
6 篇文章 14 订阅





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<div id="garps" class="container" style="width: 800px;height: 600px">

        var chart_b859ef36a1b245b2b1eb24efe9b62146 = echarts.init(
            document.getElementById('garps'), 'white', {renderer: 'canvas'});
        const xAxisData = ['8#', '9#', '10#', '11#', '12#', '13#', '14#', '15#', '16#', '17#']

const seriesData = [
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    {name: "系列3", data: [18, 4, 60, 6, 18, 4, 60, 6, 18, 4], colors: ["rgba(0, 222, 193, 1)", "rgba(0, 241, 226, 0)"]},

const getSeries = () => {
    return seriesData.map(item => {
        return {
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            type: 'bar',
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            barWidth: 10,
            barGap: 0.5, //柱间距离
            itemStyle: {
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                    color: new echarts.graphic.LinearGradient(0, 0, 0, 1, [
                            offset: 0,
                            color: item.colors[0],
                            offset: 1,
                            color: item.colors[1],
                    opacity: 0.8,
                    borderRadius: [5, 5, 0, 0],

option = {
    backgroundColor: '#02090d',
    tooltip: {
        trigger: 'axis',
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        // formatter: (params) => {
        //     return params.value
        // },
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        right: '10%',
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        data: ['系列1', '系列2', '系列3'],
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    xAxis: [
            type: 'category',
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            data: xAxisData,
            axisLabel: {
                //		interval: 0,//设置为 1,表示『隔一个标签显示一个标签』
                //	margin:15,
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            //         show: true,
            //         lineStyle: {
            //             color: 'rgba(255,255,255,0.2)',
            //         }
            //     },
    yAxis: [
            type: 'value',
            name: "单位:人",
            nameTextStyle: {
                color: "#9AAFC2",
                lineHeight: 20,
                padding: [0, 0, 10, 0],
            splitNumber: 5,
            axisLabel: {
                textStyle: {
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                    color: '#506B98',
            axisTick: {
                show: false,
            splitLine: {
                show: false,
                lineStyle: {
                    color: ['#fff'],
                    opacity: 0.06,
    series: getSeries(),




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<div id="garps" class="container" style="width: 800px;height: 600px">
<script src="https://assets.pyecharts.org/assets/main.js"></script>
        var chart_b859ef36a1b245b2b1eb24efe9b62146 = echarts.init(
            document.getElementById('garps'), 'white', {renderer: 'canvas'});
        option = {
    backgroundColor: '#1a4377',
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                formatter: "{c}"
        categories: [{
            name: '亲人',
        }, {
            name: '租户',
            symbol: 'rect'
        itemStyle: {
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                borderWidth: 2,
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                        offset: 1,
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                    globalCoord: false // 缺省为 false
        symbolKeepAspect: false,
        data: [{
                name: '李富贵',
                name: '王桂花',
                name: '李思思',

                name: '黄涛',
                name: '于海',

                name: '张柏',
                name: '付梦杰',
        links: [{
                source: 0,
                target: 1,
                value: '夫妻'
                source: 0,
                target: 2,
                value: '父女'
                source: 0,
                target: 3,
                value: '自住'
                source: 0,
                target: 4,
                value: '车主'
                source: 0,
                target: 5,
                value: '租户'
                source: 0,
                target: 6,
                value: '租赁'




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<div id="garpd" class="container" style="width: 800px;height: 600px">
<script src="https://assets.pyecharts.org/assets/main.js"></script>
        var myChart1 = echarts.init(document.getElementById('garpd'));

                       // 指定图表的配置项和数据
                       var option1 = {
                           title: {
                               text: '基础雷达图'
                           tooltip: {},
                           legend: {
                               data: ['预算分配']
                           radar: {

                               name: {
                                   textStyle: {
                                       color: '#fff',
                                       backgroundColor: '#999',
                                       borderRadius: 3,
                                       padding: [3, 5]
                               indicator: [
                                   { name: '销售', max: 6500},
                                   { name: '管理', max: 16000},
                                   { name: '信息', max: 30000},
                                   { name: '客服', max: 38000},
                                   { name: '研发', max: 52000},
                                   { name: '研发', max: 52000},
                                   { name: '研发', max: 52000},
                                   { name: '研发', max: 52000},
                                   { name: '市场', max: 25000}
                               center: ['50%', '50%'],
                               radius: 100
                           series: [{
                               name: '预算 vs 开销',
                               type: 'radar',
                               data: [
                                       value: [4300, 10000, 28000, 35000,  35000, 35000,  35000, 30000, 19000],
                                       name: '预算分配)',
                                       label: {
                                           show: true,
                                           formatter: function(params) {
                                               return params.value;


                       // 使用刚指定的配置项和数据显示图表。



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<div id="garps" style="width: 400px;height: 500px">
        var chart_b859ef36a1b245b2b1eb24efe9b62146 = echarts.init(
            document.getElementById('garps'), 'white', {renderer: 'canvas'});
        var option = {
    backgroundColor: "#0f375f",
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        trigger: 'item',
        formatter: '{a} <br/>{b} : {c} ({d}%)'
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                value: 1,
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                value: 2,
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                value: 4,
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                    color: "#22E5F1",
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        label: {
                show: false,
                normal: {
                      formatter: '{d}%',
                    show: true,
                    position: ''
            labelLine: {
                normal: {
                    show: false





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<div id="garps" class="container" style="width: 800px;height: 600px">

        var chart_b859ef36a1b245b2b1eb24efe9b62146 = echarts.init(
            document.getElementById('garps'), 'white', {renderer: 'canvas'});
        option = {
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                show: true,
    calculable: true,
    tooltip: {
        trigger: 'item',
        formatter: '{a}<br/>{b}:{c}千万元',
    title: {
        show: true,
        text: '南丁格尔玫瑰图',
        left: 'center',
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        textStyle: {
            color: '#fff',
    calculable: true,
    legend: {
        show: true,
        icon: 'circle',
        x: 'center',
        y: '15%',
        data: ['医疗业务成本', '财政项目补助支出', '科教项目支出', '管理费用', '其他支出'],
        textStyle: {
            color: '#fff',
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            data: [
                    value: 600.58,
                    name: '医疗业务成本',
                    itemStyle: {
                        normal: {
                            color: '#f845f1',
                    label: {
                        color: '#f845f1',
                    value: 1100.58,
                    name: '财政项目补助支出',
                    itemStyle: {
                        normal: {
                            color: '#ad46f3',
                    label: {
                        color: '#ad46f3',
                    value: 1200.58,
                    name: '科教项目支出',
                    itemStyle: {
                        normal: {
                            color: '#5045f6',
                    label: {
                        color: '#5045f6',
                    value: 1300.58,
                    name: '管理费用',
                    itemStyle: {
                        normal: {
                            color: '#4777f5',
                    label: {
                        color: '#4777f5',
                    value: 1400.58,
                    name: '其他支出',
                    itemStyle: {
                        normal: {
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                        color: '#44aff0',
                    value: 0,
                    name: '',
                    label: {
                        show: false,
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                    labelLine: {
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                    value: 0,
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                    labelLine: {
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<div id="garps" class="container" style="width: 800px;height: 600px">

        var chart_b859ef36a1b245b2b1eb24efe9b62146 = echarts.init(
            document.getElementById('garps'), 'white', {renderer: 'canvas'});
 * 作者: GhostCat
 * 博客: https://gcat.cc
 * 描述: 双折线图

let xLabel = ['3.26', '3.27', '3.28', '3.29', '3.30', '3.31'];
let L0 = ['40', '60', '22', '85', '50', '40'];
let L1 = ['50', '30', '72', '35', '80', '60'];
let L3 = ['20', '10', '22', '5', '50', '20'];

option = {
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                    color: '#233653',
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                textStyle: {
                    color: '#7ec7ff',
                    padding: 10,
                    fontSize: 12,
                formatter: function (data) {
                    return data;
            splitLine: {
                show: true,
                lineStyle: {
                    color: '#192a44',
            axisTick: {
                show: false,
            data: xLabel,
    yAxis: [
            name: '利用率',
            nameTextStyle: {
                color: '#7ec7ff',
                fontSize: 12,
                padding: 10,
            min: 0,
            splitLine: {
                show: true,
                lineStyle: {
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                show: true,
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                    color: '#233653',
            axisLabel: {
                show: true,
                textStyle: {
                    color: '#7ec7ff',
                    padding: 10,
                formatter: function (value) {
                    if (value === 0) {
                        return value;
                    return value+'%';
            axisTick: {
                show: false,
    series: [
            name: 'L0',
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            symbol: 'circle', // 默认是空心圆(中间是白色的),改成实心圆
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            symbolSize: 0,
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                show: true,
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                                offset: 1,
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                    shadowBlur: 20, //shadowBlur设图形阴影的模糊大小。配合shadowColor,shadowOffsetX/Y, 设置图形的阴影效果。
            data: L0,
            name: 'L1',
            type: 'line',
            symbol: 'circle', // 默认是空心圆(中间是白色的),改成实心圆
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                show: true,
            areaStyle: {
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                                offset: 0,
                                color: 'rgba(77,192,36,.3)',
                                offset: 1,
                                color: 'rgba(77,192,36, 0)',
                    shadowColor: 'rgba(10,219,250, 0.5)', //阴影颜色
                    shadowBlur: 20, //shadowBlur设图形阴影的模糊大小。配合shadowColor,shadowOffsetX/Y, 设置图形的阴影效果。
            data: L1,
            name: 'L3',
            type: 'line',
            symbol: 'circle', // 默认是空心圆(中间是白色的),改成实心圆
            showAllSymbol: true,
            symbolSize: 0,
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            tooltip: {
                show: true,
            areaStyle: {
                normal: {
                    color: new echarts.graphic.LinearGradient(
                                offset: 0,
                                color: 'rgba(248,172,6,.3)',
                                offset: 1,
                                color: 'rgba(248,172,6, 0)',
                    shadowColor: 'rgba(10,219,250, 0.5)', //阴影颜色
                    shadowBlur: 20, //shadowBlur设图形阴影的模糊大小。配合shadowColor,shadowOffsetX/Y, 设置图形的阴影效果。
            data: L3,
// let len = 0;
// setInterval(() => {
//     if (len === xLabel.length) {
//         len = 0;
//     }
//     myChart.dispatchAction({
//         type: 'showTip',
//         seriesIndex: 0,
//         dataIndex: len,
//     });
//     len++;
// }, 1000);




