算法 {特殊算法知识汇总}

算法 {特殊算法知识汇总}




cout<< A[i]<< ",\n"[i==N-1];, 其中""[]他就是对字符串进行下标操作, 即[0]是逗号 [1]是换行;

但是他有个缺点,假如我们要把\n换成, 即当i==N-1时 不输出, 此时如果你写成","[i==N-1] 这是错误的 因为当i==N-1时 会输出\0 他会终止符 会导致你的cout以后不再输出任何内容, 即cout<< a<< '\0'; cout<< b 其中b是不会输出的;
因此, 我们现在的需求是: cout<< a<< ?<< b 其中?需要是空, 我们可以把他设置为""空字符串 他就是空的;

cout<< A[i]<< (i==N-1 ? "":","); 这种做法 比上面要更灵活;


子数组: 连续; A[l...r]
子序列: 可以不连续 A[i1, i2, i3, i4] (满足i1<i2<i3<i4);


1<<i的二次幂根 即i, 直接用(int)std::log2( a)是不会丢精度的, 也可以直接用LowBit;


如果你使用cin,cout超时了 (不是算法问题, 比如题目的输入/输出就是非常的多):
使用scanf来替换, 会极大程序的优化时间;
使用printf来替换, 也会优化时间, 但没有scanf程度大;
当然 最好是同时把cin,cout给替换掉;
. 参见: @LINK: https://editor.csdn.net/md/?articleId=137054231; 用cin,cout会超时, 改为printf9s, 而改为scanf4s;

逆向思维: 首先就单刀直入去考虑(答案)的性质, 得到了答案的性质 再正向求解

比如对于最优路径问题, 如果直接去遍历所有路径(BFS) 可能会超时;
逆向思维: 我们先研究 最终答案路径 他符合哪些性质, 然后根据这个性质 再正向求解;
. 比如答案路径beg...ed 可以划分为beg->...->m0->...->m1->...->ed, 即以mi划分为了若干子路径, 然后我们研究beg->...->m0->...->m1, 如果已经得到beg...m0的最优解 是否可以更新beg...m1的最优解, 其实就是DP的思路, 即DP[m0] -> DP[m1];
例题: @LINK: https://editor.csdn.net/md/?not_checkout=1&articleId=136650855;


A[l1...r1] + A[l2...r2]的和 (且r1 < l2); 注意 不一定有r1 + 1 = l2;
先單獨的求A[l1...r1] 對於i 求出形如A[...i]的最優解 記作V[i], 令Ma[i] = max( V[1,2,...,i]); 然後再對數組反向的處理 得到VV[i] = A[i...]的最優解, 那麼VV[i] + Ma[i-1]就是一個可能的答案;

例題: @LINK: (https://editor.csdn.net/md/?not_checkout=1&articleId=126906501)-(@LOC_0);


如果a<b 则称(a,b)为合法有序对; 求n^2里合法有序对的个数;

(n^2) / 2 - n这是错误的! 因为你/2是想 将(a,b) (b,a)当做1个, 可是 对于(i,i) 他本来就只有1个! 你/2是错误的!
. 因此, 正确做法是: 首先把(i,i)给去掉 即n^2 - n 然后再/2;

也就是: 假如一个有序对集合大小为S 且满足对称性, 那么其中合法有序对个数为(S - e) / 2 (e为形如(i,i)的个数, 去掉这些后 剩下的即(a<b) (b>a)两两对称);

例题: LINK: https://editor.csdn.net/md/?not_checkout=1&articleId=131933499;


即到了后续未来 才真正生效执行, 而不是在当下; 所谓账先记着 以后再算; 通常是用个全局delta来记录, 比如对于[...pre..., cur] 在cur时 此时的delta 表示pre所欠的 那么如果cur有多余 就补到delta里;

例题: LINK: https://editor.csdn.net/md/?articleId=131893321;


区间sort后, 比如情况是[1, 5], [1, >=5], [2,3] 一定要注意这个[2,3]的情况;
. 比如当前区间是[1,5], 后面会存在3 < 5的情况, 即虽然左端点是递增的 但右端点可不是;

但也不要一概而论, 有特殊情况 (即左右端点都是递增的情况):
1: 当左端点相同时, 此时的右端点 确实是递增的, 即[x,2] [x,2] [x,3] [x, >=3];
2: 如果所有区间的长度是相同的! 则此时右端点 是递增的! (也就是 所有区间都形如[l, l+K])
. 这种情况很常见, 比如滑动窗口 也就是有若干个区间[l, l + K] 然后一维坐标轴上有若干个点 A A A (通常的做法是: 将点集 A A A排序, 将所有区间排序 遍历每个区间, 全局维护一个l,r指针 指向 A A A点集, 对于当前的[L, L + K]区间 假如在他区间里的点是[a,b,...,z] 则让l指向a, r指向z (可以发现, 两个区间x,y 一定满足单调性 即: x.l <= y.l, x.r <= y.r);
. 例题: LINK: https://leetcode.cn/problems/count-zero-request-servers/;


给定一个图 遍历所有长度为3的环 a-b-c-a;

方式1: 遍历一个点a 然后枚举他的2个临界点b,c, 看bc是否有边;

for( int a = 0; a < N; ++a){
    for( int b, e = G.Head[ a]; ~e; e = G.Next[ e]){
        b = G.Vertex[ e];
        for( int c, e2 = G.Next[ e]; ~e2; e2 = G.Next[ e2]){
            c = G.Vertex[ e2];
            if( false == Edge[ b][ c]) continue;

方式2: 遍历所有的边a-b, 再枚举所有的点c, 看ac, bc是否有边;

for( `a-b` : 所有的边){
	for( int c = 0; c < N; ++c){
		if( false == Edge[ a][ c]) continue;
		if( false == Edge[ b][ c]) continue;


虚拟节点 (两集合间的完全映射)


There are n n n points and m m m times, every time given you two sets of points A , B A,B A,B where all points in A , B A,B A,B are distinct; you need connect an edge a → b a ∈ A , b ∈ B a \to b \quad a\in A, b\in B abaA,bB; finally, if there are multiple-edges a → b a\to b ab, just save one of them is also enough.

