s_id in

(select s_id from score group by s_id having avg(score)>=60);


select * ,avg(score) from score group by s_id  having avg(score)>=60;


-- 45、查询选修了全部课程的学生信息_

select student.*,group_concat(c_id) from student

left join score on student.s_id=score.s_id

group by student.s_id having count(c_id)=(select count(c_id) from course);


select student.*,group_concat(c_id) from student,score

where student.s_id=score.s_id

group by student.s_id having count(c_id)=(select count(c_id) from course);

-- 函数------------------------------------------------------


-- 46、查询学生01选了哪些课程,放一个单元格内 group_concat

select group_concat(course.c_name) from score

left join course on score.c_id=course.c_id and score.s_id='01';


select group_concat(course.c_name) from course,score

where score.c_id=course.c_id and score.s_id='01';


select student.s_name,group_concat(course.c_name)from score

left join course on score.c_id=course.c_id  left join student on score.s_id=student.s_id

where student.s_id='01';


-- 47、针对成绩表,添加新列(>90 优秀,>80 良好, >=60 及格,<60不及格)  IF / case when

/*case when 条件1 then 结果1

          when 条件2 then 结果2

       when 条件3 then 结果3


       else 结果n

       end (as //)命名 */

select *,if(score>90,'优秀',if(score>80,'良好',if(score>=60,'及格','不及格'))) 等级 from score;


select *, case

when score>90 then '优秀'

when score>80 then '良好'

when score>=60 then '及格'

else '不及格'


from score;

when score<=80 then '及格'

when score<=90 then '良好'

else '优秀'


as 成绩等级

from score;


select *,if(score>90,'优秀',if(score>80,'良好',if(score>60,'及格','不及格')))

as 成绩等级 from score;


-- 48、查询所有和学生01选修完全一样的同学信息

select s_id,group_concat(c_id) 课程 from score

group by s_id having 课程=(select group_concat(c_id)  from score where s_id='01' group by s_id ) and s_id<>01;


concat_ws( )

1,功能跟concat() 一样,将多个字符连接成一个字符串,但是可以一次

性指定分隔符~concat_ws就是concat with separator(分隔符))

create table pjm(select s_id,group_concat(c_id) 课程 from score

group by s_id having 课程=(select group_concat(c_id) from score

where s_id='01' group by s_id ) and s_id<>01);

select concat_ws(',','课程1','课程2','课程3') from pjm;


select s_id,group_concat(c_id order by c_id desc) 课程 from score

group by s_id;


-- 49、查询课程名称为数学,且分数低于60的学生姓名和分数;

select s_name, score from student

left join score on student.s_id = score.s_id

left join course on score.c_id = course.c_id

where c_name = '数学' and score < 60;


select s_name, score from student,score,course

where student.s_id = score.s_id and score < 60

and score.c_id = course.c_id and c_name = '数学';


-- 50、查询学生姓名并且为每个姓名前加学生两个字


select concat('学生',s_name) 姓名 from student;


-- --提高---------------------------------------------------------------


-- 51、查询"01"课程"02"课程成绩高学生的信息及课程分数

select student.s_id,s_name,sc1.score 课程一,sc2.score 课程二 from

student  join

(select s_id,score from score where c_id=01) as sc1 on student.s_id=sc1.s_id


(select s_id, score from score where c_id=02) as sc2 on student.s_id=sc2.s_id

where sc1.score>sc2.score;


select student.s_id, s_name,s1.score 课程一, s2.score 课程二 from student

join score s1 on student.s_id=s1.s_id and s1.c_id=01#注意这里省略了一个as

join score s2 on student.s_id=s2.s_id and s2.c_id=02#注意这里省略了一个as

where s1.score>s2.score;


select student.s_id,s_name,s1.score 课程一, s2.score 课程二

from student, score s1, score s2

where student.s_id=s1.s_id and s1.c_id=01

and student.s_id=s2.s_id and s2.c_id=02

and s1.score>s2.score;


-- 52、查询学过编号为"01"并且也学过编号为"02"的课程的同学的信息

 (inner join中inner是可以省略的)

select student.*,sc1.c_id,sc2.c_id from student

join score sc1 on student.s_id=sc1.s_id and sc1.c_id='01'

join score sc2 on student.s_id=sc2.s_id and sc2.c_id='02';


-- 53、查询学过编号为"01"但是没有学过编号为"02"的课程的同学的信息

select student.*,sc1.c_id,sc2.c_id from student

left join score sc1 on student.s_id=sc1.s_id and sc1.c_id='01'

left join score sc2 on student.s_id=sc2.s_id and sc2.c_id='02'

where sc2.c_id is null and sc1.c_id='01';


select student.*,sc1.c_id,sc2.c_id from student

join score sc1 on student.s_id=sc1.s_id and sc1.c_id='01'

left join score sc2 on student.s_id=sc2.s_id and sc2.c_id<>'02'and sc2.c_id<>'01';



-- 54、查询成绩表的不及格率

-- 法一:

set @allcount = (select count(*) from score);

select count(*)/@allcount from score where score<60;


-- 法二:

select count(*)/(select count(*) from score) from score where score<60;


-- 法三:

select sum(score<60)/count(*) from score;

-- 法四:

select avg(score<60) from score;



-- 55、统计各科成绩各分数段:课程编号,课程名称,(0-60]不及格率,(60,100]及格率,(70,85]优良率,(85,100]优秀率  

select score.c_id,c_name,

sum(case when score>0 and score<=60 then 1 else 0 end)/count(*) 不及格率,

sum(case when score>70 and score<=85 then 1 else 0 end)/count(*) 优良率,

sum(case when score>85 and score<=100 then 1 else 0 end)/count(*) 优秀率,

sum(case when score>60 and score<=100 then 1 else 0 end)/count(*) 及格率

from score left join course on score.c_id=course.c_id group by score.c_id;


-- 56、成绩表按分数排序,并显示排名

set @rank :=0;#冒号可以省略,但是@不可以省略

select*,@rank := @rank+1 排名 from score order by score desc;


-- 57、查询学生的总成绩并进行排名

set @rank :=0;

select*,@rank := @rank+1 总成绩排名 from

(select *,sum(score) from score group by s_id order by sum(score) desc) as 总成绩;


-- 58、查询下月过生日的学生 

select * from student where

month(s_age)=case when month(curdate())+1>12 then month(curdate()) else month(curdate())+1 end;


-- 59、查询本周过生日的学生 

select curdate();#2019-07-25

select weekday(curdate())+1;#3

select subdate(curdate(),2); #2019-07-23 查看指定日期的前几天,2是和这个日期相隔的前2天,要表示未来的两天,要用-2

select date_format(curdate(),'%m-%d');#07-25 date_fromat修改日期格式








drop table emp; #或者truncate emp  / delete from emp

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