
#include <graphics.h>	//调用图形库头文件
#include <iostream>
#include <conio.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <windows.h>
#include "conio.h" 
using namespace std;

#define SIZE 100//最大用户容量
int scount = 0;//用作储存当前已注册用户数

void studentlock(){
	FILE *read;
	FILE *write;
	char start[100] = "E:\\程序设计\\学生信息2.txt";
	char after[100] = "E:\\程序设计\\学生加密信息.txt";
	read = fopen(start, "r");
	write = fopen(after, "w");
	if (read == NULL || write == NULL)
		cout << "文件错误";
	while (!feof(read)){//当条件不是文件尾时执行后续代码 
		char ch = fgetc(read);//以字符方式读取文件 
		ch = ch + 3;
		fputc(ch, write);//写入文件 
	cout << "加密成功";
void studentunlock(){
	FILE *read;
	FILE *write;
	char start[100] = "E:\\程序设计\\学生加密信息.txt";
	char after[100] = "E:\\程序设计\\学生解密信息.txt";//加密后
	read = fopen(start, "r");
	write = fopen(after, "w");
	if (read == NULL || write == NULL){
		cout << "解密失败!!";
	while (!feof(read)){
		char ch = fgetc(read);
		ch = ch - 3;
		fputc(ch, write);
	cout << "解密成功";

void teacherlock(){
	FILE *read;
	FILE *write;
	char start[100] = "E:\\程序设计\\教师.txt";
	char after[100] = "E:\\程序设计\\教师加密信息.txt";
	read = fopen(start, "r");
	write = fopen(after, "w");
	if (read == NULL || write == NULL)
		cout << "文件错误";
	while (!feof(read)){
		char ch = fgetc(read);
		ch = ch + 3;
		fputc(ch, write);
	cout << "加密成功";
void teacherunlock(){
	FILE *read;
	FILE *write;
	char start[100] = "E:\\程序设计\\教师加密信息.txt";
	char after[100] = "E:\\程序设计\\教师解密信息.txt";//加密后
	read = fopen(start, "r");
	write = fopen(after, "w");
	if (read == NULL || write == NULL){
		cout << "解密失败!!";
	while (!feof(read)){
		char ch = fgetc(read);
		ch = ch - 3;
		fputc(ch, write);
	cout << "解密成功";


void userlock(){
	FILE *read;
	FILE *write;
	char start[100] = "E:\\程序设计\\user.txt";
	char after[100] = "E:\\程序设计\\user加密信息.txt";
	read = fopen(start, "r");
	write = fopen(after, "w");
	if (read == NULL || write == NULL)
		cout << "文件错误";
	while (!feof(read)){
		char ch = fgetc(read);
		ch = ch + 3;
		fputc(ch, write);
	cout << "加密成功";
void userunlock(){
	FILE *read;
	FILE *write;
	char start[100] = "E:\\程序设计\\user加密信息.txt";
	char after[100] = "E:\\程序设计\\user解密信息.txt";//加密后
	read = fopen(start, "r");
	write = fopen(after, "w");
	if (read == NULL || write == NULL){
		cout << "解密失败!!";
	while (!feof(read)){
		char ch = fgetc(read);
		ch = ch - 3;
		fputc(ch, write);
	cout << "解密成功";


void record(){
	ofstream out("information.txt");
	time_t timep;   //time_t 长整型 
	time(&timep);   //获得time_t结构的时间(UTC时间)
	struct tm *p;   //tm结构体用于获取日期
	p = gmtime(&timep);  //转换为struct tm结构的UTC时间 
	out << "**********" << endl << endl;
	out << "----------" << endl << endl;
	out << "进入该系统进行操作的时间为:" << endl << "\t\t\t" << 8 + p->tm_hour << "时" << p->tm_min << "分" << "\t";  //小时与北京时间相差8小时 
	out << 1900 + p->tm_year << "年" << 1 + p->tm_mon << "月" << p->tm_mday << "日" << endl;//tm结构体中实际年份需要加1900,月份从从0开始 
	out << "**********" << endl << endl;
	out << "---------" << endl << endl;
	cout << "记录成功!" << endl;

void start(){//初始页面 
	cout << endl;
	cout << "\t★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★\n\n" << endl;
	cout << "\t★\t\t\t*****************************************************\t\t\t\t★\n\n" << endl;
	cout << "\t★\t\t\t\t\t 学生 成 绩 管 理 系统\t\t\t\t\t\t★\n\n" << endl;
	cout << "\t★\t\t\t                                                   \t\t\t\t★\n\n" << endl;
	cout << "\t★\t\t\t*****************************************************\t\t\t\t★\n\n" << endl;
	cout << "\t★\t\t\t      欢迎使用学生管理系统,祝您使用愉快!           \t\t\t\t★\n\n" << endl;
	cout << "\t★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★\n\n" << endl;

int  mima(char code[]){   //登陆密码 
	int x = 0;
	char  password[20];
	//int a;
	cout << "\t\t\t【系统提示】请输入密码:";
	int i = 4, key = 0;
	char c = 0;
	while (x < 6 && c != 13)
		c = getch();
		if (c != 13)	putchar('*');
		password[x++] = c;
	password[x] = '\0';
	while (1)
		if (strcmp(password, code) != 0)
			cout << endl;
			cout << "\t\t\t【系统提示】输入密码有误,您还有" << i-- << "次机会,请重新输入:";
			if (i == -1)
		else key = 1;
		x = 0;
		while (x < 6 && c != 13)
			c = getch();
			if (c != 13)
			password[x++] = c;
		password[x] = '\0';
		if (key == 1)
	cout << endl;
	cout << "\t\t\t【系统提示】密码输入正确!!欢迎使用本系统!!" << endl;
	return key;

void showmenu()//学生系统的菜单 
	time_t timep;   //time_t 长整型 
	time(&timep);   //获得time_t结构的时间(UTC时间)
	struct tm *p_1;   //tm结构体用于获取日期
	p_1 = gmtime(&timep);  //转换为struct tm结构的UTC时间 
	cout << "\n\n\n" << endl;
	cout << "\t\t\t\t\t\t  当前时间为:" << 8 + p_1->tm_hour << "时" << p_1->tm_min << "分" << endl;
	cout << "\t\t\t\t\t\t   " << 1900 + p_1->tm_year << "年" << 1 + p_1->tm_mon << "月" << p_1->tm_mday << "日" << endl;
	cout << "\n" << endl;
	cout << "\t\t★————————————————————————————————————————★\n\n" << endl;
	cout << "\t\t\t   | 1. 学生信息录入\t\t2.学生信息查询\t\t3. 修改学生信息  |\n\n" << endl;
	cout << "\t\t\t   |    0. 保存信息并退出系统 \t\t\t                         |\n\n" << endl;
	cout << "\t\t★————————————————————————————————————————★\n" << endl;


class teacher {
	teacher *te;
	int Size;
	char Name[20];//姓名 
	char academy[21];// 学院
	char mi[10]; //密码 

	void inputinfo()//从文件中读取数据
		ifstream fp;
		int len;//教师的人数
		len = 3;
		Size = len;
		te = new teacher[Size];
		for (int i = 0; i<len; i++)
			fp >> te[i].Name >> te[i].academy >> te[i].mi;

	int findjs(){ //确认教师身份 
		string name;
		int p = 1;
		//int w;
		cout << "\t\t\t【系统提示】请输入教师姓名:";
		cin >> name;
		int i = 0;
		for (; i<Size; i++){
			if (te[i].Name == name&&p == mima(te[i].mi)) {
				cout << "\t\t\t【系统提示】已确认教师身份,欢迎使用该系统" << endl; return 1;
		if (i >= Size) return 0;

class User//管理者的类 
	string phone;//电话
	string password;//密码
	User() {};
	void Registers();//注册
	void Login();//登录
	void save();//保存
	void read();//读取
User user[SIZE];//user的范围 

void User::save()
	ofstream ofile;
	ofile.open("user.txt", ios::out);

	for (int i = 0; i < scount; i++)
		ofile << user[i].phone << endl;
		ofile << user[i].password << endl;

void User::read()
	ifstream ifile;
	ifile.open("user.txt", ios::in);

	scount = 0;

	if (!ifile.is_open())//判断文件是否能打开 

	for (int i = 0; !ifile.eof(); i++)
		ifile >> user[i].phone;
		ifile >> user[i].password;

