可变参数模板(参考《C++ Templates 英文版第二版》)

可变参数模板(参考《C++ Templates 英文版第二版》)

Chapter 4 可变参数模板


4.1 可变参数模板



4.1.1 例子
#include <iostream>

template<typename T>
void print(T arg)
	std::cout << arg << std::endl;

template<typename T, typename... Types>
void print(T firstArg, Types... args)
	std::cout << firstArg << '\n';  // print first argument
	print(args...);                 // call print() for remaining arguments

int main(int argc, char* argv[])
	print(1, 4, 7, "妙");
4.1.3 运算符sizeof

C++11 之后,sizeof操作符对于可变参数模板有新的用法sizeof...,他返回参数包里面包含多少个元素

template<typename T, typename... Types>
void print(T firstArg, Types... args)
	std::cout << sizeof... (Types) << std::endl;
	std::cout << sizeof... (args) << std::endl;

4.2 折叠表达式

C++11 提供了可变模板参数包, 使函数可以接受任意数量的参数. 但在 C++11中展开参数包稍显麻烦, 而 C++17 的折叠表达式使得展开参数包变得容易,其基本语法是使用 (...) 的语法形式进行展开.


折叠表达式支持 32 个操作符: +, -, *, /, %, ^, &, |, =, <,>, <<, >>, +=, -=, *=, /=, %=, ^=, &=, |=, <<=,>>=,==, !=, <=, >=, &&, ||, ,, .*, ->*

  • 对于一元右折叠 (E op …) 具体展开为 E1 op (… op (EN-1 op EN)).
  • 对于一元左折叠 (… op E) 具体展开为 (( E1 op E2) op …) op En.
  • 对于二元右折叠 (E op … op I) 具体展开为 E1 op (… op (EN-1 op (EN op I))).
  • 对于二元左折叠 (I op … op E) 具体展开为 (((I op E1) op E2) op …) op E2.
// define binary tree structure and traverse helpers:
struct Node {
  int value;
  Node* left;
  Node* right;
  Node(int i=0) : value(i), left(nullptr), right(nullptr) {
auto left = &Node::left;
auto right = &Node::right;

// traverse tree, using fold expression:
template<typename T, typename... TP>
Node* traverse (T np, TP... paths) {
  return (np ->* ... ->* paths);      // np ->* paths1 ->* paths2 ...

int main()
  // init binary tree structure:
  Node* root = new Node{0};
  root->left = new Node{1};
  root->left->right = new Node{2};
  // traverse binary tree:
  Node* node = traverse(root, left, right);

使用(np->* ... ->* paths)这个折叠表达式去遍历参数代表的路径


template<typename ... Types>
void print(Types const&... args)
	(std::cout << ... << args) << '\n';

int main()
	int a{ 12 };
	std::string b{ "博主是帅哥" };
	print(a, b);


template<typename T>
class AddSpace
    T const& ref;                  // refer to argument passed in constructor
    AddSpace(T const& r): ref(r) {
    friend std::ostream& operator<< (std::ostream& os, AddSpace<T> s) {
      return os << s.ref << ' ';   // output passed argument and a space

template<typename... Args>
void print (Args... args) {
  ( std::cout << ... << AddSpace(args) ) << '\n';


int main()
	int a{ 12 };
	std::string b{ "博主是帅哥" };
	print(a, b);
C++ Template》第二版,2017年9月16日出 Templates are among the most powerful features of C++, but they remain misunderstood and underutilized, even as the C++ language and development community have advanced. In C++ Templates, Second Editi on, three pioneering C++ experts show why, when, and how to use modern templates to build software that’s cleaner, faster, more efficient, and easier to maintain. Now extensively updated for the C++11, C++14, and C++17 standards, this new edition presents state-of-the-art techniques for a wider spectrum of applications. The authors provide authoritative explanations of all new language features that either improve templates or interact with them, including variadic templates, generic lambdas, class template argument deduction, compile-time if, forwarding references, and user-defined literals. They also deeply delve into fundamental language concepts (like value categories) and fully cover all standard type traits. The book starts with an insightful tutorial on basic concepts and relevant language features. The remainder of the book serves as a comprehensive reference, focusing first on language details and then on coding techniques, advanced applications, and sophisticated idioms. Throughout, examples clearly illustrate abstract concepts and demonstrate best practices for exploiting all that C++ templates can do. Understand exactly how templates behave, and avoid common pitfalls Use templates to write more efficient, flexible, and maintainable software Master today’s most effective idioms and techniques Reuse source code without compromising performance or safety Benefit from utilities for generic programming in the C++ Standard Library Preview the upcoming concepts feature The companion website, tmplbook.com, contains sample code and additional updates.
C++ Template》第二版,2017年9月16日出 Templates are among the most powerful features of C++, but they remain misunderstood and underutilized, even as the C++ language and development community have advanced. In C++ Templates, Second Editi on, three pioneering C++ experts show why, when, and how to use modern templates to build software that’s cleaner, faster, more efficient, and easier to maintain. Now extensively updated for the C++11, C++14, and C++17 standards, this new edition presents state-of-the-art techniques for a wider spectrum of applications. The authors provide authoritative explanations of all new language features that either improve templates or interact with them, including variadic templates, generic lambdas, class template argument deduction, compile-time if, forwarding references, and user-defined literals. They also deeply delve into fundamental language concepts (like value categories) and fully cover all standard type traits. The book starts with an insightful tutorial on basic concepts and relevant language features. The remainder of the book serves as a comprehensive reference, focusing first on language details and then on coding techniques, advanced applications, and sophisticated idioms. Throughout, examples clearly illustrate abstract concepts and demonstrate best practices for exploiting all that C++ templates can do. Understand exactly how templates behave, and avoid common pitfalls Use templates to write more efficient, flexible, and maintainable software Master today’s most effective idioms and techniques Reuse source code without compromising performance or safety Benefit from utilities for generic programming in the C++ Standard Library Preview the upcoming concepts feature The companion website, tmplbook.com, contains sample code and additional updates.




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