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<div id="garps" class="container" style="width: 800px;height: 600px">

        var chart_b859ef36a1b245b2b1eb24efe9b62146 = echarts.init(
            document.getElementById('garps'), 'white', {renderer: 'canvas'});

var value = 0.45;
var value1 = 0.76;
var data = [value];
option = {
  legend: {top:'5%'},
  tooltip: {},
  dataset: {
    source: [
      ['日期', '自己', '医艾康旗舰店',
      '华大基因旗舰店', '都安全医疗服务专营店',

  xAxis: { type: 'category' },
  yAxis: {},
  // Declare several bar series, each will be mapped
  // to a column of dataset.source by default.
  series: [{type:'line'},{type:'bar'},{type:'bar'},{type:'bar'},{type:'bar'}]




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<div id="garps" class="container" style="width: 800px;height: 600px">

        var chart_b859ef36a1b245b2b1eb24efe9b62146 = echarts.init(
            document.getElementById('garps'), 'white', {renderer: 'canvas'});
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        xAxis: {
          type: "category",
          boundaryGap: true,
          data: ["服务器","交换机",'路由器','数据库','中间件','数据库','中间件'],
          axisLabel: {
            interval: 0, //设置为 1,表示『隔一个标签显示一个标签』
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            //坐标轴在 grid 区域中的分隔线。
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              color: "rgba(77, 128, 254, 0.2)"
        yAxis: [
            type: "value",
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              textStyle: {
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42.7148], [121.7285, 42.4512], [121.4648, 42.4951], [120.498, 42.0996], [120.1465, 41.7041], [119.8828, 42.1875], [119.5313, 42.3633], [119.3555, 42.2754], [119.2676, 41.7041], [119.4434, 41.6162], [119.2676, 41.3086], [118.3887, 41.3086], [118.125, 41.748], [118.3008, 41.792], [118.3008, 42.0996], [118.125, 42.0557], [117.9492, 42.2314], [118.0371, 42.4072], [117.7734, 42.627], [117.5098, 42.583], [117.334, 42.4512], [116.8945, 42.4072], [116.8066, 42.0117], [116.2793, 42.0117], [116.0156, 41.792], [115.9277, 41.9238], [115.2246, 41.5723], [114.9609, 41.6162], [114.873, 42.0996], [114.5215, 42.1436], [114.1699, 41.792], [114.2578, 41.5723], [113.9063, 41.4404], [113.9941, 41.2207], [113.9063, 41.1328], [114.082, 40.7373], [114.082, 40.5176], [113.8184, 40.5176], [113.5547, 40.3418], [113.2031, 40.3857], [112.7637, 40.166], [112.3242, 40.2539], [111.9727, 39.5947], [111.4453, 39.6387], [111.3574, 39.4189], [111.0938, 39.375], [111.0938, 39.5947], [110.6543, 39.2871], [110.127, 39.4629], [110.2148, 39.2871], [109.8633, 39.2432], [109.9512, 39.1553], [108.9844, 38.3203], [109.0723, 38.0127], [108.8965, 37.9688], [108.8086, 38.0127], [108.7207, 37.7051], [108.1934, 37.6172], [107.666, 37.8809], [107.3145, 38.1006], [106.7871, 38.1885], [106.5234, 38.3203], [106.9629, 38.9795], [106.7871, 39.375], [106.3477, 39.2871], [105.9082, 38.7158], [105.8203, 37.793], [104.3262, 37.4414], [103.4473, 37.8369], [103.3594, 38.0127], [103.5352, 38.1445], [103.4473, 38.3643], [104.2383, 38.9795], [104.0625, 39.4189], [103.3594, 39.3311], [103.0078, 39.1113], [102.4805, 39.2432], [101.8652, 39.1113], [102.041, 38.8916], [101.7773, 38.6719], [101.3379, 38.7598], [101.25, 39.0234], [100.9863, 38.9355], [100.8105, 39.4189], [100.5469, 39.4189], [100.0195, 39.7705], [99.4922, 39.8584], [100.1074, 40.2539], [100.1953, 40.6494], [99.9316, 41.001], [99.2285, 40.8691], [99.0527, 40.6934], [98.9648, 40.7813], [98.7891, 40.6055], [98.5254, 40.7373], [98.6133, 40.6494], [98.3496, 40.5615], [98.3496, 40.9131], [97.4707, 41.4844], [97.8223, 41.6162], [97.8223, 41.748], [97.207, 42.8027]]] } }, { type: 'Feature', id: 'qing_hai', properties: { name: '青海', cp: [96.2402, 35.4199], childNum: 8 }, geometry: { type: 'Polygon', coordinates: [[[89.7363, 36.0791], [89.9121, 36.0791], [90, 36.2549], [90.8789, 36.0352], [91.0547, 36.0791], [91.0547, 36.5186], [90.791, 36.6064], [90.7031, 36.7822], [91.3184, 37.0898], [91.0547, 37.4414], [90.5273, 37.8369], [90.6152, 38.3203], [90.3516, 38.2324], [90.1758, 38.4961], [92.373, 39.0234], [92.373, 39.1113], [93.1641, 39.1992], [93.1641, 38.9795], [93.6914, 38.9355], [93.8672, 38.7158], [94.3066, 38.7598], [94.5703, 38.3643], [95.0098, 38.4082], [95.4492, 38.2764], [95.7129, 38.3643], [96.2402, 38.1006], [96.416, 38.2324], [96.6797, 38.1885], [96.6797, 38.4521], [97.1191, 38.584], [97.0313, 39.1992], [98.1738, 38.8037], [98.3496, 39.0234], [98.6133, 38.9355], [98.7891, 39.0674], [99.1406, 38.9355], [99.8438, 38.3643], [100.1953, 38.2764], [100.0195, 38.4521], [100.1074, 38.4961], [100.459, 38.2764], [100.7227, 38.2324], [101.1621, 37.8369], [101.5137, 37.8809], [101.7773, 37.6172], [101.9531, 37.7051], [102.1289, 37.4414], [102.5684, 37.1777], [102.4805, 36.958], [102.6563, 36.8262], [102.5684, 36.7383], [102.832, 36.3428], [103.0078, 36.2549], [102.9199, 36.0791], [102.9199, 35.9033], [102.6563, 35.7715], [102.832, 35.5957], [102.4805, 35.5957], [102.3047, 35.4199], [102.3926, 35.2002], [101.9531, 34.8486], [101.9531, 34.6289], [102.2168, 34.4092], [102.1289, 34.2773], [101.6895, 34.1016], [100.9863, 34.3652], [100.8105, 34.2773], [101.25, 33.6621], [101.5137, 33.7061], [101.6016, 33.5303], [101.7773, 33.5303], [101.6895, 33.3105], [101.7773, 33.2227], [101.6016, 33.1348], [101.1621, 33.2227], [101.25, 32.6953], [100.7227, 32.6514], [100.7227, 32.5195], [100.3711, 32.7393], [100.1074, 32.6514], [100.1074, 32.8711], [99.8438, 33.0029], [99.7559, 32.7393], [99.2285, 32.915], [99.2285, 33.0469], [98.877, 33.1787], [98.4375, 34.0576], [97.8223, 34.1895], [97.6465, 34.1016], [97.7344, 33.9258], [97.3828, 33.8818], [97.4707, 33.5742], [97.7344, 33.3984], [97.3828, 32.8711], [97.4707, 32.6953], [97.7344, 32.5195], [97.3828, 32.5635], [97.2949, 32.0801], [96.7676, 31.9922], [96.8555, 31.6846], [96.5039, 31.7285], [96.2402, 31.9482], [96.1523, 31.5967], [95.9766, 31.8164], [95.8008, 31.6846], [95.4492, 31.8164], [95.3613, 31.9922], [95.3613, 32.168], [95.2734, 32.2119], [95.1855, 32.3438], [95.0098, 32.2998], [95.1855, 32.4316], [94.6582, 32.6074], [94.1309, 32.4316], [93.7793, 32.5635], [93.5156, 32.4756], [92.9883, 32.7393], [92.2852, 32.7393], [92.1973, 32.8271], [91.9336, 32.8271], [91.4063, 33.1348], [90.7031, 33.1348], [90.0879, 33.4863], [89.6484, 34.0137], [89.8242, 34.3652], [89.7363, 34.6729], [89.8242, 34.8486], [89.5605, 34.8926], [89.4727, 35.2441], [89.4727, 35.376], [89.7363, 35.4199], [89.7363, 35.7715], [89.4727, 35.9033], [89.3848, 36.0352], [89.7363, 36.0791]]] } }, { type: 'Feature', id: 'si_chuan', properties: { name: '四川', cp: [102.9199, 30.1904], childNum: 21 }, geometry: { type: 'Polygon', coordinates: [[[101.7773, 33.5303], [101.8652, 33.5742], [101.9531, 33.4424], [101.8652, 33.0908], [102.4805, 33.4424], [102.2168, 33.9258], [102.9199, 34.3213], [103.0957, 34.1895], [103.1836, 33.7939], [104.1504, 33.6182], [104.2383, 33.3984], [104.4141, 33.3105], [104.3262, 33.2227], [104.4141, 33.0469], [104.3262, 32.8711], [104.4141, 32.7393], [105.2051, 32.6074], [105.3809, 32.7393], [105.3809, 32.8711], [105.4688, 32.915], [105.5566, 32.7393], [106.084, 32.8711], [106.084, 32.7393], [106.3477, 32.6514], [107.0508, 32.6953], [107.1387, 32.4756], [107.2266, 32.4316], [107.4023, 32.5195], [108.0176, 32.168], [108.2813, 32.2559], [108.5449, 32.2119], [108.3691, 32.168], [108.2813, 31.9043], [108.5449, 31.6846], [108.1934, 31.5088], [107.9297, 30.8496], [107.4902, 30.8496], [107.4023, 30.7617], [107.4902, 30.6299], [107.0508, 30.0146], [106.7871, 30.0146], [106.6113, 30.3223], [106.2598, 30.1904], [105.8203, 30.4541], [105.6445, 30.2783], [105.5566, 30.1025], [105.7324, 29.8828], [105.293, 29.5313], [105.4688, 29.3115], [105.7324, 29.2676], [105.8203, 28.96], [106.2598, 28.8721], [106.3477, 28.5205], [105.9961, 28.7402], [105.6445, 28.4326], [105.9082, 28.125], [106.1719, 28.125], [106.3477, 27.8174], [105.6445, 27.6416], [105.5566, 27.7734], [105.293, 27.7295], [105.2051, 27.9932], [105.0293, 28.0811], [104.8535, 27.9053], [104.4141, 27.9492], [104.3262, 28.0371], [104.4141, 28.125], [104.4141, 28.2568], [104.2383, 28.4326], [104.4141, 28.6084], [103.8867, 28.6523], [103.7988, 28.3008], [103.4473, 28.125], [103.4473, 27.7734], [102.9199, 27.29], [103.0078, 26.3672], [102.6563, 26.1914], [102.5684, 26.3672], [102.1289, 26.1035], [101.8652, 26.0596], [101.6016, 26.2354], [101.6895, 26.3672], [101.4258, 26.5869], [101.4258, 26.8066], [101.4258, 26.7188], [101.1621, 27.0264], [101.1621, 27.1582], [100.7227, 27.8613], [100.3711, 27.8174], [100.2832, 27.7295], [100.0195, 28.125], [100.1953, 28.3447], [99.668, 28.8281], [99.4043, 