--格式: select子句 from子句
-- select colName[,colName.......] from tableName;
--练习1:查询员工表emp中的 员工姓名,员工职位,员工入职日期和员工所在部门。
select ename,job,hiredate,deptno from emp;
select * from dept;
select deptno,dname,loc from dept;
select ename as "姓名" ,job as "职位" from emp;
select empno,ename,job,sal from emp where deptno=10 or deptno =20;
select * from emp where deptno<>10 and deptno<>20;
--合作为条件写法:in|not in (集合元素,使用逗号分开);
-- 注意:同一个字段有多个值的情况下使用。
-- in 相当于 or
-- not in 相当于 and
select empno,ename,job,sal from emp where deptno in(10,20);
select * from emp where deptno not in (10,20);
select * from emp where sal>all(select sal from emp where sal in (1500,1750,2000);