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原创 记20200923Pytorch版SSD训练自己数据所遇错误
在此先感谢Windows下自己训练数据集,在pytorch上实现基于SSD的物体检测一文作者,根据此文得以顺利实现目标检测;在根据此文进行调试之后,在训练过程中遇到两个错误:IndexError: The shape of the mask [14, 8732] at index 0does not match the shape of the indexed tensor [122248, 1] at index 0IndexError: The shape of the mask [14, 8
2020-09-23 10:46:16 1462
原创 QT与OpenCV之读取多张图片
简单记录一下,以待日后查阅 string str_1 = "D:\\DiyProgram\\XiangMuMuLu\\CSDN_IMG\\"; string str_2; for(int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { char* Filename = new char; sprintf(Filename, "%d"...
2020-04-25 19:05:50 438
原创 QT与OpenCV之plainTextEdit@多行显示、实时显示
简单记录一下学习过程遇到的,以作备忘直接上代码 string a = "这是第一行"; string b = "这是第二行"; string c = "这是第三行\n"; QString a_1 = QString::fromStdString(a); QString b_1 = QString::fromStdString(b); QString...
2020-04-25 18:48:16 1063 2
原创 QT与OpenCV之comboBox下拉菜单@简单应用
首先创建comboBox用法1:string str_1 = "D:\\DiyProgram\\XiangMuMuLu\\CSDN_IMG\\";string str_2;if(ui->comboBox->currentIndex() == 0) //0是第一个索引,1是第二个...{ str_2 = "1.jpg";}else if(ui->combo...
2020-04-25 18:30:12 520 1
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