2020 年 9 月雅思口语题库

Part1 新题
1.    Text message
1)    Do you like texting?
2)    Do you prefer sending or receiving messages?
3)    Have you ever received a confusing text message?
4)    In what circumstances is making a phone call better than sending a text message?

2.    Clothes
1)    What’s your favourite color of clothes?
2)    What kind of clothes do you usually wear?
3)    What kind of clothes do you never wear?
4)    Do you wear the same style of cloth in weekdays and weekends?

3.    Picnic
1)    Did you go to picnics when you were a child?
2)    How often do you go on a picnic now?
3)    Where do you go to picnics?
4)    Difference between picnics and cooking at home?

4.    Recycling
1)    Do you recycle things? Why?
2)    Did you recycle things when you was a child?
3)    Will you recycle things in the future?
4)    What kind of things do you recycle?

5.    Weekends
1)    What do you usually do on weekends?
2)    Did you do anything special last weekend?
3)    What will you do next weekend?
4)    What do other people in your hometown usually do on weekends?

6.    Change
1)    Have you changed a lot since your childhood?
2)    What do you plan to change next year?
3)    Do you like changes? Why?
4)    Are there any changes in your hometown?

7.    Sports
1)    What sports did you do when you were a kid?
2)    What’s your favourite sport? Why?
3)    Do you watch sport matches? Why?
4)    Are you a fan of any sport teams? Why?
8.    Furniture
1)    Do you have a lot of furniture in your home?
2)    Are there anyone who bought furniture for you?
3)    What kind of furniture would you like to buy?
4)    What furniture do you like best in your home?

9.    Making a list
1)    Do you make a list when shopping?
2)    Do you make a list for your work?(Does it work?)
3)    Why don’t some people like making lists?
4)    Do you prefer to make a list on paper or on your phone?

10.    Handwriting
1)    Do you often write with a pen?
2)    Can we tell someone’s personality from his or her handwriting?
3)    What’s the difference of writing with a pen and typing on a computer?
4)    Is your handwriting easy to read for another people?

11.    Concentration
When do you need to be focused?
What may distract you when you’re trying to stay focused? What do you do to help you concentrate?
Is it difficult for you to stay focused on something?

12.    In a hurry
What do you always do in a hurry? Why?
What kind of things would you never do in a hurry? Do you usually go out in a hurry?
Do you like to be in a hurry?

Part2&Part3 新题
1.    Describe an event you experienced in which you didn’t like the music played You should say:
What the event was Where you were
What the music was like
And explain why you did not enjoy the music

1)    Why do many young people spend a lot of money on music concerts?
2)    Do you think older people like the same music as young people?
3)    Do you think music concerts are suitable for old people to attend?
4)    Why do shopping malls often have background music?

2.    Describe an intelligent person you know You should say:

Who the person is

How do you know this person

What this person does

And explain why you think think this person is intelligent

1.    Why are some children more intelligent than others ?
2.    Who do you think plays a more important role in a child’s development, teachers or parents?
3.    Do you think smart people tend to be selfish?
4.    Are smart people happier than others?

3.    Describe a misbehavior of children in the public You should say
Where it happened
What the children was doing Surrounding people’s attitudes

1)    factors that influence children’s behavior
2)    The most important factors?
3)    Difference between different generations’ education
4)    Are parents today stricter?

4.    Describe a conversation topic that you were not interested in You should say:
Who you talked with
When you had the conversation What the topic was
And explain why you were not interested in it

1)    What do you usually discuss with your friends?
2)    Do you like having conversation with old people?
3)    What would you do if people don’t listen to you?
4)    Do you believe that most people are good listeners?

5.    Describe a photo of you that you like You should say:

Where it was taken, When it was taken, Who took it, And explain how you felt about the photo

1)    Why do people take photos?
2)    What do people use to take photos these days, cameras or phones?
3)    Is it difficult for people to learn how to take good photos?
4)    How do people keep their photos?
6.    Describe a time when you received good news You should say:
What the news was, Who told you the news, When you knew it, And how you felt about it

1)    Where do people get news?
2)    What kind of news do people like to read?
3)    How can companies tell the public its news?
4)    On the internet or through press conference?
5)    What do you think of the news on social media?

7.    Describe a person who like to help others You should say:
Who this person is? What he helps others? Why he help others?
and explain how do you feel about him or her.

1)    Why are some people willing to help others?
2)    In what kinds pf professionals do people help others more?
3)    Who should teach children to help others? Parents or teachers?
4)    Do people nowadays help others more than in the past?

8.    Describe a good decision you made recently You should say
What it was
When and Where you made it? What the result was?
And explain how you felt about it

1)    What decisions do people make everyday?
2)    Why do people make decisions?
3)    Can children make decisions on their own?
4)    When do people change their decisions?

9.    Describe an activity that you attend occasionally but a little expensive You should say
What it is? Where you do it? Why you do it?
And explain why it is expensive

1)    What kind of expensive things do people like to buy?
2)    What’s the difference between women and men in buying things?
3)    What are the advantages and disadvantages about being rich?
4)    Why are some sports expensive? Are they for everyone?