At the worst-case, every time you need connect ( n / 2 ) ∗ ( n / 2 ) = O ( n 2 ) (n/2) * (n/2) = O(n^2) (n/2)(n/2)=O(n2) edges, if n = 1000 , m = 1000 n=1000, m = 1000 n=1000,m=1000, then O ( m ∗ n ∗ n ) O(m * n*n) O(mnn) this is Out-Of-Time;


Usually, there is a Trick: let x ∉ [ 1 , n ] x \notin [1,n] x/[1,n] be a new auxiliary-point, then for the A , B A, B A,B, previously we need connect ∣ A ∣ ∗ ∣ B ∣ |A| * |B| AB edges, now we connect A → x A \to x Ax and x → B x \to B xB, totally ∣ A ∣ + ∣ B ∣ |A| + |B| A+B edges, finally m ∗ n m * n mn edges;
. The auxiliary-points x of every time are different or the same, that is, totally you maybe just need one auxiliary-point, or maybe need multiple auxiliary-points;

Of course, you must clarify the relation between the previous-graph and the new-graph, cuz they are totally different and make sure they are equivalent for solving the problem.


+ We say that every raw-edge x → y x\to y xy in the raw-graph, would corresponds two edges x → a x \to a xa and a → y a \to y ay where a a a is an auxiliary-point; do not perceive that every raw-edge would be divided into two edges, this is wrong comprehending;
. For example, in the raw-graph, two sets A → B A \to B AB will consist ∣ A ∣ ∗ ∣ B ∣ |A| *|B| AB raw-edges, but it corresponds to only ∣ A ∣ + ∣ B ∣ |A| + |B| A+B edges in the new-graph; cuz an edge a → x a \to x ax where x x x is an auxiliary-point would corresponds to multiple raw-edges a → b 1 , a → b 2 , a → . . . a\to b1, a\to b2, a \to ... ab1,ab2,a... where a ∈ A , b i ∈ B a\in A, bi \in B aA,biB;
. So, we say a raw-edge a → b a\to b ab corresponds to two edges a → x , x → b a\to x, x \to b ax,xb ( x x x is an auxiliary-point), not divided into;

+ In the new Graph, for an edge a → b a \to b ab either a a a is an auxiliary-point ( b b b is a raw-point), or b b b is an auxiliary-point ( a a a is a raw-point);
. Cuz every raw-edge x → y x\to y xy in the raw-graph, would corresponds two edges x → a x \to a xa and a → y a \to y ay where a a a is an auxiliary-point.

用DFS递归, 来替代二进制枚举


长度为N的序列, 枚举他所有 2 N 2^N 2N个子序列;

用二进制状态枚举, 时间是: 2^N * N (比如N=20, 这很可能会被卡常数而卡掉…);
看似可以, 但实际上会超时… (而且, 即便你把N: 20 使用Lower_bit 优化为<N, 还是会超时), 只能说 遇到卡时间卡的比较极限的题目 没办法… 此时还有个备用方案 即下面介绍的DFS递归;

当遇到2^n的二进制枚举时, 应该联想到 DFS递归, 两个算法是完全一样的;
虽然说 比如对于DP问题 同样的递推式 用循环遍历 一定要比 DFS递归, 要高效多的多;
但不能一概而论, DP里 所有状态节点一般都是有效的 (不能去除); 而对于此时枚举所有子序列的情况 他的状态节点 虽然有 2 N 2^N 2N个 但不一定都是有效的, 可能会有很多节点是非法的;

而DFS方式遍历的核心, 比如序列[a,b,c,d,e...], 那么当前DFS(假如当前在c点)会选择一个子序列 比如是a,c, 那么 当前DFS 一定会遍历 所有如同a,c, [...]的子序列 (这是非常非常多的);
如果说 当前a,c子序列 已经是非法的了, 而且如果a,c非法 则a,c, [...]都非法的话, 那么, 在当前的DFS(即a,c), 就可以直接return了, 这就一下子 把所有如同a,c, [...]的子序列 全部都略过了;
. 换句话说, DFS方式, 他遍历到的任意序列[x,y,z], 都是通过一个个拼接而来的 (这是DFS方式的核心), 即先有的x 然后往后插入x,y, 再往后插入 x,y,z, 这个拼接 (其实DFS递归 都是特性, 也就是当前DFS状态 不仅包含当前节点信息 其实他是个前缀 即他还包含前面整个一条连续的DFS路径的信息) 所谓剪枝 他的核心原理 就是依靠的 DFS递归的这种拼接特性;
所以, 相比于 直接遍历所有子序列, DFS递归更有优化/剪枝的空间;

比如, 一组方案 (子序列) a, b, c;
. 如果是二进制枚举 他一定是 比如st = 100101, 然后你还需要遍历这个子序列, 那么总时间一定是2^N * N, 没有任何可能去优化;
. 但如果是DFS递归, 当我们在a b时, 假如他是非法的, 那么我们就不会访问到a b c这种方案, 在a b时 就已经给剪枝掉了;
. . 换句话说, DFS递归它是: 2^N遍历所有方案 和 N遍历一组方案, 两个过程是结合到一块了 同时进行, 即时间是2^N;


i,j两层循环的 次序

方式1: for(i : [0,n]) for(j : [0,m]) (i,j) 和 方式2: for(j: [0,m]) for(i: [0,n]) (i,j) 这是常用的 遍历两层循环的方式, 时间是一样的, 我们重点讲下他在线性DP里的应用;

他俩的共同点是: 对于当前的(i,j), 对于所有的(<=i, <=j)这些状态节点 都已经遍历过了;
. 当然, 准确的说 比如对于方式1, 此时(<i, ...)这些状态 其实都遍历过了, 但我们这里 线性DP这里 只关注(<i, <=j)这些状态 和 (=i, <=j)这些状态;
这是他俩的共同点, 不管是那种遍历方式 都满足(<=i, <=j)这些集合里的点 都是遍历过的;

不同点就是 内外循环的次序不同, 这是显然的, 但这在线性DP里很重要, 通过你转换下次序 就可能把多余的O(N) 优化掉;
. 比如, 最长LCS&LIS这道题 LINK: https://editor.csdn.net/md/?not_checkout=1&articleId=130650605;

线性序列 转换为 环

区间DP的 石子合并为例子, 对于一个线性序列[a,b,c,d] 我们可以求出他的答案;

现在要将他变成一个环 即求[abcd, bcda, cdab, dabc] 这4个序列里的 最优解;

一个技巧是 复制序列, 即将序列变成[abcd abcd], 这样你选择他的子序列 比如[0...3], [1...4], [2...5], [3...6] 就对应原来的各个序列;


给定一个正数K, 你需要找到一个数集S (一个数集的和 为该数集里所有元素之和), 使得S的所有子集的和 所组成的集合, 为{0,1,2,...,K}; (所有子集的意思, 也就是 对数集里每个元素 进行选/不选操作);