28.5205], [99.4043, 28.1689], [99.2285, 28.3008], [99.1406, 29.2676], [98.9648, 30.7617], [98.6133, 31.2012], [98.877, 31.4209], [98.4375, 31.8604], [98.1738, 32.3438], [97.7344, 32.5195], [97.4707, 32.6953], [97.3828, 32.8711], [97.7344, 33.3984], [97.4707, 33.5742], [97.3828, 33.8818], [97.7344, 33.9258], [97.6465, 34.1016], [97.8223, 34.1895], [98.4375, 34.0576], [98.877, 33.1787], [99.2285, 33.0469], [99.2285, 32.915], [99.7559, 32.7393], [99.8438, 33.0029], [100.1074, 32.8711], [100.1074, 32.6514], [100.3711, 32.7393], [100.7227, 32.5195], [100.7227, 32.6514], [101.25, 32.6953], [101.1621, 33.2227], [101.6016, 33.1348], [101.7773, 33.2227], [101.6895, 33.3105], [101.7773, 33.5303]]] } }, { type: 'Feature', id: 'hei_long_jiang', properties: { name: '黑龙江', cp: [128.1445, 48.5156], childNum: 13 }, geometry: { type: 'Polygon', coordinates: [[[121.4648, 53.3496], [123.6621, 53.5693], [124.8926, 53.0859], [125.0684, 53.2178], [125.5957, 53.0859], [125.6836, 52.9102], [126.123, 52.7783], [126.0352, 52.6025], [126.2109, 52.5146], [126.3867, 52.2949], [126.3867, 52.207], [126.5625, 52.1631], [126.4746, 51.9434], [126.9141, 51.3721], [126.8262, 51.2842], [127.002, 51.3281], [126.9141, 51.1084], [127.2656, 50.7568], [127.3535, 50.2734], [127.6172, 50.2295], [127.5293, 49.8779], [127.793, 49.6143], [128.7598, 49.5703], [129.1113, 49.3506], [129.4629, 49.4385], [130.2539, 48.8672], [130.6934, 48.8672], [130.5176, 48.6475], [130.8691, 48.2959], [130.6934, 48.1201], [131.0449, 47.6807], [132.5391, 47.7246], [132.627, 47.9443], [133.0664, 48.1201], [133.5059, 48.1201], [134.209, 48.3838], [135.0879, 48.4277], [134.7363, 48.252], [134.5605, 47.9883], [134.7363, 47.6807], [134.5605, 47.4609], [134.3848, 47.4609], [134.209, 47.2852], [134.209, 47.1533], [133.8574, 46.5381], [133.9453, 46.2744], [133.5059, 45.835], [133.418, 45.5713], [133.2422, 45.5273], [133.0664, 45.1318], [132.8906, 45.0439], [131.9238, 45.3516], [131.5723, 45.0439], [131.0449, 44.8682], [131.3086, 44.0771], [131.2207, 43.7256], [131.3086, 43.4619], [130.8691, 43.418], [130.5176, 43.6377], [130.3418, 43.9893], [129.9902, 43.8574], [129.9023, 44.0332], [129.8145, 43.9014], [129.2871, 43.8135], [129.1992, 43.5938], [128.8477, 43.5498], [128.4961, 44.165], [128.4082, 44.4727], [128.0566, 44.3408], [128.0566, 44.1211], [127.7051, 44.1211], [127.5293, 44.6045], [127.0898, 44.6045], [127.002, 44.7803], [127.0898, 45], [126.9141, 45.1318], [126.5625, 45.2637], [126.0352, 45.1758], [125.7715, 45.3076], [125.6836, 45.5273], [125.0684, 45.3955], [124.8926, 45.5273], [124.3652, 45.4395], [124.0137, 45.7471], [123.9258, 46.2305], [123.2227, 46.2305], [123.0469, 46.582], [123.5742, 46.6699], [123.5742, 46.8896], [123.5742, 46.8457], [123.4863, 46.9775], [123.3984, 46.9775], [123.3984, 46.8896], [123.0469, 46.7139], [122.4316, 47.373], [124.2773, 48.5156], [124.4531, 48.1201], [124.8047, 49.1309], [125.2441, 49.1748], [125.1563, 49.834], [125.332, 50.1416], [125.7715, 50.5371], [125.7715, 50.7568], [126.0352, 51.0205], [125.332, 51.6357], [125.0684, 51.6357], [124.8926, 51.3721], [124.541, 51.3721], [124.3652, 51.2842], [123.6621, 51.3721], [123.3105, 51.2402], [122.959, 51.3281], [122.6074, 52.0752], [122.6953, 52.251], [122.168, 52.5146], [121.9922, 52.2949], [121.7285, 52.2949], [121.6406, 52.4268], [121.2012, 52.5586], [121.8164, 53.042], [121.4648, 53.3496]]] } }, { type: 'Feature', id: 'gan_su', properties: { name: '甘肃', cp: [95.7129, 40.166], childNum: 14 }, geometry: { type: 'Polygon', coordinates: [[[96.416, 42.7148], [97.207, 42.8027], [97.8223, 41.748], [97.8223, 41.6162], [97.4707, 41.4844], [98.3496, 40.9131], [98.3496, 40.5615], [98.6133, 40.6494], [98.5254, 40.7373], [98.7891, 40.6055], [98.9648, 40.7813], [99.0527, 40.6934], [99.2285, 40.8691], [99.9316, 41.001], [100.1953, 40.6494], [100.1074, 40.2539], [99.4922, 39.8584], [100.0195, 39.7705], [100.5469, 39.4189], [100.8105, 39.4189], [100.9863, 38.9355], [101.25, 39.0234], [101.3379, 38.7598], [101.7773, 38.6719], [102.041, 38.8916], [101.8652, 39.1113], [102.4805, 39.2432], [103.0078, 39.1113], [103.3594, 39.3311], [104.0625, 39.4189], [104.2383, 38.9795], [103.4473, 38.3643], [103.5352, 38.1445], [103.3594, 38.0127], [103.4473, 37.8369], [104.3262, 37.4414], [104.5898, 37.4414], [104.5898, 37.2217], [104.8535, 37.2217], [105.293, 36.8262], [105.2051, 36.6943], [105.4688, 36.123], [105.293, 35.9912], [105.3809, 35.7715], [105.7324, 35.7275], [105.8203, 35.5518], [105.9961, 35.4639], [105.9082, 35.4199], [105.9961, 35.4199], [106.084, 35.376], [106.2598, 35.4199], [106.3477, 35.2441], [106.5234, 35.332], [106.4355, 35.6836], [106.6992, 35.6836], [106.9629, 35.8154], [106.875, 36.123], [106.5234, 36.2549], [106.5234, 36.4746], [106.4355, 36.5625], [106.6113, 36.7822], [106.6113, 37.0898], [107.3145, 37.0898], [107.3145, 36.9141], [108.7207, 36.3428], [108.6328, 35.9912], [108.5449, 35.8594], [108.6328, 35.5518], [108.5449, 35.2881], [107.7539, 35.2881], [107.7539, 35.1123], [107.8418, 35.0244], [107.666, 34.9365], [107.2266, 34.8926], [106.9629, 35.0684], [106.6113, 35.0684], [106.5234, 34.7607], [106.3477, 34.585], [106.6992, 34.3213], [106.5234, 34.2773], [106.6113, 34.1455], [106.4355, 33.9258], [106.5234, 33.5303], [105.9961, 33.6182], [105.7324, 33.3984], [105.9961, 33.1787], [105.9082, 33.0029], [105.4688, 32.915], [105.3809, 32.8711], [105.3809, 32.7393], [105.2051, 32.6074], [104.4141, 32.7393], [104.3262, 32.8711], [104.4141, 33.0469], [104.3262, 33.2227], [104.4141, 33.3105], [104.2383, 33.3984], [104.1504, 33.6182], [103.1836, 33.7939], [103.0957, 34.1895], [102.9199, 34.3213], [102.2168, 33.9258], [102.4805, 33.4424], [101.8652, 33.0908], [101.9531, 33.4424], [101.8652, 33.5742], [101.7773, 33.5303], [101.6016, 33.5303], [101.5137, 33.7061], [101.25, 33.6621], [100.8105, 34.2773], [100.9863, 34.3652], [101.6895, 34.1016], [102.1289, 34.2773], [102.2168, 34.4092], [101.9531, 34.6289], [101.9531, 34.8486], [102.3926, 35.2002], [102.3047, 35.4199], [102.4805, 35.5957], [102.832, 35.5957], [102.6563, 35.7715], [102.9199, 35.9033], [102.9199, 36.0791], [103.0078, 36.2549], [102.832, 36.3428], [102.5684, 36.7383], [102.6563, 36.8262], [102.4805, 36.958], [102.5684, 37.1777], [102.1289, 37.4414], [101.9531, 37.7051], [101.7773, 37.6172], [101.5137, 37.8809], [101.1621, 37.8369], [100.7227, 38.2324], [100.459, 38.2764], [100.1074, 38.4961], [100.0195, 38.4521], [100.1953, 38.2764], [99.8438, 38.3643], [99.1406, 38.9355], [98.7891, 39.0674], [98.6133, 38.9355], [98.3496, 39.0234], [98.1738, 38.8037], [97.0313, 39.1992], [97.1191, 38.584], [96.6797, 38.4521], [96.6797, 38.1885], [96.416, 38.2324], [96.2402, 38.1006], [95.7129, 38.3643], [95.4492, 38.2764], [95.0098, 38.4082], [94.5703, 38.3643], [94.3066, 38.7598], [93.8672, 38.7158], [93.6914, 38.9355], [93.1641, 38.9795], [93.1641, 39.1992], [92.373, 39.1113], [92.373, 39.3311], [92.6367, 39.6387], [93.0762, 40.6494], [93.8672, 40.6934], [94.043, 41.0889], [94.5703, 41.4844], [95.1855, 41.792], [95.2734, 41.6162], [95.9766, 41.9238], [96.2402, 42.2314], [96.0645, 42.3193], [95.9766, 42.4951], [96.416, 42.7148]]] } }, { type: 'Feature', id: 'yun_nan', properties: { name: '云南', cp: [101.8652, 25.1807], childNum: 16 }, geometry: { type: 'Polygon', coordinates: [[[98.1738, 28.125], [98.2617, 28.3887], [98.3496, 28.125], [98.7012, 28.2129], [98.7891, 28.3447], [98.6133, 28.5205], [98.7012, 28.916], [98.7891, 29.0039], [98.7891, 28.8721], [98.9648, 28.8281], [98.9648, 29.1357], [99.1406, 29.2676], [99.2285, 28.3008], [99.4043, 28.1689], [99.4043, 28.5205], [99.668, 28.8281], [100.1953, 28.3447], [100.0195, 28.125], [100.2832, 27.7295], [100.3711, 27.8174], [100.7227, 27.8613], [101.1621, 27.1582], [101.1621, 27.0264], [101.4258, 26.7188], [101.4258, 26.8066], [101.4258, 26.5869], [101.6895, 26.3672], [101.6016, 26.2354], [101.8652, 26.0596], [102.1289, 26.1035], [102.5684, 26.3672], [102.6563, 26.1914], [103.0078, 26.3672], [102.9199, 27.29], [103.4473, 27.7734], [103.4473, 28.125], [103.7988, 28.3008], [103.8867, 28.6523], [104.4141, 28.6084], [104.2383, 28.4326], [104.4141, 28.2568], [104.4141, 28.125], [104.3262, 28.0371], [104.4141, 27.9492], [104.8535, 27.9053], [105.0293, 28.0811], [105.2051, 27.9932], [105.293, 27.7295], [105.2051, 27.3779], [104.5898, 27.334], [104.4141, 27.4658], [104.1504, 27.2461], [103.8867, 27.4219], [103.623, 27.0264], [103.7109, 26.9824], [103.7109, 26.7627], [103.8867, 26.543], [104.4141, 26.6748], [104.6777, 26.4111], [104.3262, 25.708], [104.8535, 25.2246], [104.5898, 25.0488], [104.6777, 24.9609], [104.502, 24.7412], [104.6777, 24.3457], [104.7656, 24.4775], [105.0293, 