





from sys import exit
from random import randint

class DoWhat(object):# (object)==(MyChoice(选项))

    def __init__(self, do_this):
        self.do_this = do_this#这两行代码大概意思就是将self.do_this去使用以 do_this为名的这个类名了,可见11行就是应用。
#        print(self.do_this)  以下有这种样式的#字符,都是为了方便理解 设置的打印,可以在终端运行的时候,看看到底发生了什么。

    def do(self):
        want_to_do_now = self.do_this.first_thing()#return的路径:240→243→10
#        print(want_to_do_now)
#   这是刚开始写的时候的错误代码,没舍得删除     really_want_to_do = self.do_this.consider_again()

        while want_to_do_now != 1:
            next_want_to_do = want_to_do_now.going_to_do()#运行 某个类里面的 going_to_do函数
            true_answer =want_to_do_now.doing()#运行某个类里面的 doing()函数,返还一个字符串,进行if语句
#            a =want_to_do_now
#            print(a,b,next_want_to_do)

            if true_answer ==next_want_to_do: #这种不是赋值的需要用两个符号啊。
                new_sentence =[
                f"\nThen you have to get seriously about {true_answer}.",
                f"\nRemember {true_answer} seriously.",
                f"\nYou don't have to think about others when you are {true_answer}.",
                f"\nWhen you finish the thing of {true_answer}, welcome you come here again!"

                print(new_sentence[randint(0,3)])#随机数表,[0,3]刚开始做了个[0,4]以为取左不取右,记混了,结果 出现了list index out of range这个问题
                print("I believe your new thought is better than the other")
            want_to_do_now = self.do_this.consider_again(next_want_to_do)

class WatchMovie():

    def doing(self):
        return 'watching movie'

    def going_to_do(self):
            Welcome come here to think about weather you should watch
            movie.If you have movie which you want to watch and you are
            avalible and long time no watch and you have learnt many days.
            You can watch,else you need to consider again.If you will
            watch movie please input #1 ,else #2"""

        your_answer1 = input(">")

        if your_answer1 =="1":
            print("OK,you need to say your the answer out loud and write it down personally.")
            ya1 = input(">>>>watching movie:")#ya 就是your_answer的缩写,1代表的这个是第一个调用
            return ya1

        elif your_answer1 =="2":
            next_Step1 = input("Do other what? Please input your new thought!\n>")
            next_step1 = Choices.get(next_Step1)
            return next_step1

            print("Please input 1 or 2!!!")
            return 'do_not_know_do_what'

class PlayComputerGame():

    def doing(self):
        return 'playing computer'

    def going_to_do(self):
            Welcome come here to think about weather you should play
            computer game .First, if you haven't study emotion and you
            specially want to play some hero.Second ,your junior high
            school classmates(at least two) is waiting someone or your
            senior high school classmates invite you to join their team!
            If one of these conditions is met,please input #1.Else,#2."""

        your_answer2 = input(">")

        if your_answer2 == "1":
            print("OK,you need to say your the answer out loud and write it down personally.")
            ya2 =input(">>>>PlayComputer:")
            return ya2

        elif your_answer2 =="2":
            next_Step2 = input("Do other what? Please input your new thought!\n>")
            next_step2 = Choices.get(next_Step2)
            return next_step2

            print("Please input 1 or 2!!!")
            return 'do_not_know_do_what'

class ListenMusic():

    def doing(self):
        return 'listening music'

    def going_to_do(self):
            Welcome come here to think about weather you should listen
            music .If you heard it two hours ago or you have new songs
            to listen to.It's a good choice that you go to listen to
            music next.\tIf you really decide to listen to music,input
            #1 ,else:2"""

        your_answer3 =input(">")

        if your_answer3 =="1":
            print("OK,you need to say your the answer out loud and write it down personally.")
            ya3 =input(">>>>ListenMusic:")
            return ya3

        elif your_answer3 =="2":
            next_Step3 = input("Do other what? Please input your new thought!\n>")
            next_step3 = Choices.get(next_Step3)
            return next_step3

            print("Please input 1 or 2!!!")
            return 'do_not_know_do_what'

class GoOutside():

    def doing(self):
        return 'going outside'

    def going_to_do(self):
            Welcome come here to think about weather you should go
            outside.If you are very free and specially going to go outside
            as well as you haven't had a 50¥ daily bill for almost a week.
            You should go outside to enjoy the free time immediately.So ,if
            intend to going outside please input #1,else 2."""