比如K=5, (如果令S = {5}, 显然他无法得到1) (如果令S={1,2,4} 他得到了7 这不属于{0,1,...,5}), 一种可行方案是: 令S = {1,1,1,1,1} 共5个1 他是满足的;

最优方案是: S = {1, 2, 4, 8, 16, ..., M, R} 其中M<= K的最大的二次幂, RK - (1+2+4+...+M);
. 该数集的元素个数为log(K)个 (而之前那种方式, 是K个);


应用: 背包模型3: 每种物品为有限个;

有K个完全相同的物品, 你需要从中拿若干个, 即你拿取的个数 一定是0/1/2/.../K个;
. 做法是: for( i : [0,1,...K]), 即暴力枚举 看选择多少个是最优解, 显然这个算法是O(K)的;

他可以优化到O( log(K));
将这个K个物品A (即[A, A, A, ..., A] 共K个物品A), 拆分成log(K)个物品 分别是[A, AA, AAAA, ....] (对应元素个数为[1,2,4,8,...,M,R], M,R定义见上面);
. 那么这log(K)个物品 的选/不选 (即所有方案), 与物品A的选择个数{0,1,2,...,K}, 是双射的, 也就是 原问题等价于新问题;

几何问题下, 空间放大1倍, 以避免浮点数的比较


矩阵重复覆盖问题, 得到所有网格点, 进行2维离散化, 再进行2维差分



给定d = 13.14天 转换为: 天-时-分-秒;
先转换到最小单位 (即秒), x个秒, 得到了x这个整数, 一切就自然明了;

[ 1 , n ] [1,n] [1,n]可以整除 a a a的个数

对于 a , n ∈ N + a,n \in N^+ a,nN+, [ 1 , n ] [1, n] [1,n]范围中有 n / a n / a n/a个数 可以整除 a a a (即 [ a , 2 a , 3 a , . . . ] [a, 2a, 3a, ...] [a,2a,3a,...]);

但如果 a = b 1 ∗ b 2 ∗ . . . a = b1*b2*... a=b1b2..., a a a是溢出无法存储的, 而 b i bi bi可以存储 n n n也可以存储;
. 此时, 可以将 n / a n / a n/a 转变为: n / b 1 / b 2 / . . . n / b1 / b2 / ... n/b1/b2/...;

int ans = n;
for( i : {b1, b2, ...}){
	ans /= i;

一个数末尾连续的0, 取决于其质因数分解中 2 , 5 2,5 2,5的个数 @Mark_0

给定一个数 a a a (非常大 long long肯定是存不下的, 一般题目会通过说明a = x1 * x2 * x3 * ...来指定), 如何判断其末尾0的个数呢?
. 用高精度这种暴力方法, 一定超时;

一个数末尾的一个零    ⟺    \iff 该数的质因数分解中, 一定同时存在质因子 2 , 5 2,5 2,5;
. x 00000 = x ∗ 1 0 5 = x ∗ ( 2 ∗ 5 ) 5 = x ∗ 2 5 ∗ 5 5 x00000 = x * 10^5 = x * (2*5)^5 = x * 2^5 * 5^5 x00000=x105=x(25)5=x2555; 此时 x x x质因数中 可能有2 也可能有5, 但不会同时存在;
. 假如 a a a末尾有 c c c个0, 则 a = 2 x ∗ 5 y ∗ . . . , m i n ( x , y ) = c a = 2^x * 5^y * ..., \quad min(x,y) = c a=2x5y...,min(x,y)=c;

因此, 我们对a = x1 * x2 * x3 * ... * xn中的 x i xi xi, 求出其质因数分解中 2 , 5 2,5 2,5的量级 p 2 , p 5 p2, p5 p2,p5;
. 这里要注意, 你不需要对 x i xi xi进行完整的质因数分解 (比如你得到 3 3 3的量级, 是徒劳的), 只需得到 p 2 , p 5 p2, p5 p2,p5即可;
. 也就是: for( auto i = a; i % 2 == 0; i /= 2) ++ power_2; 只单独处理2;
. 总时间 不是 O ( n ∗ k O(n * k O(nk), 因为我们只求2|5的量级, 并不是说对每个 x i xi xi进行之因数分解, 因此, 时间是 O ( n + 2 ∗ k ) O(n + 2*k) O(n+2k) 其中 k k k a a a末尾0的个数;

一个常见应用是: 求 A ! A! A!阶乘 这个数的末尾0的个数;

power_2 = power_5 = 0;
for( int a = 2; a <= A;++a){
	for( auto i = a; i % 2 == 0; i /= 2) ++ power_2;
    for( auto i = a; i % 5 == 0; i /= 5) ++ power_5;
答案是: min(power_2, power_5);

例题: CSDN--130055705

当朴素最短路会超时, 且每个点的邻接点是连续子段时的 优化策略

参见: 128122790--@Mark_0.


给定数组 A A A, 一个连续子段 [ l , . . . , r ] [l,...,r] [l,...,r]的价值为 A [ l ] + . . . + A [ r ] A[l] + ... + A[r] A[l]+...+A[r], 求最大的连续子段的价值;

int ans = 0, sum = 0;
for( auto i : A){
	sum += i;
	if( sum < 0){ sum = 0;}
	ans = max( ans, sum);

代码倒很简单, 但有很多细节;

假如当前刚进入i位置, 则sum表示: 以[i-1]结尾的 最大的连续子段和, 或表示为空; 即 s u m ≥ 0 sum \geq 0 sum0始终满足;

假如答案是: l, l+1, ..., r,令S[i] = A[l] + ... + A[i], 则有: ∀ i ∈ [ l , r ] S [ i ] > 0 \forall i \in [l, r] \quad S[i] > 0 i[l,r]S[i]>0;
. 当刚进入l时, 此时的sum一定等于0; 然后sum = A[l] 然后+ A[l+1] 然后+ A[l+2] … 最后+ A[r]; 在这个过程中, sum = S[i] 因此始终 > 0 > 0 >0;

统计单调数列的个数, 对单调数列的等价转换

1 令数列长度为 n n n, 即 [ a 1 , a 2 , . . . , a n ] [a1, a2, ..., an] [a1,a2,...,an] (且满足 a i ∈ [ L , R ] a_i \in [L, R] ai[L,R]); 问有多少种不同的数列;
. 1 等价修改数组–统一增加偏移量
. . 所有元素统一减去 L L L (令 S = R − L S = R-L S=RL), 即得到: 所有元素范围为 [ 0 , S ] [0, S] [0,S] (比如 [ R , R , R , R ] [R, R, R, R] [R,R,R,R] 对应为 [ S , S , S , S ] [S, S,S,S] [S,S,S,S]);
. 2 等价修改数组–转变为差分数组
. . 即首元素不变, 其他元素令 a i = a i − a i − 1 a_i = a_i - a_{i-1} ai=aiai1;

