
















[huawei] display  interface  100GE  1/0/0  transceiver verbose  

 100GE1/0/0 transceiver information:


 Common information:

   Transceiver Type                      :100GBASE_CWDM4

   Connector Type                        :LC

   Wavelength (nm)                       :1301

   Transfer Distance (m)                 :2000(9um/125um SMF)

   Digital Diagnostic Monitoring         :YES

   Vendor Name                           :XXX

   Vendor Part Number                    :XXXX

   Ordering Name                         :


 Manufacture information:

   Manu. Serial Number                   :XXXXX

   Manufacturing Date                    :2017-11-2+08:00

   Vendor Name                           :FINISAR CORP.


 Alarm information:

    Non-Huawei-Ethernet-Switch-Certified Transceiver


 Diagnostic information:

   Temperature (Celsius)                 :38.64

   Voltage (V)                           :3.25

   Bias Current (mA)                     :40.23|36.02  (Lane0|Lane1)

                                          36.68|36.97  (Lane2|Lane3)

   Bias High Threshold (mA)              :55.00

   Bias Low Threshold (mA)               :25.00

   Current RX Power (dBm)                :-1.05|-1.02  (Lane0|Lane1)                                          

                                          0.14|0.01    (Lane2|Lane3)

   Default RX Power High Threshold (dBm) :3.50

   Default RX Power Low Threshold (dBm)  :-16.00

   Current TX Power (dBm)                :0.72|-0.14   (Lane0|Lane1)                                         

                                          -0.48|0.55   (Lane2|Lane3)

   Default TX Power High Threshold (dBm) :5.50

   Default TX Power Low Threshold (dBm)  :-8.00


Common information


Transceiver Type


Connector Type


Wavelength (nm)


Transfer Distance (m)


Digital Diagnostic Monitoring


Vendor Name


Vendor Part Number


Ordering Name


Manufacture information


Manu. Serial Number


Manufacturing Date


Alarm information


Diagnostic information


Temperature (Celsius)




Bias Current (mA)


Bias High Threshold (mA)


Bias Low Threshold (mA)


Current RX Power (dBm)


Default RX Power High Threshold (dBm)


Default RX Power Low Threshold (dBm)


Current TX Power (dBm)


Default TX Power High Threshold (dBm)


Default TX Power Low Threshold (dBm)



# 查看接口光模块信息

[H3C]display transceiver interface  HundredGigE  6/0/1  

HundredGigE6/0/1 transceiver information:

  Transceiver Type              : 100G_CWDM4_FEC_QSFP28

  Connector Type                : LC

  Wavelength(nm)                : 1301

  Transfer Distance(km)         : 2(SMF)

  Digital Diagnostic Monitoring : YES

  Vendor Name                   : XXXX



[H3C]display transceiver diagnosis interface HundredGigE 6/0/1

HundredGigE6/0/1 transceiver diagnostic information:

  Current diagnostic parameters:

[module]  Temp.(oltage(V)  

          31         3.31        

[channel] Bias(mA)  RX power(dBm)  TX power(dBm)  

    1     39.71     -0.91          -0.72          

    2     36.20     -0.97          -0.39          

    3     36.22     -0.49          0.65           

    4     36.45     -0.74          0.02           

  Alarm thresholds:

          Temp.(oltage(V)  Bias(mA)  RX power(dBm)  TX power(dBm)  

    High  75         3.63        55.00     3.50           5.50           

    Low   -5         2.97        25.00     -16.00         -8.00


Ruijie# show interface hundredGigabitEthernet  0/49 transceiver

  Transceiver Type    :  100GBASE-SR4-QSFP28

Connector Type      :  MPO

Wavelength(nm)      :  850

Wavelength tolerance(nm):  (+/-)10

Transfer Distance   :

    50/125 um OM3 fiber

        -- 70m

    50/125 um OM4 fiber

        -- 100m

Digital Diagnostic Monitoring  : YES

Vendor Serial Number           : XXXX

Current diagnostic parameters[C1:Channel-1 C2:Channel-2 C3:Channel-3 C4:Channel-4 AP:Average Power]:

Temp(Celsius)   Voltage(V)      Bias(mA)            RX power(dBm)       TX power(dBm)

47(OK)          3.34(OK)        7.70(OK)[C1]        -0.42(OK)[C1/AP]    -1.90(OK)[C1]

                                7.70(OK)[C2]        -0.19(OK)[C2/AP]    -1.80(OK)[C2]

                                7.70(OK)[C3]        -0.18(OK)[C3/AP]    -1.90(OK)[C3]

                                7.70(OK)[C4]        -0.08(OK)[C4/AP]    -2.46(OK)[C4]

Transceiver current alarm information:



Cisco# show int ethernet  1/50 transceiver   details  


    transceiver is present

    type is QSFP-100G-SR4

    name is XXXX

    part number is XXX

    revision is 1A

    serial number is XXXX

    nominal bitrate is 25500 MBit/sec per channel

    Link length supported for 50/125um OM3 fiber is 70 m

    cisco id is 17

    cisco extended id number is 204

Lane Number:1 Network Lane

           SFP Detail Diagnostics Information (internal calibration)


