
1. Which of the following is not categorized as scientific literature?

‍A. Movie comments

B. Product specifications

C. Academic journals

D. Monographs

2. Which of the following is defined as tertiary literature?

‎A. Graduation papers

B. Science news

C. Research articles

D. Encyclopedia

  1. Which type of the following international conferences is listed as Number one conference in the world?

  1. Conference A
  2. Conference C
  3. Top conference
  4. Conference A +

  1. The followings are published in academic journals except for:

  1. Book reviews
  2. Research articles
  3. Science fictions
  4. Review articles

  1. There are similarities between a journal research article and a graduation paper. They are similar in the following aspects except for:

  1. They can be both primary research.
  2. They can be both written by one researcher.
  3. They can be written both by university students.
  4. They can be both focusing on some unknown problems.

  1. Which is not the feature of product specification?‌

  1. Being popular
  2. Being costly
  3. Being genuine
  4. Being scientific

  1. Which type of document below does not belong to the classification of product specification?

  1. Agricultural product specification
  2. Industrial product specification
  3. Financial product specification
  4. Publishing product specification

  1. The classification of standard documents can be drawn according to the range of their application, thus they are classified in terms of the followings except for:‏

  1. National standards
  2. Regional standards
  3. International standards
  4. Technical standards

  1. Which of the following criteria is not the criterion used to classify technical reports?

  1. In terms of scope of circulation
  2. In terms of amount of money
  3. In terms of progress of research
  4. In terms of contents

  1. Which of the following is not one of the four well-known American technical reports? ‌

  1. DOE reports
  2. NASA reports
  3. INTERIM reports
  4. AD reports

  1. How many years would a patent be protected?

  1. 10
  2. 20
  3. 30
  4. 40


1. Which of the following scientists should be listed as the top one?

A. Scientist whose h-index is 780

B. Scientist whose h-index is 90

C. Scientist whose h-index is 60

D. Scientist whose h-index is 39

2. The intentions of academic journals are the followings except for:

A. To help researchers get promoted

B. To lead the research directions

C. To cultivate talents

D. To disseminate academic information

3. Journal metrics can be used in academic circles to ______.

A. reflect the place of a journal within its field

B. measure the prestige associated with the journal

C. all of the other three

D. evaluate an academic journal’s impact and quality

4. Which metric is used to measure the productivity and impact of an author?

A. Eigenfactor

B. Cited Half-life

C. H-factor

D. CiteScore

5. How many digits does ISBN have after 1st January 2007?

‍A. 10

B. 11

C. 13

D. 12

6. Which of the following citation indexes was not originally published by the Institute for Scientific Information (ISI)?




D. A & HCI

7. Generally speaking, which two types can abbreviations be classified into?

‎A. Initials and acronyms

B. Syllabic abbreviations and alphabetic abbreviations

C. Single-letter abbreviations and multiple-letter abbreviations

D. Contractions and short forms

8. Which of the following abbreviations is not correct?

‏A. D-dissertation

B. C-chapter

C. M-monograph

D. J-journal

9. Which of the following is not the suitable tool for you to search for the top journals, top conferences and top authors?



C. Web of Science

D. Microsoft academic search

10. The influence of an author’s journal articles can be evaluated by the following factors except for ______.

‍A. H-index

B. G-index

C. Citation index


11. Journal metrics can be used in academic circles to ______.

A. measure the prestige associated with the journal

B. evaluate an academic journal’s impact and quality

C. reflect the place of a journal within its field

D. all of the other three


1. What do you use the software of Note-express for?

A. for listening to lectures

B. for reading novels

C. for literature searching and management

D. for calculating

2. Which function of the below is not listed as one of the functions of Endnote?

​A. linking to many databases

B. taking a note in the form of a photo

C. inserting references in word editor

D. supporting downloading overseas literature

3. Zotero is similar to EndNote in some aspects, but different in that

‎A. it is used for exporting references

B. it is used for managing scientific documents

C. it is inserted in internet surfer

D. it is used for collecting scientific documents


1. The following words are regarded as derivation formation except for:

A. hydrocarbon

B. transmitter

C. breakthrough

D. biomedical

2. Which nominalization of the below is not listed as transforming a verb into a noun?

‏A. evolution

B. investment

C. proposal

D. stability

3. Which of the followings is not the morpheme or suffixation indicated as illness? 

‏A. gastrosis

B. gastrosia

C. gastritis

D. gastronomy

4. Which transitional word of the below is to interpret as the meaning of contrast?

A. accordingly

B. whereas

C. correspondingly

D. thereupon

5. Which of the followings is not the usage of lexical metaphor in scientific literature?

A. snail wheel

B. output width  

C. rail bed

D. sunflower disk


1. Which type of title does this title “Application of sliding mode in the construction of reinforced concrete” belong to?

A. compound

B. descriptive

C. interrogative

D. declarative

2. When you read phrases in the introduction section of a research article, such as “little is, however, known about participants views of”, you will know that the following contents might possibly be about:

A. what other researchers have already done

B. the main theme of the paper

C. preparing for the present research problem by pointing out the research gap

D. what the researcher has finished

3. The following contents are the major contents in the research method section, except for:

A. the procedure of the test or experiment

B. the data analysis

C. materials used in the study

D. the analytical method of data

4. Based on purposes, research methods can be classified into the following categories except for:

A. developmental research

B. applied research

C. basic research

D. statistical research

5. Ethical issue will be involved if the research subjects are except for:

A. fetuses

B. human tissues

C. buildings

D. humans

6. The result section of a research article usually presents the research finding in form of non-verbal language which is:

A. explanations

B. drawings

C. copies

D. tables and figures

7. Which move is not included in the discussion section of a research article?

A. answering the questions proposed in the study

B. analyzing and discuss the results

C. discussing the rationale of doing the research

D. interpreting the results of research

8. The major difference between fact description and opinion description is that an opinion is described by the following means except for:

A. numbers

B. modal adjectives

C. modal verbs

D. tentative verbs

9. The functions of references are the follows except for:

A. to help readers evaluate the level and quality of the paper

B. to help readers learn about the time range of the cited texts

C. to help readers learn about the importance of the journal

D. to help readers learn about the authors cited

10. In the acknowledgement section of a research paper, what was thanked usually include except for:

A. leaders of your school

B. financial support from a foundation

C. most important teachers

D. financial aids

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