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原创 题目整理【持续更新】

1. 题目 Codeforces 592C 简单题意 给你一个数t,问你1- t里面有多少个D满足 D % w = D % b。 正解思路 【GCD && LCM】,思路:M = lcm(w, b)。 (1)当M > t时,有ans = min(t, min(w-1, b-1))。 (2)当M <= t时,考虑每个lcm(a, b)做出的贡献,可以推出每...

2019-09-24 17:34:13 102

原创 Partial Sums(组合数学+逆元)

You've got an arraya, consisting ofnintegers. The array elements are indexed from 1 ton. Let's determine a two step operation like that: First we build by the arrayaan arraysof partial sums, ...

2020-02-21 15:48:02 373

原创 来自亲爱的队友的题F - Color Stripe(模拟,分情况)

A colored stripe is represented by a horizontal row ofnsquare cells, each cell is pained one ofkcolors. Your task is to repaint the minimum number of cells so that no two neighbouring cells are of...

2020-02-16 22:58:25 227

原创 十进制矩阵快速幂解斐波那契数列poj3070

#include <cstdio> #include <iostream> #include <algorithm> #include<cmath> #include<cstring> #define ll long long using namespace std; ll mod; char n[1000008]; void mul(...

2020-02-14 23:15:42 171

原创 SDAU训练指南-数论2O

The Fibonacci number sequence is 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13 and so on. You can see that except the first two numbers the others are summation of their previous two numbers. A Fibonacci Prime is a Fibonacci ...

2020-02-13 21:10:31 151

原创 SDAU训练指南-数论2L(等差数列)n*(a1+an)/2

Now a days a very common problem is: “The coordinate of two points in Cartesian coordinate system is (200, 300) and (4000, 5000). If these two points are connected we get a line segment. How many latt...

2020-02-12 20:14:19 257

原创 SDAU训练指南-数论1O欧拉降幂

Finding the exponent of any number can be very troublesome as it grows exponentially. But in this problem you will have to do a very simple task. Given two non-negative numbers m and n, you will have ...

2020-02-09 21:15:52 157

原创 SDAU训练指南-数论1V

代码: #include<iostream> #include<cstdio> #include<algorithm> #include<cstring> #include<cmath> using namespace std; typedef long long ll; ll v[36010],prime[36010],m; v...

2020-02-09 20:41:27 165

原创 SDAU训练指南-数论1 —H(最大公共多项式)

Given two polynomials f(x) and g(x) in Zn, you have to find their GCD polynomial, ie, a polynomial r(x) (also in Zn) which has the greatest degree of all the polynomials in Zn that divide both f(x) an...

2020-02-08 15:44:48 168

原创 2020-2-4


2020-02-06 00:16:50 76

原创 SDAU训练指南-数论1(等差数列+佩尔方程)

A computer programmer lives in a street with houses numbered consecutively (from 1) down one side of the street. Every evening she walks her dog by leaving her house and randomly turning left or right...

2020-02-05 22:28:34 298

原创 SDAU训练指南-数论1R(质因数分解+gcd有坑为负数)

We say that x is a perfect square if, for some integer b, x = b 2 . Similarly, x is a perfect cube if, for some integer b, x = b 3 . More generally, x is a perfect pth power if, for some integer b, x ...

2020-02-05 14:15:46 247

原创 SDAU数论练习五(质因数分解,技巧)

The factorial function, n! is defined thus for n a non-negative integer: 0! = 1 n! = n * (n-1)! (n > 0) We say that a divides b if there exists an integer k such that k*a = b ...

2020-02-04 15:20:21 145

原创 SDAU数论练习五F(扩展欧几里得)

On one of the Caribbean Islands there areNtourists and you want to move them from this island to another one. There are only two boats on this island, the first one can holdn1tourists and costc1...

2020-02-03 12:54:36 235

原创 C. Enlarge GCD -codeforces1047

Well, here is another math class task. In mathematics, GCD is the greatest common divisor, and it's an easy task to calculate the GCD between two positive integers. A common divisor for two positive ...

2020-02-03 11:45:54 108

原创 CodeForces 633B A Trivial Problem

Mr. Santa asks all the great programmers of the world to solve a trivial problem. He gives them an integermand asks for the number of positive integersn, such that the factorial ofnends with exac...

2020-02-02 17:01:36 99

原创 HDU 6063 RXD and math (数论+快速幂)

RXD is a good mathematician. One day he wants to calculate: ∑i=1nkμ2(i)×⌊nki−−−√⌋∑i=1nkμ2(i)×⌊nki⌋ output the answer module109+7109+7. 1≤n,k≤10181≤n,k≤1018 μ(n)=1(n=1)μ(n)=1(n=1) μ(n)=(−1)k(n...

2020-02-01 19:17:42 128

原创 hdu6395 Sequence(矩阵快速幂+分段)

Let us define a sequence as below ⎧⎩⎨⎪⎪⎪⎪⎪⎪F1F2Fn===ABC⋅Fn−2+D⋅Fn−1+⌊Pn⌋{F1=AF2=BFn=C⋅Fn−2+D⋅Fn−1+⌊Pn⌋ Your job is simple, for each task, you should outputFnFnmodule109+7109+7. Input The fir...

2020-02-01 14:38:49 177 2

原创 hdu5878 I Count Two Three

I will show you the most popular board game in the Shanghai Ingress Resistance Team. It all started several months ago. We found out the home address of the enlightened agent Icount2three and decided ...

2020-01-31 16:21:28 143

原创 HDU 6441 - Find Integer(费马大定理)

people in USSS love math very much, and there is a famous math problem . give you two integersnn,aa,you are required to find22integersbb,ccsuch thatanan+bn=cnbn=cn. Input one line contains one...

