Which knowledge block does Java‘s API content belong to? Can I learn the knowledge of Java Spring

The API content of Java mainly belongs to the basic knowledge category of the Java programming language. It is not a separate knowledge block, but a core component that runs through the Java development process. Below, I will explain in detail the relationship between Java API and various knowledge blocks, and answer your questions. The relationship between Java API and various knowledge blocks. Basic content of Java SE (Java Platform, Standard Edition): Java API is an indispensable part of Java SE. Java SE provides the core libraries of the Java language, which contain a large number of APIs for implementing various basic functions such as file operations, network communication, database connections, etc. Therefore, the content of Java API can be fully learned in the basic content of Java SE. Java SE is the foundation for learning Java programming and the starting point for mastering Java APIs. Java JVM (Java Virtual Machine): The JVM is the runtime environment for Java programs, responsible for converting Java bytecode into machine code on a specific platform and executing it. Although the JVM itself does not directly contain the content of Java APIs, it provides the foundation for the execution of Java APIs. Understanding the working principle of JVM can help to gain a deeper understanding of the execution process of Java API, but JVM itself does not belong to the knowledge system of Java API. JUC (java. uli. concurrent) concurrent programming: JUC is a set of concurrent programming toolkits provided by Java, which includes a series of classes and interfaces for concurrent programming. These classes and interfaces can be seen as a subset of Java APIs in the field of concurrent programming. Therefore, JUC concurrent programming is the application and extension of Java APIs in specific domains (concurrent programming). NIO (New Input/Output) Network Programming: NIO is a new input/output processing mechanism provided by Java that supports buffer oriented, channel based I/O operations. The classes and interfaces in NIO are also part of the Java API, but they are more focused on the field of network programming. Learning NIO can help you master Java's API in network programming. Java Web: The Java Web technology stack (such as Servlet, JSP, Spring MVC, etc.) is the application of Java in the field of web development. Many components and frameworks in these technology stacks rely on Java APIs to implement their functionality. Therefore, in Java web development, you also need to master the relevant knowledge of Java APIs. Spring and Spring Boot: Spring and Spring Boot are two important frameworks for Java enterprise application development. They provide a lot of encapsulation and abstraction, making Java development more efficient and simple. However, Spring and Spring Boot themselves are not part of the Java API, but rather advanced frameworks built on top of the Java API. They provide richer functionality and a more convenient development experience by encapsulating and extending Java APIs. Summarizing the content of Java API belongs to the basic knowledge category of Java programming language, which can be learned in the basic content of Java SE. It runs through various aspects of Java development, including but not limited to basic functionality implementation, concurrent programming, network programming, and web development. Although fields such as JVM, JUC, NIO, and Java Web all involve the application and extension of Java APIs, they themselves are not equivalent to the knowledge system of Java APIs. And frameworks such as Spring and Spring Boot are high-level abstractions and encapsulation built on top of Java APIs

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