
  • 初始化单链表:通过NewList函数初始化单链表,并指定头结点和大小。
  • 打印单链表:通过display方法打印出单链表中所有节点的值。
  • 判断单链表中是否存在环:使用快慢指针的方式判断单链表中是否存在环。
  • 就地翻转单链表:使用迭代的方式实现单链表的就地翻转。
  • 清除单链表中所有节点:通过clear方法清除单链表中的所有节点,并返回节点值的列表。
  • 判断单链表是否为空:通过isEmpty方法判断单链表是否为空。
  • 返回单链表的长度大小:通过length方法返回单链表的长度。
  • 返回单链表的首节点:通过getHead方法返回单链表的首节点。
  • 设置单链表的首节点:通过setHead方法设置单链表的首节点。
  • 手动计算单链表的长度大小:通过count方法手动计算单链表的长度。
  • 判断给定的值是否在单链表中:通过search方法判断给定的值是否在单链表中。
  • 根据给定的索引返回单链表中相应的元素值:通过getNth方法根据给定的索引返回单链表中相应的元素值。
  • 在头结点前插入元素:通过insertHead方法在头结点前插入元素。
  • 在尾结点后插入元素:通过insertTail方法在尾结点后插入元素。
  • 在指定位置上插入元素:通过insertNth方法在指定位置上插入元素。
  • 删除头结点:通过deleteHead方法删除头结点,并返回删除的元素值。
  • 删除尾结点:通过deleteTail方法删除尾结点,并返回删除的元素值。
  • 删除指定位置的元素:通过deleteNth方法删除指定位置的元素,并返回删除的元素值。
  • 检查给定位置是否超出单链表范围:通过checkBounds方法检查给定位置是否超出单链表范围。
package singlylinkedlist

import (

type Node struct {
	value int
	next  *Node

func NewNode(value int, next *Node) *Node {
	return &Node{value, next}

type singlylinkedlist struct {
	head *Node
	size int

// NewList
//  @Description: 初始化单链表,指定头结点和大小
//  @param head
//  @param size
//  @return *singlylinkedlist
func NewList(head *Node, size int) *singlylinkedlist {
	return &singlylinkedlist{head, size}

// display
//  @Description: 打印出单链表中所有结点的值
//  @receiver l
func (l *singlylinkedlist) display() {
	if l.isEmpty() {
		fmt.Println("The list to display is empty")
	cur := l.head
	for cur != nil {
		if cur.next == nil {
		fmt.Print(cur.value, "->")
		cur = cur.next

// detectLoop
//  @Description: 判断单链表中是否存在环(使用快慢指针的方式)
//  @return bool
func (l *singlylinkedlist) detectLoop() bool {
	slow := l.head
	fast := l.head
	for (fast != nil) && (fast.next != nil) {
		slow = slow.next
		fast = fast.next.next
		if fast == slow {
			return true
	return false

// reverseList
//  @Description: 就地翻转单链表
//  @receiver l
func (l *singlylinkedlist) reverseList() {

	var pre *Node
	cur := l.head
	nxt := l.head

	for cur != nil {
		nxt = cur.next
		cur.next = pre
		pre = cur
		cur = nxt
	l.head = pre

// clear
//  @Description: 清除单链表中所有结点
//  @receiver l
//  @return res
func (l *singlylinkedlist) clear() (res []int) {

	cur := l.head
	for cur != nil {
		prev := cur
		res = append(res, prev.value)
		cur = cur.next
		prev = nil
	l.head = nil
	l.size = 0
	return res

// isEmpty
//  @Description: 判断单链表是否为空
//  @receiver l
//  @return bool
func (l *singlylinkedlist) isEmpty() bool{
	return l.size == 0

// count
//  @Description: 返回单链表的长度大小
//  @receiver l
//  @return int the count of the list
func (l *singlylinkedlist) length() int {
	return l.size

// getHead
//  @Description: 返回单链表的首结点
//  @receiver l
//  @return *Node the head of the list
func (l *singlylinkedlist) getHead() *Node {
	return l.head

// setHead
//  @Description: 设置单链表的首结点
//  @receiver l
//  @param node
func (l *singlylinkedlist) setHead(node *Node) {
	l.head = node