                Current              Alarms                  Warnings

                Measurement     High        Low         High          Low


  Temperature   45.25 C        75.00 C     -5.00 C     73.00 C       -3.00 C

  Voltage        3.24 V         3.63 V      2.97 V      3.46 V        3.13 V

  Current        7.38 mA       14.99 mA     3.00 mA    12.99 mA       4.49 mA

  Tx Power      -0.31 dBm       3.39 dBm  -10.40 dBm    2.39 dBm     -8.41 dBm

  Rx Power      -0.06 dBm       3.39 dBm  -12.36 dBm    2.39 dBm    -10.31 dBm

  Transmit Fault Count = 0


  Note: ++  high-alarm; +  high-warning; --  low-alarm; -  low-warning







中心波长指光信号传输所使用的光波段。目前常用的光模块的中心波长主要有三种:850nm 波段、1310nm 波段以及 1550nm 波段。

850nm 波段:多用于≤2km 短距离传输

1310nm 和 1550nm 波段:多用于中长距离传输,2km 以上的传输。


























多模光模块发出的光为可见光,可以用肉眼观察(请勿直视发光口)光模块左边发光口为红色激光,有光表示正常工作。 单模块发出的光为不可见光,可以用跳线把光模块的发射口和接收口对接起来,如果交换机工作状态灯亮表示工作正常。


如依然不能正常通讯,我们则需要做下面的配置,以H3C 5024P为例。现在我们一些常用的交换机端口为光电复用型,大多数光口仍处于关闭状态,这些需要人工把端口开启,而对于不同品牌的交换机之间的通讯,我们还需要把端口速率和工作模式强制配置成1000Mpbs和全双工模式








链路down的情况,可查看是否是err-down,这种情况一般是是有错误包过多导致的,或者光纤问题。如果有错误包,可直接更换光模块尝试恢复。err-down的端口,在更换光模块后一般需要手动shutdown,no/undo shutdown才能恢复。

4.RX / TX low的情况导致接口不up的情况:

如果TX low:是本端没发光,现判断本端端口是否关闭,如果没有关闭,插拔或者更换光模块尝试解决。

如果RX low:是收光低,可能是对端光模块发光低,也可能是光纤问题,或者本端光模块可能也有问题。需要通过更换尝试解决。




[UNIS]interface fge1/0/53

[UNIS-FortyGigE1/0/53]undo stp enable


[UNIS]interface fge1/0/53


[UNIS]interface fge1/0/54

[UNIS-FortyGigE1/0/54]undo stp enable


[UNIS]dis stp

-------[CIST Global Info][Mode MSTP]-------

 Bridge ID           : 32768.dc2d-cbb4-ce40

 Bridge times        : Hello 2s MaxAge 20s FwdDelay 15s MaxHops 20

 Root ID/ERPC        : 32768.dc2d-cbb4-ce40, 0

 RegRoot ID/IRPC     : 32768.dc2d-cbb4-ce40, 0

 RootPort ID         : 0.0

 BPDU-Protection     : Disabled

 BPDU Filter         : Disabled

 Bridge Config-

 Digest-Snooping     : Disabled

 TC or TCN received  : 2

 Time since last TC  : 0 days 0h:21m:57s


 Port protocol       : Disabled


 Port protocol       : Disabled

<UNIS>dis interface fge1/0/53


Current state: UP

Line protocol state: UP

IP packet frame type: Ethernet II, hardware address: dc2d-cbb4-ce40

Description: FortyGigE1/0/53 Interface

Bandwidth: 40000000 kbps

Loopback is not set

Media type is optical fiber, port hardware type is 40G_BASE_SR_BD_QSFP_PLUS

40Gbps-speed mode, full-duplex mode

Link speed type is autonegotiation, link duplex type is autonegotiation

Flow-control is not enabled

Maximum frame length: 13312

Allow jumbo frames to pass

Broadcast max-ratio: 100%

Unknown-multicast max-ratio: 100%

Unicast max-ratio: 100%

Known-unicast max-ratio: 100%


Port link-type: Access

 Tagged VLANs:   None

 Untagged VLANs: 1

Port priority: 0

Last link flapping: 0 hours 15 minutes 25 seconds

Last clearing of counters: Never

Current system time:2011-01-01 00:25:31

Last time when physical state changed to up:2011-01-01 00:10:05

Last time when physical state changed to down:2011-01-01 00:00:07

 Peak input rate: 4 bytes/sec, at 2011-01-01 00:22:28

 Peak output rate: 62 bytes/sec, at 2011-01-01 00:15:08

 Last 300 seconds input: 0 packets/sec 4 bytes/sec 0%

 Last 300 seconds output: 0 packets/sec 17 bytes/sec 0%

 Input (total):  12 packets, 1476 bytes

         0 unicasts, 0 broadcasts, 12 multicasts, 0 pauses

 Input (normal):  12 packets, 1476 bytes

         0 unicasts, 0 broadcasts, 12 multicasts, 0 pauses

 Input:  0 input errors, 0 runts, 0 giants, - throttles

         0 CRC, - frame, 0 overruns, - aborts

         - ignored, - parity errors

 Output (total): 354 packets, 43542 bytes

         0 unicasts, 0 broadcasts, 354 multicasts, 0 pauses

 Output (normal): 354 packets, 43542 bytes

         0 unicasts, 0 broadcasts, 354 multicasts, 0 pauses

 Output: 0 output errors, 0 underruns, - buffer failures

         - aborts, - deferred, - collisions, - late collisions

         - lost carrier, - no carrier

IPv4 traffic statistics:

