A tale of two viewports — part one




A tale of two viewports — part one

In this mini-series I will explain how viewports and the widths of various important elements work, such as the <html> element, as well as the window and the screen.

This page is about the desktop browsers, and its sole purpose is to set the stage for a similar discussion of the mobile browsers. Most web developers will already intuitively understand most desktop concepts. On mobile we’ll find the same concepts, but more complicated, and a prior discussion on terms everybody already knows will greatly help your understanding of the mobile browsers.

Concept: device pixels and CSS pixels


The first concept you need to understand is CSS pixels, and the difference with device pixels.

Device pixels are the kind of pixels we intuitively assume to be “right.” These pixels give the formal resolution of whichever device you’re working on, and can (in general) be read out from screen.width/height.

If you give a certain element a width: 128px, and your monitor is 1024px wide, and you maximise your browser screen, the element would fit on your monitor eight times (roughly; let’s ignore the tricky bits for now).

If the user zooms, however, this calculation is going to change. If the user zooms to 200%, your element with width: 128px will fit only four times on his 1024px wide monitor.

Zooming as implemented in modern browsers consists of nothing more than “stretching up” pixels. That is, the width of the element is not changed from 128 to 256 pixels; instead the actual pixels are doubled in size. Formally, the element still has a width of 128 CSS pixels, even though it happens to take the space of 256 device pixels.

In other words, zooming to 200% makes one CSS pixel grow to four times the size of one device pixels. (Two times the width, two times the height, yields four times in total).

A few images will clarify the concept. Here are four pixels on 100% zoom level. Nothing much to see here; CSS pixels fully overlap with device pixels.

Now let’s zoom out. The CSS pixels start to shrink, meaning that one device pixel now overlaps several CSS pixels.

If you zoom in, the opposite happens. The CSS pixels start to grow, and now one CSS pixels overlaps several device pixels.

The point here is that you are only interested in CSS pixels. It’s those pixels that dictate how your style sheet is rendered.

Device pixels are almost entirely useless to you. Not to the user; the user will zoom the page in or out until he can comfortably read it. However, that zooming level doesn’t matter to you. The browser will automatically make sure that your CSS layout is stretched up or squeezed in.

100% zoom

I started the example by assuming a zoom level of 100%. It’s time to define that slightly more strictly:At zoom level 100% one CSS pixel is exactly equal to one device pixel.

The concept of 100% zoom is very useful in the explanations that are going to follow, but you shouldn’t overly worry about it in your daily work. On desktop you will generally test your sites in 100% zoom, but even if the user zooms in or out the magic of CSS pixels will make sure that your layout retains the same ratios.

Screen size


Let’s take a look at some practical measurements. We’ll start with screen.width and screen.height. They contain the total width and height of the user’s screen. These dimensions are measured in device pixels because they never change: they’re a feature of the monitor, and not of the browser.
让我们看一看这些实用措施。首先从screen.width 和 screen.height开始。二者含有用户显示器的全部高度和宽度,这些尺寸由设备像素决定,因为他们从不改变:他们是显示器的特性,而不是浏览器的。


Fun! But what do we do with this information?

Basically, nothing. The user’s monitor size is unimportant to us — well, unless you want to measure it for use in a web statistics database.

Window size


Instead, what you want to know is the inner dimensions of the browser window. That tells you exactly how much space the user currently has available for your CSS layout. You can find these dimensions in window.innerWidth and window.innerHeight.
相反,你想知道是浏览器窗口的尺寸。这可以精确的告诉你现在用户有多大空间提供给你的CSS布局。你可以在window.innerWidthwindow.innerHeight 找到这些尺寸信息。


Obviously, the inner width of the window is measured in CSS pixels. You need to know how much of your layout you can squeeze into the browser window, and that amount decreases as the user zooms in. So if the user zooms in you get less available space in the window, and window.innerWidth/Height reflect that by decreasing.

(The exception here is Opera, where window.innerWidth/Height do not decrease when the user zooms in: they’re measured in device pixels. This is annoying on desktop, but fatal on mobile, as we’ll see later.)
(这有一个例外就是Opera,当用户压缩界面时它的window.innerWidth/Height 不会减小:它的测量单位是设备像素。对于电脑来说这很不友好,但是对手机来说是个福音,我们将在接下来见到。)


Note that the measured widths and heights include the scrollbars. They, too, are considered part of the inner window. (This is mostly for historical reasons.)

