4、第1、2位在(‘11’,‘12’,‘13’,‘14’,‘15’,‘21’,‘22’,‘23’,‘31’,‘32’,‘33’,‘34’,‘35’,‘36’,‘37’,‘41’,‘42’,‘43’,‘44’,‘45’,‘46’,‘50’,‘51’,‘52’,‘53’,‘54’,‘61’,‘62’,‘63’,‘64’,‘65’,‘71’,‘81’, ‘82’, ‘91’)范围内。
(3)第11、12位 在(‘01’,‘02’,‘03’,‘04’,‘05’,‘06’,‘07’,‘08’,‘09’,‘10’,‘11’,‘12’)范围内
(4)第13、14位 在(‘01’-‘31’)范围内;
select case when length(sfzh) = 18
and SUBSTRING(sfzh, 1,17) rlike '^\\d+$'
and SUBSTRING(sfzh, 1,17) not rlike '([0-9])\1{16}' -- 条件2
and not rlike(SUBSTRING(sfzh, 1,17), '0{17}|1{17}|2{17}|3{17}|4{17}|5{17}|6{17}|7{17}|8{17}|9{17}') -- 条件2,且不是每一位数据都相同
and not rlike (SUBSTRING(sfzh, 1,17),'(\\d)\\1{16}')-- 条件2,且不是每一位数据都相同
and rlike(substr(sfzh,-1,1),'[0-9]|x|X')
and substr(sfzh,1,2) in ('11','12','13','14','15','21','22','23','31','32','33','34','35','36','37','41','42','43','44','45','46','50','51','52','53','54','61','62','63','64','65','71','81', '82', '91')
and substr(sfzh,11,2) in ('01','02','03','04','05','06','07','08','09','10','11','12')
and substr(sfzh,7,1) > '0'
and substr(sfzh,7,1) <= '2'
and SUBSTRING(sfzh, 7, 8) >= '19000101'
and SUBSTRING(sfzh, 7, 8) <= date_format('${bizdate}','yyyyMMdd')
and (
(SUBSTRING(sfzh, 11, 2) in ('01','03','05','07','08','10','12') and SUBSTRING(sfzh, 13, 2) <= '31' and SUBSTRING(sfzh, 13, 2) >= '01')
or (SUBSTRING(sfzh, 11, 2) in ('04','06','09','11') and SUBSTRING(sfzh, 13, 2) <= '30'and SUBSTRING(sfzh, 13, 2) >= '01')
or (SUBSTRING(sfzh, 11, 2) = '02' and cast(SUBSTRING(sfzh, 7, 4) as int) % 4 = 0 and SUBSTRING(sfzh, 13, 2) <= '29'and SUBSTRING(sfzh, 13, 2) >= '01')
or (SUBSTRING(sfzh, 11, 2) = '02' and cast(SUBSTRING(sfzh, 7, 4) as int) % 4 <> 0 and SUBSTRING(sfzh, 13, 2) <= '28'and SUBSTRING(sfzh, 13, 2) >= '01')
then sfzh
else null end as sfzh
详解下条件2所用表达式,not rlike (sfzh,‘(\d)\1{16}’),这其中所用正则表达式