

  • 首先,笔者是典型的哑巴英语,六级也是擦边过的(447)。但考核有英语,也就只能硬着头皮说,尽量把常见的英语问题流程准备好,其他的只能随机应变吧。
  • 但好在参营的英语面试大部分没有太为难哥们。不过也可能笔者参营不多(njuse,whucs,sysucs,ustccs,具体考核内容在《和平星-院校小计(可信度更高版maybe)》),参考价值没有那么大。
  • 再说回到准备,其实到最后,下面的英文笔者也没全部背会,最重要的就是自我介绍(3min的够用)和项目的英文。基本所有院校的英文都有这个环节,所以背也要背熟。
  • 下面其他的部分,至少笔者参加的几个面试没怎么涉及到。
  • 有些院校也有其他的英语部分:比如中山大学是给一段英文,让你读一遍然后翻译(自我介绍是ppt的形式,可以用中文)。





        Good afternoon, professors. It is my great honor to attend the interview myself here. I’m XXX from Hunan University, majoring in Computer Science and Technology. Today I will introduce myself from three aspects: education background, research experience ,and personal blog.

        First of all, I ranked first among 143 students with a GPA of 3.89 out of 4.I won the first-class scholarship of Hunan University, the Aiwan Medical Scholarship which  was won by only three undergraduates of the college .

        Next,In addition to acquiring professional knowledge, I actively participated in various research projects. For instance, I implemented a multi-processor Sudoku solver ,using multithreading and an active dispatch approach to optimize the problem's time complexity. Additionally, I utilized Quartus tools to design a simple computer with hard-wired logic control, which was successfully tested on an FPGA board.

        Thirdly,I also frequently share computer-related knowledge and insights on my CSDN blog, where I have published over 100 articles.My blog has over 1000 followers and a total of more than 74,000 visits.
        Finally,  going further study in Nanjing University has always been my dream. I sincerely hope that I can get this opportunity to make my dream come true here.
        Thank you for your time and attention!



        其次,除了学习专业知识外,我还积极参与了各种科研项目。例如,我利用多线程和主动调度的方法实现了一个多处理器数独求解器,以优化问题的时间复杂度。此外,我利用 Quartus 工具设计了一个简单的具有硬逻辑控制的计算机,并成功在 FPGA 板上进行了测试。




        Good afternoon, professors. It is my great honor to attend the interview myself here. I’m XXX from Hunan University, majoring in Computer Science and Technology. Today I will introduce myself from three aspects: education background, research experience ,and personal blog.

        First of all, I ranked first among 143 students with a GPA of 3.89 out of 4.I won the first-class scholarship of Hunan University, the Aiwan Medical Scholarship, which  was won by only three undergraduates of the college .In terms of student affairs,I have served as an officer in the Student Union at Hunan University, the Director of Activities in the Orienteering Club, and the class monitor.

        Next,In addition to acquiring professional knowledge, I actively participated in various research projects. For instance, I implemented a multi-processor Sudoku solver ,using multithreading and an active dispatch approach to optimize the problem's time complexity. Additionally, I utilized Quartus tools to design a simple computer with hard-wired logic control, which was successfully tested on an FPGA board.

        Thirdly,I also frequently share computer-related knowledge and insights on my CSDN blog, where I have published over 100 articles covering topics such as artificial intelligence, system architecture, computer networking, algorithm design, and more. My blog has over 1000 followers and a total of more than 74,000 visits.
        Finally,  going further study in Nanjing University has always been my dream. I sincerely hope that I can get this opportunity to make my dream come true here.
        Thank you for your time and attention!



        其次,除了学习专业知识外,我还积极参与了各种科研项目。例如,我使用多线程和主动调度方法实现了一个多处理器数独求解器,以优化问题的时间复杂度。此外,我利用 Quartus 工具设计了一个简单的具有硬逻辑控制的计算机,并成功在 FPGA 板上进行了测试。




        Good afternoon, professors. It is my great honor to attend the interview myself here. I’m XXX from Hunan University, majoring in Computer Science and Technology. Today I will introduce myself from four aspects: education background, research experience ,personal blog  and student affairs.

        First of all, I ranked first among 143 students with a GPA of 3.89 out of 4.I won the first-class scholarship of Hunan University, the Aiwan Medical Scholarship, which  was won by only three undergraduates of the college .