Scrolling offset


window.pageXOffset and window.pageYOffset, contain the horizontal and vertical scrolling offsets of the document. Thus you can find out how much the user has scrolled.
window.pageXOffset 和 window.pageYOffset 包含了相对与document的水平和竖直的滚动偏移量,因此你可以发现用户滚动了多少。


These properties are measured in CSS pixels, too. You want to know how much of the document has already been scrolled up, whatever zoom state it’s in.

In theory, if the user scrolls up and then zooms in, window.pageX/YOffset will change. However, the browsers try to keep web pages consistent by keeping the same element at the top of the visible page when the user zooms. That doesn’t always work perfectly, but it means that in practice window.pageX/YOffset doesn’t really change: the number of CSS pixels that have been scrolled out of the window remains (roughly) the same.
从理论上来讲,如果用户移动或者缩放了,window.pageX/YOffset 将会改变。但是当用户缩放时,浏览器通过保证相同元素在可视界面的顶部来尽力保持web界面的一致性。但这不总是奏效的。这意味着实际上偏移量没有改变:被滚动出视窗的CSS像素的数值保持不变。


Concept: the viewport


Before we continue with more JavaScript properties we have to introduce another concept: the viewport.
The function of the viewport is to constrain the <html> element, which is the uppermost containing block of your site.

That may sound a bit vague, so here’s a practical example. Suppose you have a liquid layout and one of your sidebars has width: 10%. Now the sidebar neatly grows and shrinks as you resize the browser window. But exactly how does that work?

Technically, what happens is that the sidebar gets 10% of the width of its parent. Let’s say that’s the <body> (and that you haven’t given it a width). So the question becomes which width the <body> has.

Normally, all block-level elements take 100% of the width of their parent (there are exceptions, but let’s ignore them for now). So the <body> is as wide as its parent, the <html> element.

And how wide is the <html> element? Why, it’s as wide as the browser window. That’s why your sidebar with width: 10% will span 10% of the entire browser window. All web developers intuitively know and use this fact.

What you may not know is how this works in theory. In theory, the width of the <html> element is restricted by the width of the viewport. The <html> element takes 100% of the width of that viewport.

The viewport, in turn, is exactly equal to the browser window: it’s been defined as such. The viewport is not an HTML construct, so you cannot influence it by CSS. It just has the width and height of the browser window — on desktop. On mobile it’s quite a bit more complicated.



This state of affairs has some curious consequences. You can see one of them right here on this site. Scroll all the way up to the top, and zoom in two or three steps so that the content of this site spills out of the browser window.

Now scroll to the right, and you’ll see that the blue bar at the top of the site doesn’t line up properly any more.


This behaviour is a consequence of how the viewport is defined. I gave the blue bar at the top a width: 100%. 100% of what? Of the <html> element, which is as wide as the viewport, which is as wide as the browser window.

Point is: while this works fine at 100% zoom, now that we’ve zoomed in the viewport has become smaller than the total width of my site. In itself that doesn’t matter, the content now spills out of the <html> element, but that element has overflow: visible, which means that the spilled-out content will be shown in any case.

But the blue bar doesn’t spill out. I gave it a width: 100%, after all, and the browsers obey by giving it the width of the viewport. They don’t care that that width is now too narrow.


document width


What I really need to know is how wide the total content of the page is, including the bits that “stick out.” As far as I know it’s not possible to find that value (well, unless you calculate the individual widths and margins of all elements on the page, but that’s error-prone, to put it mildly).

I am starting to believe that we need a JavaScript property pair that gives what I’ll call the “document width” (in CSS pixels, obviously).


And if we’re really feeling funky, why not also expose this value to CSS? I’d love to be able to make the width: 100% of my blue bar dependent on the document width, and not the <html> element’s width. (This is bound to be tricky, though, and I wouldn’t be surprised if it’s impossible to implement.)

Browser vendors, what do you think?

Measuring the viewport


You might want to know the dimensions of the viewport. They can be found in document.documentElement.clientWidth and -Height.
你可能想知道视窗的尺寸,可以在document.documentElement.clientWidth and -Height里找到。


If you know your DOM, you know that document.documentElement is in fact the <html> element: the root element of any HTML document. However, the viewport is one level higher, so to speak; it’s the element that contains the <html> element. That might matter if you give the <html> element a width. (I don’t recommend that, by the way, but it’s possible.)
如果你知道DOM,你就会知道document.documentElement 实际上就是<html>元素:根元素就是所有HTML元素。但是视窗是更高级的,可以这么说,这是一种包含<html>元素的元素。如果你给了html元素一个宽度这就很重要了。(我不建议这么做,但顺便说一句这么做是可以的)

