
一 、CSS文字属性

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font-size : 9pt; /*文字大小*/
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letter-spacing : 1pt; /*字间距离*/
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font-weight:bold; /*文字粗体*/
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text-decoration:underline; /*加下划线*/
text-decoration:none; /*删除链接下划线*/
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text-transform : uppercase; /*英文大写*/
text-transform : lowercase; /*英文小写*/
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text-align:left; /*文字左对齐*/
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vertical-align:text-top; /*文字垂直向上对齐*/
vertical-align:text-bottom; /*文字垂直向下对齐*/


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background-position : center; /*居中对齐*/


a /*所有超链接*/
a:link /*超链接文字格式*/ 
a:visited /*浏览过的链接文字格式*/
a:active /*按下链接的格式*/
a:hover /*鼠标转到链接*/
链接手指 CURSOR: hand
十字体 cursor:crosshair
箭头朝下 cursor:s-resize
十字箭头 cursor:move
箭头朝右 cursor:move
加一问号 cursor:help
箭头朝左 cursor:w-resize
箭头朝上 cursor:n-resize
箭头朝右上 cursor:ne-resize
箭头朝左上 cursor:nw-resize
文字I型 cursor:text
箭头斜右下 cursor:se-resize
箭头斜左下 cursor:sw-resize
漏斗 cursor:wait
光标图案(IE6)  p {cursor:url(“光标文件名.cur”),text;}


border-top : 1px solid #6699cc; /*上框线*/
border-bottom : 1px solid #6699cc; /*下框线*/
border-left : 1px solid #6699cc; /*左框线*/ 
border-right : 1px solid #6699cc; /*右框线*/
以上是建议书写方式,但也可以使用常规的方式 如下:
border-top-color : #369 /*设置上框线top颜色*/
border-top-width :1px /*设置上框线top宽度*/
border-top-style : solid/*设置上框线top样式*/
solid /*实线框*/
dotted /*虚线框*/
double /*双线框*/
groove /*立体内凸框*/
ridge /*立体浮雕框*/
inset /*凹框*/
outset /*凸框*/


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margin-top:10px; /*上边界*/
margin-right:10px; /*右边界值*/
margin-bottom:10px; /*下边界值*/
margin-left:10px; /*左边界值*/