        Next,In addition to acquiring professional knowledge, I actively participated in various research projects. For instance, I implemented a multi-processor Sudoku solver ,using multithreading and an active dispatch approach to optimize the problem's time complexity.I was responsible for implementing a thread pool based on C++11 and solving Sudoku problems using multithreading with the Dancing Links algorithm. Additionally, I utilized Quartus tools to design a simple computer with hard-wired logic control, which was successfully tested on an FPGA board.I was responsible for implementing components such as the control signal generation logic and instruction decoder, integrating the model machine, and conducting simulation waveform tests and FPGA board tests.

        Thirdly,I also frequently share computer-related knowledge and insights on my CSDN blog, where I have published over 100 articles covering topics such as artificial intelligence, system architecture, computer networking, algorithm design, and more. My blog has over 1000 followers and a total of more than 74,000 visits.

        Fourthly, in terms of student affairs, I served as the Director of the Learning Department of the Student Union at Hunan University, where I participated in organizing the "Youth Growth Forum" project. This project was selected as one of the top 100 nationwide and one of the top 3 in Hunan Province for "Most Popular Projects Among Students". Additionally, I held the position of Director of Activities Department in the Hunan University Orienteering Club, where I co-organized the 2022 Hunan University Freshman Orienteering Race, with over 5200 undergraduate freshmen participating. Furthermore, I also served as the class monitor for my class.
        Finally,  going further study in Nanjing University has always been my dream. I sincerely hope that I can get this opportunity to make my dream come true here.
        Thank you for your time and attention!



        其次,在积累专业知识的同时,我积极参与各种科研项目。例如,我采用多线程和主动调度方法实现了一个多处理器数独求解器,以优化问题的时间复杂度。我负责基于C++11实现线程池,并利用舞蹈链算法解决数独问题。此外,我利用 Quartus 工具设计了一个带有硬连线逻辑控制的简单计算机,并成功在 FPGA 板上进行了测试。我还负责实现控制信号生成逻辑、指令译码器等组件,整合了模型机,并进行了仿真波形测试和 FPGA 板上的测试。






        Good afternoon/morning, professors. It’s my great honor to be here for this interview. Now allow me to introduce myself briefly. My name is XXX, a junior at Hunan University, majoring in Computer Science And Technology.

        In the past three years, I have studied diligently and achieved remarkable results. I ranked first among 143 students and was awarded the first-class scholarship of Hunan University, the Aiwan Medical Scholarship which  was won by only three undergraduates of the college . Additionally, I actively participated in  research projects to make efficient use of my spare time. 

        Lastly, I’d like to share my research interests. I am particularly interested in 【介绍你的科研兴趣】.

       Nanjing University, is the ideal platform I have long admired. Because I 【说你喜欢这个学校的原因,两句话即可】. Now that I have the opportunity to apply, I am eager to seize it. If granted the honor to study here, I am committed to giving my best efforts in the exciting three years ahead!

        Thank you very much for your time and attention.


      Good afternoon/morning, professors. It’s my great honor to be here for this interview. Now allow me to introduce myself briefly. My name is 【你的名字】, a junior at 【你的学校】, majoring in Computer Science And Technology.

        In the past three years, I have studied diligently and achieved remarkable results. I ranked second【如果排名好看就说,排名不好看就不说】 in my major and was awarded the National Scholarship in 2021-2022【获得的一些奖学金什么的】. Additionally, I actively participated in competitions and research projects to make efficient use of my spare time. I received 【列举你的奖项/论文什么的】. Furthermore, I would like to highlight 【详细介绍你觉得最加分的那个比赛/论文】.

        Lastly, I’d like to share my research interests. I am particularly interested in 【介绍你的科研兴趣】.

       【面试的学校:比如Shang Hai jiao tong university】, is the ideal platform I have long admired. Because I 【说你喜欢这个学校的原因,两句话即可】. Now that I have the opportunity to apply, I am eager to seize it. If granted the honor to study here, I am committed to giving my best efforts in the exciting three years ahead!

        Thank you very much for your time and attention.








        Firstly, I implemented a multi-processor Sudoku solver ,using multithreading and an active dispatch approach to optimize the problem's time complexity.

        Additionally, I utilized Quartus tools to design a simple computer with hard-wired logic control, which was successfully tested on an FPGA board.


