


Adaptive Filter andPyramid

  1. Below is a small region of an image consisting of a noisy step edge.
    (The original image had value=30 on the left of the step, and
    value=10 to the right of the step.) It was corrupted by additive
    Gaussian noise with zero mean and variance = 6.5.
    32 25 29 30 27 13 14 16 12 7
    28 31 32 31 28 11 7 12 6 11
    32 28 30 33 31 10 11 8 14 12
    27 28 33 32 27 11 12 12 6 12
    32 30 29 29 31 13 9 12 13 10
    At the three points indicated by the boxes, compute the value of the adaptive filter
    shown in Equation 5.3-12 in the textbook. (The size of the filter is 5x5.)You should
    give the results of local mean, local var and filter value on these three points.
    (Hint: The equation for the adaptive filter is in Equation 5.3-12 in the textbook. We
    compute the local mean and variance in a 5x5 window surrounding each of the three
    points of interest. You can do this by writing a small piece of Matlab code.)
  2. Use Matlab’s random number generator to generate a 4x4 image
    of numbers ranging from 1…16. Use the Matlab commands below to
    generate the matrix. Construct an approximation pyramid for this
    image, using 2x2 block neighborhood averaging (don’t round off the
    results to integer). Then find the corresponding residual pyramid,
    assuming that the interpolation filter implements pixel replication.
    rng(‘default’); % reset random number generator
    I0 = randi(16,4); % create 4x4 matrix, 1…16
    (Hint: imfilter and imresize)
    You should show:

(Hint: imfilter and imresize)
You should show:

  1. the original “image” (4x4),
  2. the complete pyramid,
  3. the predication residual at level 0,
  4. the predication residual at level 1,
  5. the complete prediction residual pyramid







在第一部分中,我们可以通过编写一个小段的Matlab代码来计算三个感兴趣点的局部均值、局部方差和滤波器值。首先,我们需要定义一个5x5的滤波器,然后在每个感兴趣点的周围5x5的窗口中计算局部均值和局部方差。最后,根据Equation 5.3-12中的自适应滤波器公式,计算滤波器值。

% Define the input image
I = [32 25 29 30 27 13 14 16 12 7;
     28 31 32 31 28 11 7 12 6 11;
     32 28 30 33 31 10 11 8 14 12;
     27 28 33 32 27 11 12 12 6 12;
     32 30 29 29 31 13 9 12 13 10];

% Define the filter size
M = 5;
N = 5;

% Define the noise variance
noise = 6.5;

% Define the points of interest
P = [2 2; 3 3; 4 4];

% Initialize the output variables
local_mean = zeros(size(P,1),1);
local_var = zeros(size(P,1),1);
filter_value = zeros(size(P,1),1);

% Loop over the points of interest
for i = 1:size(P,1)
    % Get the row and column indices of the point
    r = P(i,1);
    c = P(i,2);
    % Get the local neighborhood of the point
    W = I(r-M/2:r+M/2, c-N/2:c+N/2);
    % Compute the local mean and variance
    local_mean(i) = mean(W(:));
    local_var(i) = var(W(:));
    % Compute the filter value using Equation 5.3-12
    filter_value(i) = local_mean(i) + (local_var(i) - noise) / local_var(i) * (I(r,c) - local_mean(i));

% Display the results
disp('Local mean:')
disp('Local variance:')
disp('Filter value:')
% Input data
g = [
32 25 29 30 27 13 14 16 12 7;
28 31 32 31 28 11 7 12 6 11;
32 28 30 33 31 10 11 8 14 12;
27 28 33 32 27 11 12 12 6 12;
32 30 29 29 31 13 9 12 13 10 ];
n = 2; % size of filter is n-2:n+2
r = 3; c = 3; % Point about which to compute
gsub = g(r-n:r+n,c-n:c+n);
mL = mean2(gsub); % Local mean
vL = var(gsub(:)); % Local variance
f = g(r,c) - (vN/vL)*(g(r,c) - mL);
fprintf('At point (r,c)=(%d,%d), local mean = %f, local var = %f, filter value = %f\n', ...
r,c, mL, vL, f);
r = 3; c = 8; % Point about which to compute
gsub = g(r-n:r+n,c-n:c+n);
mL = mean2(gsub); % Local mean
vL = var(gsub(:)); % Local variance
f = g(r,c) - (vN/vL)*(g(r,c) - mL);
fprintf('At point (r,c)=(%d,%d), local mean = %f, local var = %f, filter value = %f\n', ...
r,c, mL, vL, f);
r = 3; c = 6; % Point about which to compute
gsub = g(r-n:r+n,c-n:c+n);
mL = mean2(gsub); % Local mean
vL = var(gsub(:)); % Local variance
f = g(r,c) - (vN/vL)*(g(r,c) - mL);
fprintf('At point (r,c)=(%d,%d), local mean = %f, local var = %f, filter value = %f\n', ...
r,c, mL, vL, f);
  • 输出结果



clear all
close all
rng('default'); % reset random number generator
I0 = randi(16,4); % create 4x4 matrix, 1..16
% Create level 1: average 2x2 blocks of level 0 and subsample
I1 = imfilter(I0,ones(2,2)/4);
I1 = I1(1:2:end, 1:2:end)
% Create level 2: average 2x2 blocks of level 1 and subsample
I2 = imfilter(I1,ones(2,2)/4);
I2 = I2(1:2:end, 1:2:end)
% Create prediction at level 1 by replicating 2x2 blocks of level 2
I1p = imresize(I2,2,'nearest')
% Residual at level 1
R1 = I1 - I1p
% Create prediction at level 0 by replicating 2x2 blocks of level 1
I0p = imresize(I1,2,'nearest')
% Residual at level 0
R0 = I0 - I0p



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