比如原数组是 [ a , b , c ] [a, b, c] [a,b,c] (满足每个元素 ∈ [ L , R ] \in [L, R] [L,R]), 令 S = R − L S = R-L S=RL;
1 先转换为 [ a − L , b − L , c − L ] [a-L, b-L, c-L] [aL,bL,cL] (满足每个元素 ∈ [ 0 , S ] \in [0, S] [0,S])
2 再转换为 [ a − L , ( b − L ) − ( a − L ) , ( c − L ) − ( b − L ) ] [a-L, (b-L)-(a-L), (c-L) - (b-L)] [aL,(bL)(aL),(cL)(bL)];
. . 这个最终的数组 比如是 [ a 1 , a 2 , . . . , a n ] [a1, a2, ..., an] [a1,a2,...,an] (注意, 这个数组并不一定是单调的), 它有个非常重要的性质: ∀ p r e ∈ [ 1 , n ] , ∑ i = 1 p r e a i ∈ [ 0 , S ] \displaystyle \forall pre \in [1, n], \sum_{i=1}^{pre} a_i \in [0, S] pre[1,n],i=1preai[0,S];
. . 理解这个式子, 非常非常重要, 这个式子 和 最终的这个数组, 是完全等价的 充分必要条件;

因此, 我们求有多少个不同的数组方案, 其实就只关注 那个数组式子即可;
由于 ∑ i = 1 n a i \sum_{i=1}^{n} a_i i=1nai这个数组总和 是 [ 0 , S ] [0, S] [0,S]范围的, 不是确定的 我们再将他细分, 假设整个数组和是 s s s, 他的方案数 就对应为隔板法 ( s s s个小球 放入 n n n个盒子里, 且每个盒子 ≥ 0 \geq 0 0个, 方案数为 C s + n − 1 n − 1 C_{s+n - 1}^{n-1} Cs+n1n1)


vector< int> A{ a1, a2, ..., aN};

for( int st = 0; st < (1 << N); ++st){
	vector< int> nums;
	for( int bit = 0; bit < N; ++bit){
		if( (st >> bit) & 1)  num.push_back( A[ bit]);

nums里的元素, 他的顺序 和 A里的顺序 是一致的! (比如st表示三个元素a1, a5, a7, 那么num里的元素次序是: [a1, a5, a7]);


我们可以将2^N * N时间, 优化为: 2^N * K (KN略小一点, 取决于st1的个数, 不过这个优化 有时并不能成功, 只能说 优化了一点点把… 例如CSDN-129676841);

vector< int> A{ a1, a2, ..., aN};

int Lower_bit[ (1 << (N-1)) + 1];
for( int i = 0; i < N; ++i)  Lower_bit[ 1 << i] = i;

for( int st = 0; st < (1 << N); ++st){
	vector< int> nums;
	for( int temp = st; temp > 0; temp -= temp & -temp){
		num.push_back( A[ Lower_bit[ temp & -temp]]);

同样的, num和之前一样, 他的元素次序 依然是和 A里的次序是保持一致的;

O ( n ) O(n) O(n)将所有相交区间放入一个并查集内


对阶乘 n ! n! n!的质因数分解 / 求 n ! n! n!质因数分解中, 某个质数 p p p的量级

朴素算法是对 1 , 2 , 3 , . . . , n 1,2,3,...,n 1,2,3,...,n 一个个的质因数分解, 然后累加到一起;

更好的算法是, 将问题转换为: 给定一个质数 p p p, 问其在 n ! n! n! 里的量级是多少?
. 能够整除 p p p 的数 (即p的倍数) 有 n / p n / p n/p个; 能够整除 p 2 p^2 p2 的数有 n / ( p 2 ) n/(p^2) n/(p2)个, 能够整除 p 3 p^3 p3的数有 n / ( p 3 ) n/(p^3) n/(p3)个, …
. 因此, 直观做法是for( ; p <= A; p *= p) power += A / p;;
. 但这种有个缺点, 只有当p > A时 才终止, 而大于A的p*p 可能会溢出!

要避免溢出, 我们再做一次转换, 求 [ 1 , n ] [1, n] [1,n] p ∗ p p*p pp的倍数个数 即 n / ( p ∗ p ) n / (p*p) n/(pp)个;
分别是 ( p ∗ p ) , 2 ( p ∗ p ) , 3 ( p ∗ p ) , . . . , k ( p ∗ p ) k = n / ( p ∗ p ) (p*p), 2(p*p), 3(p*p), ..., k(p*p) \quad k = n / (p*p) (pp),2(pp),3(pp),...,k(pp)k=n/(pp), 对k做等价变形 k = n / ( p ∗ p ) = ( n / p ) / p k = n/(p*p) =(n/p)/p k=n/(pp)=(n/p)/p, 将他们同时除以 p p p, 即为 p , 2 p , 3 p , . . . , k p p, 2p, 3p, ..., kp p,2p,3p,...,kp;
因此, 其等价于 [ 1 , n / p ] [1, n/p] [1,n/p] p p p的倍数的个数;

*求n!中 质数p的量级*

int power = 0;
for( auto a = n; a >= p; a /= p) power += a / p;


给定一些元素 a 1 , a 2 , . . . a n a1, a2, ...an a1,a2,...an, 和一个二维布尔数组 F [ ] [ ] F[][] F[][] 其中 F [ i ] [ j ] F[i][j] F[i][j] 为True表示两者相同 否则两者不同 (且 F [ i ] [ i ] = t r u e , F [ i ] [ j ] = F [ j ] [ i ] F[i][i] = true, F[i][j]=F[j][i] F[i][i]=true,F[i][j]=F[j][i])

我们要判断, 这个关系 (即这个 F F F数组) 是否是矛盾的;

当然最简单的是用并查集, 因为"相同-二元关系"满足传递性 ("不相同-二元关系"不满足传递性), 所以用并查集 O ( N 2 ) O(N^2) O(N2)可以处理;


看一种新的方法, 也是 O ( N 2 ) O(N^2) O(N2)的;

