create table student(
sid int primary key,
sname varchar2(10),
sage int,
ssex varchar2(2));
insert into student values(01,'亚楠',18,'女');
insert into student values(02,'丽丽',22,'女');
insert into student values(14,'俊星',20,'男');
insert into student values(40,'没考好',26,'男');
insert into student values(50,'还没考',20,'男');
insert into student values(60,'学一门',32,'男');
insert into student values(70,'亚楠',30,'男');
create table teacher(
tid int primary key,
tname varchar2(10));
insert into teacher values(1,'赵某');
insert into teacher values(2,'鲁某');
create table course(
cid int primary key,
cname varchar2(10),
tid int);
insert into course(cid,cname,tid) values(001,'TE DC',1);
insert into course(cid,cname,tid) values(002,'TP TC',2);
insert into course(cid,cname,tid) values(003,'LINUX WBT',1);
insert into course(cid,cname,tid) values(004,'DBAATT',2);
create table sc(
sid int,
cid int,
score float,
primary key(sid,cid));
insert into sc values(01,1,72);
insert into sc values(01,2,74.5);
insert into sc values(01,3,84);
insert into sc values(02,1,63);
insert into sc values(02,2,57);
insert into sc values(02,3,61);
insert into sc values(14,1,56);
insert into sc values(14,2,67.5);
insert into sc values(14,3,69);
insert into sc values(40,1,45);
insert into sc values(40,2,55);
insert into sc values(40,3,35);
insert into sc values(60,4,35);
insert into sc values(70,1,80);
insert into sc values(70,2,35);
select * from student;--学生信息表
select * from sc;--学生成绩信息表
select * from teacher;--老师信息表
select * from course;--课程信息表
select * from student where sage=20;
select * from student where ssex='男';
select * from teacher where tid=1;
select sid from sc where score>80;
select sid from sc where score<60;
select sid from sc where score>=70 and score<=80;
select sid from sc where score between 70 and 80;
select sid from sc where score=67 or score=68 or score=69;
select sid from sc where cid=1 and score>60;
select sid from sc where cid=1 or cid=2;
select * from student where sname like '亚%';
select * from student where sname like '%没%';
select * from student where sname like '_没%';
select * from student where sid=50;
update student set sage=25 where sid=50;
select sid from student where sname='丽丽';
select score from sc where cid=1 and sid=2;
select sname from student;
select score from sc where score>80;
select * from student where sid = (select sid from sc where score > 80);
select * from teacher;
select * from course;
select * from course where tid=(select tid from teacher where tname='赵某');