24.4336], [105.2051, 24.082], [105.4688, 24.0381], [105.5566, 24.126], [105.9961, 24.126], [106.1719, 23.8184], [106.1719, 23.5547], [105.6445, 23.4229], [105.5566, 23.2031], [105.293, 23.3789], [104.8535, 23.1592], [104.7656, 22.8516], [104.3262, 22.6758], [104.1504, 22.8076], [103.9746, 22.5439], [103.623, 22.7637], [103.5352, 22.5879], [103.3594, 22.8076], [103.0957, 22.4561], [102.4805, 22.7637], [102.3047, 22.4121], [101.8652, 22.3682], [101.7773, 22.5], [101.6016, 22.1924], [101.8652, 21.6211], [101.7773, 21.1377], [101.6016, 21.2256], [101.25, 21.1816], [101.1621, 21.7529], [100.6348, 21.4453], [100.1074, 21.4893], [99.9316, 22.0605], [99.2285, 22.1484], [99.4043, 22.5879], [99.3164, 22.7197], [99.4922, 23.0713], [98.877, 23.2031], [98.7012, 23.9502], [98.877, 24.126], [98.1738, 24.082], [97.7344, 23.8623], [97.5586, 23.9063], [97.7344, 24.126], [97.6465, 24.4336], [97.5586, 24.4336], [97.5586, 24.7412], [97.7344, 24.8291], [97.8223, 25.2686], [98.1738, 25.4004], [98.1738, 25.6201], [98.3496, 25.5762], [98.5254, 25.8398], [98.7012, 25.8838], [98.6133, 26.0596], [98.7012, 26.1475], [98.7891, 26.5869], [98.7012, 27.5098], [98.5254, 27.6416], [98.3496, 27.5098], [98.1738, 28.125]]] } }, { type: 'Feature', id: 'guang_xi', properties: { name: '广西', cp: [108.2813, 23.6426], childNum: 14 }, geometry: { type: 'Polygon', coordinates: [[[104.502, 24.7412], [104.6777, 24.6094], [105.2051, 24.9609], [105.9961, 24.6533], [106.1719, 24.7852], [106.1719, 24.9609], [106.875, 25.1807], [107.0508, 25.2686], [106.9629, 25.4883], [107.2266, 25.6201], [107.4902, 25.2246], [107.7539, 25.2246], [107.8418, 25.1367], [108.1055, 25.2246], [108.1934, 25.4443], [108.3691, 25.5322], [108.6328, 25.3125], [108.6328, 25.5762], [109.0723, 25.5322], [108.9844, 25.752], [109.3359, 25.708], [109.5117, 26.0156], [109.7754, 25.8838], [109.9512, 26.1914], [110.2148, 25.9717], [110.5664, 26.3232], [111.1816, 26.3232], [111.2695, 26.2354], [111.2695, 25.8838], [111.4453, 25.8398], [111.0059, 25.0049], [111.0938, 24.9609], [111.3574, 25.1367], [111.5332, 24.6533], [111.709, 24.7852], [112.0605, 24.7412], [111.8848, 24.6533], [112.0605, 24.3457], [111.8848, 24.2139], [111.8848, 23.9941], [111.7969, 23.8184], [111.6211, 23.8184], [111.6211, 23.6865], [111.3574, 23.4668], [111.4453, 23.0273], [111.2695, 22.8076], [110.7422, 22.5439], [110.7422, 22.2803], [110.6543, 22.1484], [110.3027, 22.1484], [110.3027, 21.8848], [109.9512, 21.8408], [109.8633, 21.665], [109.7754, 21.6211], [109.7754, 21.4014], [109.5996, 21.4453], [109.1602, 21.3574], [109.248, 20.874], [109.0723, 20.9619], [109.0723, 21.5332], [108.7207, 21.5332], [108.6328, 21.665], [108.2813, 21.4893], [107.8418, 21.6211], [107.4023, 21.6211], [107.0508, 21.7969], [107.0508, 21.9287], [106.6992, 22.0166], [106.6113, 22.4121], [106.7871, 22.7637], [106.6992, 22.8955], [105.9082, 22.9395], [105.5566, 23.0713], [105.5566, 23.2031], [105.6445, 23.4229], [106.1719, 23.5547], [106.1719, 23.8184], [105.9961, 24.126], [105.5566, 24.126], [105.4688, 24.0381], [105.2051, 24.082], [105.0293, 24.4336], [104.7656, 24.4775], [104.6777, 24.3457], [104.502, 24.7412]]] } }, { type: 'Feature', id: 'hu_nan', properties: { name: '湖南', cp: [111.5332, 27.3779], childNum: 14 }, geometry: { type: 'Polygon', coordinates: [[[109.248, 28.4766], [109.248, 29.1357], [109.5117, 29.6191], [109.6875, 29.6191], [109.7754, 29.751], [110.4785, 29.6631], [110.6543, 29.751], [110.4785, 30.0146], [110.8301, 30.1465], [111.7969, 29.9268], [112.2363, 29.5313], [112.5, 29.6191], [112.6758, 29.5752], [112.9395, 29.7949], [113.0273, 29.751], [112.9395, 29.4873], [113.0273, 29.4434], [113.5547, 29.8389], [113.5547, 29.707], [113.7305, 29.5752], [113.6426, 29.3115], [113.7305, 29.0918], [113.9063, 29.0479], [114.1699, 28.8281], [114.082, 28.5645], [114.2578, 28.3447], [113.7305, 27.9492], [113.6426, 27.5977], [113.6426, 27.3779], [113.8184, 27.29], [113.7305, 27.1143], [113.9063, 26.9385], [113.9063, 26.6309], [114.082, 26.5869], [113.9941, 26.1914], [114.2578, 26.1475], [113.9941, 26.0596], [113.9063, 25.4443], [113.6426, 25.3125], [113.2031, 25.5322], [112.8516, 25.3564], [113.0273, 25.2246], [113.0273, 24.9609], [112.8516, 24.917], [112.5879, 25.1367], [112.2363, 25.1807], [112.1484, 24.873], [112.0605, 24.7412], [111.709, 24.7852], [111.5332, 24.6533], [111.3574, 25.1367], [111.0938, 24.9609], [111.0059, 25.0049], [111.4453, 25.8398], [111.2695, 25.8838], [111.2695, 26.2354], [111.1816, 26.3232], [110.5664, 26.3232], [110.2148, 25.9717], [109.9512, 26.1914], [109.7754, 25.8838], [109.5117, 26.0156], [109.4238, 26.2793], [109.248, 26.3232], [109.4238, 26.5869], [109.3359, 26.7188], [109.5117, 26.8066], [109.5117, 27.0264], [109.3359, 27.1582], [108.8965, 27.0264], [108.8086, 27.1143], [109.4238, 27.5977], [109.3359, 27.9053], [109.3359, 28.2568], [109.248, 28.4766]]] } }, { type: 'Feature', id: 'shan_xi_1', properties: { name: '陕西', cp: [109.5996, 35.6396], childNum: 10 }, geometry: { type: 'Polygon', coordinates: [[[105.4688, 32.915], [105.9082, 33.0029], [105.9961, 33.1787], [105.7324, 33.3984], [105.9961, 33.6182], [106.5234, 33.5303], [106.4355, 33.9258], [106.6113, 34.1455], [106.5234, 34.2773], [106.6992, 34.3213], [106.3477, 34.585], [106.5234, 34.7607], [106.6113, 35.0684], [106.9629, 35.0684], [107.2266, 34.8926], [107.666, 34.9365], [107.8418, 35.0244], [107.7539, 35.1123], [107.7539, 35.2881], [108.5449, 35.2881], [108.6328, 35.5518], [108.5449, 35.8594], [108.6328, 35.9912], [108.7207, 36.3428], [107.3145, 36.9141], [107.3145, 37.0898], [107.3145, 37.6172], [107.666, 37.8809], [108.1934, 37.6172], [108.7207, 37.7051], [108.8086, 38.0127], [108.8965, 37.9688], [109.0723, 38.0127], [108.9844, 38.3203], [109.9512, 39.1553], [109.8633, 39.2432], [110.2148, 39.2871], [110.127, 39.4629], [110.6543, 39.2871], [111.0938, 39.5947], [111.0938, 39.375], [111.1816, 39.2432], [110.918, 38.7158], [110.8301, 38.4961], [110.4785, 38.1885], [110.4785, 37.9688], [110.8301, 37.6611], [110.3906, 37.002], [110.4785, 36.123], [110.5664, 35.6396], [110.2148, 34.8926], [110.2148, 34.6729], [110.3906, 34.585], [110.4785, 34.2334], [110.6543, 34.1455], [110.6543, 33.8379], [111.0059, 33.5303], [111.0059, 33.2666], [110.7422, 33.1348], [110.5664, 33.2666], [110.3027, 33.1787], [109.5996, 33.2666], [109.4238, 33.1348], [109.7754, 33.0469], [109.7754, 32.915], [110.127, 32.7393], [110.127, 32.6074], [109.6875, 32.6074], [109.5117, 32.4316], [109.5996, 31.7285], [109.248, 31.7285], [109.0723, 31.9482], [108.5449, 32.2119], [108.2813, 32.2559], [108.0176, 32.168], [107.4023, 32.5195], [107.2266, 32.4316], [107.1387, 32.4756], [107.0508, 32.6953], [106.3477, 32.6514], [106.084, 32.7393], [106.084, 32.8711], [105.5566, 32.7393], [105.4688, 32.915]]] } }, { type: 'Feature', id: 'guang_dong', properties: { name: '广东', cp: [113.4668, 22.8076], childNum: 21 }, geometry: { type: 'Polygon', coordinates: [[[109.7754, 21.4014], [109.7754, 21.6211], [109.8633, 21.665], [109.9512, 21.8408], [110.3027, 21.8848], [110.3027, 22.1484], [110.6543, 22.1484], [110.7422, 22.2803], [110.7422, 22.5439], [111.2695, 22.8076], [111.4453, 23.0273], [111.3574, 23.4668], [111.6211, 23.6865], [111.6211, 23.8184], [111.7969, 23.8184], [111.8848, 23.9941], [111.8848, 24.2139], [112.0605, 24.3457], [111.8848, 24.6533], [112.0605, 24.7412], [112.1484, 24.873], [112.2363, 25.1807], [112.5879, 25.1367], [112.8516, 24.917], [113.0273, 24.9609], [113.0273, 25.2246], [112.8516, 25.3564], [113.2031, 25.5322], [113.6426, 25.3125], [113.9063, 25.4443], [113.9941, 25.2686], [114.6094, 25.4004], [114.7852, 25.2686], [114.6973, 25.1367], [114.4336, 24.9609], [114.1699, 24.6973], [114.4336, 24.5215], [115.4004, 24.7852], [115.8398, 24.5654], [115.752, 24.7852], [115.9277, 24.917], [116.2793, 24.7852], [116.3672, 24.873], [116.543, 24.6094], [116.7188, 24.6533], [116.9824, 24.1699], [116.9824, 23.9063], [117.1582, 23.5547], [117.334, 23.2471], [116.8945, 23.3789], [116.6309, 23.1152], [116.543, 22.8516], [115.9277, 22.7197], [115.6641, 22.7637], [115.5762, 22.6318], [115.0488, 22.6758], [114.6094, 22.3682], [114.3457, 22.5439], [113.9941, 22.5], [113.8184, 22.1924], [114.3457, 22.1484], [114.4336, 22.0166], [114.082, 21.9287], [113.9941, 21.7969], [113.5547, 22.0166], [113.1152, 21.8408], [112.9395, 21.5771], [112.4121, 21.4453], [112.2363, 21.5332], [111.5332, 21.4893], [111.2695, 21.3574], [110.7422, 21.3574], [110.6543, 21.2256], [110.7422, 20.918], [110.4785, 20.874], [110.6543, 20.2588], [110.5664, 20.2588], [110.3906, 20.127], [110.0391, 20.127], [109.8633, 20.127], [109.8633, 20.3027], [109.5996, 20.918], [109.7754, 21.4014], [109.7754, 