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原创 使用 图论 解决PAT甲级1107 Social Clusters
题目When register on a social network, you are always asked to specify your hobbies in order to find some potential friends with the same hobbies. Asocial clusteris a set of people who have some of their hobbies in common. You are supposed to find all th..
2021-08-27 17:23:33 134
原创 Seed Emulator(二)—— Botnet
0x01 搭建botnet环境1. 构建基础网络模型# 进入B00迷你网络模型cd seed/examples/B00-mini-internet# 运行脚本生成base-component.binpython3 mini-internet.py2. 生成Botnet网络设备# 进入B05僵尸网络cd seed/examples/B05-botnet# 运行脚本生成 output容器目录python3 botnet-basic.py3. 修改部分dock.
2021-08-20 22:24:15 1229 3
原创 Seed Emulator(一)—— 环境搭建
0x01 环境准备 操作系统:ubuntu20.04 安装 docker-compose sudo apt-get install docker-compose 安装docker sudo apt-get install docker 下载seed-emulator-master git clone https://github.com/seed-labs/seed-emulator.git 0x02 测试案例运行接下来使用项目中exa
2021-08-18 15:24:33 1791 5
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