我们用flag来给每个元素标记, 相同的元素必须相同标记, 不同元素则不同标记;

int flag = 0;
for( int i = 0; i < n; ++i){
	A[i] = -1;
    for( int j = 0; j < i; ++j){
        if( F[ i][ j]){
            A[ i] = A[ j];
    //>> Mark_0
    for( int j = 0; j < i; ++j){
        if( F[ i][ j] && A[ i] != A[ j]){ return "Wrong";}
        if( F[ i][ j] == false && A[ i] == A[ j]){ return "Wrong";}
    if( A[ i] != -1){ continue;}
    A[ i] = flag ++;

这个算法是很巧妙的, 比如最终A[] = 0 1 0 2 3 0 2 2;
注意, 到了Mark_0时, A[i]是可能等于-1的, 这种情况 会执行A[i] = flag ++

对于Mark_0的代码, 很重要, 那两个if判断 都要执行!!! 也就是, 与前面的每个元素 都要判断以下;
对于F[i][j]的情况, 也要执行, 因为上面有break, 也就是会出现: F[i][j]是True 但是A[i] != A[j]的情况;

边录入数据, 同时递归



长高为 a ∗ b a*b ab的直角三角形, 且端点都位于方格点上 (注意长度为 a a a是指经过了 a + 1 a+1 a+1的点), 有 g c d ( a , b ) + 1 gcd(a,b) + 1 gcd(a,b)+1个方格点 坐落在他的斜边上

证明: 令 g = g c d ( a , b ) , A = a / g , B = b / g g = gcd(a,b), A = a/g, B = b/g g=gcd(a,b),A=a/g,B=b/g, 将长和高都分为了 g g g个长度为 A , B A, B A,B的子段; 于是, 可以发现 斜边也可以分为 g g g的子段 每个子段处于一个 A ∗ B A*B AB的矩形里;


Given you a sequence of numbers A A A, you need choose K K K (e.g., K = 5 K = 5 K=5) elements which are the Greatest/Smallest numbers amongst A A A
. Let the K K K elements be the vector<> B( K) (notice, B B B maybe not Increasing, the only-requirement is B [ 0 , 1 , . . . , K − 1 ] B[0,1,...,K-1] B[0,1,...,K1] are the utmost- K K K elements of A A A);

vector< int> B;
for( auto i : A){
	B.emplace_back( i);
	if( B.size() > K){ // `B.size()` must equals `K + 1`;
		nth_element( B.begin(), B.begin() + K, B.end());
		//< `(..., greater<>())` for the Greatest-Elements;
		B.resize( K);

For example, A = [ 10 , 9 , 8 , . . . , 3 , 2 , 1 ] A = [10,9,8,...,3,2,1] A=[10,9,8,...,3,2,1], finally, B . s i z e ( ) = K = 5 , B . c a p a c i t y ( ) = 8 B.size() = K = 5, B.capacity() = 8 B.size()=K=5,B.capacity()=8 and B = [ 3 , 1 , 5 , 2 , 4 ] B = [3,1,5,2,4] B=[3,1,5,2,4] (the elements-order in B B B is arbitrary);

The Time-Cost is O ( n ∗ K ) = O ( n ) O(n * K) = O(n) O(nK)=O(n) where n n n is the length of A A A;

组合数 (不含某个特定子字符串)

AcWing-1305. GT考试

Given a string T T T (length m = 20 m=20 m=20, consists of [ 0 , 9 ] [0, 9] [0,9]), a string is called Valid if:
0 Its length n = 1 0 9 n=10^9 n=109 and consists of [ 0 , 9 ] [0,9] [0,9] (there are 1 0 n 10^n 10n kinds of such string);
1 Do not contains T T T as its sub-string;


If we use the normal- D P DP DP, that is d p [ n ] [ 1 0 20 ] dp[n][10^{20}] dp[n][1020] which is Infeasible;
. d p [ i ] [ j ] dp[i][j] dp[i][j] denotes the number of strings with length i i i, whose last m m m bits forms the number j j j, and do not contains T T T;


The correct-method is still D P DP DP;
Let S S S be the set of all Valid-Strings with length i i i, according to the LSPS-EX \text{LSPS-EX} LSPS-EX (Longest-Same-Prefix-Suffix of Suffixed- A A A and Prefixed- B B B);
. Review this notion; A = d e f a b c , B = a b c d e f A = defabc, B = abcdef A=defabc,B=abcdef, the LSPS-EX \text{LSPS-EX} LSPS-EX of Suffixed-A and Prefixed- B B B is a b c abc abc;

We divide S S S into [ 0 , . . . , m ) [0, ..., m) [0,...,m) types according to the value LSPS-EX \text{LSPS-EX} LSPS-EX;
. We use d p [ i ] [ j ] dp[i][j] dp[i][j] to denotes the number of string with these types j ∈ [ 0 , m ) j \in [0, m) j[0,m);
. The answer would be ∑ i = 0 m − 1 d p [ n ] [ i ] \sum_{i = 0}^{m-1} dp[n][i] i=0m1dp[n][i];

Now, we consider d p [ i ] [ j ] dp[i][j] dp[i][j] would update how many DP-States d p [ i + 1 ] [ ? ] dp[i+1][?] dp[i+1][?];

A: ... same ?
B: ... same n ...

The length of `same` is `j`;
The last-bit of `same` is `A[i]`;
The element `n` is certain, `?` has `[0-9]` choices;

So the question is, calculate the `LSPS-EX` of `A[...,i+1]` and `B[all]`
This is a Template-Algorithm, you can go to review it;

e.g., when `A[i+1] = x`, we got `l is the `LSPS-EX` of `A[..., i+1]` and `B[all]`;
. Then, `dp[i + 1][ l] += dp[i][ j]`;

The vital thing is, l l l is independent from i i i, that is, once we got j j j, l l l is settled;
. In other words, suppose d p [ i ] [ j ] dp[i][j] dp[i][j] would update d p [ i + 1 ] [ a , b , c , d ] dp[i+1][ a, b, c, d] dp[i+1][a,b,c,d], this process is independent from the value of i i i; whatever i i i is, [ j ] → [ a , b , c , d ] [j] \to [a,b,c,d] [j][a,b,c,d] is also the same;
. From the reverse view-point, d p [ i ] [ j ] = k 1 ∗ d p [ i − 1 ] [ j 1 ] + k 2 ∗ d p [ i − 1 ] [ j 2 ] + . . . dp[i][j] = k_1 * dp[i-1][j_1] + k_2 * dp[i-1][j_2] + ... dp[i][j]=k1dp[i1][j1]+k2dp[i1][j2]+... is a Linear-Combination where k i , j i k_i, j_i ki,ji are all Constants, has no relation with i i i;
. Then, d p [ i ] [ j ] dp[i][j] dp[i][j] where [ i ] [i] [i] can be solved by Matrix-Multiplication;

形如 a a a . . . aaa... aaa...数字的数学公式表示

A integer a a a . . . aaa... aaa... consists of k k k bits with the same number a a a, can be represented as a ∗ 1 0 k − 1 9 a * \frac{10^k - 1}{9} a910k1.