2020-01-31 15:39:35 98

原创 HDU Problem - 6124 Euler theorem

HazelFan is given two positive integersa,ba,b, and he wants to calculateamodbamodb. But now he forgets the value ofbband only remember the value ofaa, please tell him the number of different poss...

2020-01-29 13:06:13 108

原创 The Counting Problem(规律计数)

Given two integers a and b, we write the numbers between a and b, inclusive, in a list. Your task is to calculate the number of occurrences of each digit. For example, if a = 1024 and b = 1032, the li...

2020-01-27 14:36:02 475

原创 HDU 1098 Ignatius's puzzle数论-扩展欧几里得及线性同余

Ignatius is poor at math,he falls across a puzzle problem,so he has no choice but to appeal to Eddy. this problem describes that:f(x)=5*x^13+13*x^5+k*a*x,input a nonegative integer k(k<10000),to fi...

2020-01-26 20:40:30 1164

原创 HDU 4675 GCD of Sequence(数论+莫比乌斯反演)

Alice is playing a game with Bob. Alice shows N integers a1, a2, …, aN, and M, K. She says each integers 1 ≤ ai≤ M. And now Alice wants to ask for each d = 1 to M, how many different sequences b...

2020-01-26 19:34:36 106

原创 CF1285C Fadi and LCM

C. Fadi and LCM time limit per test 1 second memory limit per test 256 megabytes input standard input output standard output Today, Osama gave Fadi an integerXX, and Fadi was wondering about...

2020-01-20 16:01:31 244

原创 2019-1-19


2020-01-19 23:45:49 67

原创 2020-1-6


2020-01-06 01:03:31 75

原创 2019-12-29

最近看了些树状数组和线段树的一些知识。之前很多知识都遗忘了,先看了点基础的题,以前发的有些树状数组,线段树和并查集都做了点。树状数组的实现比较容易。这类题的套路还没摸到,思路比较难想,想明白之后的代码很简单。线段树模板修改的事,一般也会和别的题组合求解。做的题和看的不多,以后逐渐熟悉熟悉再总结总结。 ...

2019-12-29 23:49:01 49

原创 2019-12-26

最近很忙,一直在复习数分,周五考试,数学部分这两天只看看了一些公式推导的博客,打算换个方向,也该起个数据结构的头了,接下来着重于数据结构,数学知识也会隔一段时间复习。 ...

2019-12-26 00:34:43 119

原创 2019-12-22

最近的数论题感觉像是混合题啊,用的是数论的思想,但是有好多题是dp,做题的时候往这方面想了但是除了期望概率外别的数学题没碰到过还有dp的。所以不敢写,见的题少了还是,虽然想了很长时间但是还是没有写出来,还有些结论题打算整理一下。专业课就要考试了,这两天主要还是复习复习,应付过去再说。 ...

2019-12-25 21:55:21 63

原创 2019-12-18


2019-12-19 01:34:45 60

原创 2019-12-16


2019-12-16 00:58:07 56

原创 2019-12-11


2019-12-11 22:21:04 61

原创 2019-12-8


2019-12-08 23:49:41 54

原创 2019-12-04

最近在看具体数学和群论,看完了河内塔,约瑟夫环等一些经典问题的推导,以前做这些公式推导题都是直接记公式,现在感觉推导不算难,就是过程繁琐。起初从奇偶性,是否为质数,前后项关系等来看;联系,并列举前几项结果进行观察,再找第n项前后之间的关系,常用数学归纳法证明,得到公式后可利用前几项结果检验。 群论一些基本知识: 给定一个集合和集合上的二元运算,如果满足以下条件: (1)封闭性。对于任意的成立...

2019-12-05 00:43:37 139

原创 2019-12-1

这两天在做cf上的题,总的来说不是很好,一些模拟题做的很困难,要花费很长时间才能写出来,相比,c题可能比a, b要出的快很多。还是要细心做题,多锻炼。然后补了个遗漏的威尔逊定理,和自己之前省赛的数论题,看懂题解花了一个多小时,这个题挺不容易的,归到数论题里面,但是没有用到怎么卡数论的知识,就是先分类然后推公式求解。看懂之后感觉如果自己推公式熟练的话还是可以出的。接下来就是想多练练推公式的题,看具体...

2019-12-02 00:04:18 66

原创 2091-11-27


2019-11-28 08:29:49 59

原创 Codeforces Round #602 (Div. 2, based on Technocup 2020 Elimination Round 3)

B. Box time limit per test 1 second memory limit per test 256 megabytes input standard input output standard output Permutationppp=[p1,p2,…,pn]p=[p1,p2,…,pn]nn11nn[3,4,1,2][3,4,1,2][1][1][1,...

2019-11-26 23:38:58 128

原创 2019年icpc亚洲区域赛上海站 赛后总结

感觉这次比赛成长了许多,但是不知道怎么写。刚翻了很多人的区域赛总结博客。有很多地方触动了我。可能是很多拿金拿银的大佬都习惯于刷知乎吧,看到的都是些铜奖,铜末,打铁的队伍。与我们队的情况有很多相似之处。 他们的心态也容易崩,在赛场上比较容易出的题,也可能做不出来,和我们一样实力还是不足。有的题知道用什么算法不够熟总是wr,有的题很简单但知识点没见过。都挺努力的,付出了不少,但是在这...

2019-11-26 15:13:44 1200

原创 2019-11-20

一直在复习比赛的相关知识,听学长说有3道思维题或者麻烦点的模拟题,不带算法的,较其他题目可能容易出一点,所以重点在这几道题上,到时候还是打算跟榜,算法题的话,模板大概应该能打印差不多100张左右的纸,用不用得到就到时候再说了-_-...心态已非常放松了,哈哈,努力吧!!fighting ...

2019-11-20 23:55:20 78



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