Alpha(Opacity=?, FinishOpacity=?, Style=?, StartX=?, StartY=?, FinishX=?, FinishY=?)
Opacity:透明度级别,范围是0-100,0代表完全透明,100代表完全不透明。FinishOpacity:设置渐变的透明效果时,用来指定结束时的透明度,范围也是0 到 100。Style:设置渐变透明的样式,值为0代表统一形状、1代表线形、2代表放射状、3代表长方形。StartX和StartY:代表渐变透明效果的开始X和Y坐标。 FinishX和FinishY:代表渐变透明效果结束X和Y 的坐标。
BlendTrans(Duration=?) Duration:淡入或淡出的时间。注意:这个滤镜必须配合JS建立图片序列,才能做出图片间效果。
Blur(Add=?, Direction=?, Strength=?) Add:是否单方向模糊,此参数是一个布尔值,true(非0)或false(0)。 Direction:设置模糊的方向,其中0度代表垂直向上,然后每45度为一个单位。 Strength:代表模糊的象素值。
Chroma(Color=?) Color:是指要设置为透明的颜色。
DropShadow(Color=?, OffX=?, OffY=?, Positive=?) Color:指定阴影的颜色。OffX:指定阴影相对于元素在水平方向偏移量,整数。 OffY:指定阴影相对于元素在垂直方向偏移量,整数。 Positive:是一个布尔值,值为true(非0)时,表示为建立外阴影;为false(0),表示为建立内阴影。
Glow(Color=?, Strength=?)
11.Light:放置光源的效果,可以用来模拟光源在物体上的投影效果 注意:此效果需要用JS设置光的位置和强度。
Mask(Color=?) Color:设置底色,让对象遮住底色的部分透明。
RevealTrans(Duration=?, Transition=?)
注意:如果做页面间的切换效果,可以在<head>区加上一行代码:<Meta http-equiv=Page-enter content=revealTrans(Transition=?,Duration=?) >。如果用在页面里的元素必须配合JS使用。
14.Shadow:建立另一种阴影效果 Shadow(Color=?, Direction=?) Color:是指阴影的颜色。
Wave(Add=?, Freq=?, LightStrength=?, Phase=?, Strength=?) Add:表示是否显示原对象,0表示不显示,非0表示要显示原对象。 Freq:设置波动的个数。LightStrength:设置波浪效果的光照强度,从0到100。0表示最弱,100表示最强。 Phase:波浪的起始相角。从0到100的百分数值。(例如:25相当于90度,而50相当于180度。) Strength:设置波浪摇摆的幅度。
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iphone5s拆机方法图解-多图 独家:iphone5s拆机方法图解--共37图 Step 1 — iPhone 5s Teardown • [size=1em]An iPhone release means a trip to the future—the iFixit teardown crew has traveled 17 hours forward in time to get the iPhone 5s early. • [size=1em]We want to send out a big thanks to our good friends at MacFixit Australia for letting us use their office in Melbourne for the teardown. They stock Mac and iPhone upgrades/accessories, and also carry ouriFixit toolkits. o [size=1em]To cover all our bases, we confirmed with our best linguists that the 5s upside-down is still the 5s. • [size=1em]Speaking of toolkits, for this teardown, we'll be using iFixit's brand-new Pro Tech Screwdriver Set. Step 2 • [size=1em]As we ready ourselves to delve into the delightful innards of the 5s, let's check out some of its tech specs: o [size=1em]Apple A7 processor with 64-bit architecture o [size=1em]M7 motion co-processor o [size=1em]16, 32, or 64 GB Storage o [size=1em]4-inch retina display with 326 ppi o [size=1em]8 MP iSight camera (with larger 1.5μ pixels) and a 1.2MP FaceTime camera. o [size=1em]Fingerprint identity sensor built into the home button o [size=1em]Available in three different colors: space gray, silver, and gooooooold (or as we call them, Not-at-all-the-Color-of-Space, Second Place Medal, and Bling!). Step 3 • [size=1em]Apple continues the everlasting trend of locking users out with pentalobular screws. Luckily, we came prepared. We whip out our trusty iPhone 5 Liberation Kit, and to our pleasant surprise, it works! • [size=1em]Unfortunately, we are ill-equipped in the color department, as we only have silver and black replacement Phillips screws. o [size=1em]We are currently involved in heavy lobbying to our product designers to create 14k gold replacement screws. They'll be $50 each and strip the first time you try to unscrew them, so they will be perfect for the iPhone. Stay posted. • [size=1em]With our iPhone 5s sufficiently liberated, it reminds us of another polka-dotted iPhone teardown coming in the near future… Step 4 • [size=1em]We're done screwing around; it's time to get this baby open! Just like last year, we enlist the help of a suction cup to free the display assembly from the rear casing. • [size=1em]Unlike last year, we make use of some gentle spudgering, just in case… Step 5 • [size=1em]Our careful spudgering paid off. At the bottom of the phone, a cable connects the Touch ID sensor in the home button to the Lightning port assembly. o [size=1em]This adds a small element of danger to disassembly, as pulling too hard on the suction cup could cause accidental damage to the cable. • [size=1em]We survive this first booby trap and swiftly disconnect the Touch ID cable connector with the help of a spudger. • [size=1em]Alas, our first peek at the internal layout of the 5s. Comparing it to the iPhone 5, we spot very few differences, the main one being the lack of a battery