For example, 888... 888... 888... with k k k bits can be represented as 888... = 8 ∗ 111... = 8 ∗ 999... 9 = 8 ∗ 1 0 k − 1 9 888... = 8 * 111... = 8 * \frac{999...}{9} = 8 * \frac{10^k - 1}{9} 888...=8111...=89999...=8910k1;

O ( 1 ) O(1) O(1)判断一个数是否为2次幂

x x x conforms to the form 1 << k if and only if x & (x - 1) equals 0 0 0;


The Algorithm for Finding a Eulerian-Path

Here, we are talking about the real-deletion, not just use a bool flag[] to pretend deleting, cuz this is in bad performance; every time you iterating all the adjacency-edges, you will still visit A-Deleted-Edge and then skip it, which is not effective;
(e.g., there are n n n self-loop a->a, and we need get the Limited-Path of a (i.e., there are n n n times performance of dfs(a), ..., dfs(a)), if you use bool flag[] to delete edges, its time is n * n)


Based on Linked-List

Firstly, we consider the Directed-Graph;

A chain in Linked-List a->b->c->d (the edge-id are 0,1,2), denotes a has 3 adjacent-points b,c,d; so iterate from b to the tail, we would get all the adjacent-points of a;

Head[a] = 0, Nex[0]=1, Nex[1]=2, Nex[2]=-1, Ver[0,1,2]=b,c,d;

When we wanna delete a edge x, it is very ineffective:
1 If x is the First-Edge (i.e., x=0 here), perform Head[a]=Nex[x]
2 Otherwise, we need find a edge y such that Nex[y]=x, then perform Nex[y]=Nex[x];

In summary, this operation is infeasible in Linked-List, while it is useful in a special case, that is, If the edge that need to be deleted, can be arbitrary of a point;

That is, the demand is delete any one adjacent-edge of a point;

Then, it can be effective, that is, if a has Adjacent-Edge, then just perform Head[a] = Nex[ Head[a]] to delete the first-edge in the Linked-List;

One vital thing is,

dfs( cur){
    for( e = Head[ cur]; ~e; e = Nex[e]){
        $( @Loc-1);
        //>< @Loc-0

This code is wrong; let the adjacent-edges of cur be x,y,z;

Once @Loc-1 deleted some edge of cur (e.g., x,y), when we at @Loc-0, we cannot detect the deletion of these edges; so, e would continue visit y,z which is wrong;

The correct method is:

dfs( cur){
    for( e = Head[ cur]; ~e;){
    	auto cur_edge = e;
        if( Head[ cur] == cur_edge){ //< no deletion
        	e = Nex[ e];
        else{ //< `cur_edge,...` has been deleted
        	e = Head[cur];

Now, once a edge has been deleted, we would never visit it.


For example, there are n n n self-loop a->a, and we need get the Limited-Path of a (i.e., there are n n n times performance of dfs(a), ..., dfs(a))

void dfs( int _cur){
    for( int cur_edge, e = graph->Head[ _cur]; ~e;){
        graph->Head[ _cur] = graph->Next[ e]; //< delete cur-edge
        cur_edge = e;
        dfs( graph->Vertex[ e]);
        e = graph->Head[ _cur]; //< update
        Limited_Path.push_back( cur_edge);

The above code to deleting edges, its time is n (if you have not the code-line //< update, it would be n + (n-1) + ... + 1)


When we delete a Directed-Edge a->b, you need also delete its converse-edge b->a; (i.e., delete two edges)

It is important to realize that, the First-Edge of a (the edge a->b to be deleted), maybe not the First-Edge of b, although the ID of the two edges are i, i^1;
For example, ( a → b ) ( b → a ) ( c → b ) ( b → c ) (a\to b) (b\to a) (c\to b) (b\to c) (ab)(ba)(cb)(bc) whose ID are [0,1,2,3] respectively (so, the First-Edge of b is 3), when we delete a → b a\to b ab (0), its converse-edge (1) is not the First-Edge of b;

So, you need a bool flag[] to denote the converse-edge that is to be deleted;

if( flag[ e] == true){ //< this edge has been deleted, but yet be deleted physically;
	Head[ cur] = Nex[ e]; //< delete this edge essentially;
	e = Head[ cur];
	if( you wanna delete this edge){
		Head[ cur] = Nex[ e]; //< delete this edge essentially (so, `flag[e]=true` actually is vain);
		flag[ e ^ 1] = true;
		e = Head[ cur];


Based on Adjacency-Matrix

We use int[a][b] to denote the number of edges a->b; (note that, not bool)
Then, -- [a][b] represents deleting one edge a->b;


AcWing-1184. 欧拉回路

For a path a->b->c in Undirected-Graph, we know that every Directed-Edge in the path corresponds to a Undirected-Edge (i.e., a->b denotes a edge a-b)
Cuz a edge a-b would corresponds to two different Directed-Edges a->b and b->a, how can we represent a path in Undirected-Graph?

For instance, in Directed-Graph, there are two-edges that are a->b (0) and b->c (1), we use a id (x) to denote every edge in Directed-Graph;
. So, the path a->b->c can be represented by a Sequence of Edge-ID, that is [0,1]

But, in Undirected-Graph, there are two-edges that are a-b (1) and b-c (2), then for a path a->b->c, if you use [1,2] to denote it, that is 1 represents a->b and both b->a, which is wrong, cuz you cannot clarify the orientation of a edge;

Of course, you can use another system of Edge-ID a->b (0), b->a (1), ...; but, the problem only identifies the a-b (0) ... not your system, cuz the order of all edges are given by the problem;
If problem stipulates that an edge a-b (x) given by the problem, x denotes a->b, and -x denotes b->a; (x>=1, cuz 0 = − 0 0 = -0 0=0)
Then we found, one edge a-b (x) (x >= 1) denotes a->b ((x-1)*2) b->a ((x-1)*2 + 1) in our Linked-List;
So, a directed-edge with ID = x, its corresponding-edge is t = x/2 + 1, then perform t = -1 * t if t is Odd; it can be proved that the t of all directed-edges are distinct.