        your_answer4 =input(">")

        if your_answer4 =="1":
            print("OK,you need to say your the answer out loud and write it down personally.")
            ya4 =input(">>>>GoOutside:")
            return ya4

        elif your_answer4 =="2":
            next_Step4 = input("Do other what? Please input your new thought!\n>")
            next_step4 = Choices.get(next_Step4)
            return next_step4

            print("Please input 1 or 2!!!")
            return 'do_not_know_do_what'

class EatRice():

    def doing(self):
        return 'eating rice'

    def going_to_do(self):
            Welcome come here to think about whether you should eat rice.
            First, if it's almost dinner time.Second, you have been hungry
            for a long time. Third, you go to the dining hall is right at
            present! If you meet all the conditions please input #1 ,else

        your_answer5 =input(">")

        if your_answer5 =="1":
            print("OK,you need to say your the answer out loud and write it down personally.")
            ya5 =input(">>>>EatRice:")
            return ya5

        elif your_answer5 =="2":
            next_Step5 = input("Do other what? Please input your new thought!\n>")
            next_step5 = Choices.get(next_Step5)
            return next_step5

            print("Please input 1 or 2!!!")
            return 'do_not_know_do_what'

class Sleep():

    def doing(self):
        return 'sleeping'

    def going_to_do(self):
            Welcome come here to think about whether you ought go to sleep.
            If you aren't very sleepy, you can relax yourself by some ways.
            But if it is already late, or you need in order to move
            forward.You need to sleep right now.So ,if you have decide to
            sleep please input #1 .Else:#2."""

        your_answer6 =input(">")

        if your_answer6 =="1":
            print("OK,you need to say your the answer out loud and write it down personally.")
            ya6 =MyChoice.choices.get(input(">>>>Sleep:"))
            return ya6

        elif your_answer6 =="2":
            next_Step6 = input("Do other what? Please input your new thought!\n>")
            next_step6 = Choices.get(next_Step6)
            return next_step6

            print("Please input 1 or 2!!!")
            return 'do_not_know_do_what'

class MyChoice(object):

    choices ={
        'watch_movie' : WatchMovie(),
        'play_computer' : PlayComputerGame(),
        'listen_music' : ListenMusic(),
        'go_outside' : GoOutside(),
        'eat_rice' : EatRice(),
        'sleep' : Sleep(),
        #'do_not_know_do_what' : DoWhat()  之前多做的一个类,后续调整就没有删除掉

    def __init__(self, want_to_do):
        self.want_to_do =want_to_do

    def consider_again(self, other_choice):
        cho =MyChoice.choices.get(other_choice)
        return cho# cho = MyChoice.

    def first_thing(self):
        return self.consider_again(self.want_to_do)

Choices={'1' : 'watch_movie',
         '2' : 'play_computer',
         '3' : 'listen_music',
         '4' : 'go_outside',
         '5' : 'eat_rice',
         '6' : 'sleep'}

you_first_choice=input("Just input you choice corresponding number.\n>")
a_software =Choices.get(you_first_choice)#拿到了第一个字典里面的某个 选项
a_guide = MyChoice(a_software) #MyChoice带着 某个选项作为属性开了
the_software_is_beginning = DoWhat(a_guide) #DoWhat(MyChoice(选项)).do()
the_software_is_beginning.do()#DoWhat(MyChoice(选项)).do()。    MyChoice(选项)就是一个object 之



#from sys import exit
#from random import randint

from ex451 import DoWhat
from ex452 import WatchMovie
from ex453 import PlayComputerGame
from ex454 import ListenMusic
from ex455 import GoOutside
from ex456 import EatRice
from ex457 import Sleep
from ex458 import MyChoice

Choices={'1' : 'watch_movie',
         '2' : 'play_computer',
         '3' : 'listen_music',
         '4' : 'go_outside',
         '5' : 'eat_rice',
         '6' : 'sleep'}

you_first_choice=input("Just input you choice corresponding number.\n>")
a_software =Choices.get(you_first_choice)
a_guide = MyChoice(a_software)
the_software_is_beginning = DoWhat(a_guide)