void User::Registers()
	string ph;//电话
	string pw1;//密码1
	string pw2;//密码2
	string school;//学校
	for (int i = scount; i < SIZE; i++)
		cout << "\t\t\t【系统提示】请输入手机号:";
		cin >> ph;
		cout << "请输入所在学校:";
		cin >> school;
		if (school != "山西师范大学") { cout << "不是本校人员"; exit(0); }
		for (int j = 0; j < scount; j++)
			if (ph == user[j].phone)
				cout << "\t\t\t【系统提示】用户已存在!" << endl;
				goto here;
		user[i].phone = ph;

		int chose = -1;
		cout << endl;
		cout << "\t\t\t┏━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━┓\n";
		cout << "\t\t\t┃       1.显示密码     2.隐藏密码      ┃\t\n";
		cout << "\t\t\t┗━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━┛\n";
		cout << "\t\t\t【系统提示】请输入你的选择:";
		cin >> chose;
		if (chose > 2 || chose < -1)
			cout << "\t\t\t【系统提示】输入格式错误,请重新输入:";
			cin >> chose;

		string pword;
		char ch, passwords0[20];
		int x = 0;
		string pword1;
		char ch1, passwords1[20];
		int x1 = 0;
		switch (chose)
		case 1:
			cout << "\t\t\t【系统提示】请输入密码:";
			cin >> pword;
			user[i].password = pword;
			cout << "\t\t\t【系统提示】请再次密码:";
			cin >> pword1;
			if (pword1 != user[i].password)
				cout << "\t\t\t【系统提示】密码不一致!" << endl;
				goto here;
				cout << "\t\t\t【系统提示】注册成功!" << endl;
		case 2:
			cout << "\t\t\t【系统提示】请输入密码:";
			while ((ch = _getch()) != '\r' && x <= 20)
				if (ch == '\b')
					if (x > 0)
						cout << "\b \b";//密码支持退格的实现
					passwords0[x++] = ch;
			passwords0[x] = '\0';
			cout << endl;
			user[i].password = passwords0;

			cout << "\t\t\t【系统提示】请再次密码:";
			while ((ch1 = _getch()) != '\r' && x1 <= 20)
				if (ch1 == '\b')
					if (x1 > 0)
						cout << "\b \b";//密码支持退格的实现
					passwords1[x1++] = ch1;
			passwords1[x1] = '\0';
			cout << endl;
			if (passwords1 != user[i].password)
				cout << "\t\t\t【系统提示】密码不一致!" << endl;
				goto here;
				cout << "\t\t\t【系统提示】注册成功!" << endl;
		char choice;
		cout << "\t\t\t【系统提示】是否继续注册(Y/N)? :";
		while (1)
			cin >> choice;
			if (choice == 'y' || choice == 'Y' || choice == 'n' || choice == 'N')
				cout << "\t\t\t【系统提示】输入格式错误,请重新输入: ";
		if (choice == 'n' || choice == 'N')

void User::Login()
	string ph;//电话
	string pw;//密码
	int time = 0;//统计比较次数
	cout << "\t\t\t【系统提示】请输入手机号:";
	cin >> ph;
	int chose = -1;
	cout << endl;
	cout << "\t\t\t┏━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━┓\n";
	cout << "\t\t\t┃       1.显示密码     2.隐藏密码      ┃\t\n";
	cout << "\t\t\t┗━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━┛\n";
	cout << "\t\t\t【系统提示】请输入你的选择:";
	cin >> chose;
	if (chose > 2 || chose < -1)
		cout << "\t\t\t【系统提示】输入格式错误,请重新输入:";
		cin >> chose;

	string pword;
	char ch, passwords0[20];
	int x = 0;
	switch (chose)
	case 1:
		cout << "\t\t\t【系统提示】请输入密码:";
		cin >> pword;
		for (int i = 0; i < scount; i++)
			if (ph == user[i].phone && pword == user[i].password)
				cout << "\t\t\t【系统提示】登录成功!" << endl;
		if (time == 0)
			cout << "\t\t\t【系统提示】手机号或密码错误!" << endl;
			goto here;
	case 2:
		cout << "\t\t\t【系统提示】请输入密码:";
		while ((ch = _getch()) != '\r' && x <= 20)
			if (ch == '\b')
				if (x > 0)
					cout << "\b \b";//密码支持退格的实现
				passwords0[x++] = ch;
		passwords0[x] = '\0';
		cout << endl;
		for (int i = 0; i < scount; i++)
			if (ph == user[i].phone && passwords0 == user[i].password)
				cout << "\t\t\t【系统提示】登录成功!" << endl;
		if (time == 0)
			cout << "\t\t\t【系统提示】手机号或密码错误!" << endl;
			goto here;

class student {
	student *Stu;
	int Size;
	string mayjor;//专业 
	char classid[3];
	char idphone[19];     //学号        
	char Name[20];              //姓名                                     
	char Birthday[10]; //生日 
	int age;//年龄 
	char homead[50];//家庭住址 
	string academy;// 学院 
	string sex;//性别 
	char telephone[15];//手机号 
	char number[20];//身份证号 
	int major;//专业成绩 
	int math;//数学成绩 
	int english;//英语成绩 
	int sumcj;//成绩总数 
	int rank;//排名
	char mi[10];

	void inputinfo()//从文件中读取数据
		ifstream fp;
		int len;//学生的人数   
		len = 10;
		Size = len;
		Stu = new student[Size];
		for (int i = 0; i<len; i++)
			fp >> Stu[i].mayjor >> Stu[i].classid >> Stu[i].idphone >> Stu[i].Name;
			fp >> Stu[i].Birthday >> Stu[i].age >> Stu[i].homead >> Stu[i].academy >> Stu[i].sex >> Stu[i].telephone >> Stu[i].number;
			fp >> Stu[i].major >> Stu[i].math >> Stu[i].english >> Stu[i].mi;

	void inputinformation()//从文件中读取数据
		ifstream fp;
		int len;//学生的人数
		cout << "请输入学生的人数:";
		cin >> len;
		Size = len;
		Stu = new student[Size];
		for (int i = 0; i<len; i++)
			fp >> Stu[i].mayjor >> Stu[i].classid >> Stu[i].idphone >> Stu[i].Name;
			fp >> Stu[i].Birthday >> Stu[i].age >> Stu[i].homead >> Stu[i].academy >> Stu[i].sex >> Stu[i].telephone >> Stu[i].number;
			fp >> Stu[i].major >> Stu[i].math >> Stu[i].english;
		cout << "添加学生成功,请按任意键返回" << endl;
		for (int i = 0; i<len; i++){
			cout << Stu[i].mayjor << '\t' << Stu[i].classid << '\t' << Stu[i].idphone << '\t' << Stu[i].Name << Stu[i].Birthday << '\t' << Stu[i].age << '\t' << Stu[i].homead << '\t';
			cout << Stu[i].academy << '\t' << Stu[i].telephone << '\t' << Stu[i].number << '\t' << Stu[i].major << '\t' << Stu[i].math << '\t' << Stu[i].english << endl;;


	void lr()//补充文件中未录入学生信息 

		cout << "输入几位学生的个人基本信息:" << endl;
		ofstream ofile;
		int len;//学生的人数
		cin >> len;
		Size += len;
		ofile.open("E:\\程序设计\\学生信息2.txt", ios::app);
		int i;
		for (i = 0; i < len; i++)
			cout << "----第" << i + 1 << "个学生----" << endl;

			cout << "专业:" << endl;
			cin >> Stu[i].mayjor;

			cout << "班级" << endl;
			cin >> Stu[i].classid;

			cout << "学号:" << endl;
			cin >> Stu[i].idphone;
			while (strlen(Stu[i].idphone) != 10){
				cout << "格式有误,请重新输入:" << endl;
				cin >> Stu[i].idphone;

			cout << "姓名:" << endl;
			while ((cin >> Stu[i].Name) == 0)//判断姓名输入是否正确 
				cout << "格式有误,请重新输入:" << endl;
			while (strlen(Stu[i].Name) > 7)
				cout << "姓名不合理,请重新录入:" << endl;
				cin >> Stu[i].Name;
			cout << "生日:" << endl;
			cin >> Stu[i].Birthday;
			cout << "年龄:" << endl;
			cin >> Stu[i].age;
			cout << "家庭住址:" << endl;
			cin >> Stu[i].homead;
			cout << "学院:" << endl;
			cin >> Stu[i].academy;
			cout << "性别:";
			cin >> Stu[i].sex;
			cout << "手机:";
			cin >> Stu[i].telephone;

			while (strlen(Stu[i].telephone) != 11){
				cout << "格式有误,请重新输入:" << endl;
				cin >> Stu[i].telephone;