        Firstly, I implemented a multi-processor Sudoku solver. It uses active dispatch distribution pattern, attempting to utilize all CPU cores, in order to further optimize the time complexity of Sudoku problem.I was responsible for implementing a thread pool based on C++11 and solving Sudoku problems using multithreading with the Dancing Links algorithm.

        Additionally, I utilized Quartus tools and Verilog language to design a simple computer with hard-wired logic control, which was successfully tested on an FPGA board.I was responsible for implementing components such as the control signal generation logic and instruction decoder, integrating the model machine, and conducting simulation waveform tests and FPGA board tests.

        首先,我实现了一个多处理器数独求解器。它采用主动派发的分发模式,试图利用所有 CPU 内核,以进一步优化数独问题的时间复杂度。我负责基于 C++11 实现线程池,并使用舞蹈链算法解决数独问题。

        此外,我利用 Quartus 工具和 Verilog 语言设计了一个带有硬连线逻辑控制的简易计算机,成功在 FPGA 板上进行了测试。我负责实现诸如控制信号生成逻辑和指令译码器等组件,整合模型机,并进行仿真波形测试和 FPGA 板测试。



        I implemented a multi-processor Sudoku solver.

        Firstly, the Dancing Links algorithm is already an efficient algorithm for solving Sudoku problems algorithmically. Here, we aim to optimize the time complexity of this problem from the perspective of multithreading.

        Secondly, in terms of implementation: I adopt an active dispatch distribution pattern here, attempting to utilize all CPU cores, in order to further optimize the time complexity of Sudoku problem.

        Thirdly, in this work, I was primarily responsible for implementing a thread pool based on C++11 and solving Sudoku problems using the Dancing Links algorithm.



        其次,在具体实现方面:我采用主动派发的分发模式,试图利用所有 CPU 内核,以进一步优化数独问题的时间复杂度。

        最后,在这项工作中,我主要负责基于 C++11 实现线程池,并使用舞蹈链算法解决数独问题。


        I utilized Quartus tools and Verilog language to design a simple computer with hard-wired logic control, which was successfully tested on an FPGA board.

        The purpose of this project is to have a clearer understanding of computer architecture and instruction set. Additionally, the clever design of the test program allows one program to test multiple instructions and components.

        I was responsible for implementing components such as control signal generation logic and instruction decoder, integrating the model machine, and conducting simulation waveform tests and FPGA board tests.

        我利用 Quartus 工具和 Verilog 语言设计了一个带有硬连线逻辑控制的简易计算机,并成功在 FPGA 板上进行了测试。


        我负责实现诸如控制信号生成逻辑和指令译码器等组件,整合模型机,并进行仿真波形测试和 FPGA 板测试。




        EnCodec is the SOTA model in audio compression based neural network. It was widely used in Music Generation, text to speech and other audio field.

        But we find the official codebase doesn’t provide the train script and the checkpoint is trained on many domain dataset, including high quality and low quality, clean and noise. This cause the reconstruction audio isn’t well.

        Based on these problem. I reproduced and retrain the EnCodec model under the guidance of Prof. Chen . When train the model, I add some tricks to accelerate training, such as distributed training, warmup, learning scheduler and so on.

        Finally, the model we retrained is better than official model in reconstruction audio quality.







你对我们学校了解吗?/ 你能简单说说对我们学校的印象吗?

        【面试的学校:比如Shang Hai Jiao Tong university】 enjoys a rich faculty, full of professionally competent and high-caliber teachers. There is no doubt that I will learn a lot here. It is always my dream school, now I have a chance to apply for it, I want to seize this chance.



        There are several reasons.

        Firstly, xxxxx university is famous all over the country, it is my dream to study here.         Secondly,it can provide students with rich study resources which my college cannot give

        Besides, I would be my great honor to attend sush an excellent department.







        Hunan University is located in the historic and culturally renowned city of Changsha, China. It faces the Xiang River in front and is backed by the Yuelu Mountain, earning it the title of "thousand-year-old institution of learning and a century-old prestigious university." It is situated within the Yuelu Mountain - Orange Isle National 5A-level scenic area. Its educational origins trace back to the establishment of Yuelu Academy during the Northern Song Dynasty and the founding of the School of Current Affairs in 1897.

        In terms of computer science, the College of Information Science and Engineering at Hunan University leverages the National Supercomputing Center in Changsha. Its computer science discipline ranks among the top 0.1% globally according to ESI and received an A- rating in the fifth round of national subject evaluations.

