
C++代码源自《C++语言程序设计(第4版)》(清华大学计算机系列教材) 郑莉, 董渊, 何江舟 清华大学出版社


#include "account.cpp"
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

int main() {
	Date date(2008, 11, 1);	//起始日期
	SavingsAccount sa1(date, "S3755217", 0.015);
	SavingsAccount sa2(date, "02342342", 0.015);
	CreditAccount ca(date, "C5392394", 10000, 0.0005, 50);
	sa1.deposit(Date(2008, 11, 5), 5000, "salary");
	ca.withdraw(Date(2008, 11, 15), 2000, "buy a cell");
	sa2.deposit(Date(2008, 11, 25), 10000, "sell stock 0323");
	ca.settle(Date(2008, 12, 1));
	ca.deposit(Date(2008, 12, 1), 2016, "repay the credit");
	sa1.deposit(Date(2008, 12, 5), 5500, "salary");
	sa1.settle(Date(2009, 1, 1));
	sa2.settle(Date(2009, 1, 1));
	ca.settle(Date(2009, 1, 1));
	cout << endl;
	sa1.show(); cout << endl;
	sa2.show(); cout << endl;
	ca.show(); cout << endl;
	cout << "Total: " << Account::getTotal() << endl;
	return 0;

#include "account.h"
#include <cmath>
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

double Account::total = 0;

Account::Account(const Date &date, const string &id)
	: id(id), balance(0) {
	cout << "\t#" << id << " created" << endl;

void Account::record(const Date &date, double amount, const string &desc) {
	amount = floor(amount * 100 + 0.5) / 100;	//保留小数点后两位
	balance += amount;
	total += amount;
	cout << "\t#" << id << "\t" << amount << "\t" << balance << "\t" << desc << endl;

void Account::show() const {
	cout << id << "\tBalance: " << balance;

void Account::error(const string &msg) const {
	cout << "Error(#" << id << "): " << msg << endl;

SavingsAccount::SavingsAccount(const Date &date, const string &id, double rate)
	: Account(date, id), rate(rate), acc(date, 0) { }

void SavingsAccount::deposit(const Date &date, double amount, const string &desc) {
	record(date, amount, desc);
	acc.change(date, getBalance());

void SavingsAccount::withdraw(const Date &date, double amount, const string &desc) {
	if (amount > getBalance()) {
		error("not enough money");
	} else {
		record(date, -amount, desc);
		acc.change(date, getBalance());

void SavingsAccount::settle(const Date &date) {
	double interest = acc.getSum(date) * rate	//计算年息
		/ date.distance(Date(date.getYear() - 1, 1, 1));
	if (interest != 0)
		record(date, interest, "interest");
	acc.reset(date, getBalance());

CreditAccount::CreditAccount(const Date& date, const string& id, double credit, double rate, double fee)
	: Account(date, id), credit(credit), rate(rate), fee(fee), acc(date, 0) { }

void CreditAccount::deposit(const Date &date, double amount, const string &desc) {
	record(date, amount, desc);
	acc.change(date, getDebt());

void CreditAccount::withdraw(const Date &date, double amount, const string &desc) {
	if (amount - getBalance() > credit) {
		error("not enough credit");
	} else {
		record(date, -amount, desc);
		acc.change(date, getDebt());

void CreditAccount::settle(const Date &date) {
	double interest = acc.getSum(date) * rate;
	if (interest != 0)
		record(date, interest, "interest");
	if (date.getMonth() == 1)
		record(date, -fee, "annual fee");
	acc.reset(date, getDebt());

void CreditAccount::show() const {
	cout << "\tAvailable credit:" << getAvailableCredit();

#ifndef __ACCOUNT_H__
#define __ACCOUNT_H__
#include "date.h"
#include "accumulator.h"
#include <string>

class Account { //账户类
	std::string id;	//帐号
	double balance;	//余额
	static double total; //所有账户的总金额
	Account(const Date &date, const std::string &id);
	void record(const Date &date, double amount, const std::string &desc);
	void error(const std::string &msg) const;
	const std::string &getId() const { return id; }
	double getBalance() const { return balance; }
	static double getTotal() { return total; }
	void show() const;

class SavingsAccount : public Account { //储蓄账户类
	Accumulator acc;	//辅助计算利息的累加器
	double rate;		//存款的年利率
	SavingsAccount(const Date &date, const std::string &id, double rate);
	double getRate() const { return rate; }
	void deposit(const Date &date, double amount, const std::string &desc);
	void withdraw(const Date &date, double amount, const std::string &desc);
	void settle(const Date &date);

class CreditAccount : public Account { //信用账户类
	Accumulator acc;	//辅助计算利息的累加器
	double credit;		//信用额度
	double rate;		//欠款的日利率
	double fee;			//信用卡年费

	double getDebt() const {	//获得欠款额
		double balance = getBalance();
		return (balance < 0 ? balance : 0);
	CreditAccount(const Date &date, const std::string &id, double credit, double rate, double fee);
	double getCredit() const { return credit; }
	double getRate() const { return rate; }
	double getFee() const { return fee; }
	double getAvailableCredit() const {	//获得可用信用
		if (getBalance() < 0) 
			return credit + getBalance();
			return credit;
	void deposit(const Date &date, double amount, const std::string &desc);
	void withdraw(const Date &date, double amount, const std::string &desc);
	void settle(const Date &date);

	void show() const;