21.4014]], [[113.5986, 22.1649], [113.6096, 22.1265], [113.5547, 22.11], [113.5437, 22.2034], [113.5767, 22.2034], [113.5986, 22.1649]]] } }, { type: 'Feature', id: 'ji_lin', properties: { name: '吉林', cp: [126.4746, 43.5938], childNum: 9 }, geometry: { type: 'Polygon', coordinates: [[[123.2227, 46.2305], [123.9258, 46.2305], [124.0137, 45.7471], [124.3652, 45.4395], [124.8926, 45.5273], [125.0684, 45.3955], [125.6836, 45.5273], [125.7715, 45.3076], [126.0352, 45.1758], [126.5625, 45.2637], [126.9141, 45.1318], [127.0898, 45], [127.002, 44.7803], [127.0898, 44.6045], [127.5293, 44.6045], [127.7051, 44.1211], [128.0566, 44.1211], [128.0566, 44.3408], [128.4082, 44.4727], [128.4961, 44.165], [128.8477, 43.5498], [129.1992, 43.5938], [129.2871, 43.8135], [129.8145, 43.9014], [129.9023, 44.0332], [129.9902, 43.8574], [130.3418, 43.9893], [130.5176, 43.6377], [130.8691, 43.418], [131.3086, 43.4619], [131.3086, 43.3301], [131.1328, 42.9346], [130.4297, 42.7148], [130.6055, 42.6709], [130.6055, 42.4512], [130.2539, 42.7588], [130.2539, 42.8906], [130.166, 42.9785], [129.9023, 43.0225], [129.7266, 42.4951], [129.375, 42.4512], [128.9355, 42.0117], [128.0566, 42.0117], [128.3203, 41.5723], [128.1445, 41.3525], [127.0898, 41.5283], [127.1777, 41.5723], [126.9141, 41.792], [126.6504, 41.6602], [126.4746, 41.3965], [126.123, 40.957], [125.6836, 40.8691], [125.5957, 40.9131], [125.7715, 41.2207], [125.332, 41.6602], [125.332, 41.9678], [125.4199, 42.0996], [125.332, 42.1436], [124.8926, 42.8027], [124.8926, 43.0664], [124.7168, 43.0664], [124.4531, 42.8467], [124.2773, 43.2422], [123.8379, 43.4619], [123.6621, 43.374], [123.3105, 43.5059], [123.4863, 43.7256], [123.1348, 44.4727], [122.3438, 44.2529], [122.0801, 44.8682], [122.2559, 45.2637], [121.9043, 45.7031], [121.7285, 45.7471], [121.8164, 46.0107], [122.2559, 45.791], [122.4316, 45.8789], [122.6953, 45.7031], [122.7832, 46.0107], [123.2227, 46.2305]]] } }, { type: 'Feature', id: 'he_bei', properties: { name: '河北', cp: [115.4004, 37.9688], childNum: 11 }, geometry: { type: 'MultiPolygon', coordinates: [[[[114.5215, 39.5068], [114.3457, 39.8584], [113.9941, 39.9902], [114.5215, 40.3418], [114.3457, 40.3857], [114.2578, 40.6055], [114.082, 40.7373], [113.9063, 41.1328], [113.9941, 41.2207], [113.9063, 41.4404], [114.2578, 41.5723], [114.1699, 41.792], [114.5215, 42.1436], [114.873, 42.0996], [114.9609, 41.6162], [115.2246, 41.5723], [115.9277, 41.9238], [116.0156, 41.792], [116.2793, 42.0117], [116.8066, 42.0117], [116.8945, 42.4072], [117.334, 42.4512], [117.5098, 42.583], [117.7734, 42.627], [118.0371, 42.4072], [117.9492, 42.2314], [118.125, 42.0557], [118.3008, 42.0996], [118.3008, 41.792], [118.125, 41.748], [118.3887, 41.3086], [119.2676, 41.3086], [118.8281, 40.8252], [119.2676, 40.5176], [119.5313, 40.5615], [119.707, 40.1221], [119.8828, 39.9463], [119.5313, 39.6826], [119.4434, 39.4189], [118.916, 39.0674], [118.4766, 38.9355], [118.125, 39.0234], [118.0371, 39.1992], [118.0371, 39.2432], [117.8613, 39.4189], [117.9492, 39.5947], [117.6855, 39.5947], [117.5098, 39.7705], [117.5098, 39.9902], [117.6855, 39.9902], [117.6855, 40.0781], [117.4219, 40.21], [117.2461, 40.5176], [117.4219, 40.6494], [116.9824, 40.6934], [116.6309, 41.0449], [116.3672, 40.9131], [116.4551, 40.7813], [116.1914, 40.7813], [116.1035, 40.6055], [115.752, 40.5615], [115.9277, 40.2539], [115.4004, 39.9463], [115.4883, 39.6387], [115.752, 39.5068], [116.1914, 39.5947], [116.3672, 39.4629], [116.543, 39.5947], [116.8066, 39.5947], [116.8945, 39.1113], [116.7188, 38.9355], [116.7188, 38.8037], [117.2461, 38.54], [117.5977, 38.6279], [117.9492, 38.3203], [117.4219, 37.8369], [116.8066, 37.8369], [116.4551, 37.4854], [116.2793, 37.5732], [116.2793, 37.3535], [116.0156, 37.3535], [115.752, 36.9141], [115.3125, 36.5186], [115.4883, 36.167], [115.3125, 36.0791], [115.1367, 36.2109], [114.9609, 36.0791], [114.873, 36.123], [113.7305, 36.3428], [113.4668, 36.6504], [113.7305, 36.8701], [113.7305, 37.1338], [114.1699, 37.6611], [113.9941, 37.7051], [113.8184, 38.1445], [113.5547, 38.2764], [113.5547, 38.54], [113.8184, 38.8037], [113.8184, 38.9355], [113.9063, 39.0234], [114.3457, 39.0674], [114.5215, 39.5068]]], [[[117.2461, 40.0781], [117.1582, 39.8145], [117.1582, 39.6387], [116.8945, 39.6826], [116.8945, 39.8145], [116.8066, 39.9902], [117.2461, 40.0781]]]] } }, { type: 'Feature', id: 'hu_bei', properties: { name: '湖北', cp: [112.2363, 31.1572], childNum: 17 }, geometry: { type: 'Polygon', coordinates: [[[110.2148, 31.1572], [110.127, 31.377], [109.6875, 31.5527], [109.7754, 31.6846], [109.5996, 31.7285], [109.5117, 32.4316], [109.6875, 32.6074], [110.127, 32.6074], [110.127, 32.7393], [109.7754, 32.915], [109.7754, 33.0469], [109.4238, 33.1348], [109.5996, 33.2666], [110.3027, 33.1787], [110.5664, 33.2666], [110.7422, 33.1348], [111.0059, 33.2666], [111.5332, 32.6074], [112.3242, 32.3438], [113.2031, 32.4316], [113.4668, 32.2998], [113.7305, 32.4316], [113.8184, 31.8604], [113.9941, 31.7725], [114.1699, 31.8604], [114.5215, 31.7725], [114.6094, 31.5527], [114.7852, 31.4648], [115.1367, 31.5967], [115.2246, 31.4209], [115.4004, 31.4209], [115.5762, 31.2012], [116.0156, 31.0254], [115.752, 30.6738], [116.1035, 30.1904], [116.1035, 29.8389], [115.9277, 29.707], [115.4883, 29.7949], [114.873, 29.3994], [114.2578, 29.3555], [113.9063, 29.0479], [113.7305, 29.0918], [113.6426, 29.3115], [113.7305, 29.5752], [113.5547, 29.707], [113.5547, 29.8389], [113.0273, 29.4434], [112.9395, 29.4873], [113.0273, 29.751], [112.9395, 29.7949], [112.6758, 29.5752], [112.5, 29.6191], [112.2363, 29.5313], [111.7969, 29.9268], [110.8301, 30.1465], [110.4785, 30.0146], [110.6543, 29.751], [110.4785, 29.6631], [109.7754, 29.751], [109.6875, 29.6191], [109.5117, 29.6191], [109.248, 29.1357], [109.0723, 29.3555], [108.9844, 29.3115], [108.6328, 29.8389], [108.457, 29.7949], [108.5449, 30.2344], [108.457, 30.4102], [108.6328, 30.5859], [108.8086, 30.498], [109.0723, 30.6299], [109.1602, 30.542], [109.248, 30.6299], [109.4238, 30.542], [109.8633, 30.8936], [110.0391, 30.8057], [110.2148, 31.1572]]] } }, { type: 'Feature', id: 'gui_zhou', properties: { name: '贵州', cp: [106.6113, 26.9385], childNum: 9 }, geometry: { type: 'Polygon', coordinates: [[[104.1504, 27.2461], [104.4141, 27.4658], [104.5898, 27.334], [105.2051, 27.3779], [105.293, 27.7295], [105.5566, 27.7734], [105.6445, 27.6416], [106.3477, 27.8174], [106.1719, 28.125], [105.9082, 28.125], [105.6445, 28.4326], [105.9961, 28.7402], [106.3477, 28.5205], [106.5234, 28.5645], [106.4355, 28.7842], [106.5234, 28.7842], [106.6113, 28.6523], [106.6113, 28.5205], [106.6992, 28.4766], [106.875, 28.7842], [107.4023, 28.8721], [107.4023, 29.1797], [107.5781, 29.2236], [107.8418, 29.1357], [107.8418, 29.0039], [108.2813, 29.0918], [108.3691, 28.6523], [108.5449, 28.6523], [108.5449, 28.3887], [108.7207, 28.4766], [108.7207, 28.2129], [109.0723, 28.2129], [109.248, 28.4766], [109.3359, 28.2568], [109.3359, 27.9053], [109.4238, 27.5977], [108.8086, 27.1143], [108.8965, 27.0264], [109.3359, 27.1582], [109.5117, 27.0264], [109.5117, 26.8066], [109.3359, 26.7188], [109.4238, 26.5869], [109.248, 26.3232], [109.4238, 26.2793], [109.5117, 26.0156], [109.3359, 25.708], [108.9844, 25.752], [109.0723, 25.5322], [108.6328, 25.5762], [108.6328, 25.3125], [108.3691, 25.5322], [108.1934, 25.4443], [108.1055, 25.2246], [107.8418, 25.1367], [107.7539, 25.2246], [107.4902, 25.2246], [107.2266, 25.6201], [106.9629, 25.4883], [107.0508, 25.2686], [106.875, 25.1807], [106.1719, 24.9609], [106.1719, 24.7852], [105.9961, 24.6533], [105.2051, 24.9609], [104.6777, 24.6094], [104.502, 24.7412], [104.6777, 24.9609], [104.5898, 25.0488], [104.8535, 25.2246], [104.3262, 25.708], [104.6777, 26.4111], [104.4141, 26.6748], [103.8867, 26.543], [103.7109, 26.7627], [103.7109, 26.9824], [103.623, 27.0264], [103.8867, 27.4219], [104.1504, 27.2461]]] } }, { type: 'Feature', id: 'shan_dong', properties: { name: '山东', cp: [118.7402, 36.4307], childNum: 17 }, geometry: { type: 'Polygon', coordinates: [[[115.4883, 36.167], [115.3125, 36.5186], [115.752, 36.9141], [116.0156, 37.3535], [116.2793, 37.3535], [116.2793, 37.5732], [116.4551, 37.4854], [116.8066, 37.8369], [117.4219, 37.8369], [117.9492, 38.3203], [118.125, 38.1445], [118.916, 38.1445], [119.3555, 37.6611], [119.0039, 37.5293], [119.0039, 37.3535], [119.3555, 37.1338], [119.707, 37.1338], [119.8828, 37.3975], [120.498, 37.8369], [120.5859, 38.1445], [120.9375, 38.4521], [121.0254, 37.8369], [121.2012, 37.6611], [121.9043, 37.4854], [122.168, 37.6172], [122.2559, 37.4854], [122.6074, 37.4854], [122.6953, 37.3535], [122.6074, 