select * from table where name like '%a_'
% :任意多个,包含0个
_ :任意一个
select * from table where name like '_\_%'
\ 字符为转义字符,有些字符有特殊含义,加上\后使字符变为本来的字符
between and
select * from table where age between 0 and 120
select * from table where age >=0 and age <=120
select * from table where department in ('p1','p5','p2')
select * from table where department ='p1' or department ='p5' or department ='p2'
is null
select * from table where department is null
select * from table where department = null
#is 只能和 null连用
select * from table where department is 12000
安全等于 <=>
select * from table where department <=> 12000
select * from table where department <=> null