        It has given me a lot in the past few years, not only laying a solid professional foundation and imparting valuable knowledge, but also teaching me to maintain a rigorous attitude towards academics.





        My undergraduate college is Xidian University. Located in Xi 'an, Shaanxi Province, Xidian University is administered by the Ministry of Education of China. Xidian focuses on electronics and information education and research.

        It has given me a lot in the past few years, which not only laid a solid professional foundation for me and passed on knowledge to me, but also taught me to hold a strict attitude towards the academic.




介绍你的家乡 Can you tell me a little bit about your hometown?


        I am from Guoyang County is located in Bozhou City, Anhui Province, which is known for its rich history and cultural heritage.

        Bozhou City ,located in the northwest of Anhui Province, is known as the "Hometown of Chinese Medicine." Bozhou is one of the birthplaces of traditional Chinese medicine and is home to many famous medicinal herbs.It is also historically significant as the hometown of Cao Cao, with several sites dedicated to his legacy, including the Cao Cao Military Transport Tunnel.

        Guoyang County is famously known as the birthplace of Laozi, the ancient Chinese philosopher and the founder of Taoism. The county has several historical sites dedicated to Laozi, including the Laozi Cultural Park and the Laozi Temple. Guoyang is also famous for its agricultural products, particularly wheat and Chinese medicinal herbs. 

        I'm proud to introduce Guoyang County and Bozhou City, and I highly recommend visiting to experience their unique charm and immerse yourself in their rich cultural heritage.






        Certainly! I come from Xi'an, a city with a rich history and cultural heritage in China. Xi'an is located in the northwestern part of the country and is the capital of Shaanxi Province.

        Xi'an is renowned for its historical significance as it served as the capital of multiple ancient dynasties in China, including the Qin, Han, and Tang dynasties. One of the city's most famous attractions is the Terracotta Army, an incredible archaeological discovery consisting of thousands of life-sized clay soldiers and horses. It is truly a remarkable sight to behold.

        Xi'an is also home to the ancient city walls, which are one of the best-preserved city walls in China. They offer a fantastic view of the city and are a popular spot for locals and tourists alike. Another iconic landmark is the Big Wild Goose Pagoda, a Buddhist pagoda that dates back to the Tang Dynasty. It's a symbol of Xi'an's cultural heritage and attracts many visitors.

        I'm proud to call Xi'an my hometown, and I highly recommend visiting to experience its unique charm and immerse yourself in its rich cultural heritage.






Introduce your hometown

        I am from Guoyang County in Bozhou City, Anhui Province, known for its rich history and cultural heritage.

        Bozhou City, in the northwest of Anhui, is called the "Hometown of Chinese Medicine." It is the birthplace of traditional Chinese medicine and Cao Cao. Notable sites include the Cao Cao Military Transport Tunnel.

        Guoyang County is the birthplace of Laozi, the founder of Taoism, with sites like the Laozi Cultural Park and Laozi Temple. It is also known for agricultural products like wheat and medicinal herbs.

        I'm proud to introduce Guoyang County and Bozhou City and highly recommend visiting to experience their unique charm and rich cultural heritage.






        I come from ChangDe in Hunan province which is famous all over the country. It is known as the Liu Ye lake.Two national nature reserves was built.



introduce your strengths and weakness?

        One of my strengths is my resilience in the face of challenges and my dedication to learning. Despite having little knowledge of computers before entering university, through hard work and positive feedback, I gradually found a learning method that suits me. This has led to a decent ranking in my studies and considerable attention to my personal blog.

        One of my weaknesses is that I often set very high standards for myself, sometimes beyond my capabilities. While this motivates me to work hard, it can also undermine my self-confidence. I am actively working on improving this aspect.




        My strengths is my strong sense of responsibility. // When I work in group, I not only finish my tasks with great efforts, but also help others to work out. When others make some mistakes, I’ll help them to make up and find the right ways to solve problems.

         My weakness is that I always ask too much of myself and often exceed my ability. Although it inspires me to work hard, it is also easy to bring a blow to my self confidence . I’m also trying to correct it.




what’s your favorite course?

        My favorite subject is Data Structures and Algorithms, which is the foundation of computer science and can be considered the soul of programming.

        Although challenging, some ingenious data structures and algorithms are truly astonishing.

        Mastering them can improve our programming efficiency and teach us how to apply them to solve real-life problems.