			cout << "身份证号:";
			cin >> Stu[i].number;
			while (strlen(Stu[i].number) != 18){
				cout << "格式有误,请重新输入:" << endl;
				cin >> Stu[i].number;
			cout << "数学:" << endl;
			cin >> Stu[i].math;
			cout << "专业:" << endl;
			cin >> Stu[i].major;
			cout << "英语:" << endl;
			cin >> Stu[i].english;
			for (int i = 0; i<len; i++)
				ofile << Stu[i].mayjor << " " << Stu[i].classid << " " << Stu[i].idphone << " " << Stu[i].Name << " " << Stu[i].Birthday << " " << Stu[i].age << " " << Stu[i].homead << " " << Stu[i].academy << " " << Stu[i].sex << " " << Stu[i].telephone << " " << Stu[i].number << endl;

		cout << "添加学生成功,请按任意键返回" << endl;
		for (int i = 0; i<len; i++){
			cout << Stu[i].mayjor << '\t' << Stu[i].classid << '\t' << Stu[i].idphone << '\t' << Stu[i].Name << Stu[i].Birthday << '\t' << Stu[i].age << '\t' << Stu[i].homead << '\t';
			cout << Stu[i].academy << '\t' << Stu[i].telephone << '\t' << Stu[i].number << '\t' << Stu[i].major << '\t' << Stu[i].math << '\t' << Stu[i].english << endl;;

	void rewrite1(){//根据学号修改信息 
		ofstream of;
		of.open("E:\\程序设计\\information.txt", ios::app);
		char a[20];
		int b;
		cout << "请输入要修改信息的学生的学号" << endl;
		cin >> a;
		for (int i = 0; i<Size; i++){
			if (a == Stu[i].idphone)
				of << "修改学生的姓名:" << Stu[i].Name << Stu[i].idphone;
			cout << "1、修改姓名" << endl;
			cout << "1、修改姓名" << endl;
			cout << "2、修改学号" << endl;
			cout << "3、修改高数成绩" << endl;
			cout << "4、修改英语成绩" << endl;
			cout << "5、修改专业成绩" << endl;
			cout << "请选择" << endl;
			cin >> b;
			switch (b) {
			case 1:
				cout << "输入修改的姓名" << endl;
				of << "修改前的姓名:" << Stu[i].Name;
				cin >> Stu[i].Name;
				of << "修改后的姓名:" << Stu[i].Name;
			case 2:
				cout << "输入修改的学号" << endl;
				of << "修改前的学号:" << Stu[i].idphone;
				cin >> Stu[i].idphone;
				of << "修改后的学号:" << Stu[i].idphone;
			case 3:
				cout << "输入修改的高数成绩" << endl;
				of << "修改前的高数成绩:" << Stu[i].math;
				cin >> Stu[i].math;
				of << "修改后的高数成绩:" << Stu[i].math;
			case 4:
				cout << "输入修改的英语成绩" << endl;
				of << "修改前的英语成绩:" << Stu[i].Name;
				cin >> Stu[i].english;
				of << "修改后的英语成绩:" << Stu[i].Name;
			case 5:
				cout << "输入修改的专业成绩" << endl;
				of << "修改前的专业成绩:" << Stu[i].Name;
				cin >> Stu[i].major;
				of << "修改后的专业成绩:" << Stu[i].Name;
			} break;
		ofstream fout("E:\\程序设计\\学生信息2.txt");

		for (int i = 0; i < Size; i++){
			fout << Stu[i].mayjor << "\t" << Stu[i].classid << "\t" << Stu[i].idphone << "\t" << Stu[i].Name << "\t" << Stu[i].Birthday << "\t" << Stu[i].age << "\t" << Stu[i].homead << "\t" << Stu[i].academy << "\t" << Stu[i].sex << "\t" << Stu[i].telephone << "\t" << Stu[i].number << endl;


	void rewrite(){//姓名修改学生成绩
		cout << "请按照提示填入信息:" << endl << endl;
		cout << "请输入您的姓名:" << endl;
		cout << "请输入您进入该系统所进行的操作:" << endl;
		cout << "请输入您的手机号码,以便联系您:" << endl;
		char a[10];
		int b;
		cout << "请输入要修改信息的学生的姓名" << endl;
		cin >> a;
		for (int i = 0; i<Size; i++){
			if (a == Stu[i].Name)
				cout << "1、修改姓名" << endl;
			cout << "1、修改姓名" << endl;
			cout << "2、修改学号" << endl;
			cout << "3、修改高数成绩" << endl;
			cout << "4、修改英语成绩" << endl;
			cout << "5、修改专业成绩" << endl;
			cout << "请选择" << endl;
			cin >> b;
			switch (b) {
			case 1:
				cout << "输入修改的姓名" << endl;

				cin >> Stu[i].Name;
			case 2:
				cout << "输入修改的学号" << endl;
				cin >> Stu[i].idphone;
			case 3:
				cout << "输入修改的高数成绩" << endl;
				cin >> Stu[i].math;
			case 4:
				cout << "输入修改的英语成绩" << endl;
				cin >> Stu[i].english;
			case 5:
				cout << "输入修改的专业成绩" << endl;
				cin >> Stu[i].major;
			} break;
		ofstream fout("E:\\程序设计\\学生信息2.txt");

		for (int i = 0; i < Size; i++){
			fout << Stu[i].mayjor << "\t" << Stu[i].classid << "\t" << Stu[i].idphone << "\t" << Stu[i].Name << "\t" << Stu[i].Birthday << "\t" << Stu[i].age << "\t" << Stu[i].homead << "\t" << Stu[i].academy << "\t" << Stu[i].sex << "\t" << Stu[i].telephone << "\t" << Stu[i].number << endl;


	void xg(){//批量修改学院和专业 
		int p; string a; string b;
		cout << "批量修改选择:" << endl;
		cout << "1.学院" << "\t" << "2.专业" << endl;
		cin >> p;
		switch (p){
		case 1:{
				   cout << "输入修改后名称:" << endl;
				   cin >> a;
				   for (int i = 0; i<Size; i++)
					   Stu[i].academy = a;
				   ofstream fout;
				   for (int i = 0; i < Size; i++){
					   fout << Stu[i].mayjor << "\t" << Stu[i].classid << "\t" << Stu[i].idphone << "\t" << Stu[i].Name << "\t" << Stu[i].Birthday << "\t" << Stu[i].age << "\t" << Stu[i].homead << "\t" << Stu[i].academy << "\t" << Stu[i].sex << "\t" << Stu[i].telephone << "\t" << Stu[i].number << endl;
				   }break; }
		case 2:{
				   cout << "输入修改后名称:" << endl;
				   cin >> b;
				   for (int i = 0; i<Size; i++)
					   Stu[i].mayjor = b;
				   ofstream fout;
				   for (int i = 0; i < Size; i++){
					   fout << Stu[i].mayjor << "\t" << Stu[i].classid << "\t" << Stu[i].idphone << "\t" << Stu[i].Name << "\t" << Stu[i].Birthday << "\t" << Stu[i].age << "\t" << Stu[i].homead << "\t" << Stu[i].academy << "\t" << Stu[i].sex << "\t" << Stu[i].telephone << "\t" << Stu[i].number << endl;
				   }break; }


	void xmcx(int n)//姓名查询 
		cout << "请按照提示填入信息:" << endl << endl;
		cout << "请输入您的姓名:" << endl;
		cout << "请输入您进入该系统所进行的操作:" << endl;
		cout << "请输入您的手机号码,以便联系您:" << endl;
		char findname[20];
		cout << "请输入你要查询的学生姓名:";
		cin >> findname;
		int t = 0; int j = 0;
		while (findname[t] != '\0'){ t++; }
		j = t / 2;
		if (j != 1){
			for (int i = 0; i<n; i++){
				if (!(strcmp(Stu[i].Name, findname))){
					cout << "查询成功!\n" << endl;
					cout << "————————————————————\n" << endl;
					cout << "专业:" << Stu[i].mayjor << '\n';
					cout << "班级:" << Stu[i].classid << '\n';
					cout << "学号: " << Stu[i].idphone << '\n';
					cout << "姓名:" << Stu[i].Name << '\n';
					cout << "生日:" << Stu[i].Birthday << '\n';
					cout << "家庭住址:" << Stu[i].homead << '\n';
					cout << " 学院 :" << Stu[i].academy << '\n';
					cout << "手机号:" << Stu[i].telephone << '\n';
					cout << "身份证号:" << Stu[i].number << '\n';
					cout << "语文成绩:" << Stu[i].major << '\n';
					cout << "数学成绩:" << Stu[i].math << '\n';
					cout << "英语成绩:" << Stu[i].english << '\n';

		if (j == 1){
			for (int i = 0; i<n; i++){
				if (Stu[i].Name[0] == findname[0]) {