One vital thing is, the order of Adding-Edges is crucial

int a,b;
cin>>a>>b; //< problem inputs a edge `a-b`
G.Add_edge( a, b);
G.Add_edge( b, a);

Note that, (a,b) must be firstly added ahead of (b,a); that is to say, cin>>a>>b differs to cin>>b>>a;
When the problem gives a input a,b (the order is fixed), it shows a->b is the Positive-Orientation of the Undirected-Edge a-b;


下取整到整数: int( a.???) = a;

去掉整数部分: (int)(a.??? - (int)a) = a;

保留3位小数下取整: int( a.??? * 1000), 然后再单独添加(小数点)

printf("%.2lf", a.125) = a.13

精度为0.1下, 四舍五入到整数: int( x + 0.5) (如果精度是0.01, 则为x + 0.05);

四舍五入保留3位小数, 输出: printf("%.3lf", double)


For a tree with N N N points [ 0 , N ) [0, N) [0,N) (Rooted by 0 0 0), every edge ( a − b ) (a-b) (ab) can be characterized by a point x x x which is the deeper point of a , b a,b a,b (i.e., x = a x = a x=a is d e p t h [ a ] > d e p t h [ b ] depth[a] > depth[b] depth[a]>depth[b])

We know this device is also the essence for the algorithm (Prefix-Sum or Differential) based on Edge in a tree;

For instance, now giving you a task that, after the process of Differential based on Edge on the tree (you get the array V [ ] V[] V[] which means the value of a edge), then you need to calculate the number of edges whose V [ ] > 0 V[] > 0 V[]>0;

More speaking, V [ x ] V[x] V[x] where the index x x x actually is a point, although it essentially represents a edge ( a − b ) (a-b) (ab) whose deeper point equals x x x

One easy device is iterating all edges ( a , b ) (a,b) (a,b) and find its deeper point x x x, and that the value of this edge is V [ x ] V[x] V[x];

for( edge `a-b` : all edges){
	if( depth[a] > depth[b]){ x = a;}
	else{ x = b;}
	if( V[x] > 0){ ++ ans;}

But in fact, this is not a good device; (cuz you need record d e p t h [ ] depth[] depth[] for every point)

A better device is:

for( x : [1, N)){
	if( V[x] > 0){ ++ ans;}

the [ 1 , N ) [1, N) [1,N) in the code can be generalized to the set of all points except the root;

For any two distinct edges ( a − b ) , ( c − d ) (a-b), (c-d) (ab),(cd) in a tree, let x x x be the deeper point of a , b a,b a,b and y y y for this second edge; then, x ≠ y x \neq y x=y always satisfies; that is a property of Tree (for any point in a tree, it may has multiple sons, but exactly one father (except that root has no father));
And also the deeper point x x x of any edge would never be the root;
As a result, the set of the deeper-point ( x x x) for every edge in a true is the set of all points except its root (denoted [ 1 , N ) [1, N) [1,N))

So you can just iterate all these points [ 1 , N ) [1, N) [1,N) which is essentially equivalent to iterating all edges on a tree.


For a Bipartite-Graph, we can divide it into two distinct sets of points L , R L, R L,R, and all edges are the form of connecting A and B. (all edges are undirected and non-weighted)

If we use Boolean-Adjacency-Matrix to store the graph, this matrix represents undirected edge which is very different from the usual usage of Adjacency-Matrix.

For example, usually, M [ a ] [ b ] M[a][b] M[a][b] denotes a directed edge a → b a \to b ab, as a result, when expressing a undirected graph, it also satisfying M [ a ] [ b ] = M [ b ] [ a ] M[a][b] = M[b][a] M[a][b]=M[b][a].
However, in the current sense, it denotes a undirected edge between two points. e.g., M [ a ] [ b ] M[a][b] M[a][b] denotes a undirected edge between a point of L L L-set and a point of R R R-set.

Notice that, when given a edge ( a , b ) (a,b) (a,b) (meaning there is a undirected edge between a point of L L L-set and a point of R R R-set), it just corresponds to M [ a ] [ b ] = t r u e M[a][b] = true M[a][b]=true
Not involving with M [ b ] [ a ] M[b][a] M[b][a], it is vital to realize this. M [ b ] [ a ] M[b][a] M[b][a] means a edge edge between b ∈ A b \in A bA and a ∈ B a \in B aB

In other words, the one-dimension always denotes a point of L L L-set.


merge implication: If we have [ 1 , 5 ] [1, 5] [1,5] and [ 6 , 10 ] [6, 10] [6,10], then the interval [ 1 , 10 ] [1, 10] [1,10] is deduced
eliminate implication: If we have [ 1 , 10 ] [1, 10] [1,10] and [ 6 , 10 ] [6, 10] [6,10], then the interval [ 1 , 5 ] [1, 5] [1,5] is deduced

This is somewhat like the interval-merge, but they are different.
In interval-merge, if we get [ 1 , 10 ] [1, 10] [1,10], then the two sub-interval [ 1 , 5 ] [1, 5] [1,5] and [ 6 , 10 ] [6, 10] [6,10] will be removed. (But in this problem, we should retain the these sub-interval)
And, it can’t handle the eliminate in interval-merge.

For a interval [ l , r ] [l, r] [l,r], we use a pair to denote it ( l − 1 , r ) (l - 1, r) (l1,r) (also can be ( l , r + 1 ) (l, r + 1) (l,r+1)), and then, put l − 1 l-1 l1 and r r r into a same Disjoint-Set.

That is, for a set { a , b , c , d } \{ a, b, c, d \} {a,b,c,d}, it implies 3 + 2 + 1 3 + 2 + 1 3+2+1 intervals.
We choose two elements a , c a, c a,c (if a > c a > c a>c, then swap), this pair ( a , c ) (a, c) (a,c) denotes a interval [ a + 1 , c ] [a + 1, c] [a+1,c]

For more detail information

处理日期问题 (月日)

假如给定同一年里的两个日期A和B, 日期由月和日组成;
(每月天数是[31, 28, …], 不用考虑闰年)


int Days[] = { 0, 31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31};

int Presum( int _month, int _day){
	int days = 0;
	for( int i = 1; i < _month; ++i){
		days += Days[ i];
	days += _day;
	return days;

这样, 两个日期相减就可以得到中间的天数

多说一句, 判断日期(m1, d1) 是否是在 日期(m0, d0) 的后面, 不是(m1 >= m0) && (d1 >= d0), 这是错的;
而是: (m1 > m0) || ( (m1 == m0) && (d1 >= d0))


对于二叉树, 经常用到的是ID设定方式是:
当前节点x, 左儿子是(x * 2), 右儿子是(x * 2 + 1)

2   |3
4 5 |6 7 

这样, 所有节点都有一个唯一的ID号, 而且是从[1, 2, 3, …]递增的

那么, 对于一个N叉树, 该如何设定呢?