 Last 300 seconds input rate: 0 packets/sec, 0 bytes/sec

 Last 300 seconds output rate: 0 packets/sec, 0 bytes/sec

 Input: 0 packets, 0 bytes

 Output: 0 packets, 0 bytes

IPv6 traffic statistics:

 Last 300 seconds input rate: 0 packets/sec, 0 bytes/sec

 Last 300 seconds output rate: 0 packets/sec, 0 bytes/sec

 Input: 0 packets, 0 bytes

 Output: 0 packets, 0 bytes

<UNIS>dis interface fge1/0/54


Current state: UP

Line protocol state: UP

IP packet frame type: Ethernet II, hardware address: dc2d-cbb4-ce40

Description: FortyGigE1/0/54 Interface

Bandwidth: 40000000 kbps

Loopback is not set

Media type is optical fiber, port hardware type is 40G_BASE_SR_BD_QSFP_PLUS

40Gbps-speed mode, full-duplex mode

Link speed type is autonegotiation, link duplex type is autonegotiation

Flow-control is not enabled

Maximum frame length: 13312

Allow jumbo frames to pass

Broadcast max-ratio: 100%

Unknown-multicast max-ratio: 100%

Unicast max-ratio: 100%

Known-unicast max-ratio: 100%


Port link-type: Access

 Tagged VLANs:   None

 Untagged VLANs: 1

Port priority: 0

Last link flapping: 0 hours 16 minutes 31 seconds

Last clearing of counters: Never

Current system time:2011-01-01 00:26:37

Last time when physical state changed to up:2011-01-01 00:10:05

Last time when physical state changed to down:2011-01-01 00:00:07

 Peak input rate: 62 bytes/sec, at 2011-01-01 00:15:08

 Peak output rate: 4 bytes/sec, at 2011-01-01 00:22:28

 Last 300 seconds input: 0 packets/sec 3 bytes/sec 0%

 Last 300 seconds output: 0 packets/sec 4 bytes/sec 0%

 Input (total):  354 packets, 43542 bytes

         0 unicasts, 0 broadcasts, 354 multicasts, 0 pauses

 Input (normal):  354 packets, 43542 bytes

         0 unicasts, 0 broadcasts, 354 multicasts, 0 pauses

 Input:  0 input errors, 0 runts, 0 giants, - throttles

         0 CRC, - frame, 0 overruns, - aborts

         - ignored, - parity errors

 Output (total): 12 packets, 1476 bytes

         0 unicasts, 0 broadcasts, 12 multicasts, 0 pauses

 Output (normal): 12 packets, 1476 bytes

         0 unicasts, 0 broadcasts, 12 multicasts, 0 pauses

 Output: 0 output errors, 0 underruns, - buffer failures

         - aborts, - deferred, - collisions, - late collisions

         - lost carrier, - no carrier

IPv4 traffic statistics:

 Last 300 seconds input rate: 0 packets/sec, 0 bytes/sec

 Last 300 seconds output rate: 0 packets/sec, 0 bytes/sec

 Input: 0 packets, 0 bytes

 Output: 0 packets, 0 bytes

IPv6 traffic statistics:

 Last 300 seconds input rate: 0 packets/sec, 0 bytes/sec

 Last 300 seconds output rate: 0 packets/sec, 0 bytes/sec

 Input: 0 packets, 0 bytes

 Output: 0 packets, 0 bytes


<UNIS>dis transceiver alarm interface fge1/0/53

FortyGigE1/0/53 transceiver current alarm information:


<UNIS>dis transceiver alarm interface fge1/0/54

FortyGigE1/0/54 transceiver current alarm information:



<UNIS>dis logbuffer

Log buffer: Enabled

Max buffer size: 1024

Actual buffer size: 512

Dropped messages: 0

Overwritten messages: 0

Current messages: 133

%Dec 31 23:59:49:633 2010 UNIS SYSLOG/6/SYSLOG_RESTART: System restarted --

UNIS Uniware Software.

%Jan  1 00:00:13:441 2011 UNIS SHELL/4/SHELL_CMD_MATCHFAIL: -User=-IPAddr=; Command multicast forwarding-mode default in view system failed to be matched.

%Jan  1 00:00:13:485 2011 UNIS STP/6/STP_ENABLE: STP is now enabled on the device.

%Jan  1 00:01:12:203 2011 UNIS OPTMOD/4/MODULE_IN: FortyGigE1/0/54: The transceiver is 40G_BASE_SR_BD_QSFP_PLUS.

%Jan  1 00:01:21:856 2011 UNIS OPTMOD/4/MODULE_OUT: FortyGigE1/0/54: Transceiver absent.

%Jan  1 00:01:41:004 2011 UNIS OPTMOD/4/MODULE_IN: FortyGigE1/0/54: The transceiver is 40G_BASE_SR_BD_QSFP_PLUS.

%Jan  1 00:03:11:152 2011 UNIS OPTMOD/4/MODULE_OUT: FortyGigE1/0/54: Transceiver absent.