        Data Structrue is my favorite subject, Data structure is the foundation of computer science and it can be said to be the soul of programming. Mastering it can improve the efficiency of our programming and learn how to use it to solve some problems in real life.



 what’s your hobby?

        In my spare time, I am very interested in Chinese chess. As a traditional board game, I often see elderly people playing it in the streets and alleys.

        It combines strategy, tactics, and deep thinking, requiring careful planning to consider as many possibilities as possible.

        Playing Chinese chess helps me develop strategic thinking and problem-solving skills, which are very beneficial to my academic and professional life. Additionally, it is a great way to relax and intellectually challenge myself.





        Well, in my spare time, I am interested in playing soccor. It can make me physically strong and help me make new friends.



Why did you choose your major? 

        I chose to major in Computer Science and Technology for several reasons.

        Firstly, I have always been fascinated by technology and its potential to solve complex problems and improve our lives. The rapid advancement of technology and its impact on various industries further fueled my interest in this field.

        Secondly, computer science offers a wide range of career opportunities. From software development to artificial intelligence and cybersecurity, the possibilities are endless. 

        Lastly, I enjoy the logical thinking and problem-solving aspects of computer science.

        Overall, my passion for technology, the vast career opportunities, and the intellectual challenges make Computer Science and Technology the perfect choice for me.







        I think Computer Science And Technology is a subject that studies the theories and practices in global IT field. Its combination of different theories and constantly changing reality are what attracts me most. I love it because it is a “Programming” subject which is growing along with times and I can use its theories to solve real-life problems.



what courses did you learn? 

  1. 数据结构与算法 - Data Structures and Algorithms
  2. 计算机网络 - Computer Networks
  3. 数据库系统 - Database Systems
  4. 编译原理 - Compiler Theory
  5. 计算机系统 - Computer Systems
  6. 操作系统 - Operating Systems
  7. 概率论与数理统计 - Probability Theory and Mathematical Statistics
  8. 线性代数 - Linear Algebra
  9. 人工智能 - Artificial Intelligence
  10. 计算机体系结构 - Computer Architecture


        Data structure, computer composition principle, operating system, computer network, and etc



Introduce the operating system? 

        An operating system (OS) is a software program that acts as an intermediary between computer hardware and users. It manages computer hardware resources and provides services to application software. The primary functions of an operating system include:

        Hardware Management,Process ManagementMemory ManagementFile System ManagementUser InterfaceDevice Management.

        Operating systems come in various types, including Windows, macOS, Linux, Unix, and mobile operating systems like Android and iOS. 





        operating system Software is designed to control the hardware of a specific data-processing system in order to allow users and application programs to employ it easily.



(1)How to achieve your short-time goal and long-time goal?


  • 设定明确、具体的目标。
  • 制定可行的计划和时间表。
  • 分解任务,专注执行。
  • 定期检查进展,及时调整。

Short-term goals:

  • Set clear and specific goals.
  • Develop feasible plans and timelines.
  • Break tasks down and focus on execution.
  • Regularly review progress and make adjustments as needed.


  • 建立清晰的愿景和长远计划。
  • 持续学习和成长。
  • 保持耐心和坚持不懈。
  • 定期评估进展,调整策略。

Long-term goals:

  • Establish a clear vision and long-term plan.
  • Continuously learn and grow.
  • Stay patient and persistent.
  • Regularly assess progress and adjust strategies.



introduce your reason for graduate school?

        I choose to pursue a master's degree because I have a deep interest in my field, and I realize that what I have learned in the past few years may not be sufficient to prepare me for the future. I hope to acquire more professional knowledge and skills through in-depth study and research.

        I believe that the graduate stage will provide me with more academic and practical opportunities, helping me better understand industry trends, and thoroughly prepare for my future career.

        Additionally, I also hope to cultivate my ability for independent thinking and problem-solving through graduate studies, aspiring to become a talent capable of making greater contributions to society in the future.





What is your future plan?

        Firstly, I plan to focus on acquiring the fundamental theoretical knowledge in my field by taking courses according to the college curriculum.

        Secondly, I will prioritize my English studies, aiming to enhance my proficiency in listening, speaking, reading, and writing to prepare for future academic writing tasks.

        Additionally, I will engage in various experiments to gain practical experience.

        Moreover, I will actively participate in my mentor's research projects to contribute to ongoing research efforts.









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