#endif //__ACCOUNT_H__

#ifndef __ACCUMULATOR_H__
#define __ACCUMULATOR_H__
#include "date.cpp"

class Accumulator {	//将某个数值按日累加
	Date lastDate;	//上次变更数值的时期
	double value;	//数值的当前值
	double sum;		//数值按日累加之和
	Accumulator(const Date &date, double value)
		: lastDate(date), value(value), sum(0) { }

	double getSum(const Date &date) const {
		return sum + value * date.distance(lastDate);

	void change(const Date &date, double value) {
		sum = getSum(date);
		lastDate = date;
		this->value = value;

	void reset(const Date &date, double value) {
		lastDate = date;
		this->value = value;
		sum = 0;

#endif //__ACCUMULATOR_H__

#include "date.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <cstdlib>
using namespace std;

namespace {	//namespace使下面的定义只在当前文件中有效
	const int DAYS_BEFORE_MONTH[] = { 0, 31, 59, 90, 120, 151, 181, 212, 243, 273, 304, 334, 365 };

Date::Date(int year, int month, int day) : year(year), month(month), day(day) {
	if (day <= 0 || day > getMaxDay()) {
		cout << "Invalid date: ";
		cout << endl;
	int years = year - 1;
	totalDays = years * 365 + years / 4 - years / 100 + years / 400
		+ DAYS_BEFORE_MONTH[month - 1] + day;
	if (isLeapYear() && month > 2) totalDays++;

int Date::getMaxDay() const {
	if (isLeapYear() && month == 2)
		return 29;
		return DAYS_BEFORE_MONTH[month]- DAYS_BEFORE_MONTH[month - 1];

void Date::show() const {
	cout << getYear() << "-" << getMonth() << "-" << getDay();

#ifndef __DATE_H__
#define __DATE_H__

class Date {	//日期类
	int year;		//年
	int month;		//月
	int day;		//日
	int totalDays;	//该日期是从公元元年1月1日开始的第几天

	Date(int year, int month, int day);	//用年、月、日构造日期
	int getYear() const { return year; }
	int getMonth() const { return month; }
	int getDay() const { return day; }
	int getMaxDay() const;		//获得当月有多少天
	bool isLeapYear() const {	//判断当年是否为闰年
		return year % 4 == 0 && year % 100 != 0 || year % 400 == 0;
	void show() const;			//输出当前日期
	int distance(const Date& date) const {
		return totalDays - date.totalDays;

#endif //__DATE_H__



public class Test {

	public static void main(String[] args) {
		Date date=new Date(2008, 11, 1);	//起始日期
		SavingsAccount sa1=new SavingsAccount(date, "S3755217", 0.015);
		SavingsAccount sa2=new SavingsAccount(date, "02342342", 0.015);
		CreditAccount ca=new CreditAccount(date, "C5392394", 10000, 0.0005, 50);
		sa1.deposit(new Date(2008, 11, 5), 5000, "salary");
		ca.withdraw(new Date(2008, 11, 15), 2000, "buy a cell");
		sa2.deposit(new Date(2008, 11, 25), 10000, "sell stock 0323");
		ca.settle(new Date(2008, 12, 1));
		ca.deposit(new Date(2008, 12, 1), 2016, "repay the credit");
		sa1.deposit(new Date(2008, 12, 5), 5500, "salary");
		sa1.settle(new Date(2009, 1, 1));
		sa2.settle(new Date(2009, 1, 1));
		ca.settle(new Date(2009, 1, 1));
		sa2.show(); System.out.println();
		ca.show(); System.out.println();
		System.out.println("Total: " + Account.getTotal());



public class Account {
	private String id;	//帐号
	double balance;	//余额
	static double total=0; //所有账户的总金额
	final String getId() { return id; }
	final double getBalance() {	return balance;}
	static double getTotal() {	return total;}

	Account(final Date date, final String id){
		System.out.println("\t#" + id + "created");

	void record(final Date date, double amount,final String desc) {
		amount = Math.floor((amount * 100 + 0.5) / 100);// 保留小数点后两位
		balance += amount;
		total += amount;
		System.out.println("\t#" + id + "\t" + amount + "\t" + balance + "\t" + desc);

	void show() {
		System.out.print(id + "\tBalance: " + balance);

	final void error(final String msg)  {
		System.out.println("Error(#" + id + "): " + msg +"\n");


public class SavingsAccount extends Account {

	private Accumulator acc;	//辅助计算利息的累加器
	private double rate;		//存款的年利率
	final double getRate() { return rate; }
	// 构造函数
	SavingsAccount(final Date date, String id, double rate) {
		super(date, id);
		this.acc=new Accumulator(date, 0);
	// 存入现金
	void deposit(final Date date, double amount,final String desc) {
		record(date, amount, desc);
		acc.change(date, getBalance());