In that situation document.documentElement.clientWidth and -Height still gives the dimensions of the viewport, and not of the <html> element. (This is a special rule that goes only for this element only for this property pair. In all other cases the actual width of the element is used.)
在这种情况下document.documentElement.clientWidth and -Height 定义了视窗的尺寸,并且不是<html>元素。(这是一个特殊的规则仅适应这一个元素仅在这个属性下。所有其他情况真正的元素宽度还是被使用的。)


So document.documentElement.clientWidth and -Height always gives the viewport dimensions, regardless of the dimensions of the <html> element.
所以document.documentElement.clientWidth and -Height 总是定义视窗的尺寸,不管<html>尺寸如何。

Two property pairs


But aren’t the dimensions of the viewport width also given by window.innerWidth/Height? Well, yes and no.

There’s a formal difference between the two property pairs: document.documentElement.clientWidth and -Height doesn’t include the scrollbar, while window.innerWidth/Height does. That’s mostly a nitpick, though.
还有很多正式的不同在两个属性对之间:document.documentElement.clientWidth and -Height不包括侧边栏,而window.innerWidth/Height 包含。尽管这可以说是吹毛求疵。

The fact that we have two property pairs is a holdover from the Browser Wars. Back then Netscape only supported window.innerWidth/Height and IE only document.documentElement.clientWidth and -Height. Since then all other browsers started to support clientWidth/Height, but IE didn’t pick up window.innerWidth/Height.
事实上在浏览器大战中我们有了两个属性对控制相同信息。在那时网景只支持window.innerWidth/Height,而IE只支持document.documentElement.clientWidth and -Height 。自此所有其他浏览器仅支持clientWidth/Height,但是IE还是不肯使用window.innerWidth/Height

Having two property pairs available is a minor nuisance on desktop — but it turns out to be a blessing on mobile, as we’ll see.

Measuring the <html> element


So clientWidth/Height gives the viewport dimensions in all cases. But where can we find the dimensions of the <html> element itself? They’re stored in document.documentElement.offsetWidth and -Height.
所以clientWidth/Height可以在任何情况下定义视窗尺寸。但是我们在哪才能找到<html>元素本身的尺寸呢。他们存储在document.documentElement.offsetWidth and -Height.


These properties truly give you access to the <html> element as a block-level element; if you set a width, offsetWidth will reflect it.


Event coordinates


Then there are the event coordinates. When a mouse event occurs, no less than five property pairs are exposed to give you information about the exact place of the event. For our discussion three of them are important:

  • pageX/Y gives the coordinates relative to the <html> element in CSS pixels.
  • pageX/Y用CSS像素定义了相对<html>元素的坐标。


  • clientX/Y gives the coordinates relative to the viewport in CSS pixels.
  • clientX/Y用CSS像素定义了相对视窗的坐标。


  • screenX/Y gives the coordinates relative to the screen in device pixels.
  • screenX/Y用设备像素定义了相对屏幕的坐标。


You’ll use pageX/Y 90% of the time; usually you want to know the event position relative to the document. The other 10% of the time you’ll use clientX/Y. You never ever need to know the event coordinates relative to the screen.

Media queries


Finally, some words about media queries. The idea is very simple: you can define special CSS rules that are executed only if the width of the page is larger than, equal to, or smaller than a certain size. For instance:

div.sidebar {
	width: 300px;

@media all and (max-width: 400px) {
	// styles assigned when width is smaller than 400px;
	div.sidebar {
		width: 100px;

Now the sidebar is 300px wide, except when the width is smaller than 400px, in which case the sidebar becomes 100px wide.

The question is of course: which width are we measuring here?

There are two relevant media queries: width/height and device-width/device-height.
这里有两种相对的媒体查询: width/height and device-width/device-height.

  • width/height uses the same values as documentElement .clientWidth/Height (the viewport, in other words). It works with CSS pixels.
  • width/height使用和documentElement .clientWidth/Height相同的值(换句话说也就是视窗大小)用的是CSS像素。

  • device-width/device-height uses the same values as screen.width/height (the screen, in other words). It works with device pixels.
  • device-width/device-height 使用和screen.width/height 相同的值(说人话就是显示屏大小)。用的是设备像素。


Which should you use? That’s a no-brainer: width, of course. Web developers are not interested in the device width; it’s the width of the browser window that counts.

So use width and forget device-width — on desktop. As we’ll see, the situation is much more messy on mobile.



That concludes our foray into the desktop browsers’ behaviour. The second part of this series ports these concepts to mobile and highlights some important differences with the desktop.

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