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When learning about microservices, understanding some common patterns is crucial for building robust, fault-tolerant, and easily maintainable software systems. Here are some common patterns in microservices:
1. API Gateway Pattern
Definition: The API Gateway serves as the single entry point for accessing any microservices, sitting between the clients and the microservices. It handles common functions such as authentication, rate limiting, retries, load balancing, service discovery, and also performs data filtering, mapping, and aggregation based on client needs.
Simplifies client logic and reduces network overhead.
Protects backend services and implements different levels of API interfaces.
Aggregates backend response results, reducing round trips between clients and services.
Implementation Tools: Zuul, Spring Cloud Gateway, Amazon API Gateway, Kong, Azure API Management, etc.
2. Service Discovery Pattern
Definition: Service Discovery allows services to dynamically find each other, ensuring smooth communication and reducing the need for manual configuration.
Service Registry: A centralized component that stores location information, such as IP addresses and port numbers, of all microservice instances.
Service Discovery Client: A distributed component that retrieves the location information of the required microservice instances from the service registry and selects a suitable instance for invocation based on load balancing strategies.
Implementation Tools: Eureka, Consul, Zookeeper, Nacos, Etcd, etc.
3. Load Balancing Pattern
Definition: Load Balancing distributes traffic evenly across services to ensure optimal performance and prevent service overload.
Implementation Methods:
Uses algorithms like round-robin, least connections, and weighted round-robin.
Fine-tuning with tools like NGINX and HAProxy.
4. Circuit Breaker Pattern
Definition: The Circuit Breaker pattern handles service failures by monitoring service status and preventing requests from reaching the service when it fails, thereby preventing cascading failures and protecting the stability of the entire system.
Closed: Remote calls are working correctly.
Open: Remote calls are failing.
Half-Open: Remote calls are being restored.
Implementation Tools: Netflix Hystrix, Resilience4j, etc.
5. CQRS Pattern
Definition: Command Query Responsibility Segregation (CQRS) is a pattern that separates the reading and updating operations of data storage.
Improves performance, scalability, and security.
Allows selecting appropriate technologies and architectures based on different needs.
Implementation Frameworks: Axon, MediatR, etc.
6. Event-Driven Architecture Pattern
Definition: Leverages events to trigger and drive interactions and actions between services, achieving decoupling and loose coupling between services.
Reduces coupling between microservices.
Enhances system scalability, performance, and reliability.
Implementation Tools: Apache Kafka, RabbitMQ, Amazon Kinesis, etc.
7. Saga Pattern
Definition: Provides a reliable solution for handling distributed transactions, aiming to solve complex transaction management problems across multiple microservices, ensuring data consistency while maintaining autonomy of individual microservices.
Implementation: Breaks down distributed transactions into a series of local transactions, each followed by an event or message. If a local transaction fails, a compensating transaction is executed to undo completed steps.
Implementation Tools: Eventuate, Axon, etc.
8. Aggregator Pattern
Definition: Assembles responses from multiple independent microservices into a complex service, which could be a simple web page or a higher-level composite microservice.
Enhances system performance and scalability.
Allows each microservice to focus on specific tasks and reduces the workload of a single microservice.
9. Asynchronous Messaging Pattern
Definition: Uses message queues instead of REST request/response to achieve asynchronous communication between microservices.
Reduces coupling between systems.
Enhances system performance and reliability.
10. Chain Pattern
Definition: Service A communicates with Service B upon receiving a request, and similarly, Service B communicates with Service C, all using synchronous messaging.
Achieves loose coupling between microservices.
Enhances system flexibility and adaptability.
11. Bulkhead Pattern
Definition: Isolates different services or resources to prevent a failure in one service from affecting others.
Implementation: Creates dedicated resources, such as separate thread pools or database connections, for each service.
Provides fault isolation, preventing a domino effect of failures.
Enhances system stability and reliability.
12. Proxy Pattern
Definition: In a microservice architecture, proxy services (such as gateway services) act as a unified entry point, handling request filtering, authentication, and other tasks.
Simplifies client logic.
Enhances system security and maintainability.
These patterns provide a solid foundation for building and managing applications based on a microservices architecture. Understanding and mastering these patterns will help develop robust, flexible, and easily maintainable microservice systems.

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