					cout << "查询成功!\n" << endl;
					cout << "————————————————————\n" << endl;
					cout << "专业:" << Stu[i].mayjor << '\n';
					cout << "班级:" << Stu[i].classid << '\n';
					cout << "学号: " << Stu[i].idphone << '\n';
					cout << "姓名:" << Stu[i].Name << '\n';
					cout << "生日:" << Stu[i].Birthday << '\n';
					cout << "家庭住址:" << Stu[i].homead << '\n';
					cout << "家庭住址: " << Stu[i].homead << '\n';
					cout << " 学院 :" << Stu[i].academy << '\n';
					cout << "手机号:" << Stu[i].telephone << '\n';
					cout << "身份证号:" << Stu[i].number << '\n';
					cout << "语文成绩:" << Stu[i].major << '\n';
					cout << "数学成绩:" << Stu[i].math << '\n';
					cout << "英语成绩:" << Stu[i].english << '\n';

	void sjcx()//通讯公司查询
		string s;
		cout << "请输入你要查询手机公司名称:"; cin >> s;
		if (s == "中国移动"){
			int i = 0;
			while (i <= Size){
				switch (Stu[i].telephone[1]){
				case '3':if (Stu[i].telephone[2] == '4' || Stu[i].telephone[2] == '5' || Stu[i].telephone[2] == '6' || Stu[i].telephone[2] == '7' || Stu[i].telephone[2] == '8' || Stu[i].telephone[2] == '9') cout << Stu[i].Name << Stu[i].telephone << endl; break;
				case '4':if (Stu[i].telephone[2] == '7') cout << Stu[i].Name << Stu[i].telephone << endl; break;
				case '5':if (Stu[i].telephone[2] == '0' || Stu[i].telephone[2] == '1' || Stu[i].telephone[2] == '2' || Stu[i].telephone[2] == '7' || Stu[i].telephone[2] == '8' || Stu[i].telephone[2] == '9') cout << Stu[i].Name << Stu[i].telephone << endl; break;
				case '7':if (Stu[i].telephone[2] == '2' || Stu[i].telephone[2] == '8') cout << Stu[i].Name << Stu[i].telephone << endl; break;
				case '8':if (Stu[i].telephone[2] == '2' || Stu[i].telephone[2] == '3' || Stu[i].telephone[2] == '4' || Stu[i].telephone[2] == '7' || Stu[i].telephone[2] == '8') cout << Stu[i].Name << Stu[i].telephone << endl; break;
				case '9':if (Stu[i].telephone[2] == '5' || Stu[i].telephone[2] == '7')	cout << Stu[i].Name << Stu[i].telephone << endl; break;
		if (s == "中国联通"){
			int i = 0;
			while (i <= Size){
				switch (Stu[i].telephone[1]){
				case '3':if (Stu[i].telephone[2] == '0' || Stu[i].telephone[2] == '1' || Stu[i].telephone[2] == '2') cout << Stu[i].Name << Stu[i].telephone << endl; break;
				case '5':if (Stu[i].telephone[2] == '5' || Stu[i].telephone[2] == '6') cout << Stu[i].Name << Stu[i].telephone << endl; break;
				case '7':if (Stu[i].telephone[2] == '6') cout << Stu[i].Name << Stu[i].telephone << endl; break;
				case '8':if (Stu[i].telephone[2] == '5' || Stu[i].telephone[2] == '6') cout << Stu[i].Name << Stu[i].telephone << endl; break;
		if (s == "中国电信"){
			int i = 0;
			while (i <= Size){
				switch (Stu[i].telephone[1]){
				case '3':if (Stu[i].telephone[2] == '3') cout << Stu[i].Name << Stu[i].telephone << endl; break;
				case '5':if (Stu[i].telephone[2] == '3') cout << Stu[i].Name << Stu[i].telephone << endl; break;
				case '8':if (Stu[i].telephone[2] == '0' || Stu[i].telephone[2] == '1' || Stu[i].telephone[2] == '9') cout << Stu[i].Name << Stu[i].telephone << endl; break;
	void bjcx()//班级号查询 
		string banji;
		cout << "请输入要查询的班级号:";
		cin >> banji;
		for (int i = 0; i <Size; i++)
			if (Stu[i].classid == banji)
				cout << "学院:" << Stu[i].academy << endl;
				cout << "班级:" << Stu[i].classid << endl;
				cout << "学号:" << Stu[i].idphone << endl;
				cout << "姓名:" << Stu[i].Name << endl;
				cout << "性别:" << Stu[i].sex << endl;
				cout << "专业:" << Stu[i].major << endl;
				cout << "数学:" << Stu[i].math << endl;
				cout << "英语:" << Stu[i].english << endl;


	void xhcx()//学号查询 
		string id;
		cin >> id;
		for (int i = 0; i < Size; i++)
			if (id == Stu[i].idphone)
				cout << "学院:" << Stu[i].academy << endl;
				cout << "班级:" << Stu[i].classid << endl;
				cout << "学号:" << Stu[i].idphone << endl;
				cout << "姓名:" << Stu[i].Name << endl;
				cout << "性别:" << Stu[i].sex << endl;
				cout << "专业:" << Stu[i].major << endl;
				cout << "数学:" << Stu[i].math << endl;
				cout << "英语:" << Stu[i].english << endl;


	void dkcx(){//根据学号查询课程 
		cout << "1.语文" << endl << "2.数学" << endl << "3.英语" << endl;
		cout << "请选择:" << endl;
		int flag;
		cin >> flag;
		switch (flag){
		case 1:system("cls"); yw(); break;
		case 2:system("cls"); sx(); break;
		case 3:system("cls"); yy(); break;
	void yw(){
		string id;
		cout << "请输入要查询的学号:" << endl;
		cin >> id;
		for (int i = 0; i < Size; i++)
		if (Stu[i].idphone == id)
			cout << "学院:" << Stu[i].academy << endl;
			cout << "班级:" << Stu[i].classid << endl;
			cout << "学号:" << Stu[i].idphone << endl;
			cout << "姓名:" << Stu[i].Name << endl;
			cout << "性别:" << Stu[i].sex << endl;
			cout << "专业:" << Stu[i].major << endl;
	void yy(){
		string id;
		cout << "请输入要查询的学号:" << endl;
		cin >> id;
		for (int i = 0; i < Size; i++)
		if (Stu[i].idphone == id){
			cout << "学院:" << Stu[i].academy << endl;
			cout << "班级:" << Stu[i].classid << endl;
			cout << "学号:" << Stu[i].idphone << endl;
			cout << "姓名:" << Stu[i].Name << endl;
			cout << "性别:" << Stu[i].sex << endl;
			cout << "英语:" << Stu[i].english << endl;

	void sx(){
		string id;
		cout << "请输入要查询的学号:" << endl;
		cin >> id;
		for (int i = 0; i < Size; i++)
		if (Stu[i].idphone == id){
			cout << "学院:" << Stu[i].academy << endl;
			cout << "班级:" << Stu[i].classid << endl;
			cout << "学号:" << Stu[i].idphone << endl;
			cout << "姓名:" << Stu[i].Name << endl;
			cout << "性别:" << Stu[i].sex << endl;
			cout << "数学:" << Stu[i].math << endl;

	void bjgcx(){//不及格查询 
		cout << "请选择要查询的科目:" << endl << "1.语文:" << endl << "2.数学:" << endl << "3.英语:" << endl;
		int flag;
		cin >> flag;
		switch (flag){
		case 1:system("cls");  zybjg(); break;
		case 2:system("cls");  sxbjg(); break;
		case 3:system("cls"); yybjg(); break;

	void zybjg(){
		for (int i = 0; i < Size; i++)
		if (Stu[i].major<60)
			cout << "学院:" << Stu[i].academy << endl;
			cout << "班级:" << Stu[i].classid << endl;
			cout << "学号:" << Stu[i].idphone << endl;
			cout << "姓名:" << Stu[i].Name << endl;
			cout << "性别:" << Stu[i].sex << endl;
			cout << "专业:" << Stu[i].major << endl;
	void sxbjg(){
		for (int i = 0; i < Size; i++)
		if (Stu[i].math<60)
			cout << "学院:" << Stu[i].academy << endl;
			cout << "班级:" << Stu[i].classid << endl;
			cout << "学号:" << Stu[i].idphone << endl;
			cout << "姓名:" << Stu[i].Name << endl;
			cout << "性别:" << Stu[i].sex << endl;
			cout << "数学:" << Stu[i].math << endl;
	void yybjg(){
		for (int i = 0; i < Size; i++)
		if (Stu[i].english < 60)
			cout << "学院:" << Stu[i].academy << endl;
			cout << "班级:" << Stu[i].classid << endl;
			cout << "学号:" << Stu[i].idphone << endl;
			cout << "姓名:" << Stu[i].Name << endl;
			cout << "性别:" << Stu[i].sex << endl;
			cout << "英语:" << Stu[i].english << endl;