36.9141], [122.4316, 36.7822], [121.8164, 36.8701], [121.7285, 36.6943], [121.1133, 36.6064], [121.1133, 36.4307], [121.377, 36.2549], [120.7617, 36.167], [120.9375, 35.8594], [120.6738, 36.0352], [119.707, 35.4639], [119.9707, 34.9805], [119.3555, 35.0244], [119.2676, 35.1123], [118.916, 35.0244], [118.7402, 34.7168], [118.4766, 34.6729], [118.3887, 34.4092], [118.2129, 34.4092], [118.125, 34.6289], [117.9492, 34.6729], [117.5977, 34.4531], [117.334, 34.585], [117.2461, 34.4531], [116.8066, 34.9365], [116.4551, 34.8926], [116.3672, 34.6289], [116.1914, 34.585], [115.5762, 34.585], [115.4004, 34.8486], [114.7852, 35.0684], [115.0488, 35.376], [115.2246, 35.4199], [115.4883, 35.7275], [116.1035, 36.0791], [115.3125, 35.8154], [115.4883, 36.167]]] } }, { type: 'Feature', id: 'jiang_xi', properties: { name: '江西', cp: [116.0156, 27.29], childNum: 11 }, geometry: { type: 'Polygon', coordinates: [[[114.2578, 28.3447], [114.082, 28.5645], [114.1699, 28.8281], [113.9063, 29.0479], [114.2578, 29.3555], [114.873, 29.3994], [115.4883, 29.7949], [115.9277, 29.707], [116.1035, 29.8389], [116.2793, 29.7949], [116.7188, 30.0586], [116.8945, 29.9268], [116.7188, 29.751], [116.7188, 29.6191], [117.1582, 29.707], [117.0703, 29.8389], [117.1582, 29.9268], [117.5098, 29.6191], [118.0371, 29.5752], [118.2129, 29.3994], [118.0371, 29.1797], [118.0371, 29.0479], [118.3887, 28.7842], [118.4766, 28.3447], [118.4766, 28.3008], [118.3008, 28.0811], [117.7734, 27.8174], [117.5098, 27.9932], [116.9824, 27.6416], [117.1582, 27.29], [117.0703, 27.1143], [116.543, 26.8066], [116.6309, 26.4551], [116.3672, 26.2354], [116.4551, 26.1035], [116.1914, 25.8838], [116.0156, 25.2686], [115.8398, 25.2246], [115.9277, 24.917], [115.752, 24.7852], [115.8398, 24.5654], [115.4004, 24.7852], [114.4336, 24.5215], [114.1699, 24.6973], [114.4336, 24.9609], [114.6973, 25.1367], [114.7852, 25.2686], [114.6094, 25.4004], [113.9941, 25.2686], [113.9063, 25.4443], [113.9941, 26.0596], [114.2578, 26.1475], [113.9941, 26.1914], [114.082, 26.5869], [113.9063, 26.6309], [113.9063, 26.9385], [113.7305, 27.1143], [113.8184, 27.29], [113.6426, 27.3779], [113.6426, 27.5977], [113.7305, 27.9492], [114.2578, 28.3447]]] } }, { type: 'Feature', id: 'he_nan', properties: { name: '河南', cp: [113.4668, 33.8818], childNum: 17 }, geometry: { type: 'Polygon', coordinates: [[[110.3906, 34.585], [110.8301, 34.6289], [111.1816, 34.8047], [111.5332, 34.8486], [111.7969, 35.0684], [112.0605, 35.0684], [112.0605, 35.2881], [112.7637, 35.2002], [113.1152, 35.332], [113.6426, 35.6836], [113.7305, 36.3428], [114.873, 36.123], [114.9609, 36.0791], [115.1367, 36.2109], [115.3125, 36.0791], [115.4883, 36.167], [115.3125, 35.8154], [116.1035, 36.0791], [115.4883, 35.7275], [115.2246, 35.4199], [115.0488, 35.376], [114.7852, 35.0684], [115.4004, 34.8486], [115.5762, 34.585], [116.1914, 34.585], [116.1914, 34.4092], [116.543, 34.2773], [116.6309, 33.9258], [116.1914, 33.7061], [116.0156, 33.9697], [115.6641, 34.0576], [115.5762, 33.9258], [115.5762, 33.6621], [115.4004, 33.5303], [115.3125, 33.1787], [114.873, 33.1348], [114.873, 33.0029], [115.1367, 32.8711], [115.2246, 32.6074], [115.5762, 32.4316], [115.8398, 32.5195], [115.9277, 31.7725], [115.4883, 31.6846], [115.4004, 31.4209], [115.2246, 31.4209], [115.1367, 31.5967], [114.7852, 31.4648], [114.6094, 31.5527], [114.5215, 31.7725], [114.1699, 31.8604], [113.9941, 31.7725], [113.8184, 31.8604], [113.7305, 32.4316], [113.4668, 32.2998], [113.2031, 32.4316], [112.3242, 32.3438], [111.5332, 32.6074], [111.0059, 33.2666], [111.0059, 33.5303], [110.6543, 33.8379], [110.6543, 34.1455], [110.4785, 34.2334], [110.3906, 34.585]]] } }, { type: 'Feature', id: 'liao_ning', properties: { name: '辽宁', cp: [122.3438, 41.0889], childNum: 14 }, geometry: { type: 'Polygon', coordinates: [[[119.2676, 41.3086], [119.4434, 41.6162], [119.2676, 41.7041], [119.3555, 42.2754], [119.5313, 42.3633], [119.8828, 42.1875], [120.1465, 41.7041], [120.498, 42.0996], [121.4648, 42.4951], [121.7285, 42.4512], [121.9922, 42.7148], [122.3438, 42.6709], [122.3438, 42.8467], [122.7832, 42.7148], [123.1348, 42.8027], [123.3105, 42.9785], [123.5742, 43.0225], [123.6621, 43.374], [123.8379, 43.4619], [124.2773, 43.2422], [124.4531, 42.8467], [124.7168, 43.0664], [124.8926, 43.0664], [124.8926, 42.8027], [125.332, 42.1436], [125.4199, 42.0996], [125.332, 41.9678], [125.332, 41.6602], [125.7715, 41.2207], [125.5957, 40.9131], [125.6836, 40.8691], [124.541, 40.21], [124.1016, 39.6826], [123.3984, 39.6826], [123.1348, 39.4189], [123.1348, 39.0234], [122.0801, 39.0234], [121.5527, 38.7158], [121.1133, 38.6719], [120.9375, 38.9795], [121.377, 39.1992], [121.2012, 39.5508], [122.0801, 40.3857], [121.9922, 40.6934], [121.7285, 40.8252], [121.2012, 40.8252], [120.5859, 40.21], [119.8828, 39.9463], [119.707, 40.1221], [119.5313, 40.5615], [119.2676, 40.5176], [118.8281, 40.8252], [119.2676, 41.3086]]] } }, { type: 'Feature', id: 'shan_xi_2', properties: { name: '山西', cp: [112.4121, 37.6611], childNum: 11 }, geometry: { type: 'Polygon', coordinates: [[[110.918, 38.7158], [111.1816, 39.2432], [111.0938, 39.375], [111.3574, 39.4189], [111.4453, 39.6387], [111.9727, 39.5947], [112.3242, 40.2539], [112.7637, 40.166], [113.2031, 40.3857], [113.5547, 40.3418], [113.8184, 40.5176], [114.082, 40.5176], [114.082, 40.7373], [114.2578, 40.6055], [114.3457, 40.3857], [114.5215, 40.3418], [113.9941, 39.9902], [114.3457, 39.8584], [114.5215, 39.5068], [114.3457, 39.0674], [113.9063, 39.0234], [113.8184, 38.9355], [113.8184, 38.8037], [113.5547, 38.54], [113.5547, 38.2764], [113.8184, 38.1445], [113.9941, 37.7051], [114.1699, 37.6611], [113.7305, 37.1338], [113.7305, 36.8701], [113.4668, 36.6504], [113.7305, 36.3428], [113.6426, 35.6836], [113.1152, 35.332], [112.7637, 35.2002], [112.0605, 35.2881], [112.0605, 35.0684], [111.7969, 35.0684], [111.5332, 34.8486], [111.1816, 34.8047], [110.8301, 34.6289], [110.3906, 34.585], [110.2148, 34.6729], [110.2148, 34.8926], [110.5664, 35.6396], [110.4785, 36.123], [110.3906, 37.002], [110.8301, 37.6611], [110.4785, 37.9688], [110.4785, 38.1885], [110.8301, 38.4961], [110.918, 38.7158]]] } }, { type: 'Feature', id: 'an_hui', properties: { name: '安徽', cp: [117.2461, 32.0361], childNum: 17 }, geometry: { type: 'Polygon', coordinates: [[[116.6309, 33.9258], [116.543, 34.2773], [116.1914, 34.4092], [116.1914, 34.585], [116.3672, 34.6289], [116.8945, 34.4092], [117.1582, 34.0576], [117.5977, 34.0137], [117.7734, 33.7061], [118.125, 33.75], [117.9492, 33.2227], [118.0371, 33.1348], [118.2129, 33.2227], [118.3008, 32.7832], [118.7402, 32.7393], [118.916, 32.959], [119.1797, 32.8271], [119.1797, 32.4756], [118.5645, 32.5635], [118.6523, 32.2119], [118.4766, 32.168], [118.3887, 31.9482], [118.916, 31.5527], [118.7402, 31.377], [118.8281, 31.2451], [119.3555, 31.2891], [119.4434, 31.1572], [119.6191, 31.1133], [119.6191, 31.0693], [119.4434, 30.6738], [119.2676, 30.6299], [119.3555, 30.4102], [118.916, 30.3223], [118.916, 29.9707], [118.7402, 29.707], [118.2129, 29.3994], [118.0371, 29.5752], [117.5098, 29.6191], [117.1582, 29.9268], [117.0703, 29.8389], [117.1582, 29.707], [116.7188, 29.6191], [116.7188, 29.751], [116.8945, 29.9268], [116.7188, 30.0586], [116.2793, 29.7949], [116.1035, 29.8389], [116.1035, 30.1904], [115.752, 30.6738], [116.0156, 31.0254], [115.5762, 31.2012], [115.4004, 31.4209], [115.4883, 31.6846], [115.9277, 31.7725], [115.8398, 32.5195], [115.5762, 32.4316], [115.2246, 32.6074], [115.1367, 32.8711], [114.873, 33.0029], [114.873, 33.1348], [115.3125, 33.1787], [115.4004, 33.5303], [115.5762, 33.6621], [115.5762, 33.9258], [115.6641, 34.0576], [116.0156, 33.9697], [116.1914, 33.7061], [116.6309, 33.9258]]] } }, { type: 'Feature', id: 'fu_jian', properties: { name: '福建', cp: [118.3008, 25.9277], childNum: 9 }, geometry: { type: 'Polygon', coordinates: [[[118.4766, 28.3008], [118.8281, 28.2568], [118.7402, 28.0371], [118.916, 27.4658], [119.2676, 27.4219], [119.6191, 27.6855], [119.7949, 27.29], [120.2344, 27.4219], [120.4102, 27.1582], [120.7617, 27.0264], [120.6738, 26.8945], [120.2344, 26.8506], [120.2344, 26.7188], [120.4102, 26.6748], [120.498, 26.3672], [120.2344, 26.2793], [120.4102, 26.1475], [120.0586, 26.1914], [119.9707, 25.9277], [119.7949, 25.9277], [119.9707, 25.4004], [119.7949, 25.2686], [119.5313, 25.1367], [119.4434, 25.0049], [119.2676, 25.0928], [118.916, 24.8291], [118.6523, 24.5215], [118.4766, 24.5215], [118.4766, 24.4336], [118.2129, 24.3457], [118.2129, 24.1699], [117.8613, 23.9941], [117.7734, 23.7744], [117.5098, 23.5986], [117.1582, 23.5547], [116.9824, 23.9063], [116.9824, 24.1699], [116.7188, 