比如对于三叉树, 其规则是: x的三个儿子是(x * 3 - 1, x * 3, x * 3 + 1)

2     |3      |4
5 6 7 |8 9 10 |11 12 13

对于四叉树, x的四个儿子是(x * 4 - 2, x * 4 - 1, x * 4, x * 4 + 1)

2       |3           |4           |5
6 7 8 9 |10 11 12 13 |14 15 16 17 |18 19 20 21

总结下规律, 对于一个N叉树
1, 每一层的节点个数是 N 0 , N 1 , N 2 , . . . N^0, N^1, N^2, ... N0,N1,N2,...
2, 根节点的ID必须是1
3, 第x层的最小ID(即最左侧的节点) - 1, 等于 上一层的最大ID(即最右侧的节点)
5, 对于x节点, (x * N)节点, 一定是他的儿子;
… 但是, x / N (不管是上/下取整) 不一定是他的父节点! (只有在二叉树时成立: ⌊ x 2 ⌋ \lfloor \frac{x}{2} \rfloor 2x是其父节点)


对于一个数组A, 求出其最大元素的下标 (如果最大元素有多个, 则选择最小的)

这是常见的算法问题, 一般我们会ma, ans, ma来存储最大值, ans存答案的下标

其实有更简单的做法, 就用一个下标变量即可 (初始认为答案是在[0]位置)

int ans = 0;
for( int i = 0; i < n; ++i){
	if( A[ i] > A[ ans]){
		ans = i;


给定一个N个元素, 遍历其所有的(全排列) 即2^N个;
他可以对应两种二叉树, 参见

一种是DFS树, 他有2^N * 2个节点, 非叶子节点的点 都是重复点;

另一种二叉树, 是2^N个节点, 没有重复节点;


A error-code is for( int i = l; i <= r; ++i) where the type of r is i n t int int and r = INT32_MAX;
For such a mistake, you must do two things:
. 1 Change int r to long long r;
. 2 Change int i to long long i;
So, if you use auto i = l;, then you just need do one-thing (1);

Therefore, it is a good-idea that making the type of variable within for(...) to be auto, when the process of for(...) is simple (e.g., for( auto i = 0; i < r; ...));


void Func( int _a){
    for( int i = _a; i > 0; i /= 10){

如果我们后期改进函数, 将_a修改为了Ll_类型 , 此时, int i = _a就出错了!
就必须再手动修改为: Ll_ i = _a; 非常容易遗忘;

好的办法是: for( auto i = _a; ...), 这多好!


以线性DP为例子: 123
dp[123] 由 [3] 和 dp[12] 推出, dp[12] 由 [2] 和 dp[1]推出
… 但是, dp[1] 由 [1] 和 dp[0]推出, 而dp[ 0]是什么呢?
… 假如dp[ 0]是空 是非法的, 那么, dp[ 1]也是非法的; 因为, dp[1] 由 [1] + dp[ 0] 推出, dp[ 0]非法, 则dp[ 1]也非法
… 因此, dp[ 0]并不是空, 他其实是代表一个()(空数, 空值), 这个元素是(空)的, 是非法的, 但是, dp[ 0]不是空的, 他里面有一个元素 就是()
… 此时[1] 可以拆分为 [1] + ()的形式,
… 换句话说, 假如dp代表其集合里的元素个数; dp[ 0]必须为1(因为()空元素是他的唯一元素), 而不能是0
… … 否则, 你的dp[ 1]一定为0, 因为无法进行拆分, 导致1是非法的

从元素个数来看, 假如每个位 都有0-9共10种选择,
在[1]时, 他有10^1种形态; 在[2]时, 他有10^2种形态; 即在[k]时, 他有10^k种形态
那么, 在[0]时, 他有10^0 = 1种形态; 那么, 问题来了: 这个形态是什么?
… 这个形态, 是一种不存在的状态, 简称为(空状态)! 但他是存在的, 是一种方案! 只是, 他无形…
这个(不存在的数), 也作为一个(元素), 在这个集合里…
… 这个(空状态), 可以 (和任意状态)组合; 比如: 123 = 123 + (), 其中()就表示这个(空状态), 这个(空状态) 是一种方案!

比如在进行数位DP时, 定义Dp[ a]为: [a个0 – a个9]之间的 这10^a个数 中, 合法数的个数; (即一定会有: Dp[ a] <= 10^a)
那么, 对于Dp[ 0]是代表那些数? 这个问题非常重要
… 按照定义看, 他代表有10^0 = 1个数; (即, 他的集合 不是空的!!)
… 但有一点不同, 这个数, 无法像Dp[ >0]所代表的那些数, 可以显式的写成数的形式; 这个元素, 是无形的… 他是(空)的
因此, 这个元素 一定是非法的; … 因为: (合法) 的前提是: 这个元素 是一个 (数), 就可以显式表达; 而它就无法显式表达
… 即, Dp[ k], k>0 代表 10^k个状态, 每个状态 就对应一个字符串 (0-9组成的字符串)
… … 但是, 当Dp[ k], k=0时, 它代表 1个状态 (即空状态), 但不代表 (任何字符串), 即空状态 无法对应为 字符串;
… … 而我们的(合法), 判定的是(字符串); 所以, (空状态) 是非法的; 但它确实是个(状态)
… 即Dp[ 0] = 0, 这是肯定是; 因为(空状态) 是非法的;
… 这个(空状态), 可以与(任意状态)组合; 123 = 123 + (), 其中那个()表示(空状态)
… 但是, 如果涉及(元素个数) 不涉及合法性, 即10^k, Dp[ 0] = 1, 表示它有1个元素, 不可以设置成0个

如果你把Dp[ a]定义为: [0 – (10^a - 1)]这些数, 这和上面的 Dp定义, 是不同的!
上面定义的是(字符串数) , 即Dp[ 2] = [00 – 99] 不是[0 – 99], 但是这里, Dp[ 2] = [0 – 99];
此时, Dp[ 0] = [0 – 0], 这是一个状态, 这个状态同时也是合法的 (是0, 是个 数字)
但之前的Dp[ 0] = (), 是一个状态, 但是不是合法的 (因为他不是个 字符串数)





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