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原创 Python程序设计基础 Chapter04

4-1a = []while True: ctn = input('would u continue to input(yes/no):') if ctn == 'yes': num = int(input('plz input the num:')) a.append(num) else: breakdef get_avg(l): sum = 0 for i in l: sum += i

2021-11-12 23:34:13 574

转载 Python程序设计基础(第2版)by董付国 习题答案

@[toc] Python程序设计基础(第2版)by董付国 习题答案C1C2C3C4

2021-11-12 21:47:21 8085

原创 Python Summary2

多输入letters = input('x y z = ')x, y, z = sorted(letters.split())print(x, y, z)letters = input('x, y, z = ')x, y, z = sorted(letters.split(','))print(x, y, z)

2021-11-11 21:15:16 690

原创 Python程序设计基础 Chapter02

2-1num = int(input('plz input an num:'))a = int(num / 100)b = int(num / 10) - a * 10c = num % 10print('ones, tens, hundreds')print(a, b, c)--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

2021-11-11 21:07:48 547

原创 Python编程:从入门到实践 练习答案 Chapter11

2021110711-1city_functions.pydef get_city_country(city, country): return city.title() + ', ' + country.title()test_cities.pyimport unittestfrom city_functions import get_city_countryclass CityTestCase(unittest.TestCase): def test_get

2021-11-07 23:52:15 515

原创 Python编程:从入门到实践 练习答案 Chapter10


2021-11-07 16:15:04 343

原创 Python编程:从入门到实践 练习答案 Chapter09

202111029-1class Restaurant(): def __init__(self, restaurant_name, cuisine_type): #_init_ (x) self.name = restaurant_name self.type = cuisine_type def describe_restarant(self): print(self.name + ' ' +self.

2021-11-02 23:44:33 152

原创 Python编程:从入门到实践 练习答案 Chapter08

202111018-1def display_message(): print("I'm learning Function!")display_message()8-2def favorite_book(name): print('One of my favorite books is ' + name.title())favorite_book('bible')8-3def make_shirt(size, pattern): print('ur size

2021-11-01 23:18:19 142

原创 Python Summary1

print("(If u do not know, just enter 'n')\n\ plz enter the num of the song(s):") OUTPUT:(If u do not know, just enter 'n') plz enter the num of the song(s): print("(If u do not know, just enter '...

2021-11-01 21:58:08 64

原创 Python编程:从入门到实践 练习答案 Chapter07

202111017-1car = input('What kind of car would u like to rent? ')print('Let me see if I can fond u a ' + car)7-2num = int(input('How many people are in your dinner party tonight?: '))if num > 8: print('sorry!there is no more vacant table')e

2021-11-01 19:35:47 70

原创 Python嵌套(列表列表,列表字典,字典字典,字典列表)

列表,字典2 * 2 = 4列表列表,列表字典,字典字典,字典列表,many-users.py3.字典字典(origional)users = {'aeinstein': {'first': 'albert', 'last': 'einstein', 'location': 'princeton'}, 'mcurie': {'first': 'marie',

2021-10-31 21:05:48 193

原创 Python编程:从入门到实践 练习答案 Chapter06

202110306-1person = { 'first_name': 'S', 'last_name': 'G', 'age': 21, 'city': 'SY', }print(person['first_name'])print(person['last_name'])print(person['age'])print(person['city'])6-2nums = { 'CJR': 1, 'SZX': 2

2021-10-31 00:48:26 264 2

原创 Python编程:从入门到实践 练习答案 Chapter03

## CHAPTER 033-1names = ['L','H','L','W']print(names[0])print(names[1])print(names[2])print(names[3])3-2names = ['L','H','L','W']print('Hello ' + names[0])print('Hello ' + names[1])print('Hello ' + names[2])print('Hello ' + names[3])3-3co

2021-10-30 22:52:56 117

原创 Python编程:从入门到实践 练习答案 Chapter05

5-1car = 'suzuki'print('Is car == "suzuki"? I predict True')print(car == 'suzuki')car = 'Jaguar'print('Is car == "Jaguar"? I predict False')print(car == 'jaguar')...5-2car = 'suzuki'print('Is car == "suzuki"? I predict True')print(car == 'suzu

2021-10-29 23:23:09 117

原创 Python编程:从入门到实践 练习答案 Chapter04

4-1pizzas = ['pineapple','sausage','origional']for pizza in pizzas: print(pizza)pizzas = ['pineapple','sausage','origional']for pizza in pizzas: print('I like ' + pizza)pizzas = ['pineapple','sausage','origional']for pizza in pizzas:

2021-10-28 09:45:08 96

原创 the Zen of Python

1.the zen of pythonBeautiful is better than ugly.Explicit is better than implicit.Simple is better than complex.Complex is better than complicated.Flat is better than nested.Sparse is better than dense.Readability counts.Special cases aren’t specia

2021-07-20 08:01:59 93

原创 Python编程:从入门到实践 练习答案 Chapter02

2-1message = "sb"print(message)2-2message = "sb"print(message)message = "lnu sucks"print(message)2-3name = "Eric"print("Hello " + name +", would u like to learn some Python today?")2-4name = "george s"print(name.lower())print(name.uppe

2021-07-18 23:30:43 202

转载 java_experiment1

实验内容1.定义类;2.创建对象并使用对象;3.类成员访问控制;4.方法调用及参数传递。基本要求1.编写体现面向对象思想的程序;2.编写创建对象和调用对象的方法的程序;3.编写体现方法参数传递和方法重载的程序;4.编写一个类,其成员具有不同的成员访问控制权限;5.理解static成员的含义和作用。实验题目p.306, 9.7 设计一个名为Account的类,它包括:• —个名为id的int类型私有数据域(默认值为0)。• —个名为balance的double类型私有数据域(默认值

2021-04-05 09:20:02 175

java语言程序设计 10th by梁勇 编程练习题答案.zip

java语言程序设计 10th by梁勇 编程练习题答案


Java Checkpoint.zip

java语言程序设计 10th by梁勇 复习题答案(非编程练习题!!!).html格式



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