%Jan  1 00:03:58:454 2011 UNIS OPTMOD/4/MODULE_IN: FortyGigE1/0/53: The transceiver is 40G_BASE_SR_BD_QSFP_PLUS.

%Jan  1 00:04:09:143 2011 UNIS OPTMOD/4/MODULE_IN: FortyGigE1/0/54: The transceiver is 40G_BASE_SR_BD_QSFP_PLUS.

%Jan  1 00:05:07:833 2011 UNIS SHELL/5/SHELL_LOGIN: Console logged in from con0.

%Jan  1 00:05:35:267 2011 UNIS SHELL/4/SHELL_CMD_MATCHFAIL: -User=**-IPAddr=**; Command stp disable all in view shell failed to be matched.

%Jan  1 00:06:19:751 2011 UNIS SHELL/4/SHELL_CMD_MATCHFAIL: -User=**-IPAddr=**; Command undo stp global enable in view shell failed to be matched.

%Jan  1 00:06:25:925 2011 UNIS SHELL/6/SHELL_CMD: -Line=con0-IPAddr=**-User=**; Command is system

%Jan  1 00:06:36:170 2011 UNIS SHELL/4/SHELL_CMD_MATCHFAIL: -User=**-IPAddr=**; Command system view in view system failed to be matched.

%Jan  1 00:06:41:959 2011 UNIS CFGMAN/5/CFGMAN_EXIT_FROM_CONFIGURE: -Line=con0-IPAddr=**-User=**; Exit from the system view or a feature view to the user view.

%Jan  1 00:06:47:491 2011 UNIS SHELL/4/SHELL_CMD_MATCHFAIL: -User=**-IPAddr=**; Command system view in view shell failed to be matched.

%Jan  1 00:06:51:724 2011 UNIS SHELL/4/SHELL_CMD_MATCHFAIL: -User=**-IPAddr=**; Command system v in view shell failed to be matched.

%Jan  1 00:06:55:665 2011 UNIS SHELL/6/SHELL_CMD: -Line=con0-IPAddr=**-User=**; Command is system

%Jan  1 00:07:03:023 2011 UNIS SHELL/6/SHELL_CMD: -Line=con0-IPAddr=**-User=**; Command is stp dispute-protection

%Jan  1 00:07:17:009 2011 UNIS SHELL/4/SHELL_CMD_MATCHFAIL: -User=**-IPAddr=**; Command stp disable all in view system failed to be matched.

%Jan  1 00:07:22:031 2011 UNIS SHELL/4/SHELL_CMD_MATCHFAIL: -User=**-IPAddr=**; Command config in view system failed to be matched.

%Jan  1 00:09:23:093 2011 UNIS SHELL/6/SHELL_CMD: -Line=con0-IPAddr=**-User=**; Command is dis interface brief

%Jan  1 00:09:43:842 2011 UNIS OPTMOD/4/MODULE_OUT: FortyGigE1/0/53: Transceiver absent.

%Jan  1 00:09:45:856 2011 UNIS OPTMOD/4/MODULE_OUT: FortyGigE1/0/54: Transceiver absent.

%Jan  1 00:09:49:900 2011 UNIS OPTMOD/4/MODULE_IN: FortyGigE1/0/53: The transceiver is 40G_BASE_SR_BD_QSFP_PLUS.

%Jan  1 00:09:52:549 2011 UNIS OPTMOD/4/MODULE_IN: FortyGigE1/0/54: The transceiver is 40G_BASE_SR_BD_QSFP_PLUS.

%Jan  1 00:10:05:749 2011 UNIS IFNET/3/PHY_UPDOWN: Physical state on the interface FortyGigE1/0/53 changed to up.

%Jan  1 00:10:05:751 2011 UNIS IFNET/5/LINK_UPDOWN: Line protocol state on the interface FortyGigE1/0/53 changed to up.

%Jan  1 00:10:05:752 2011 UNIS STP/6/STP_DETECTED_TC: Instance 0's port FortyGigE1/0/53 detected a topology change.

%Jan  1 00:10:05:753 2011 UNIS IFNET/3/PHY_UPDOWN: Physical state on the interface FortyGigE1/0/54 changed to up.

%Jan  1 00:10:05:753 2011 UNIS IFNET/5/LINK_UPDOWN: Line protocol state on the interface FortyGigE1/0/54 changed to up.

%Jan  1 00:10:23:105 2011 UNIS SHELL/6/SHELL_CMD: -Line=con0-IPAddr=**-User=**; Command is dis interface brief

%Jan  1 00:12:09:710 2011 UNIS SHELL/4/SHELL_CMD_MATCHFAIL: -User=**-IPAddr=**; Command stp enable in view system failed to be matched.

%Jan  1 00:12:13:497 2011 UNIS SHELL/4/SHELL_CMD_MATCHFAIL: -User=**-IPAddr=**; Command stp  in view system failed to be matched.

%Jan  1 00:12:30:388 2011 UNIS SHELL/4/SHELL_CMD_MATCHFAIL: -User=**-IPAddr=**; Command stp in view system failed to be matched.