	void xmcx()//姓名查询 
		cout << "请按照提示填入信息:" << endl << endl;
		cout << "请输入您的姓名:" << endl;
		cout << "请输入您进入该系统所进行的操作:" << endl;
		cout << "请输入您的手机号码,以便联系您:" << endl;
		char findname[20];
		cout << "请输入你要查询的学生姓名:";
		cin >> findname;
		int t = 0; int j = 0;
		while (findname[t] != '\0'){ t++; }
		j = t / 2;
		if (j != 1){
			for (int i = 0; i<Size; i++){
				if (!(strcmp(Stu[i].Name, findname))){
					cout << "查询成功!\n" << endl;
					cout << "————————————————————\n" << endl;
					cout << "专业:" << Stu[i].mayjor << '\n';
					cout << "班级:" << Stu[i].classid << '\n';
					cout << "学号: " << Stu[i].idphone << '\n';
					cout << "姓名:" << Stu[i].Name << '\n';
					cout << "生日:" << Stu[i].Birthday << '\n';
					cout << "家庭住址:" << Stu[i].homead << '\n';
					cout << " 学院 :" << Stu[i].academy << '\n';
					cout << "手机号:" << Stu[i].telephone << '\n';
					cout << "身份证号:" << Stu[i].number << '\n';
					cout << "语文成绩:" << Stu[i].major << '\n';
					cout << "数学成绩:" << Stu[i].math << '\n';
					cout << "英语成绩:" << Stu[i].english << '\n';
		if (j == 1){
			for (int i = 0; i<Size; i++){
				if (Stu[i].Name[0] == findname[0]) {

					cout << "查询成功!\n" << endl;
					cout << "————————————————————\n" << endl;
					cout << "专业:" << Stu[i].mayjor << '\n';
					cout << "班级:" << Stu[i].classid << '\n';
					cout << "学号: " << Stu[i].idphone << '\n';
					cout << "姓名:" << Stu[i].Name << '\n';
					cout << "生日:" << Stu[i].Birthday << '\n';
					cout << "家庭住址:" << Stu[i].homead << '\n';
					cout << "家庭住址: " << Stu[i].homead << '\n';
					cout << " 学院 :" << Stu[i].academy << '\n';
					cout << "手机号:" << Stu[i].telephone << '\n';
					cout << "身份证号:" << Stu[i].number << '\n';
					cout << "语文成绩:" << Stu[i].major << '\n';
					cout << "数学成绩:" << Stu[i].math << '\n';
					cout << "英语成绩:" << Stu[i].english << '\n';


	void deletemess1(){//学号,姓名删除信息 
		char key = '0';
		ofstream ofile;
		ofstream of;
		of.open("E:\\程序设计\\information.txt", ios::app);
		cout << "输入1代表按学号删除单个数据,其他代表按姓名删除" << endl;
		cin >> key; int i = 0;
		if (key == '1'){
			string deletenum;
			cout << "请输入删除学生的考号:" << endl;
			cin >> deletenum;
			for (; i<Size; i++){
				if (Stu[i].idphone != deletenum){
					cout << Stu[i].mayjor << "\t" << Stu[i].classid << "\t" << Stu[i].idphone << "\t" << Stu[i].Name << "\t" << Stu[i].Birthday << "\t" << Stu[i].age << "\t" << Stu[i].homead << "\t" << Stu[i].academy << "\t" << Stu[i].sex << "\t" << Stu[i].telephone << "\t" << Stu[i].number << endl;

					ofile << Stu[i].mayjor << " " << Stu[i].classid << " " << Stu[i].idphone << " " << Stu[i].Name << " " << Stu[i].Birthday << " " << Stu[i].age << " " << Stu[i].homead << " " << Stu[i].academy << " " << Stu[i].sex << " " << Stu[i].telephone << " " << Stu[i].number << endl;
				else  {
					of << "删除的学生信息:" << endl;
					of << Stu[i].mayjor << "\t" << Stu[i].classid << "\t" << Stu[i].idphone << "\t" << Stu[i].Name << "\t" << Stu[i].Birthday << "\t" << Stu[i].age << "\t" << Stu[i].homead << "\t" << Stu[i].academy << "\t" << Stu[i].sex << "\t" << Stu[i].telephone << "\t" << Stu[i].number << endl;

		if (key != '1'){
			string deletename;
			cout << "请输入删除学生的姓名:" << endl;
			cin >> deletename;
			for (int i = 0; i<Size; i++){
				if (Stu[i].Name != deletename){
					cout << Stu[i].mayjor << "\t" << Stu[i].classid << "\t" << Stu[i].idphone << "\t" << Stu[i].Name << "\t" << Stu[i].Birthday << "\t" << Stu[i].age << "\t" << Stu[i].homead << "\t" << Stu[i].academy << "\t" << Stu[i].sex << "\t" << Stu[i].telephone << "\t" << Stu[i].number << endl;
					ofile << Stu[i].mayjor << " " << Stu[i].classid << " " << Stu[i].idphone << " " << Stu[i].Name << " " << Stu[i].Birthday << " " << Stu[i].age << " " << Stu[i].homead << " " << Stu[i].academy << " " << Stu[i].sex << " " << Stu[i].telephone << " " << Stu[i].number << endl;
				else {
					of << "删除的学生信息:" << endl;
					of << Stu[i].mayjor << "\t" << Stu[i].classid << "\t" << Stu[i].idphone << "\t" << Stu[i].Name << "\t" << Stu[i].Birthday << "\t" << Stu[i].age << "\t" << Stu[i].homead << "\t" << Stu[i].academy << "\t" << Stu[i].sex << "\t" << Stu[i].telephone << "\t" << Stu[i].number << endl;



	void deletemess3(){//输入专业和班级信息,根据学号删除本班全班同学信息
		ofstream ofile;
		string declass;
		string demayjor;
		ofstream of;
		of.open("E:\\程序设计\\information.txt", ios::app);

		cout << "请输入班级的专业;" << endl;
		cin >> demayjor;
		cout << "请输入班级;" << endl;
		cin >> declass;
		cout << "输出删除后的信息" << endl;
		for (int i = 0; i<Size; i++)
		if ((Stu[i].classid != declass) || (Stu[i].mayjor != demayjor))

			cout << Stu[i].mayjor << "\t" << Stu[i].classid << "\t" << Stu[i].idphone << "\t" << Stu[i].Name << "\t" << Stu[i].Birthday << "\t" << Stu[i].age << "\t" << Stu[i].homead << "\t" << Stu[i].academy << "\t" << Stu[i].sex << "\t" << Stu[i].telephone << "\t" << Stu[i].number << endl;

			ofile << Stu[i].mayjor << " " << Stu[i].classid << " " << Stu[i].idphone << " " << Stu[i].Name << " " << Stu[i].Birthday << " " << Stu[i].age << " " << Stu[i].homead << " " << Stu[i].academy << " " << Stu[i].sex << " " << Stu[i].telephone << " " << Stu[i].number << endl;
		else  {
			of << "删除的学生信息:" << endl;
			of << Stu[i].mayjor << "\t" << Stu[i].classid << "\t" << Stu[i].idphone << "\t" << Stu[i].Name << "\t" << Stu[i].Birthday << "\t" << Stu[i].age << "\t" << Stu[i].homead << "\t" << Stu[i].academy << "\t" << Stu[i].sex << "\t" << Stu[i].telephone << "\t" << Stu[i].number << endl;
		cout << "删除完成!" << endl;

	void deleteforidphone(){	//通过学号删除全班,先获取学号,再通过学号获取班级信息,删除对应班级信息
		cout << "请输入要删除所在班级所有学生信息的学号";
		string xuehao;
		string banji;
		cin >> xuehao;
		for (int c = 0; c < Size; c++)
			if (Stu[c].idphone == xuehao)
				banji = Stu[c].classid; break;//获取班级号

		int x = 0;
		ofstream fp;//输出到文件
		for (int b = 0; b < Size; b++)
			if (Stu[b].classid != banji)
				fp << Stu[b].mayjor << '\t' << Stu[b].classid << '\t' << Stu[b].idphone << '\t' << Stu[b].Name << '\t';
				fp << Stu[b].Birthday << '\t' << Stu[b].age << '\t' << Stu[b].homead << '\t' << Stu[b].academy << '\t' << Stu[b].sex << '\t' << Stu[b].telephone << '\t' << Stu[b].number << '\t';
				fp << Stu[b].major << '\t' << Stu[b].math << '\t' << Stu[b].english << endl;
			else{ x++; }//获取班级一共多少人
		cout << "转存成功!!!" << endl;//上面的ok