removal pull-tab. Step 6 • [size=1em]With our favorite screwdriver set, we remove a few metal connector covers and embark on the epic battle of battery removal. • [size=1em]The missing battery pull-tab, though seemingly innocuous, indicates a bigger problem for battery repair: glue. • [size=1em]Perhaps the "s" in 5s stands for "stuck," as in "this battery is stuck in with a lot of glue," or "I hope you didn't want to replace your battery—you're going to be stuck with this one." • [size=1em]While we'd love a tool-less battery removal as we've seen in other phones, we settle for thermal battery removal via an iOpener. • [size=1em]Holy adhesive! It appears Apple ditched the minimal adhesive in the iPhone 5 in favor of those two huge white runways of adhesive holding the 5s(tuck) battery in place. Step 7 • [size=1em]The 5s has a claimed 10 hours of talk time on 3G, but there are rumbles that iOS 7 isn't doing you any favors. • [size=1em]The gold unit from Desay Battery Co., Ltd in Huizhou, China sports a 3.8V - 5.92Wh - 1560mAh battery. Comparatively: o [size=1em]iPhone 5: 3.8 V - 1440 mAh - 5.45 Wh. Talk time: Up to 8 hours on 3G. Standby time: Up to 225 hours. o [size=1em]Samsung Galaxy S4: 3.8 V - 2600 mAh - 9.88 Wh. Talk time: up to 7 hours. Standby time: Up to 300 hours. o [size=1em]Motorola Moto X: 3.8 V - 2200 mAh - 8.4 Wh. 24 hours of "mixed usage." • [size=1em]It appears different units sport different battery manufacturers; our "space-gray" spare (right) comes to us from Simplo Technology Inc. Step 8 • [size=1em]With the battery safely removed, we turn to the next step in our disassembly journey: removing the(unchanged) 326 ppi Retina display assembly. • [size=1em]A few flicks of a spudger to disconnect the FaceTime camera, digitizer, and LCD cables, and the display is free. o [size=1em]Looking for some tech specs on the display? Well look no further! In fact, just look backwards…to the iPhone 5. Despite the trend in almost every other smartphone release, the iPhone 5s display is no bigger, better, or badder than the 5. Step 9 • [size=1em]We quickly extract the home button and Touch ID, Apple's new fingerprint scanner. Time to dust for prints! o [size=1em]A CMOS chip, the Touch ID is essentially a bunch of very small capacitors that creates an "image" of the ridges on your finger. • [size=1em]The sensor technology, developed by AuthenTecand bought by Apple a year ago, reportedly stores your fingerprints locally, so giving your iPhone the finger will not make it all the way back to Cupertino. • [size=1em]We worry about how well the sapphire crystal covering the sensor can protect it from degrading over time like most CMOS fingerprint sensors. If not, it could become a ticking time bomb, just like that super-glued battery. Step 10 • [size=1em]We uncover the iSight camera. • [size=1em]The back of the iSight camera is labeled DNL333 41WGRF 4W61W. • [size=1em]According to our good friend Jim Morrison, Vice President of the Technology Analysis Group atChipworks, "the DNL markings are consistent with the markings on the camera modules housing the Sony IMX145 we saw in the iPhone 4s and on the iPhone 5. The marks on the side of the module are different, but our industry insiders tell us this is Sony's again" • [size=1em]As Apple has stated the pixel pitch on this camera is 1.5 μ, this sensor should not be the IMX145, but a newer variant. • [size=1em]The bottom of the camera is labeled AW32 65BD 4511 b763. Step 11 • [size=1em]For those of us counting steps and comparing with last year, we're unsurprisingly right on par. • [size=1em]A great example of Apple's iterative design, the 5s shows some streamlining and optimization in its internal construction. • [size=1em]Gone are those silly antenna interconnect cables, leaving one less thing to break or get accidentally disconnected. o [size=1em]If only they had decided to move that antenna connector from the bottom of the logic board to the top... Step 12 • [size=1em]Looks like we found a Murata 339S0205 Wi-Fi module (based on the Broadcom BCM4334, according to Chipworks). • [size=1em]Again comparing our 16 and 64 GB models: o [size=1em]It seems that the Murata IC is the same between both iPhone 5s'. o [size=1em]The design of both