	// 取出现金
	void withdraw(final Date date, double amount,final String desc) {
		if (amount > getBalance()) {
			error("not enough money");
		} else {
			record(date, -amount, desc);
			acc.change(date, getBalance());

	// 结算利息,每年1月1日调用一次该函数
	void settle(final Date date) {
		double interest = acc.getSum(date) * rate	//计算年息
				/ date.distance(new Date(date.getYear() - 1, 1, 1));
			if (interest != 0)
				record(date, interest, "interest");
			acc.reset(date, getBalance());


public class CreditAccount extends Account {
	private Accumulator acc;	//辅助计算利息的累加器
	private double credit;		//信用额度
	private double rate;		//欠款的日利率
	private double fee;			//信用卡年费

	final private double getDebt()  {	//获得欠款额
			double balance = getBalance();
			return (balance < 0 ? balance : 0);
	CreditAccount(final Date date, final String id, double credit, double rate, double fee)
	{	super(date, id);
		this.acc=new Accumulator(date, 0);
		final double getCredit()  { return credit; }
		final double getRate(){ return rate; }
		final double getFee() { return fee; }
		final double getAvailableCredit() {	//获得可用信用
			if (getBalance() < 0) 
				return credit + getBalance();
				return credit;
		// 存入现金
		void deposit(final Date date, double amount,final String desc) {
			record(date, amount,desc);
			acc.change(date, getDebt());

		// 取出现金
		void withdraw(final Date date, double amount,final String desc) {
			if (amount - getBalance() > credit) {
				error("not enough credit");
			} else {
				record(date, -amount, desc);
				acc.change(date, getDebt());

		// 结算利息,每年1月1日调用一次该函数
		void settle(final Date date) {
			double interest = acc.getSum(date) * rate;
			if (interest != 0)
				record(date, interest, "interest");
			if (date.getMonth() == 1)
				record(date, -fee, "annual fee");
			acc.reset(date, getDebt());

	final void show(){
		System.out.println("\tAvailable credit:" + getAvailableCredit());


public class Accumulator {
	private Date lastDate; // 上次变更数值的时期
	private double value; // 数值的当前值
	private double sum; // 数值按日累加之和
	// 构造函数,date为开始累加的日期,value为初始值

	Accumulator(final Date date, double value) {
		this.lastDate = date;
		this.value = value;
		this.sum = 0;

	// 获得到日期date的累加结果
	final double getSum(final Date date) {
		return sum + value * date.distance(lastDate);

	// 在date将数值变更为value
	void change(final Date date, double value) {
		sum = getSum(date);
		lastDate = date;
		this.value = value;

	// 初始化,将日期变为date,数值变为value,累加器清零
	void reset(final Date date, double value) {
		lastDate = date;
		this.value = value;
		sum = 0;

public class Date {
	// 存储平年中某个月1日之前有多少天,为便于getMaxDay函数的实现,该数组多出一项
	final int[] DAYS_BEFORE_MONTH = { 0, 31, 59, 90, 120, 151, 181, 212, 243, 273, 304, 334, 365 };
	private int year; // 年
	int month; // 月
	int day; // 日
	int totalDays; // 该日期是从公元元年1月1日开始的第几天

	public Date(int year, int month, int day) {
		this.year = year;
		this.month = month;
		this.day = day;
		if (day <= 0 || day > getMaxDay()) {
			System.out.println("Invalid date: ");
		int years = year - 1;
		totalDays = years * 365 + years / 4 - years / 100 + years / 400 + DAYS_BEFORE_MONTH[month - 1] + day;
		if (isLeapYear() && month > 2)
	}// 用年、月、日构造日期

	final int getYear() {
		return year;

	final int getMonth() {
		return month;

	final int getDay() {
		return day;

	final int getMaxDay() {
			if (isLeapYear() && month == 2)
				return 29;
				return DAYS_BEFORE_MONTH[month]- DAYS_BEFORE_MONTH[month - 1];
		}; // 获得当月有多少天

	final boolean isLeapYear() {	//判断当年是否为闰年
			return year % 4 == 0 && year % 100 != 0 || year % 400 == 0;

	final void show() {
		System.out.print( getYear()+ "-" + getMonth()+"-" + getDay());//输出当前日期

	final int distance(final Date date)  {
			return totalDays - date.totalDays;







当前余额3.43前往充值 >
领取后你会自动成为博主和红包主的粉丝 规则
钱包余额 0