		ifstream dr;
		int i = 0;
		for (; i < Size - x; i++)//读入到内存进行删除后覆盖原文件
			dr >> Stu[i].mayjor >> Stu[i].classid >> Stu[i].idphone >> Stu[i].Name;
			dr >> Stu[i].Birthday >> Stu[i].age >> Stu[i].homead >> Stu[i].academy >> Stu[i].sex >> Stu[i].telephone >> Stu[i].number;
			dr >> Stu[i].major >> Stu[i].math >> Stu[i].english;

		ofstream op;
		int a = 0;
		for (a; a < Size - x; a++)
			op << Stu[a].mayjor << '\t' << Stu[a].classid << '\t' << Stu[a].idphone << '\t' << Stu[a].Name << '\t';
			op << Stu[a].Birthday << '\t' << Stu[a].age << '\t' << Stu[a].homead << '\t' << Stu[a].academy << '\t' << Stu[a].sex << '\t' << Stu[a].telephone << '\t' << Stu[a].number << '\t';
			op << Stu[a].major << '\t' << Stu[a].math << '\t' << Stu[a].english << endl;
		cout << "删除成功!!!" << endl;


	void paixu(){//	实现输入班级、实现按总成绩降序输出学生基本信息与成绩信息。 
		student x;
		string findid;
		cout << "请输入查询班级:" << endl;
		cin >> findid;
		int q = 1;
		for (int i = 0; i<Size; i++){
			Stu[i].sumcj = Stu[i].major + Stu[i].math + Stu[i].english;

		for (int i = 1; i<Size; i++){
			for (int j = 0; j<Size - i; j++){
				if (Stu[j].sumcj>Stu[j + 1].sumcj){
					{ x = Stu[j];
					Stu[j] = Stu[j + 1];
					Stu[j + 1] = x;

		for (int i = Size - 1; i>0; i--)	{
			if (Stu[i].classid == findid){
				cout << "第" << q << "名:" << '\t';
				cout << Stu[i].Name << '\t' << Stu[i].sumcj << endl; q++;

	void paixu2(){//实现专业,输出给定课程成绩降序排序的学生成绩及学生信息。
		student x;
		string findid;
		cout << "请输入查询专业:" << endl;
		cin >> findid;
		int q = 1;
		for (int i = 1; i<Size; i++){
			for (int j = 0; j<Size - i; j++){
				if (Stu[j].sumcj>Stu[j + 1].sumcj){
					{ x = Stu[j];
					Stu[j] = Stu[j + 1];
					Stu[j + 1] = x;
		for (int i = Size - 1; i >= 0; i--)    {
			if (Stu[i].mayjor == findid){
				cout << Stu[i].Name << '\t' << Stu[i].sumcj << endl;


	void paixu3(){//按总成绩降序输出学生基本信息与成绩信息
		student b;
		for (int i = 1; i<Size; i++){
			for (int j = 0; j<Size - i; j++){
				if (Stu[j].sumcj<Stu[j + 1].sumcj){
					{ b = Stu[j];
					Stu[j] = Stu[j + 1];
					Stu[j + 1] = b;

		for (int k = 0; k<Size; k++){
			if (Stu[k].sumcj == Stu[k + 1].sumcj){
				if (Stu[k].idphone>Stu[k + 1].idphone){
					student t;
					t = Stu[k]; Stu[k] = Stu[k + 1]; Stu[k + 1] = t;

		for (int i = 0; i<Size; i++){
			cout << Stu[i].mayjor << '\t' << Stu[i].classid << '\t' << Stu[i].idphone << '\t' << Stu[i].Name << Stu[i].Birthday << '\t' << Stu[i].age << '\t' << Stu[i].homead << '\t';
			cout << Stu[i].academy << '\t' << Stu[i].telephone << '\t' << Stu[i].number << '\t' << Stu[i].major << '\t' << Stu[i].math << '\t' << Stu[i].english << '\t' << Stu[i].sumcj << endl;;

	int Len = 0;
	void tumenu(){
		int flag;
		cout << "1.折线图" << endl << "2.柱状图" << endl << "3.退出" << endl;
		cin >> flag;
		switch (flag){
		case 1:zxtmenu();
		case 2:zztmenu();
		case 3:exit(0);
	void shuju(string banji, student b[]){
		for (int i = 0; i < Size; i++)
			if (Stu[i].classid == banji)
				cout << "学院:" << Stu[i].academy << endl;
				cout << "班级:" << Stu[i].classid << endl;
				cout << "学号:" << Stu[i].idphone << endl;
				cout << "姓名:" << Stu[i].Name << endl;
				cout << "性别:" << Stu[i].sex << endl;
				cout << "专业:" << Stu[i].major << endl;
				cout << "数学:" << Stu[i].math << endl;
				cout << "英语:" << Stu[i].english << endl;
				b[Len++] = Stu[i];
		cout << endl << endl << endl;

	void zxtmenu(){
		string banji;
		student *b = new student[100];
		cout << "请输入要查询的班级号:";
		cin >> banji;
		shuju(banji, b);
		int flag;

		cout << "1.专业课成绩折线图" << endl << "2.数学成绩折线图" << endl << "3.英语成绩折线图" << endl << "4.返回" << endl;
		cin >> flag;
		switch (flag){
		case 1:{majoryzxt(b); break; }
		case 2:{mathzxt(b); break; }
		case 3:{englishzxt(b); break; }
		case 4:tumenu();

	void zztmenu(){
		string banji;
		student *b = new student[100];
		cout << "请输入要查询的班级号:";
		cin >> banji;
		shuju(banji, b);
		cout << "  请选择您想绘制柱状图的课程成绩:" << endl;
		cout << "  |1.专业成绩 2.数学成绩 3.英语成绩 4.退出" << endl;
		int t;
		cin >> t;
		switch (t){
		case 1:{majorzzt(b); break; }
		case 2:{mathzzt(b); break; }
		case 3:{englishzzt(b); break; }
		case 4:tumenu();

	void zbiao(){
		initgraph(1000, 800, SHOWCONSOLE);//显示绘图环境    并  显示控制台!!!!!最后那个showconsole就是显示控制台,如果没有这个就只有绘图的那个框
		//电脑屏幕的大小是1920*1080 像素
		//这个 绘图环境有横纵坐标
		//按这个逻辑,电脑左上角坐标是(0.0)右下角为(1920.1080)  格式是(x,y)
		line(40, 100, 40, 500);//line函数是连线函数,格式是line(x1,y1,x2,y2),将点(x1,y1)(x2,y2)连起来
		line(40, 500, 760, 500);//这两个点的坐标也是参考出现的的窗口左上角为原点

		/*putpixel(200, 50, RED);   这是一个描点函数,在坐标(200.50)点画red色的点,特别小    基本看不见  用不到,就没用*/
		outtextxy(15, 501, "0");//outtextxy(x,y,"字符")   即在x,y 打一个“”里的字符
		outtextxy(33, 100, "↑");
		outtextxy(760, 493, "→");
		outtextxy(10, 461, "2");
		outtextxy(10, 421, "4");
		outtextxy(10, 381, "6");
		outtextxy(10, 341, "8");
		outtextxy(10, 301, "10");
		outtextxy(10, 261, "12");
		outtextxy(10, 221, "14");
		outtextxy(10, 181, "16");
		outtextxy(10, 141, "18");
		outtextxy(10, 101, "20");
		outtextxy(14, 81, "/");
		outtextxy(18, 80, "人");

