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原创 论文创新点切入


2022-07-24 16:17:13 131

原创 @EnableDiscoveryClient无法导包


2022-07-12 21:16:44 607

原创 解决问题:com.alibaba.excel.exception.ExcelAnalysisException: Can not instance class: xx.xx.xx

解决问题:com.alibaba.excel.exception.ExcelAnalysisException: Can not instance class: xx.xx.xx

2022-07-04 22:37:22 968

原创 阿里OSS上传文件


2022-07-03 09:20:19 636

原创 2003年

There is, according to two simple but highly enlightening drawings, a delicate but fragile flower growing vigorously and blossoming, with the greenhouse protecting it from the heavy rain and fierce sunshine in the first portrayal. When moved out, exposed t

2021-12-08 16:48:11 114

原创 2016英语一

There are, according to these vivid and highly enlightening cartoons, two exactly different results because of the change in the manner of education. In the left picture, a father requires his son to study as soon as possible, watching TV with a cigarette

2021-12-06 01:06:30 175

原创 2017英语一

According to the two sarcastic but deeply enlightening cartoons, there seems a rich man sitting leisurely in the armchair and staring at his bookshelf, with the thought that he has so many books but no book in his hands in the left picture. While in the ri

2021-12-05 13:40:37 100

原创 2013 一A

Dear Professor,On behave of the “Talent” English speech contest committee , I am writing to invite you as our new judge, as the core of our "Foreign Cultural Festival ", the school-wide contest will be held in our Students’ Auditorium on May 12th(next Mon

2021-11-22 22:15:12 102

原创 2012 二A

Dear Sir or Madam,I bought an electronic dictionary from your online store on January seventh. But after using it for a period of time, I found it with some problems.To begin with, the battery needs to recharge merely after using it for two hours. That m

2021-11-22 20:51:11 81

原创 2012一A

Dear friends,On behalf of the Students’ Union of Peking University of Foreign Language, I would like to extend our welcome to all overseas students who will study at our university.To begin with, it is my pleasure to provide you with several practical s

2021-11-22 19:17:37 79

原创 2006 一A

Dear Sir or Madam,Moved by the noble cause of Project Hope and encouraged by what has been achieved so far. I really would like to contribute to the project by offering financial aid to a child in a remote area of your province.First of all, I would be e

2021-11-21 15:53:29 189

原创 2010 一A

Notice Jun. 1. 2010Volunteers are needed for the International Conference on Globalization to be held on the campus in early July.First of all, basic requirements are familiarity with the theme of the semi

2021-11-21 15:50:47 248

原创 2010 二A

Dear Bob,I have just arrived home from the airport. As I sit down at my desk, I cannot help but write a letter to you to thank you for your friendly reception on the culture exchange programme. You and your family left a deep impression on me. Indeed, the

2021-11-21 03:00:19 249

原创 主存,cache ,寄存器

寄存器是中央处理器内的组成部份。寄存器是有限存贮容量的高速存贮部件,它们可用来暂存指令、数据和位址。在中央处理器的控制部件中,包含的寄存器有指令寄存器(IR)和程序计数器(PC)。在中央处理器的算术及逻辑部件中,包含的寄存器有累加器(ACC)。主存包含的范围非常广,一般分为只读存储器(ROM)、随机存储器(RAM)和高速缓存存储器(cache)。寄存器是CPU内部的元件,寄存器拥有非常高的读写速度,所以在寄存器之间的数据传送非常快。Cache :即高速缓冲存储器,是位于CPU与主内存间..

2021-06-23 17:51:24 4075

原创 记Clion的奇怪bug


2021-03-21 23:54:10 264

原创 STM32 NUCLEO开发板通过Mini USB供电

STM32 NUCLEO开发板可以通过Mini USB(CN1)供电但不能插上去就使用,需要用跳线帽短接JP1(红色方框位置)资料原文:JP1 jumper can be set in case the board is powered by USB and maximum current consumption on U5V doesn’t exceed 100mA (including an eventual extension board or Arduino Shield).PS:没有

2021-01-25 14:19:30 1853

原创 STM32 NUCLEO开发板SWD模式引脚定义

盗版ST-LINK大多采用SWD模式烧录NUCLEO板子SWD可接口逻辑:1 VDD_TARGET VDD from application2 SWCLK SWD clock3 GND ground4 SWDIO SWD data input/output5 NRST RESET of target STM326 SWO Reserved所以ST-LINK最少接2根线:SWCLK和SWDIO (电源和地可由其他位置引入)...

2021-01-25 14:10:18 1820

原创 stm32标准库和HAL库的关系


2020-12-16 21:43:23 4332

原创 每日力扣(一)

二叉树的层序遍历给你一个二叉树,请你返回其按 层序遍历 得到的节点值。 (即逐层地,从左到右访问所有节点)。

2020-11-11 00:29:21 161 1

原创 关于stm32 HAL 库的一点小总结

刚刚入手stm32,并用HAL编程(看起来是面向对象)但还是对各种协议搅得找不着北,因此总结一下(不定期更新)IIC协议IIC(Inter-Integrated Circuit)其实是IICBus简称,所以中文应该叫集成电路总线,它是一种串行通信总线,使用多主从架构,由飞利浦公司在1980年代为了让主板、嵌入式系统或手机用以连接低速周边设备而发展。I²C的正确读法为“I平方C”(“I-squared-C”),而“I二C”(“I-two-C”)则是另一种错误但被广泛使用的读法。硬件结构I2C串行总

2020-11-05 20:49:55 1271 1

转载 全排列next_permutitaton的实现原理


2020-10-16 19:55:09 83

原创 记忆型深搜

对蓝桥杯练习的一次简单记录蓝桥杯2017年B组【题目描述 - Problem Description】6x6的方格,沿着格子的边线剪开成两部分。要求这两部分的形状完全相同。如图:p1.png, p2.png, p3.png 就是可行的分割法。试计算: 包括这3种分法在内,一共有多少种不同的分割方法。注意:旋转对称的属于同一种分割法。请提交该整数,不要填写任何多余的内容或说明文字。由于搜索的方向不确定需要利用记忆型DFS搜索记忆化搜索实际上是递归来实现的,但是递归的过程中有许多的结果

2020-10-15 15:44:54 197 1



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