%Jan  1 00:13:20:493 2011 UNIS SHELL/6/SHELL_CMD: -Line=con0-IPAddr=**-User=**; Command is display interface

%Jan  1 00:14:35:149 2011 UNIS SHELL/6/SHELL_CMD: -Line=con0-IPAddr=**-User=**; Command is dis vlan

%Jan  1 00:14:44:739 2011 UNIS SHELL/6/SHELL_CMD: -Line=con0-IPAddr=**-User=**; Command is dis stp

%Jan  1 00:15:59:893 2011 UNIS SHELL/4/SHELL_CMD_MATCHFAIL: -User=**-IPAddr=**; Command interfce fge1/0/53 in view system failed to be matched.

%Jan  1 00:16:56:052 2011 UNIS SHELL/6/SHELL_CMD: -Line=con0-IPAddr=**-User=**; Command is dis stp

%Jan  1 00:21:36:319 2011 UNIS SHELL/6/SHELL_CMD: -Line=con0-IPAddr=**-User=**; Command is interface fge1/0/53

%Jan  1 00:21:51:649 2011 UNIS SHELL/6/SHELL_CMD: -Line=con0-IPAddr=**-User=**; Command is undo stp enable

%Jan  1 00:21:54:505 2011 UNIS SHELL/6/SHELL_CMD: -Line=con0-IPAddr=**-User=**; Command is quit

%Jan  1 00:22:05:327 2011 UNIS SHELL/4/SHELL_CMD_MATCHFAIL: -User=**-IPAddr=**; Command inerface fge1/0/54 in view system failed to be matched.

%Jan  1 00:22:09:458 2011 UNIS STP/5/STP_BPDU_RECEIVE_EXPIRY: Instance 0's port FortyGigE1/0/54 received no BPDU within the rcvdInfoWhile interval. Information of the port aged out.

%Jan  1 00:22:22:988 2011 UNIS SHELL/6/SHELL_CMD: -Line=con0-IPAddr=**-User=**; Command is interface fge1/0/54

%Jan  1 00:22:29:268 2011 UNIS SHELL/6/SHELL_CMD: -Line=con0-IPAddr=**-User=**; Command is undo stp enable

%Jan  1 00:22:31:384 2011 UNIS SHELL/6/SHELL_CMD: -Line=con0-IPAddr=**-User=**; Command is quit

%Jan  1 00:22:34:900 2011 UNIS SHELL/6/SHELL_CMD: -Line=con0-IPAddr=**-User=**; Command is dis stp

%Jan  1 00:24:12:951 2011 UNIS SHELL/6/SHELL_CMD: -Line=con0-IPAddr=**-User=**; Command is dis interface

%Jan  1 00:25:02:022 2011 UNIS SHELL/4/SHELL_CMD_MATCHFAIL: -User=**-IPAddr=**; Command ace in view system failed to be matched.

%Jan  1 00:25:02:041 2011 UNIS SHELL/4/SHELL_CMD_MATCHFAIL: -User=**-IPAddr=**; Command FortyGigE1/0/53 in view system failed to be matched.

%Jan  1 00:25:02:058 2011 UNIS SHELL/4/SHELL_CMD_MATCHFAIL: -User=**-IPAddr=**; Command Current state: UP in view system failed to be matched.

%Jan  1 00:25:02:075 2011 UNIS SHELL/4/SHELL_CMD_MATCHFAIL: -User=**-IPAddr=**; Command Line protocol state: UP in view system failed to be matched.

%Jan  1 00:25:02:159 2011 UNIS SHELL/4/SHELL_CMD_MATCHFAIL: -User=**-IPAddr=**; Command IP packet frame type: Ethernet II, hardware address: dc2d-cbb4-ce40 in view system failed to be matched.

%Jan  1 00:25:02:192 2011 UNIS SHELL/4/SHELL_CMD_MATCHFAIL: -User=**-IPAddr=**; Command Description: FortyGigE1/0/53 Interface in view system failed to be matched.

%Jan  1 00:25:02:226 2011 UNIS SHELL/4/SHELL_CMD_MATCHFAIL: -User=**-IPAddr=**; Command Bandwidth: 40000000 kbps in view system failed to be matched.

%Jan  1 00:25:02:243 2011 UNIS SHELL/4/SHELL_CMD_MATCHFAIL: -User=**-IPAddr=**; Command Loopback is not set in view system failed to be matched.

%Jan  1 00:25:02:327 2011 UNIS SHELL/4/SHELL_CMD_MATCHFAIL: -User=**-IPAddr=**; Command Media type is optical fiber, port hardware type is 40G_BASE_SR_BD_QSFP_PLUS in view system failed to be matched.

%Jan  1 00:25:02:360 2011 UNIS SHELL/4/SHELL_CMD_MATCHFAIL: -User=**-IPAddr=**; Command 40Gbps-speed mode, full-duplex mode in view system failed to be matched.

%Jan  1 00:25:02:428 2011 UNIS SHELL/4/SHELL_CMD_MATCHFAIL: -User=**-IPAddr=**; Command Link speed type is autonegotiation, link duplex type is autonegotiation in view system failed to be matched.

%Jan  1 00:25:02:461 2011 UNIS SHELL/4/SHELL_CMD_MATCHFAIL: -User=**-IPAddr=**; Command Flow-control is not enabled in view system failed to be matched.

