Implement "Guess Number Game" script program (see next page for the description)
Program will generate a secret number, and ask player to guess. It will tell player if his/her guess is too big or too small. It will exit when any of these two cases happen:
1. Player guessed the secret number correctly. Print "Congratulations!"
2. Timed out. Player did not guess quickly enough. Print "Timed out!"
1. Use command 'date' to get current time, and use 'cut' to retrieve the second as the secret number. Hint, delimitor is ':' for 'cut' command
2. Use TMOUT to set timeout to 5 seconds
3. Allow user to press ENTER without any number. In this case, print "You did not guess a number". Loop back to wait for player's next try
4. Assume player only enter number
2,时间结束,玩家没足够快的猜出数字,打印Timed out!
需求:使用date命令获得当前时间,并且用cut指令去获得date的秒部分当做神秘数字,提示:分隔符是冒号(:)。使用TMOUT 去设定时间限制是5秒。允许用户去按ENTER并且不输入任何数,在这种情况,打印:You did not guess a number.