10.    Describe a prize you have ever won. You should say:
what it was?
what you had to do to win it? When you received it?
how many other competitors were there?

1)    What kind of prizes do students get?
2)    Should students get the same prize in sports and academics?
3)    Why should people be awarded?
4)    Are awards always good for the winners?

11.    Describe an occasion when you forgot something important. You should say:
what you forgot
how important it was why you possibly forgot it

1)    What kinds of things do people forget easily?
2)    How kinds of people are more forgetful?
3)    How can people improve their memory?
4)    What do you think of people using calenders to remind themselves of things?

12.    Describe a line(or a few words) that you remember from a poem or song You should say:
What it is
Which song or poem it is from? How you knew it?
How you feel about it

1)    Are you good at memorizing thins?
2)    Do you think children would like the rhythm of songs or poems? Why?
3)    Do you think it easier for children to learn a song or poem than adults? Why?
4)    What can people learn from songs or poems?

13.    Describe a job you would like to do in a foreign country for a short term You should say:
Where you would like to work What kind of job would it be When would you like to go Why you want to work there

1)    What kind of work can young people do in foreign countries?
2)    Is it good for young people to have the experience of living in other countries>
3)    Why are some people unwilling to work in other countries>
4)    What’s the difference between working in an international company and working in a domestic one?

14.    Describe a person who is full of energy You should say:
Who that person is What does he or she do
How you knew this peroson
Why you think he or she is full of energy
and explain how do you feel about him or her.

1)    What kind of jobs need a lot of physical work?
2)    What’s the difference between the payment for physical work and that for mental work?
3)    Can physical workers receive higher salaries in the future?
4)    Do you think machines could replace human workers in the future?

15.    Describe an interesting tradition in your country You should say:
what it is
Who take part in it What activities there are
and explain how you personally feel about this tradition.

1)    How do people value traditional festivals?
2)    What’s the difference between festivals now and those in the past?
3)    Do you think western festivals like Christmas are replacing traditional festivals in your country?
4)    Do you think it is wrong for children not to celebrate traditional festivals?

16.    Describe a family(not your own) that you like You should say:
Who are they Where they live How you knew them
And explain why you like them

1)    Who is usually the leader in a Chinese family?
2)    How do grandparents take care of grandchildren?
3)    What’s the most important quality of parents?
4)    How can new parents learn more about parenting?

17.    Describe an old friend you got in contact again You should say:
Who this friend is What he or she is like How you got in contact
And explain your feelings about the meeting

1)    What’s the influence of social media on friendship?
2)    Why do people lose contact with their friends after graduation?
3)    Do people in your country like to make new friends?
4)    Do you think old friends are more important to the ole generation or the young generation?

18.    Describe a book you read that you find useful You should say
What it is
When and where did you read it Why it is useful
And explain your feeling about it

1)    What are the types of books that young people like to read?
2)    What’s the difference between the reading habits of old people and young  people?
3)    What’s the difference between paper books and e-books?
4)    Some people say that it is easier for children who start reading from a young age to succeed, do you agree?

19.    Describe a movie that made you laugh You should say
What it is
When and where did you watch it Who watched it with you
Why it made you laugh

1)    Do people like comedy?
2)    Why do people of all ages like cartoons?
3)    Why do some people like to make others laugh?
4)    Should teachers tell jokes in class?

20.    Describe an area of science(physics,biology,psychology,etc) that interests you You should say
What it is
How you knew it How you learned it
And explain why you are interested

1)    What’s the best invention in the past one hundred years?
2)    What’s the influence of science on human life?
3)    What can individuals do for scientific research?
4)    What influence can international cooperation in science bring about?

21.    Describe the time when you first talked in a foreign language You should say
Where you were Who you were with
What you talked about
And explain how you felt about it

1)    At what age should children start learning a foreign language?
2)    Which skill is more important, speaking or writing?
3)    Does a person still need to learn languages, if he or she is good at English?
4)    Do you think minority languages will disappear?

22.    Describe an ambition that you have had for a long time
You should say What it is
What you did for it When you did for it When you can achieve it
And explain why you have this ambition

1)    What kinds of ambitions do people have?
2)    Why should parents encourage children to have ambitions?
3)    Should parents interfere with children’s ambitions?
4)    Is there any difference between children’s ambitions and those of grown-ups?

23.    Describe a person who shows his or her feelings openly You should say
Who this person is
How you knew this person
Why you think this person is very open And explain how you feel about this person

1)    Do Chinese people find it hard to express feelings?
2)    Difference between women and men when expressing feelings
3)    Who do you think talk more? Children or grown-ups?
4)    Who are more open? People in the past or people these days?

24.    Describe a time when you changed your opinion You should say
When it was
What the original opinion was Why you changed it
And Explain how you felt about it

1)    Do children like to change opinions?
2)    When do people change opinions?
3)    Who do young people turn to for advice?
4)    Do people like giving opinions about politics?

25.    Describe a person who taught you a skill when you were a child
You should say
Who this person was What the skill was How you learned it
And explain how you felt about this person

1)    What skills should children learn before school?
2)    What’s the difference between the roles of teachers and parents in education?
3)    How do adults learn a new skill?
4)    Is internet good for learning new skills?

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