// count
//  @Description: 手动计算单链表的长度大小
//  @receiver l
//  @return int the count of the list
func (l *singlylinkedlist) count() int {
	count := 0
	cur := l.head
	for cur != nil {
		cur = cur.next
	return count


// search
//  @Description: 判断所给的key值是否在单链表中
//  @receiver l
//  @param key the value to be searched
//  @return bool {@code true} if key is present in the list, otherwise {@code false}
func (l *singlylinkedlist) search(key int) bool {
	cur := l.head
	for cur != nil {
		if cur.value == key {
			return true
		cur = cur.next
	return false

// getNth
//  @Description: 根据所给的index返回单链表中相应的元素值
//  @receiver l
//  @param index
//  @return int
func (l *singlylinkedlist) getNth(index int) int {
	l.checkBounds(index, 0, l.size - 1)
	cur := l.head
	for i := 0; i < index; i++ {
		cur = cur.next
	return cur.value

// insertHead
//  @Description: 在头结点前插入元素
//  @receiver l
//  @param x
func (l *singlylinkedlist) insertHead(x int) {
	l.insertNth(x, 0)

// insertTail
//  @Description: 在尾结点之后插入元素
//  @receiver l
//  @param data
func (l *singlylinkedlist) insertTail(data int) {
	l.insertNth(data, l.size)

// insertNth
//  @Description: 在指定的位置上插入元素
//  @receiver l
//  @param data
//  @param position
func (l *singlylinkedlist) insertNth(data int, position int) {
	l.checkBounds(position, 0, l.size)
	newNode := NewNode(data, nil)
	if l.head == nil {
		l.head = newNode
	if position == 0 {
		newNode.next = l.head
		l.head = newNode

	cur := l.head
	for i := 0; i < position - 1; i++ {
		cur = cur.next
	newNode.next = cur.next
	cur.next = newNode

// deleteHead
//  @Description: 删除头结点
//  @receiver l
//  @return int
func (l *singlylinkedlist) deleteHead() int {
	return l.deleteNth(0)

// deleteTail
//  @Description: 删除尾结点
//  @receiver l
//  @return int
func (l *singlylinkedlist) deleteTail() int {
	return l.deleteNth(l.size - 1)

// deleteNth
//  @Description: 删除指定位置的元素并返回其响应的元素值
//  @receiver l
//  @param position
//  @return int
func (l *singlylinkedlist) deleteNth(position int) int {
	l.checkBounds(position, 0, l.size - 1)
	if position == 0 {
		destroy := l.head
		deleteValue := destroy.value
		l.head = l.head.next
		destroy = nil
		return deleteValue

	cur := l.head
	// 找到需要删除的元素的前一个位置
	for i := 0; i < position - 1; i++ {
		cur = cur.next

	destroy := cur.next
	deleteValue := destroy.value
	cur.next = cur.next.next
	destroy = nil
	return deleteValue

// checkBounds
//  @Description: 判断所给的position是否超过了单链表的范围
//  @receiver l
//  @param position
//  @param low
//  @param high
func (l *singlylinkedlist) checkBounds(position int, low int, high int) {
	if position > high || position < low {

package singlylinkedlist

import (

type Node struct {
	value int
	next  *Node

func NewNode(value int, next *Node) *Node {
	return &Node{value, next}

type singlylinkedlist struct {
	head *Node
	size int

// NewList
//  @Description: Init singly lined list with specified head and size
//  @param head
//  @param size
//  @return *singlylinkedlist
func NewList(head *Node, size int) *singlylinkedlist {
	return &singlylinkedlist{head, size}

// display
//  @Description: Display the value of each node in singly linked list
//  @receiver l
func (l *singlylinkedlist) display() {
	if l.isEmpty() {
		fmt.Println("The list to display is empty")
	cur := l.head
	for cur != nil {
		if cur.next == nil {
		fmt.Print(cur.value, "->")
		cur = cur.next

// detectLoop
//  @Description: Detect there is a loop in singly linked list (using slow&fast pointer)
//  @return bool
func (l *singlylinkedlist) detectLoop() bool {
	slow := l.head
	fast := l.head
	for (fast != nil) && (fast.next != nil) {
		slow = slow.next
		fast = fast.next.next
		if fast == slow {
			return true
	return false