#from random import random
from random import randint
from sys import exit

class DoWhat(object):# (object)==(MyChoice(选项))

    def __init__(self, do_this):
        self.do_this = do_this#这两行代码大概意思就是将self.do_this去使用以 do_this为名的这个类名了,可见11行就是应用。
#        print(self.do_this)  以下有这种样式的#字符,都是为了方便理解 设置的打印,可以在终端运行的时候,看看到底发生了什么。

    def do(self):
        want_to_do_now = self.do_this.first_thing()#return的路径:240→243→10
#        print(want_to_do_now)
#   这是刚开始写的时候的错误代码,没舍得删除     really_want_to_do = self.do_this.consider_again()

        while want_to_do_now != 1:
            next_want_to_do = want_to_do_now.going_to_do()#运行 某个类里面的 going_to_do函数
            true_answer =want_to_do_now.doing()#运行某个类里面的 doing()函数,返还一个字符串,进行if语句
#            a =want_to_do_now
#            print(a,b,next_want_to_do)

            if true_answer ==next_want_to_do: #这种不是赋值的需要用两个符号啊。
                new_sentence =[
                f"\nThen you have to get seriously about {true_answer}.",
                f"\nRemember {true_answer} seriously.",
                f"\nYou don't have to think about others when you are {true_answer}.",
                f"\nWhen you finish the thing of {true_answer}, welcome you come here again!"

                print(new_sentence[randint(0,3)])#随机数表,[0,3]刚开始做了个[0,4]以为取左不取右,记混了,结果 出现了list index out of range这个问题
                print("I believe your new thought is better than the other")
            want_to_do_now = self.do_this.consider_again(next_want_to_do)


#from ex458 import MyChoice

class WatchMovie():

    def doing(self):
        return 'watching movie'

    def going_to_do(self):
            Welcome come here to think about weather you should watch
            movie.If you have movie which you want to watch and you are
            avalible and long time no watch and you have learnt many days.
            You can watch,else you need to consider again.If you will
            watch movie please input #1 ,else #2"""

        your_answer1 = input(">")

        if your_answer1 =="1":
            print("OK,you need to say your the answer out loud and write it down personally.")
            ya1 = input(">>>>watching movie:")#ya 就是your_answer的缩写,1代表的这个是第一个调用
            return ya1

        elif your_answer1 =="2":
            next_Step1 = input("Do other what? Please input your new thought!\n>")
            next_step1 = Choices.get(next_Step1)
            return next_step1

            print("Please input 1 or 2!!!")
            return 'do_not_know_do_what'

Choices={'1' : 'watch_movie',
         '2' : 'play_computer',
         '3' : 'listen_music',
         '4' : 'go_outside',
         '5' : 'eat_rice',
         '6' : 'sleep'}


#from ex458 import MyChoice

class PlayComputerGame():

    def doing(self):
        return 'playing computer'

    def going_to_do(self):
            Welcome come here to think about weather you should play
            computer game .First, if you haven't study emotion and you
            specially want to play some hero.Second ,your junior high
            school classmates(at least two) is waiting someone or your
            senior high school classmates invite you to join their team!
            If one of these conditions is met,please input #1.Else,#2."""

        your_answer2 = input(">")

        if your_answer2 == "1":
            print("OK,you need to say your the answer out loud and write it down personally.")
            ya2 =input(">>>>playing computer:")
            return ya2

        elif your_answer2 =="2":
            next_Step2 = input("Do other what? Please input your new thought!\n>")
            next_step2 = Choices.get(next_Step2)
            return next_step2

            print("Please input 1 or 2!!!")
            return 'do_not_know_do_what'

Choices={'1' : 'watch_movie',
         '2' : 'play_computer',
         '3' : 'listen_music',
         '4' : 'go_outside',
         '5' : 'eat_rice',
         '6' : 'sleep'}


#from ex458 import MyChoice

class ListenMusic():

    def doing(self):
        return 'listening music'

    def going_to_do(self):
            Welcome come here to think about weather you should listen
            music .If you heard it two hours ago or you have new songs
            to listen to.It's a good choice that you go to listen to
            music next.\tIf you really decide to listen to music,input
            #1 ,else:2"""

        your_answer3 =input(">")

        if your_answer3 =="1":
            print("OK,you need to say your the answer out loud and write it down personally.")
            ya3 =input(">>>>listening music:")
            return ya3

        elif your_answer3 =="2":
            next_Step3 = input("Do other what? Please input your new thought!\n>")
            next_step3 = Choices.get(next_Step3)
            return next_step3

            print("Please input 1 or 2!!!")
            return 'do_not_know_do_what'