%Jan  1 00:25:02:495 2011 UNIS SHELL/4/SHELL_CMD_MATCHFAIL: -User=**-IPAddr=**; Command Maximum frame length: 13312 in view system failed to be matched.

%Jan  1 00:25:02:529 2011 UNIS SHELL/4/SHELL_CMD_MATCHFAIL: -User=**-IPAddr=**; Command Allow jumbo frames to pass in view system failed to be matched.

%Jan  1 00:25:02:545 2011 UNIS SHELL/4/SHELL_CMD_MATCHFAIL: -User=**-IPAddr=**; Command Broadcast max-ratio: 100% in view system failed to be matched.

%Jan  1 00:25:02:579 2011 UNIS SHELL/4/SHELL_CMD_MATCHFAIL: -User=**-IPAddr=**; Command Unknown-multicast max-ratio: 100% in view system failed to be matched.

%Jan  1 00:25:02:613 2011 UNIS SHELL/4/SHELL_CMD_MATCHFAIL: -User=**-IPAddr=**; Command Unicast max-ratio: 100% in view system failed to be matched.

%Jan  1 00:25:02:646 2011 UNIS SHELL/4/SHELL_CMD_MATCHFAIL: -User=**-IPAddr=**; Command Known-unicast max-ratio: 100% in view system failed to be matched.

%Jan  1 00:25:02:647 2011 UNIS SHELL/4/SHELL_CMD_MATCHFAIL: -User=**-IPAddr=**; Command PVID: 1 in view system failed to be matched.

%Jan  1 00:25:02:680 2011 UNIS SHELL/4/SHELL_CMD_MATCHFAIL: -User=**-IPAddr=**; Command Port link-type: Access in view system failed to be matched.

%Jan  1 00:25:02:697 2011 UNIS SHELL/4/SHELL_CMD_MATCHFAIL: -User=**-IPAddr=**; Command  Tagged VLANs:   None in view system failed to be matched.

%Jan  1 00:25:02:713 2011 UNIS SHELL/4/SHELL_CMD_MATCHFAIL: -User=**-IPAddr=**; Command  Untagged VLANs: 1 in view system failed to be matched.

%Jan  1 00:25:02:730 2011 UNIS SHELL/4/SHELL_CMD_MATCHFAIL: -User=**-IPAddr=**; Command Port priority: 0 in view system failed to be matched.

%Jan  1 00:25:02:781 2011 UNIS SHELL/4/SHELL_CMD_MATCHFAIL: -User=**-IPAddr=**; Command Last link flapping: 0 hours 14 minutes 7 seconds in view system failed to be matched.

%Jan  1 00:25:02:814 2011 UNIS SHELL/4/SHELL_CMD_MATCHFAIL: -User=**-IPAddr=**; Command Last clearing of counters: Never in view system failed to be matched.

%Jan  1 00:25:02:865 2011 UNIS SHELL/4/SHELL_CMD_MATCHFAIL: -User=**-IPAddr=**; Command Current system time:2011-01-01 00:24:12 in view system failed to be matched.

%Jan  1 00:25:02:932 2011 UNIS SHELL/4/SHELL_CMD_MATCHFAIL: -User=**-IPAddr=**; Command Last time when physical state changed to up:2011-01-01 00:10:05 in view system failed to be matched.

%Jan  1 00:25:02:999 2011 UNIS SHELL/4/SHELL_CMD_MATCHFAIL: -User=**-IPAddr=**; Command Last time when physical state changed to down:2011-01-01 00:00:07 in view system failed to be matched.

%Jan  1 00:25:03:050 2011 UNIS SHELL/4/SHELL_CMD_MATCHFAIL: -User=**-IPAddr=**; Command  Peak input rate: 4 bytes/sec, at 2011-01-01 00:22:28  in view system failed to be matched.

%Jan  1 00:25:03:117 2011 UNIS SHELL/4/SHELL_CMD_MATCHFAIL: -User=**-IPAddr=**; Command  Peak output rate: 62 bytes/sec, at 2011-01-01 00:15:08  in view system failed to be matched.

%Jan  1 00:25:03:167 2011 UNIS SHELL/4/SHELL_CMD_MATCHFAIL: -User=**-IPAddr=**; Command  Last 300 seconds input: 0 packets/sec 4 bytes/sec 0% in view system failed to be matched.

%Jan  1 00:25:03:235 2011 UNIS SHELL/4/SHELL_CMD_MATCHFAIL: -User=**-IPAddr=**; Command  Last 300 seconds output: 0 packets/sec 33 bytes/sec 0% in view system failed to be matched.

%Jan  1 00:25:03:268 2011 UNIS SHELL/4/SHELL_CMD_MATCHFAIL: -User=**-IPAddr=**; Command  Input (total):  12 packets, 1476 bytes in view system failed to be matched.

%Jan  1 00:25:03:335 2011 UNIS SHELL/4/SHELL_CMD_MATCHFAIL: -User=**-IPAddr=**; Command          0 unicasts, 0 broadcasts, 12 multicasts, 0 pauses in view system failed to be matched.

%Jan  1 00:25:03:386 2011 UNIS SHELL/4/SHELL_CMD_MATCHFAIL: -User=**-IPAddr=**; Command  Input (normal):  12 packets, 1476 bytes in view system failed to be matched.