// reverseList
//  @Description: Reverse a singly linked list
//  @receiver l
func (l *singlylinkedlist) reverseList() {

	var pre *Node
	cur := l.head
	nxt := l.head

	for cur != nil {
		nxt = cur.next
		cur.next = pre
		pre = cur
		cur = nxt
	l.head = pre

// clear
//  @Description: Clear all nodes in singly linked list
//  @receiver l
//  @return res
func (l *singlylinkedlist) clear() (res []int) {

	cur := l.head
	for cur != nil {
		prev := cur
		res = append(res, prev.value)
		cur = cur.next
		prev = nil
	l.head = nil
	l.size = 0
	return res

// isEmpty
//  @Description: Check if the list is empty
//  @receiver l
//  @return bool
func (l *singlylinkedlist) isEmpty() bool{
	return l.size == 0

// count
//  @Description: Return the size of list
//  @receiver l
//  @return int the count of the list
func (l *singlylinkedlist) length() int {
	return l.size

// getHead
//  @Description: Return head of the list
//  @receiver l
//  @return *Node the head of the list
func (l *singlylinkedlist) getHead() *Node {
	return l.head

// setHead
//  @Description: Set head of the list
//  @receiver l
//  @param node
func (l *singlylinkedlist) setHead(node *Node) {
	l.head = node

// count
//  @Description: Calculate count of the list manually
//  @receiver l
//  @return int the count of the list
func (l *singlylinkedlist) count() int {
	count := 0
	cur := l.head
	for cur != nil {
		cur = cur.next
	return count


// search
//  @Description: Test if the value key is present in the list
//  @receiver l
//  @param key the value to be searched
//  @return bool {@code true} if key is present in the list, otherwise {@code false}
func (l *singlylinkedlist) search(key int) bool {
	cur := l.head
	for cur != nil {
		if cur.value == key {
			return true
		cur = cur.next
	return false

// getNth
//  @Description: Return element at special index
//  @receiver l
//  @param index
//  @return int
func (l *singlylinkedlist) getNth(index int) int {
	l.checkBounds(index, 0, l.size - 1)
	cur := l.head
	for i := 0; i < index; i++ {
		cur = cur.next
	return cur.value

// insertHead
//  @Description: Insert an element at the head of the list
//  @receiver l
//  @param x
func (l *singlylinkedlist) insertHead(x int) {
	l.insertNth(x, 0)

// insertTail
//  @Description: Insert an element at the tail of the list
//  @receiver l
//  @param data
func (l *singlylinkedlist) insertTail(data int) {
	l.insertNth(data, l.size)

// insertNth
//  @Description: Insert a new node at a specified position of the list
//  @receiver l
//  @param data
//  @param position
func (l *singlylinkedlist) insertNth(data int, position int) {
	l.checkBounds(position, 0, l.size)
	newNode := NewNode(data, nil)
	if l.head == nil {
		l.head = newNode
	if position == 0 {
		newNode.next = l.head
		l.head = newNode

	cur := l.head
	for i := 0; i < position - 1; i++ {
		cur = cur.next
	newNode.next = cur.next
	cur.next = newNode

// deleteHead
//  @Description: Delete a node at the head
//  @receiver l
//  @return int
func (l *singlylinkedlist) deleteHead() int {
	return l.deleteNth(0)

// deleteTail
//  @Description: Delete an element at the tail
//  @receiver l
//  @return int
func (l *singlylinkedlist) deleteTail() int {
	return l.deleteNth(l.size - 1)

// deleteNth
//  @Description: Delete an element at Nth position and return the deleted value
//  @receiver l
//  @param position
//  @return int
func (l *singlylinkedlist) deleteNth(position int) int {
	l.checkBounds(position, 0, l.size - 1)
	if position == 0 {
		destroy := l.head
		deleteValue := destroy.value
		l.head = l.head.next
		destroy = nil
		return deleteValue

	cur := l.head
	// To find the node before the specified position
	for i := 0; i < position - 1; i++ {
		cur = cur.next

	destroy := cur.next
	deleteValue := destroy.value
	cur.next = cur.next.next
	destroy = nil
	return deleteValue

// checkBounds
//  @Description: Check if the position in the range
//  @receiver l
//  @param position
//  @param low
//  @param high
func (l *singlylinkedlist) checkBounds(position int, low int, high int) {
	if position > high || position < low {
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