		outtextxy(50, 501, "不及格");
		outtextxy(120, 501, "60-65");
		outtextxy(190, 501, "65-70");
		outtextxy(260, 501, "70-75");
		outtextxy(330, 501, "75-80");
		outtextxy(400, 501, "80-85");
		outtextxy(470, 501, "85-90");
		outtextxy(540, 501, "90-95");
		outtextxy(610, 501, "95-100");
		outtextxy(730, 501, "/");
		outtextxy(735, 501, "分");
	void majoryzxt(student b[]){
		int ten1 = 0, ten2 = 0, ten3 = 0, ten4 = 0, ten5 = 0, ten6 = 0, ten7 = 0, ten8 = 0, ten9 = 0, ten10 = 0;
		for (int i = 0; i < Len; i++)
			if (b[i].major < 60) ten1++;
			else if (60 <= b[i].major && b[i].major < 65) ten2++;
			else if (65 <= b[i].major&& b[i].major < 70) ten3++;
			else if (70 <= b[i].major && b[i].major < 75) ten4++;
			else if (75 <= b[i].major && b[i].major < 80) ten5++;
			else if (80 <= b[i].major && b[i].major < 85) ten6++;
			else if (85 <= b[i].major && b[i].major < 90) ten7++;
			else if (90 <= b[i].major && b[i].major < 95) ten8++;
			else  ten9++;
		line(40, 501, 60, (501 - 19 * ten1));
		line(60, (501 - 19 * ten1), 130, (501 - 19 * ten2));//line函数是连线函数,格式是line(x1,y1,x2,y2),将点(x1,y1)(x2,y2)连起来
		line(130, (501 - 19 * ten2), 200, (501 - 19 * ten3));
		line(200, (501 - 19 * ten3), 270, (501 - 19 * ten4));
		line(270, (501 - 19 * ten4), 340, (501 - 19 * ten5));
		line(340, (501 - 19 * ten5), 410, (501 - 19 * ten6));
		line(410, (501 - 19 * ten6), 480, (501 - 19 * ten7));
		line(480, (501 - 19 * ten7), 550, (501 - 19 * ten8));
		line(550, (501 - 19 * ten8), 620, (501 - 19 * ten9));
	void mathzxt(student b[]){
		int ten1 = 0, ten2 = 0, ten3 = 0, ten4 = 0, ten5 = 0, ten6 = 0, ten7 = 0, ten8 = 0, ten9 = 0, ten10 = 0;
		for (int i = 0; i < Len; i++)
			if (b[i].math < 60) ten1++;
			else if (60 <= b[i].math && b[i].math < 65) ten2++;
			else if (65 <= b[i].math && b[i].math < 70) ten3++;
			else if (70 <= b[i].math &&b[i].math < 75) ten4++;
			else if (75 <= b[i].math && b[i].math < 80) ten5++;
			else if (80 <= b[i].math && b[i].math < 85) ten6++;
			else if (85 <= b[i].math && b[i].math < 90) ten7++;
			else if (90 <= b[i].math && b[i].math < 95) ten8++;
			else  ten9++;
		line(40, 501, 60, (501 - 19 * ten1));
		line(60, (501 - 19 * ten1), 130, (501 - 19 * ten2));
		line(130, (501 - 19 * ten2), 200, (501 - 19 * ten3));
		line(200, (501 - 19 * ten3), 270, (501 - 19 * ten4));
		line(270, (501 - 19 * ten4), 340, (501 - 19 * ten5));
		line(340, (501 - 19 * ten5), 410, (501 - 19 * ten6));
		line(410, (501 - 19 * ten6), 480, (501 - 19 * ten7));
		line(480, (501 - 19 * ten7), 550, (501 - 19 * ten8));
		line(550, (501 - 19 * ten8), 620, (501 - 19 * ten9));
	void englishzxt(student b[]){
		int ten1 = 0, ten2 = 0, ten3 = 0, ten4 = 0, ten5 = 0, ten6 = 0, ten7 = 0, ten8 = 0, ten9 = 0, ten10 = 0;
		for (int i = 0; i < Len; i++)
			if (b[i].english < 60) ten1++;
			else if (60 <= b[i].english && b[i].english < 65) ten2++;
			else if (65 <= b[i].english && b[i].english < 70) ten3++;
			else if (70 <= b[i].english && b[i].english < 75) ten4++;
			else if (75 <= b[i].english && b[i].english< 80) ten5++;
			else if (80 <= b[i].english && b[i].english < 85) ten6++;
			else if (85 <= b[i].english && b[i].english < 90) ten7++;
			else if (90 <= b[i].english && b[i].english < 95) ten8++;
			else  ten9++;
		line(40, 501, 60, (501 - 19 * ten1));
		line(60, (501 - 19 * ten1), 130, (501 - 19 * ten2));
		line(130, (501 - 19 * ten2), 200, (501 - 19 * ten3));
		line(200, (501 - 19 * ten3), 270, (501 - 19 * ten4));
		line(270, (501 - 19 * ten4), 340, (501 - 19 * ten5));
		line(340, (501 - 19 * ten5), 410, (501 - 19 * ten6));
		line(410, (501 - 19 * ten6), 480, (501 - 19 * ten7));
		line(480, (501 - 19 * ten7), 550, (501 - 19 * ten8));
		line(550, (501 - 19 * ten8), 620, (501 - 19 * ten9));

	void majorzzt(student b[]) {
		int ten1 = 0, ten2 = 0, ten3 = 0, ten4 = 0, ten5 = 0, ten6 = 0, ten7 = 0, ten8 = 0, ten9 = 0, ten10 = 0;
		for (int i = 0; i < Len; i++)
			if (b[i].major < 60) ten1++;
			else if (60 <= b[i].major && b[i].major < 65) ten2++;
			else if (65 <= b[i].major && b[i].major < 70) ten3++;
			else if (70 <= b[i].major && b[i].major < 75) ten4++;
			else if (75 <= b[i].major && b[i].major < 80) ten5++;
			else if (80 <= b[i].major && b[i].major < 85) ten6++;
			else if (85 <= b[i].major && b[i].major < 90) ten7++;
			else if (90 <= b[i].major && b[i].major < 95) ten8++;
			else  ten9++;
		line(60, 500, 60, 500 - ten1 * 20);
		line(60, (500 - ten1 * 20), 80, (500 - 20 * ten1));
		line(80, 500 - 20 * ten1, 80, 500);
		line(130, 500, 130, 500 - 20 * ten2);
		line(130, 500 - 20 * ten2, 150, 500 - 20 * ten2);
		line(150, 500 - 20 * ten2, 150, 500);
		line(200, 500, 200, 500 - 20 * ten3);
		line(200, 500 - 20 * ten3, 220, 500 - 20 * ten3);
		line(220, 500 - 20 * ten3, 220, 500);
		line(270, 500, 270, 500 - 20 * ten4);
		line(270, 500 - 20 * ten4, 290, 500 - 20 * ten4);
		line(290, 500 - 20 * ten4, 290, 500);
		line(340, 500, 340, 500 - 20 * ten5);
		line(340, 500 - 20 * ten5, 360, 500 - 20 * ten5);
		line(360, 500 - 20 * ten5, 360, 500);
		line(410, 500, 410, 500 - 20 * ten6);
		line(410, 500 - 20 * ten6, 430, 500 - 20 * ten6);
		line(430, 500 - 20 * ten6, 430, 500);
		line(480, 500, 480, 500 - 20 * ten7);
		line(480, 500 - 20 * ten7, 500, 500 - 20 * ten7);
		line(500, 500 - 20 * ten7, 500, 500);
		line(550, 500, 550, 500 - 20 * ten8);
		line(550, 500 - 20 * ten8, 570, 500 - 20 * ten8);
		line(570, 500 - 20 * ten8, 570, 500);
		line(620, 500, 620, 500 - 20 * ten9);
		line(620, 500 - 20 * ten9, 640, 500 - 20 * ten9);
		line(640, 500 - 20 * ten9, 640, 500);
	void mathzzt(student b[]){
		int ten1 = 0, ten2 = 0, ten3 = 0, ten4 = 0, ten5 = 0, ten6 = 0, ten7 = 0, ten8 = 0, ten9 = 0, ten10 = 0;
		for (int i = 0; i < Len; i++)
			if (b[i].math < 60) ten1++;
			else if (60 <= b[i].math && b[i].math < 65) ten2++;
			else if (65 <= b[i].math && b[i].math < 70) ten3++;
			else if (70 <= b[i].math && b[i].math < 75) ten4++;
			else if (75 <= b[i].math && b[i].math < 80) ten5++;
			else if (80 <= b[i].math && b[i].math < 85) ten6++;
			else if (85 <= b[i].math && b[i].math < 90) ten7++;
			else if (90 <= b[i].math && b[i].math < 95) ten8++;
			else  ten9++;
		line(60, 500, 60, 500 - ten1 * 20);
		line(60, (500 - ten1 * 20), 80, (500 - 20 * ten1));
		line(80, 500 - 20 * ten1, 80, 500);
		line(130, 500, 130, 500 - 20 * ten2);
		line(130, 500 - 20 * ten2, 150, 500 - 20 * ten2);
		line(150, 500 - 20 * ten2, 150, 500);
		line(200, 500, 200, 500 - 20 * ten3);
		line(200, 500 - 20 * ten3, 220, 500 - 20 * ten3);
		line(220, 500 - 20 * ten3, 220, 500);
		line(270, 500, 270, 500 - 20 * ten4);
		line(270, 500 - 20 * ten4, 290, 500 - 20 * ten4);
		line(290, 500 - 20 * ten4, 290, 500);
		line(340, 500, 340, 500 - 20 * ten5);
		line(340, 500 - 20 * ten5, 360, 500 - 20 * ten5);
		line(360, 500 - 20 * ten5, 360, 500);
		line(410, 500, 410, 500 - 20 * ten6);
		line(410, 500 - 20 * ten6, 430, 500 - 20 * ten6);
		line(430, 500 - 20 * ten6, 430, 500);
		line(480, 500, 480, 500 - 20 * ten7);
		line(480, 500 - 20 * ten7, 500, 500 - 20 * ten7);
		line(500, 500 - 20 * ten7, 500, 500);
		line(550, 500, 550, 500 - 20 * ten8);
		line(550, 500 - 20 * ten8, 570, 500 - 20 * ten8);
		line(570, 500 - 20 * ten8, 570, 500);
		line(620, 500, 620, 500 - 20 * ten9);
		line(620, 500 - 20 * ten9, 640, 500 - 20 * ten9);
		line(640, 500 - 20 * ten9, 640, 500);
	void englishzzt(student b[]){
		int ten1 = 0, ten2 = 0, ten3 = 0, ten4 = 0, ten5 = 0, ten6 = 0, ten7 = 0, ten8 = 0, ten9 = 0, ten10 = 0;
		for (int i = 0; i < Len; i++)
			if (b[i].english < 60) ten1++;
			else if (60 <= b[i].english && b[i].english < 65) ten2++;
			else if (65 <= b[i].english && b[i].english < 70) ten3++;
			else if (70 <= b[i].english && b[i].english < 75) ten4++;
			else if (75 <= b[i].english && b[i].english < 80) ten5++;
			else if (80 <= b[i].english && b[i].english < 85) ten6++;
			else if (85 <= b[i].english && b[i].english < 90) ten7++;
			else if (90 <= b[i].english && b[i].english < 95) ten8++;
			else  ten9++;
		line(60, 500, 60, 500 - ten1 * 20);
		line(60, (500 - ten1 * 20), 80, (500 - 20 * ten1));
		line(80, 500 - 20 * ten1, 80, 500);
		line(130, 500, 130, 500 - 20 * ten2);
		line(130, 500 - 20 * ten2, 150, 500 - 20 * ten2);
		line(150, 500 - 20 * ten2, 150, 500);
		line(200, 500, 200, 500 - 20 * ten3);
		line(200, 500 - 20 * ten3, 220, 500 - 20 * ten3);
		line(220, 500 - 20 * ten3, 220, 500);
		line(270, 500, 270, 500 - 20 * ten4);
		line(270, 500 - 20 * ten4, 290, 500 - 20 * ten4);
		line(290, 500 - 20 * ten4, 290, 500);
		line(340, 500, 340, 500 - 20 * ten5);
		line(340, 500 - 20 * ten5, 360, 500 - 20 * ten5);
		line(360, 500 - 20 * ten5, 360, 500);
		line(410, 500, 410, 500 - 20 * ten6);
		line(410, 500 - 20 * ten6, 430, 500 - 20 * ten6);
		line(430, 500 - 20 * ten6, 430, 500);
		line(480, 500, 480, 500 - 20 * ten7);
		line(480, 500 - 20 * ten7, 500, 500 - 20 * ten7);
		line(500, 500 - 20 * ten7, 500, 500);
		line(550, 500, 550, 500 - 20 * ten8);
		line(550, 500 - 20 * ten8, 570, 500 - 20 * ten8);
		line(570, 500 - 20 * ten8, 570, 500);
		line(620, 500, 620, 500 - 20 * ten9);
		line(620, 500 - 20 * ten9, 640, 500 - 20 * ten9);
		line(640, 500 - 20 * ten9, 640, 500);


