AES review

AES review

  1. mathematic

    1. XOR 可以理解成找到AB不同的点(求异)因此能理解 a XOR b XOR b = a (两种理解方式,1.a和b交集的补集再跟b交集的补集就是a 2.异或满足交换律,a xor (b xor b) = a xor 0 = a)

      eg. 以GF(2^8)为例 两个多项式进行加法运算(XOR或者模2相加

      ( x 6 + x 4 + x 2 + x + 1 ) (x^6+x^4+x^2+x+1) (x6+x4+x2+x+1) ⨁ \bigoplus ( x 7 + x + 1 ) = (x^7+x+1)= (x7+x+1)=

      ​ 按照逻辑理解,可以直接得到:不同部分为 x 7 + x 6 + x 4 + x 2 x^7+x^6+x^4+x^2 x7+x6+x4+x2 (只有x+1是相同得,去掉)

    2. Polynomial Multiplication

      In the finite filed G F ( 2 8 ) GF(2^8) GF(28) , 列混淆过程中的乘积大于 x 8 x^8 x8 需要再mod x 8 + x 4 + x 3 + x + 1 ( M A X ( G F ( 2 8 ) = 256 = x 8 ) x^8+x^4+x^3+x+1(MAX(GF(2^8)=256=x^8) x8+x4+x3+x+1MAXGF28)=256=x8

      1. for mod, a mod b = c , for another word $d·b+c=a $
      2. normally, a < b, a mod b = a. whereas when a > b, we do
    3. Matrix Inverse

    4. Matrix Multiplication

    5. Combination
      ( a b ) = C b a = a ! b ! ( a − b ) ! \left( \begin{matrix} a\\ b \end{matrix} \right)=C^a_b=\frac{a!}{b!(a-b)!} (ab)=Cba=b!(ab)!a!


Input (AES 属于分组密码,symmetric encryption,同样也是) ,以aes 128为例,直接用实际例子计算

eg:00 11 22 33 44 55 66 77 88 99 0a 0b 0c 0d 0e 0f





  1. assuming the key is 2b7e151628aed2a6abf7158809cf4f3c

    Thus 分组密码即


    将每一列转换成一组,hence we have fout 32bits( 8 bytes (4 two hex))

    thus W0 = 2b7e1516,W1 = 28aed2a6, w2= abf71588,W3 = 09cf4f3c

    由于AES 128分组长度为128bit,并且共10轮,因此需要44个密钥,即扩展10轮

    1. 求出其他分组情况


      W_j = W_(j-4) \bigoplus g(W_(j-1)),j/%4=0 \

      W_j = W_(j-4) \bigoplus W_(j-1),j%4!=0 \tag{1}



      W 4 = W 0 ⨁ g ( W 3 ) W 3 ′ = W 3   l e f t s h i f t   o n e   b y t e s = 09 c f 4 f 3 c →   c f 4 f 3 c 09 W_4 = W0\bigoplus g_(W3)\\W_3'=W_3\ leftshift\ one\ bytes=09cf4f3c\rightarrow\ cf4f3c09 W4=W0g(W3)W3=W3 leftshift one bytes=09cf4f3c cf4f3c09


      W 3 ′ = C F 4 F 3 C 09 W_3'=CF4F3C09 W3=CF4F3C09

      look-up table


      according to the table, c f → 8 a 4 f → 84 3 c → e b 09 → 01 cf \rightarrow 8a\\4f\rightarrow 84\\3c\rightarrow eb \\09\rightarrow 01 cf8a4f843ceb0901

      thus W " = 8 a 84 e b 01 W"=8a84eb01 W"=8a84eb01

      这里引入轮常量 R c o n [ i ] = ( R C [ i ] , 0 , 0 , 0 ) R_{con}[i]=(RC[i],0,0,0) Rcon[i]=(RC[i],0,0,0),大小为4字节,仅第一字节有效(右边补三个0),之后与该轮密钥做xor,R[i]

      R[1]=1,RC[i]=2·RC[i-1] (算了吧,凡人,你理解不了数论的,用数学家的结果就可以了)



      here we get R c o n [ 1 ] = 01000000 R c o n [ 2 ] = 02000000 R c o n [ 3 ] = 04000000 R c o n [ 4 ] = 08000000 R c o n [ 5 ] = 10000000 R c o n [ 6 ] = 2000000 R c o n [ 7 ] = 40000000 R c o n [ 8 ] = 80000000 R c o n [ 9 ] = 1 B 000000 R c o n [ 10 ] = 36000000 R_{con[1]}=0100 0000 R_{con[2]}=0200 0000 R_{con[3]}=0400 0000 R_{con[4]}=0800 0000 R_{con[5]}=1000 0000 \\ R_{con[6]}=200 0000 R_{con[7]}=4000 0000 R_{con[8]}=8000 0000 R_{con[9]}=1B00 0000 R_{con[10]}=3600 0000 Rcon[1]=01000000Rcon[2]=02000000Rcon[3]=04000000Rcon[4]=08000000Rcon[5]=10000000Rcon[6]=2000000Rcon[7]=40000000Rcon[8]=80000000Rcon[9]=1B000000Rcon[10]=36000000

      from finite domain GF2^1 to GF2^9
      g(n) =
      W3’’ \ \ \ \ \ 1000 \ |1010|1000|0100|1110|1011|0000|0001|\
      R_{con}[0]0000 \ |0001|0000|0000|0000|0000|0000|0000| \
      W_3’‘’= |1000|1011||1000|0100|1110|1011|0000|0001|=8b84eb01

      如上,得到 g ( W 3 ’ ′ ) = W 3 ′ ′ ′ = 8 b 84 e b 01 g(W_3’')=W_3'''=8b84eb01 g(W3)=W3=8b84eb01, by the way n = J = 0,(每轮的Rcon都不同)