Choices={'1' : 'watch_movie',
         '2' : 'play_computer',
         '3' : 'listen_music',
         '4' : 'go_outside',
         '5' : 'eat_rice',
         '6' : 'sleep'}


#from ex458 import MyChoice

class GoOutside():

    def doing(self):
        return 'going outside'

    def going_to_do(self):
            Welcome come here to think about weather you should go
            outside.If you are very free and specially going to go outside
            as well as you haven't had a 50¥ daily bill for almost a week.
            You should go outside to enjoy the free time immediately.So ,if
            intend to going outside please input #1,else 2."""

        your_answer4 =input(">")

        if your_answer4 =="1":
            print("OK,you need to say your the answer out loud and write it down personally.")
            ya4 =input(">>>>going outside:")
            return ya4

        elif your_answer4 =="2":
            next_Step4 = input("Do other what? Please input your new thought!\n>")
            next_step4 = Choices.get(next_Step4)
            return next_step4

            print("Please input 1 or 2!!!")
            return 'do_not_know_do_what'

Choices={'1' : 'watch_movie',
         '2' : 'play_computer',
         '3' : 'listen_music',
         '4' : 'go_outside',
         '5' : 'eat_rice',
         '6' : 'sleep'}


#from ex458 import MyChoice

class EatRice():

    def doing(self):
        return 'eating rice'

    def going_to_do(self):
            Welcome come here to think about whether you should eat rice.
            First, if it's almost dinner time.Second, you have been hungry
            for a long time. Third, you go to the dining hall is right at
            present! If you meet all the conditions please input #1 ,else

        your_answer5 =input(">")

        if your_answer5 =="1":
            print("OK,you need to say your the answer out loud and write it down personally.")
            ya5 =input(">>>>eating rice:")
            return ya5

        elif your_answer5 =="2":
            next_Step5 = input("Do other what? Please input your new thought!\n>")
            next_step5 = Choices.get(next_Step5)
            return next_step5

            print("Please input 1 or 2!!!")
            return 'do_not_know_do_what'

Choices={'1' : 'watch_movie',
         '2' : 'play_computer',
         '3' : 'listen_music',
         '4' : 'go_outside',
         '5' : 'eat_rice',
         '6' : 'sleep'}


#from ex458 import MyChoice

class Sleep():

    def doing(self):
        return 'sleeping'

    def going_to_do(self):
            Welcome come here to think about whether you ought go to sleep.
            If you aren't very sleepy, you can relax yourself by some ways.
            But if it is already late, or you need in order to move
            forward.You need to sleep right now.So ,if you have decide to
            sleep please input #1 .Else:#2."""

        your_answer6 =input(">")

        if your_answer6 =="1":
            print("OK,you need to say your the answer out loud and write it down personally.")
            ya6 =input(">>>>sleeping:")
            return ya6

        elif your_answer6 =="2":
            next_Step6 = input("Do other what? Please input your new thought!\n>")
            next_step6 = Choices.get(next_Step6)
            return next_step6

            print("Please input 1 or 2!!!")
            return 'do_not_know_do_what'

Choices={'1' : 'watch_movie',
         '2' : 'play_computer',
         '3' : 'listen_music',
         '4' : 'go_outside',
         '5' : 'eat_rice',
         '6' : 'sleep'}


from ex451 import DoWhat
from ex452 import WatchMovie
from ex453 import PlayComputerGame
from ex454 import ListenMusic
from ex455 import GoOutside
from ex456 import EatRice
from ex457 import Sleep

class MyChoice(object):

    choices ={
        'watch_movie' : WatchMovie(),
        'play_computer' : PlayComputerGame(),
        'listen_music' : ListenMusic(),
        'go_outside' : GoOutside(),
        'eat_rice' : EatRice(),
        'sleep' : Sleep(),
        #'do_not_know_do_what' : DoWhat()

    def __init__(self, want_to_do):
        self.want_to_do =want_to_do

    def consider_again(self, other_choice):
        cho =MyChoice.choices.get(other_choice)
        return cho

    def first_thing(self):
        return self.consider_again(self.want_to_do)






当前余额3.43前往充值 >
领取后你会自动成为博主和红包主的粉丝 规则
钱包余额 0