int main(){
	cout << endl;
	student a;
	int choice;
	cout << "\t\t\t┏━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━┓\n";
	cout << "\t\t\t┃       1.学生     2.老师      3.管理员           \t\n";
	cout << "\t\t\t┗━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━┛\n";
	cout << "\t\t\t【系统提示】请输入你的选择:";
	cin >> choice;
	switch (choice){
	case 1:{cout << "\t\t\t【系统提示】请输入学号:";
		int p = 1;
		string id;
		cin >> id; int i = 0;
		for (; i < a.Size; i++){
			if (id == a.Stu[i].idphone&&p == mima(a.Stu[i].mi)){
				cout << "\t\t\t【系统提示】登录成功!" << endl;
				cout << endl;
				while (1){
					cout << "\t\t\t【系统提示】1.查看个人信息  2.查看成绩  3.退出系统" << endl;
					cout << "\t\t\t【系统提示】请输入你的选择:";
					int t; cin >> t;
					cout << endl;
					if (t == 1) {
						cout << a.Stu[i].mayjor << '\t' << a.Stu[i].classid << '\t' << a.Stu[i].idphone << '\t' << a.Stu[i].Name << a.Stu[i].Birthday << '\t' << a.Stu[i].age << '\t' << a.Stu[i].homead << '\t';
						cout << a.Stu[i].academy << '\t' << a.Stu[i].telephone << '\t' << a.Stu[i].number << endl;
					else if (t == 2){
						cout << a.Stu[i].Name << endl;
						cout << "专业成绩:" << a.Stu[i].major << endl;
						cout << "高数成绩:" << a.Stu[i].math << endl;
						cout << "英语成绩:" << a.Stu[i].english << endl;
					else exit(0);
		if (i >= a.Size) cout << "\t\t\t【系统提示】未查到此人" << endl;
		break; }
	case 2:{teacher b;
		int q;
		int m;
		q = b.findjs();
		if (q == 1){
			teacherunlock(); cout << endl;
			while (1){
				cout << "\t\t\t   |1.录入学生信息 2.修改学生成绩 3.学生成绩排序 4.查询学生成绩  5.成绩折线图   6.退出|\n\n" << endl;
				cin >> m;
				switch (m){
				case 1:{a.lr(); break; }
				case 2:{a.rewrite(); break; }
				case 3:{a.paixu(); break; }
				case 4:{a.xmcx(10); break; }
				case 5:{a.tumenu();	break; }
				case 6:{exit(0); break; }

		else cout << "\t\t\t【系统提示】信息有误,重新输入" << endl;
		break; }
	case 3:{ User user;
		int chose;
		cout << endl;
		cout << "\t\t\t┏━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━┓\n";
		cout << "\t\t\t┃       1.注    册     2.登    录      ┃\t\n";
		cout << "\t\t\t┗━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━┛\n";
		cout << "\t\t\t【系统提示】请输入你的选择:";
		cin >> chose;
		if (chose > 2 || chose < -1)
			cout << "\t\t\t【系统提示】输入格式错误,请重新输入:";
			cin >> chose;
		switch (chose)
		case 1:user.Registers(); break;
		case 2:user.Login(); break;
		cout << "请选择相应序号:" << endl;
		int flag, t; cin >> flag;
		cout << endl;
		switch (flag){
		case 0:{t = 0; break; }
		case 1:{ int hh; cout << "录入方式选择:" << endl;
			cout << "\t\t\t   | 1. 批量录入学生信息\t\t2.单个学生信息录入\t\t  |\n\n" << endl;
			cin >> hh;
			switch (hh){
			case 1: a.inputinformation(); break;
			case 2:a.lr(); break;
			break; }
		case 2: {int hh;
			cout << "查询方式选择:" << endl;
			cout << "\t\t\t   | 1. 姓名查询\t\t2.班级查询\t\t3.学号查询\t\t |\n\n" << endl;
			cout << "\t\t\t   | 4. 课程查询\t\t5.不及格查询\t\t6.通讯公司\t\t |\n\n" << endl;
			cin >> hh;
			switch (hh){
			case 1: {a.xmcx(); break; }
			case 2: {a.bjcx(); break; }
			case 3: {a.xhcx(); break;	}
			case 4:{a.dkcx();	break;	}
			case 5: {a.bjgcx();	break;	}
			case 6:{a.sjcx();	break;	}
			break;  }
		case 3:{int plas;
			cout << "\t\t\t   | 1. 姓名修改成绩\t\t2.学号修改成绩\t\t3.批量修改\t\t |\n\n" << endl;
			cout << "修改方式及内容选择:" << endl;
			cin >> plas;
			switch (plas){
			case 1: { a.rewrite(); break; }
			case 2: {a.rewrite1();	break; }
			case 3:{a.xg();	break; }
			break; }


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