%Jan  1 00:25:03:436 2011 UNIS SHELL/4/SHELL_CMD_MATCHFAIL: -User=**-IPAddr=**; Command          0 unicasts, 0 broadcasts, 12 multicasts, 0 pauses in view system failed to be matched.

%Jan  1 00:25:03:504 2011 UNIS SHELL/4/SHELL_CMD_MATCHFAIL: -User=**-IPAddr=**; Command  Input:  0 input errors, 0 runts, 0 giants, - throttles in view system failed to be matched.

%Jan  1 00:25:03:554 2011 UNIS SHELL/4/SHELL_CMD_MATCHFAIL: -User=**-IPAddr=**; Command          0 CRC, - frame, 0 overruns, - aborts in view system failed to be matched.

%Jan  1 00:25:03:588 2011 UNIS SHELL/4/SHELL_CMD_MATCHFAIL: -User=**-IPAddr=**; Command          - ignored, - parity errors in view system failed to be matched.

%Jan  1 00:25:03:638 2011 UNIS SHELL/4/SHELL_CMD_MATCHFAIL: -User=**-IPAddr=**; Command  Output (total): 354 packets, 43542 bytes in view system failed to be matched.

%Jan  1 00:25:03:689 2011 UNIS SHELL/4/SHELL_CMD_MATCHFAIL: -User=**-IPAddr=**; Command          0 unicasts, 0 broadcasts, 354 multicasts, 0 pauses in view system failed to be matched.

%Jan  1 00:25:03:739 2011 UNIS SHELL/4/SHELL_CMD_MATCHFAIL: -User=**-IPAddr=**; Command  Output (normal): 354 packets, 43542 bytes in view system failed to be matched.

%Jan  1 00:25:03:806 2011 UNIS SHELL/4/SHELL_CMD_MATCHFAIL: -User=**-IPAddr=**; Command          0 unicasts, 0 broadcasts, 354 multicasts, 0 pauses in view system failed to be matched.

%Jan  1 00:25:03:857 2011 UNIS SHELL/4/SHELL_CMD_MATCHFAIL: -User=**-IPAddr=**; Command  Output: 0 output errors, 0 underruns, - buffer failures in view system failed to be matched.

%Jan  1 00:25:03:924 2011 UNIS SHELL/4/SHELL_CMD_MATCHFAIL: -User=**-IPAddr=**; Command          - aborts, - deferred, - collisions, - late collisions in view system failed to be matched.

%Jan  1 00:25:03:974 2011 UNIS SHELL/4/SHELL_CMD_MATCHFAIL: -User=**-IPAddr=**; Command          - lost carrier, - no carrier in view system failed to be matched.

%Jan  1 00:25:03:991 2011 UNIS SHELL/4/SHELL_CMD_MATCHFAIL: -User=**-IPAddr=**; Command IPv4 traffic statistics: in view system failed to be matched.

%Jan  1 00:25:04:058 2011 UNIS SHELL/4/SHELL_CMD_MATCHFAIL: -User=**-IPAddr=**; Command  Last 300 seconds input rate: 0 packets/sec, 0 bytes/sec in view system failed to be matched.

%Jan  1 00:25:04:109 2011 UNIS SHELL/4/SHELL_CMD_MATCHFAIL: -User=**-IPAddr=**; Command  Last 300 seconds output rate: 0 packets/sec, 0 bytes/sec in view system failed to be matched.

%Jan  1 00:25:04:142 2011 UNIS SHELL/4/SHELL_CMD_MATCHFAIL: -User=**-IPAddr=**; Command  Input: 0 packets, 0 bytes in view system failed to be matched.

%Jan  1 00:25:04:176 2011 UNIS SHELL/4/SHELL_CMD_MATCHFAIL: -User=**-IPAddr=**; Command  Output: 0 packets, 0 bytes in view system failed to be matched.

%Jan  1 00:25:04:193 2011 UNIS SHELL/4/SHELL_CMD_MATCHFAIL: -User=**-IPAddr=**; Command IPv6 traffic statistics: in view system failed to be matched.

%Jan  1 00:25:04:260 2011 UNIS SHELL/4/SHELL_CMD_MATCHFAIL: -User=**-IPAddr=**; Command  Last 300 seconds input rate: 0 packets/sec, 0 bytes/sec in view system failed to be matched.

%Jan  1 00:25:04:327 2011 UNIS SHELL/4/SHELL_CMD_MATCHFAIL: -User=**-IPAddr=**; Command  Last 300 seconds output rate: 0 packets/sec, 0 bytes/sec in view system failed to be matched.

%Jan  1 00:25:04:344 2011 UNIS SHELL/4/SHELL_CMD_MATCHFAIL: -User=**-IPAddr=**; Command  Input: 0 packets, 0 bytes in view system failed to be matched.

%Jan  1 00:25:04:934 2011 UNIS CFGMAN/5/CFGMAN_EXIT_FROM_CONFIGURE: -Line=con0-IPAddr=**-User=**; Exit from the system view or a feature view to the user view.