24.6533], [116.543, 24.6094], [116.3672, 24.873], [116.2793, 24.7852], [115.9277, 24.917], [115.8398, 25.2246], [116.0156, 25.2686], [116.1914, 25.8838], [116.4551, 26.1035], [116.3672, 26.2354], [116.6309, 26.4551], [116.543, 26.8066], [117.0703, 27.1143], [117.1582, 27.29], [116.9824, 27.6416], [117.5098, 27.9932], [117.7734, 27.8174], [118.3008, 28.0811], [118.4766, 28.3008]]] } }, { type: 'Feature', id: 'zhe_jiang', properties: { name: '浙江', cp: [120.498, 29.0918], childNum: 11 }, geometry: { type: 'Polygon', coordinates: [[[118.2129, 29.3994], [118.7402, 29.707], [118.916, 29.9707], [118.916, 30.3223], [119.3555, 30.4102], [119.2676, 30.6299], [119.4434, 30.6738], [119.6191, 31.0693], [119.6191, 31.1133], [119.9707, 31.1572], [120.498, 30.8057], [120.9375, 31.0254], [121.2891, 30.6738], [121.9922, 30.8057], [122.6953, 30.8936], [122.8711, 30.7178], [122.959, 30.1465], [122.6074, 30.1025], [122.6074, 29.9268], [122.168, 29.5313], [122.3438, 28.8721], [121.9922, 28.8721], [121.9922, 28.4326], [121.7285, 28.3447], [121.7285, 28.2129], [121.4648, 28.2129], [121.5527, 28.0371], [121.2891, 27.9492], [121.1133, 27.4219], [120.6738, 27.334], [120.6738, 27.1582], [120.9375, 27.0264], [120.7617, 27.0264], [120.4102, 27.1582], [120.2344, 27.4219], [119.7949, 27.29], [119.6191, 27.6855], [119.2676, 27.4219], [118.916, 27.4658], [118.7402, 28.0371], [118.8281, 28.2568], [118.4766, 28.3008], [118.4766, 28.3447], [118.3887, 28.7842], [118.0371, 29.0479], [118.0371, 29.1797], [118.2129, 29.3994]]] } }, { type: 'Feature', id: 'jiang_su', properties: { name: '江苏', cp: [120.0586, 32.915], childNum: 13 }, geometry: { type: 'Polygon', coordinates: [[[116.3672, 34.6289], [116.4551, 34.8926], [116.8066, 34.9365], [117.2461, 34.4531], [117.334, 34.585], [117.5977, 34.4531], [117.9492, 34.6729], [118.125, 34.6289], [118.2129, 34.4092], [118.3887, 34.4092], [118.4766, 34.6729], [118.7402, 34.7168], [118.916, 35.0244], [119.2676, 35.1123], [119.3555, 35.0244], [119.3555, 34.8486], [119.707, 34.585], [120.3223, 34.3652], [120.9375, 33.0469], [121.0254, 32.6514], [121.377, 32.4756], [121.4648, 32.168], [121.9043, 31.9922], [121.9922, 31.6846], [121.9922, 31.5967], [121.2012, 31.8604], [121.1133, 31.7285], [121.377, 31.5088], [121.2012, 31.4648], [120.9375, 31.0254], [120.498, 30.8057], [119.9707, 31.1572], [119.6191, 31.1133], [119.4434, 31.1572], [119.3555, 31.2891], [118.8281, 31.2451], [118.7402, 31.377], [118.916, 31.5527], [118.3887, 31.9482], [118.4766, 32.168], [118.6523, 32.2119], [118.5645, 32.5635], [119.1797, 32.4756], [119.1797, 32.8271], [118.916, 32.959], [118.7402, 32.7393], [118.3008, 32.7832], [118.2129, 33.2227], [118.0371, 33.1348], [117.9492, 33.2227], [118.125, 33.75], [117.7734, 33.7061], [117.5977, 34.0137], [117.1582, 34.0576], [116.8945, 34.4092], [116.3672, 34.6289]]] } }, { type: 'Feature', id: 'chong_qing', properties: { name: '重庆', cp: [107.7539, 30.1904], childNum: 40 }, geometry: { type: 'Polygon', coordinates: [[[108.5449, 31.6846], [108.2813, 31.9043], [108.3691, 32.168], [108.5449, 32.2119], [109.0723, 31.9482], [109.248, 31.7285], [109.5996, 31.7285], [109.7754, 31.6846], [109.6875, 31.5527], [110.127, 31.377], [110.2148, 31.1572], [110.0391, 30.8057], [109.8633, 30.8936], [109.4238, 30.542], [109.248, 30.6299], [109.1602, 30.542], [109.0723, 30.6299], [108.8086, 30.498], [108.6328, 30.5859], [108.457, 30.4102], [108.5449, 30.2344], [108.457, 29.7949], [108.6328, 29.8389], [108.9844, 29.3115], [109.0723, 29.3555], [109.248, 29.1357], [109.248, 28.4766], [109.0723, 28.2129], [108.7207, 28.2129], [108.7207, 28.4766], [108.5449, 28.3887], [108.5449, 28.6523], [108.3691, 28.6523], [108.2813, 29.0918], [107.8418, 29.0039], [107.8418, 29.1357], [107.5781, 29.2236], [107.4023, 29.1797], [107.4023, 28.8721], [106.875, 28.7842], [106.6992, 28.4766], [106.6113, 28.5205], [106.6113, 28.6523], [106.5234, 28.7842], [106.4355, 28.7842], [106.5234, 28.5645], [106.3477, 28.5205], [106.2598, 28.8721], [105.8203, 28.96], [105.7324, 29.2676], [105.4688, 29.3115], [105.293, 29.5313], [105.7324, 29.8828], [105.5566, 30.1025], [105.6445, 30.2783], [105.8203, 30.4541], [106.2598, 30.1904], [106.6113, 30.3223], [106.7871, 30.0146], [107.0508, 30.0146], [107.4902, 30.6299], [107.4023, 30.7617], [107.4902, 30.8496], [107.9297, 30.8496], [108.1934, 31.5088], [108.5449, 31.6846]]] } }, { type: 'Feature', id: 'ning_xia', properties: { name: '宁夏', cp: [105.9961, 37.3096], childNum: 5 }, geometry: { type: 'Polygon', coordinates: [[[104.3262, 37.4414], [105.8203, 37.793], [105.9082, 38.7158], [106.3477, 39.2871], [106.7871, 39.375], [106.9629, 38.9795], [106.5234, 38.3203], [106.7871, 38.1885], [107.3145, 38.1006], [107.666, 37.8809], [107.3145, 37.6172], [107.3145, 37.0898], [106.6113, 37.0898], [106.6113, 36.7822], [106.4355, 36.5625], [106.5234, 36.4746], [106.5234, 36.2549], [106.875, 36.123], [106.9629, 35.8154], [106.6992, 35.6836], [106.4355, 35.6836], [106.5234, 35.332], [106.3477, 35.2441], [106.2598, 35.4199], [106.084, 35.376], [105.9961, 35.4199], [106.084, 35.4639], [105.9961, 35.4639], [105.8203, 35.5518], [105.7324, 35.7275], [105.3809, 35.7715], [105.293, 35.9912], [105.4688, 36.123], [105.2051, 36.6943], [105.293, 36.8262], [104.8535, 37.2217], [104.5898, 37.2217], [104.5898, 37.4414], [104.3262, 37.4414]]] } }, { type: 'Feature', id: 'hai_nan', properties: { name: '海南', cp: [109.9512, 19.2041], childNum: 18 }, geometry: { type: 'Polygon', coordinates: [[[108.6328, 19.3799], [109.0723, 19.6436], [109.248, 19.9512], [109.5996, 20.0391], [110.0391, 20.127], [110.3906, 20.127], [110.5664, 20.2588], [110.6543, 20.2588], [111.0938, 19.9512], [111.2695, 19.9951], [110.6543, 19.1602], [110.5664, 18.6768], [110.2148, 18.5889], [110.0391, 18.3691], [109.8633, 18.3691], [109.6875, 18.1055], [108.9844, 18.2813], [108.6328, 18.457], [108.6328, 19.3799]]] } }, { type: 'Feature', id: 'tai_wan', properties: { name: '台湾', cp: [121.0254, 23.5986], childNum: 1 }, geometry: { type: 'Polygon', coordinates: [[[121.9043, 25.0488], [121.9922, 25.0049], [121.8164, 24.7412], [121.9043, 24.5654], [121.6406, 24.0381], [121.377, 23.1152], [121.0254, 22.6758], [120.8496, 22.0605], [120.7617, 21.9287], [120.6738, 22.3242], [120.2344, 22.5879], [120.0586, 23.0713], [120.1465, 23.6865], [121.0254, 25.0488], [121.5527, 25.3125], [121.9043, 25.0488]]] } }, { type: 'Feature', id: 'bei_jing', properties: { name: '北京', cp: [116.4551, 40.2539], childNum: 19 }, geometry: { type: 'Polygon', coordinates: [[[117.4219, 40.21], [117.334, 40.1221], [117.2461, 40.0781], [116.8066, 39.9902], [116.8945, 39.8145], [116.8945, 39.6826], [116.8066, 39.5947], [116.543, 39.5947], [116.3672, 39.4629], [116.1914, 39.5947], [115.752, 39.5068], [115.4883, 39.6387], [115.4004, 39.9463], [115.9277, 40.2539], [115.752, 40.5615], [116.1035, 40.6055], [116.1914, 40.7813], [116.4551, 40.7813], [116.3672, 40.9131], [116.6309, 41.0449], [116.9824, 40.6934], [117.4219, 40.6494], [117.2461, 40.5176], [117.4219, 40.21]]] } }, { type: 'Feature', id: 'tian_jin', properties: { name: '天津', cp: [117.4219, 39.4189], childNum: 18 }, geometry: { type: 'Polygon', coordinates: [[[116.8066, 39.5947], [116.8945, 39.6826], [117.1582, 39.6387], [117.1582, 39.8145], [117.2461, 40.0781], [117.334, 40.1221], [117.4219, 40.21], [117.6855, 40.0781], [117.6855, 39.9902], [117.5098, 39.9902], [117.5098, 39.7705], [117.6855, 39.5947], [117.9492, 39.5947], [117.8613, 39.4189], [118.0371, 39.2432], [118.0371, 39.1992], [117.8613, 39.1113], [117.5977, 38.6279], [117.2461, 38.54], [116.7188, 38.8037], [116.7188, 38.9355], [116.8945, 39.1113], [116.8066, 39.5947]]] } }, { type: 'Feature', id: 'shang_hai', properties: { name: '上海', cp: [121.4648, 31.2891], childNum: 19 }, geometry: { type: 'Polygon', coordinates: [[[120.9375, 31.0254], [121.2012, 31.4648], [121.377, 31.5088], [121.1133, 31.7285], [121.2012, 31.8604], [121.9922, 31.5967], [121.9043, 31.1572], [121.9922, 30.8057], [121.2891, 30.6738], [120.9375, 31.0254]]] } }, { type: 'Feature', id: 'xiang_gang', properties: { name: '香港', cp: [114.2578, 22.3242], childNum: 1 }, geometry: { type: 'Polygon', coordinates: [[[114.6094, 22.4121], [114.5215, 22.1484], [114.3457, 22.1484], [113.9063, 22.1484], [113.8184, 22.1924], [113.9063, 22.4121], [114.1699, 22.5439], [114.3457, 22.5439], [114.4336, 22.5439], [114.4336, 22.4121], [114.6094, 22.4121]]] } }, { type: 'Feature', id: 'ao_men', properties: { name: '澳门', cp: [113.5547, 22.1484], childNum: 1 }, geometry: { type: 'Polygon', coordinates: [[[113.5986, 22.1649], [113.6096, 22.1265], [113.5547, 22.11], [113.5437, 22.2034], [113.5767, 22.2034], [113.5986, 22.1649]]] } }] };