logic boards may be identical, but slight differences in markings (e.g. 94V-0 on the rightmost, nonexistent on the leftmost) may indicate that Apple is manufacturing the 5s logic boards at multiple locations. Step 13 ¶ • [size=1em]Open ses-EMI! Behold, IC treasures identified: o [size=1em]SK Hynix H2JTDG8UD3MBR 128 Gb (16 GB) NAND Flash o [size=1em]Qualcomm PM8018 RF power management IC o [size=1em]TriQuint TQM6M6224 o [size=1em]Apple 338S1216 o [size=1em]Broadcom BCM5976 touchscreen controller o [size=1em]Texas Instruments 37C64G1 o [size=1em]Skyworks 77810 Step 14 • [size=1em]More ICs! o [size=1em]Skyworks 77355 o [size=1em]Avago A790720 o [size=1em]Avago A7900 o [size=1em]Apple 338S120L • [size=1em]A super-awesome thanks to the Chipworks team for helping us decode and discern these delightful devices! Step 15 • [size=1em]Turning our attention to the backside of the logic board: o [size=1em]Apple A7 APL0698 SoC (based on thisMacRumors post, the markings F8164A1PD indicate the RAM is likely 1GB) o [size=1em]Qualcomm MDM9615M LTE Modem o [size=1em]Qualcomm WTR1605LLTE/HSPA+/CDMA2K/TDSCDMA/EDGE/GPS transceiver. • [size=1em]As we search for a much-anticipated M7 coprocessor, we begin to wonder if it actually is a separate IC, or if it is additional functionality built into the A7. o [size=1em]Maybe the "M" stands for "magical," the M7 is invisible, and Apple does use pixie dust to hold the device together. Or perhaps the "M" stands for "marketing"… o [size=1em]Update: the M7 has been found! • [size=1em]Our A7 was fabbed in July. Step 16 • [size=1em]It's time to investigate the new kid on the block, and it's fly like an A7. Along with the fingerprint sensor, the A7 is a major enticement for consumers to pick the 5s over the 5c. • [size=1em]The A7 is advertised as providing twice the performance of the 5 (and 5c)'s A6 processor. o [size=1em]The switch to the A7 marks the first use of a 64-bit processor in a smartphone. Based on AnandTech's review, it seems that the bulk of the A7's performance gains do not come from any advantages inherent to a 64-bit architecture, but rather from the switch from the outdated ARMv7 instruction set to the newly-designed ARMv8. o [size=1em]The modern ARMv8 instruction set was designed for a 64-bit architecture. It does away with the legacy support of the last 20 years, which increases efficiency, improving performance without sacrificing battery life. • [size=1em]We'll have to wait until we get inside the chip to find out who manufactured it. Step 17 • [size=1em]Time for your close-up, selfie cam! • [size=1em]A few screws hold the 1.2MP FaceTime camera in place. • [size=1em]While the updated pixel size in the iSight camera may get a lot of attention, DIY paparazzi is what bling iPhones are all about. Step 18 • [size=1em]The lower peripherals on the 5s look very similar to those in the 5, though the speaker assembly comes out with slightly more ease in this iteration. • [size=1em]With the speaker assembly out, the headphone jack/microphone/Lightning connector assembly comes out easily. o [size=1em]As with previous generations, you will have to replace multiple components at once, since the design is not modular. Step 19 • [size=1em]We find another hardware update: the new dual flash. • [size=1em]White and amber LEDs sit by the camera to balance the flash-induced ghostly tones of night-life photography. Step 20 • [size=1em]iPhone 5s Repairability: 6 out of 10 (10 is easiest to repair) • [size=1em]Just like in the iPhone 5, the display assembly is the first component out of the phone, simplifying screen replacements. • [size=1em]The battery is still fairly easy to access, even though it's not technically "user replaceable." • [size=1em]The battery has lost the 5's convenient pull tab, and gained more resilient adhesive—it now requires heat and prying to remove. • [size=1em]The fingerprint sensor cable could be easily ripped out of its socket if a user is not careful while opening the phone. • [size=1em]The iPhone 5s still uses Pentalobe screws on the exterior, making the 5s difficult to open. • [size=1em]The front glass, digitizer, and LCD are all one component, thereby increasing cost of repair.


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