      先进行多项式相乘,然后再将结果模不可约多项式 m ( x ) = X 8 + x 4 + x 3 + x + 1 m(x)=X^8+x^4+x^3+x+1 m(x)=X8+x4+x3+x+1

      next we get W4 = W0 ⨁   W ′ ′ ′ \bigoplus \ W'''  W = A0FA FE17


      as the (1)

      now we have W5 = W1 ⨁ \bigoplus W4= 8854 2CB1,W6=23A33939,W7=2A6C7605

      so the second set
      KaTeX parse error: Undefined control sequence: \matrix at position 9: \left[ \̲m̲a̲t̲r̲i̲x̲{ A0 & 88 & 23 …

      Following the same step as below,10 turns keys

    1. AddRoundKey

      simply just xor plaintext and cipher,here we take “32 43 f6 a8 88 5a 30 8d 31 31 98 a2 e0 37 07 34’’”
      KaTeX parse error: Undefined control sequence: \matrix at position 15: \left[ \̲m̲a̲t̲r̲i̲x̲{ 32 & 88…

    2. Subbytes

      mapping matrix (2) to S-box, then we have the subbytes matrix

      (note that the row to first byte, eg 19 => D4)

      thus we have
      KaTeX parse error: Undefined control sequence: \matrix at position 9: \left[ \̲m̲a̲t̲r̲i̲x̲{ D4 & e0 & b8 …

    3. ShiftRows

      First row stay

      second row left shift one byte

      third row left shift two bytes

      The fourth row left shifts three bytes

      as to our matrix
      KaTeX parse error: Undefined control sequence: \matrix at position 9: \left[ \̲m̲a̲t̲r̲i̲x̲{ D4 & e0 & b8 …

    4. MixColumn

      KaTeX parse error: Undefined control sequence: \matrix at position 9: \left[ \̲m̲a̲t̲r̲i̲x̲{ 02 & 03 & 01 …
      S 0 , j ′ = 02 × S 0 , j ′ ⨁ 03 × S 1 , j ′ ⨁ 01 × S 2 , j ′ ⨁ 01 × S 3 , j ′ S 0 , j ′ = 01 × S 0 , j ′ ⨁ 02 × S 1 , j ′ ⨁ 03 × S 2 , j ′ ⨁ 01 × S 3 , j ′ S 0 , j ′ = 01 × S 0 , j ′ ⨁ 01 × S 1 , j ′ ⨁ 02 × S 2 , j ′ ⨁ 03 × S 3 , j ′ S 0 , j ′ = 03 × S 0 , j ′ ⨁ 01 × S 1 , j ′ ⨁ 01 × S 2 , j ′ ⨁ 02 × S 3 , j ′ S'_{0,j}= 02 \times S'_{0,j} \bigoplus 03 \times S'_{1,j}\bigoplus 01 \times S'_{2,j}\bigoplus 01 \times S'_{3,j} \\ S'_{0,j}= 01 \times S'_{0,j} \bigoplus 02 \times S'_{1,j}\bigoplus 03 \times S'_{2,j}\bigoplus 01 \times S'_{3,j} \\ S'_{0,j}= 01 \times S'_{0,j} \bigoplus 01 \times S'_{1,j}\bigoplus 02 \times S'_{2,j}\bigoplus 03 \times S'_{3,j} \\ S'_{0,j}= 03 \times S'_{0,j} \bigoplus 01 \times S'_{1,j}\bigoplus 01 \times S'_{2,j}\bigoplus 02 \times S'_{3,j} S0,j=02×S0,j03×S1,j01×S2,j01×S3,jS0,j=01×S0,j02×S1,j03×S2,j01×S3,jS0,j=01×S0,j01×S1,j02×S2,j03×S3,jS0,j=03×S0,j01×S1,j01×S2,j02×S3,j

      1. GF2^8乘法:

        1. 满足乘法分配律,即03 x S = 01 x S ⨁ \bigoplus 02 x S

        2. x01类似普通乘法

        3. x02表示左移一位,右边补0,

          if 最高为1,讲以为结果和0x1B xor

          else 保留

        S 0 , 0 ′ = D 4 × 02 ⨁ 27 × 03 ⨁ 11 × 01 ⨁ a e × 01 = 11010100 → { 10101000 ⨁ 00011011 = 1011   001 1 = b 3 } ⨁ { b f ⨁ ( 1011   1111 → { 0111   1110 ⨁ 0001   1011 = 0110   010 1 = 65 ) ⨁ 5 d ⨁ 30 = b 3 ⨁ b f ⨁ 65 ⨁ 5 d ⨁ 30 = 04 S'_{0,0}=D4 \times 02 \bigoplus 27\times03\bigoplus11\times01\bigoplus ae\times01=1101 0100 \rightarrow \{10101000 \bigoplus 00011011\\=1011 \ 0011_{=b3}\}\bigoplus\{bf \bigoplus(1011\ 1111\rightarrow \{0111\ 1110 \bigoplus 0001\ 1011 =0110\ 0101_{=65})\\\bigoplus 5d \bigoplus 30 = b3 \bigoplus bf \bigoplus 65 \bigoplus 5d \bigoplus 30 =04 S0,0=D4×0227×0311×01ae×01=11010100{1010100000011011=1011 0011=b3}{bf(1011 1111{0111 11100001 1011=0110 0101=65)5d30=b3bf655d30=04



    LLY by Nov.14.2022

01\ 1011 =0110\ 0101_{=65})\\bigoplus 5d \bigoplus 30 = b3 \bigoplus bf \bigoplus 65 \bigoplus 5d \bigoplus 30 =04


LLY by Nov.14.2022




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