Tanzu Application Platform v1.1安装配置步骤
如上图所示,Tanzu Application Platform v1.1的安装,主要分成以下步骤:
- TAP安装前的准备;
- 安装Tanzu CLI命令行工具与Tanzu Cluster Essentials(Tanzu K8S安装包管理套件);
- 根据集群的使用角色,参考前文提到的内容,准备TAP Profiles配置文件tap-values.yaml;
- 安装Tanzu Application Platform v1.1;
- 验证安装环境 ;
TAP 安装前的准备
注意:Tanzu Application Platform v1.1的官方安装说明参考如下位置,本文旨在帮助初次安装TAP的用户快速配置和构建TAP运行环境。
注意:本文安装过程中的桌面CLI环境基于MacOS&Linux 操作系统。对于Windows CLI环境的操作请参考官方安装文档。
准备VMware Tanzu Network登录账号并下载TAP安装包
- 登录 Tanzu Network注册并下载Tanzu Application Platfrom v1.1 packages;
- 保证TAP的安装K8S Cluster Worker的网络能够访问:https://registry.tanzu.vmware.com;
DNS Records的准备
- 准备应用部署后的访问域名,利用TAP部署的应用,部署完成后可以直接利用配置的域名进行访问;安装前需要准备好这个域名;例如:.tap-app.example.vmware.com
Kubernetes Cluster运行环境的准备
当前TAP v1.1支持的Upstream Kubernetes版本:v1.21,v1.22,v1.23;
- Azure Kubernetes Service
- Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service
- Google Kubernetes Engine
- Tanzu Kubernetes Grid multicloud
- vSphere with Tanzu v7.0 U3a
TAP 安装Tanzu CLI命令行工具与Tanzu Cluster Essentials
- 下载 VMware Tanzu Application Platform tanzu-cli,根据安装桌面OS下载 (tanzu-framework-bundle-windows, tanzu-framework-bundle-mac, or tanzu-framework-bundle-linux)
- 安装 Tanzu CLI for Linux
# Move to the folder containing the downloaded file.
cd ~/Downloads
# Make a directory to extract the archive into
mkdir tanzu
# Extract the tar archive into your ~/tanzu directory
tar -xvf tanzu-framework-linux-amd64.tar -C ./tanzu
# Change your working directory to the extracted archive directory.
cd tanzu
# Run the install binary to complete the base installation.
sudo install cli/core/v0.11.2/tanzu-core-linux_amd64 /usr/local/bin/tan