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原创 pip安装包时出现类似Cannot uninstall 'greenlet'.it is a distuils installed project and thus...
1.出现的问题为: 在使用pip install rasa-core时出现的问题,问题为:Cannot uninstall ‘greenlet’.it is a distuils installed project and thus we cannot accurately determine which file belong to it which would lead to only a p...
2019-03-16 20:01:51 2726
原创 解决Python中使用matplotlib进行画图的时候,中文显示不出的问题 ?
解决Python中使用matplotlib进行画图的时候,中文显示不出的问题 ? 1.原编写的程序 import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt a=[1,2,3] b=[2,3,4] c=[3,4,5] plt.plot(a,b) plt.show() plt.xlabel(‘X轴’) plt.ylabel(‘y轴’) plt.title(...
2019-03-09 12:15:29 5541 5
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