  var geoGpsMap = [116.4551, 40.2539];
  var geoCoordMap = {
    江苏: [118.8062, 31.9208],
    黑龙江: [127.9688, 45.368],
    内蒙古: [110.3467, 41.4899],
    吉林: [125.8154, 44.2584],
    北京: [116.4551, 40.2539],
    辽宁: [123.1238, 42.1216],
    河北: [114.4995, 38.1006],
    天津: [117.4219, 39.4189],
    山西: [112.3352, 37.9413],
    陕西: [109.1162, 34.2004],
    甘肃: [103.5901, 36.3043],
    宁夏: [106.3586, 38.1775],
    青海: [101.4038, 36.8207],
    新疆: [87.9236, 43.5883],
    四川: [103.9526, 30.7617],
    重庆: [108.384366, 30.439702],
    山东: [117.1582, 36.8701],
    河南: [113.4668, 34.6234],
    安徽: [117.29, 32.0581],
    湖北: [114.3896, 30.6628],
    浙江: [119.5313, 29.8773],
    福建: [119.4543, 25.9222],
    江西: [116.0046, 28.6633],
    湖南: [113.0823, 28.2568],
    贵州: [106.6992, 26.7682],
    云南: [102.9199, 25.4663],
    广东: [113.12244, 23.009505],
    广西: [108.479, 23.1152],
    海南: [110.3893, 19.8516],
    上海: [121.4648, 31.2891],
    西藏: [91.141017, 29.668461]
  var data = [{
        name: '山西省',
        value: 123321
        name: '北京市',
        value: 999999111
        name: '辽宁省',
        value: 123
        name: '河北省',
        value: 3211
        name: '山东省',
        value: 998231
        name: '广西省',
        value: 3122222222
        name: '云南省',
        value: 312
        name: '浙江省',
        value: 321
        name: '上海市',
        value: 312
        name: '江苏省',
        value: 3112
        name: '湖北省',
        value: 3121
        name: '湖南省',
        value: 321321
        name: '西藏',
        valie: 321321
        name: '内蒙古',
        value: 321
        name: '黑龙江省',
        value: 321
        name: '吉林省',
        value: 44412
        name: '天津市',
        value: 312
        name: '广州省',
        value: 321
        name: '重庆市',
        value: 312
  var mapData = [];
  for (var key in geoCoordMap) {
    if (name.includes(key)) {
      geoGpsMap = geoCoordMap[key];
    const keys = key;
    const filters = data.filter(item => {
      return item.name.includes(keys);

      name: key,
      value: filters ? filters.value : 0
  mapData.sort((a, b) => {
    return a.value - b.value;
  const colors = ['rgb(209,211,187)', 'rgb(180,198,155)', 'rgb(83,156,158)', 'rgb(58,127,174)', 'rgb(38,88,146)', 'rgb(31,53,117)', 'rgb(26,50,114)', 'rgb(29,73,188)', 'rgb(11,28,77)', 'rgb(10,22,57)'];

  echarts.registerMap('china', geoJson);

  var convertData = function (data) {
    var res = [];
    for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
      var geoCoord = geoCoordMap[data[i].name];
      if (geoCoord) {
          name: data[i].name,
          value: geoCoord.concat(data[i].value)
    return res;
  var convertToLineData = function (data, gps) {
    var res = [];
    for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
      var dataItem = data[i];
      var toCoord = geoCoordMap[dataItem.name];
      var fromCoord = gps;// gps:‘中心点’
      if (fromCoord && toCoord) {
          fromName: gps,
          toName: dataItem.name,
          coords: [
    return res;

  option = {
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