%Jan  1 00:25:31:272 2011 UNIS SHELL/6/SHELL_CMD: -Line=con0-IPAddr=**-User=**; Command is dis interface fge1/0/53

%Jan  1 00:25:46:253 2011 UNIS SHELL/6/SHELL_CMD: -Line=con0-IPAddr=**-User=**; Command is dis interface fge1/0/54

%Jan  1 00:26:37:368 2011 UNIS SHELL/6/SHELL_CMD: -Line=con0-IPAddr=**-User=**; Command is dis interface fge1/0/54

%Jan  1 00:29:57:482 2011 UNIS SHELL/4/SHELL_CMD_MATCHFAIL: -User=**-IPAddr=**; Command interface fge1/0/53 in view shell failed to be matched.

%Jan  1 00:30:53:890 2011 UNIS SHELL/6/SHELL_CMD: -Line=con0-IPAddr=**-User=**; Command is quit

%Jan  1 00:30:53:894 2011 UNIS SHELL/5/SHELL_LOGOUT: Console logged out from con0.

%Jan  1 00:30:54:841 2011 UNIS SHELL/5/SHELL_LOGIN: Console logged in from con0.

%Jan  1 00:30:58:314 2011 UNIS SHELL/6/SHELL_CMD: -Line=con0-IPAddr=**-User=**; Command is system

%Jan  1 00:31:20:438 2011 UNIS SHELL/6/SHELL_CMD: -Line=con0-IPAddr=**-User=**; Command is interface fge1/0/53

%Jan  1 00:31:32:770 2011 UNIS SHELL/6/SHELL_CMD: -Line=con0-IPAddr=**-User=**; Command is undo stp enable

%Jan  1 00:31:35:066 2011 UNIS SHELL/6/SHELL_CMD: -Line=con0-IPAddr=**-User=**; Command is quit

%Jan  1 00:31:38:838 2011 UNIS SHELL/6/SHELL_CMD: -Line=con0-IPAddr=**-User=**; Command is interface fge1/0/53

%Jan  1 00:31:48:720 2011 UNIS SHELL/6/SHELL_CMD: -Line=con0-IPAddr=**-User=**; Command is quit

%Jan  1 00:31:51:665 2011 UNIS SHELL/6/SHELL_CMD: -Line=con0-IPAddr=**-User=**; Command is interface fge1/0/54

%Jan  1 00:31:57:585 2011 UNIS SHELL/6/SHELL_CMD: -Line=con0-IPAddr=**-User=**; Command is undo stp enable

%Jan  1 00:32:00:318 2011 UNIS SHELL/6/SHELL_CMD: -Line=con0-IPAddr=**-User=**; Command is quit

%Jan  1 00:32:05:566 2011 UNIS SHELL/6/SHELL_CMD: -Line=con0-IPAddr=**-User=**; Command is dis stp

%Jan  1 00:33:15:096 2011 UNIS SHELL/6/SHELL_CMD: -Line=con0-IPAddr=**-User=**; Command is quit

%Jan  1 00:33:15:097 2011 UNIS CFGMAN/5/CFGMAN_EXIT_FROM_CONFIGURE: -Line=con0-IPAddr=**-User=**; Exit from the system view or a feature view to the user view.

%Jan  1 00:34:03:173 2011 UNIS SHELL/6/SHELL_CMD: -Line=con0-IPAddr=**-User=**; Command is dis transceiver alarm interface fge1/0/53

%Jan  1 00:34:07:063 2011 UNIS SHELL/6/SHELL_CMD: -Line=con0-IPAddr=**-User=**; Command is dis transceiver alarm interface fge1/0/54

%Jan  1 00:35:18:214 2011 UNIS SHELL/6/SHELL_CMD: -Line=con0-IPAddr=**-User=**; Command is dis version

%Jan  1 00:36:07:370 2011 UNIS SHELL/4/SHELL_CMD_MATCHFAIL: -User=**-IPAddr=**; Command dis logfile in view shell failed to be matched.

%Jan  1 00:36:46:858 2011 UNIS SHELL/4/SHELL_CMD_MATCHFAIL: -User=**-IPAddr=**; Command dis logfile log in view shell failed to be matched.

%Jan  1 00:37:20:444 2011 UNIS SHELL/6/SHELL_CMD: -Line=con0-IPAddr=**-User=**; Command is dis device

%Jan  1 00:37:51:134 2011 UNIS SHELL/6/SHELL_CMD: -Line=con0-IPAddr=**-User=**; Command is dis logbuffer

%Jan  1 00:43:34:763 2011 UNIS SHELL/4/SHELL_CMD_MATCHFAIL: -User=**-IPAddr=**; Command dis logfile log in view shell failed to be matched.


UNIS Uniware Software, Version 7.1.070, Release 7753P05

Copyright (c) 2015-2022 Unisyue Technologies Co., Ltd.

UNIS S6600XP-54XG-EI-G uptime is 0 weeks, 0 days, 2 hours, 57 minutes

Last reboot reason : Cold reboot

Boot image: flash:/S6600XPG-UNW710-BOOT-R7753P05.bin

Boot image version: 7.1.070, Release 7753P05

  Compiled Dec 27 2022 11:00:00

System image: flash:/S6600XPG-UNW710-SYSTEM-R7753P05.bin

System image version: 7.1.070, Release 7753P05

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