java Rclone挂载minio,常用到的rclone的api如下

public class ApiUrl {

     * Make Directory.
    public static final String MK_DIR = "operations/mkdir";

     * Purge a directory.
    public static final String PURGE = "operations/purge";

     * Delete a file.
    public static final String DELETE_FILE = "operations/deletefile";

     * Create public link.
    public static final String CREATE_PUBLIC_LINK = "operations/publiclink";

     * Stats for rclone backend.返回有关当前传输的统计信息,如果未提供组,则将返回所有组的汇总统计信息。
    public static final String STATS = "core/stats";

     * Check and set bwlimit.
    public static final String BW_LIMIT = "core/bwlimit";

     * Move a directory.
    public static final String MOVE_DIR = "sync/move";

     * Move a file.
    public static final String MOVE_FILE = "operations/movefile";

     * Copy Directory
    public static final String COPY_DIR = "sync/copy";

     * Copy Files.
    public static final String COPY_FILE = "operations/copyfile";

     * Cleanup the remote recycle bin(trash).
    public static final String CLEANUP_REMOTE = "operations/cleanup";

     * Try to connect without any authentication headers.
    public static final String NOOP_AUTH = "rc/noopauth";

     * Check the version of the rclone.
    public static final String GET_RCLONE_VERSION = "core/version";

     * Memstats for the rclone backend.
    public static final String GET_RCLONE_MEM_STATS = "core/memstats";

     * Get options available in the backend.
    public static final String GET_OPTIONS = "options/get";

     * Get providers configuration in the rclone backend.
    public static final String GET_PROVIDERS = "config/providers";

     * Get entire remote configuration dump from backend.
    public static final String GET_CONFIG_DUMP = "config/dump";

     * List the currently running jobs.
    public static final String GET_RUNNING_JOBS = "job/list";

     * Get the status for a job.
    public static final String GET_STATUS_FOR_JOB = "job/status";

     * Get config for a specific remote.
    public static final String GET_CONFIG_FOR_REMOTE = "config/get";

     * Create a new config with parameters.
    public static final String CREATE_CONFIG = "config/create";

     * Update an existing config with parameters.
    public static final String UPDATE_CONFIG = "config/update";

     * Get File system information and supported features for a given remote time.
    public static final String GET_FS_INFO = "operations/fsinfo";

     * List the remote names of created remotes.
    public static final String LIST_REMOTES = "config/listremotes";

     * Get the files for given remoteName and path.
    public static final String GET_FILES_LIST = "operations/list";

     * Get information about the rclone backend.
    public static final String GET_ABOUT = "operations/about";

     * Delete a config with config name.
    public static final String DELETE_CONFIG = "config/delete";

     * Stop a running job by job id
    public static final String STOP_JOB = "job/stop";

     * List all the current mounts
    public static final String LIST_MOUNTS = "mount/listmounts";

     * Create a new mount (mount)
    public static final String CREATE_MOUNT = "mount/mount";

     * Delete a created mount(unmount)
    public static final String REMOVE_MOUNT = "mount/unmount";

     * Delete all created mounts(unmount)
    public static final String UNMOUNT_ALL = "mount/unmountall";

     * Get the total size of the file content under the specified path
    public static final String SIZE = "operations/size";

     * Returns statistics for completed transfers
    public static final String TRANSFERRED = "core/transferred";
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