【Third assignment-- Team up and Topic selection】

Third assignment-- Team up and Topic selection

The Link Your Class2301-MUSE Community
The Link of Requirement of This AssignmentThird assignment-- Team up and Topic selection
Team NameEmoGenius Grew
Assignment ObjectiveIntroduce and plan the project, and describe of the division of labor among team members and the ratio of each member’s workload
Other Reference Documents


  • Ⅰ. Team UP
    • Team name
    • Team members
  • Ⅱ. Introduction - Expression and Support: our APP program
  • Ⅲ. Team project planning - Planning the Application of Emotion: The Path to achieving goals
    • Project Background
    • Project Target Management
    • Schedule
  • Ⅳ. Division of the project - The Division of emotional Projects: Co-creation
  • Ⅴ. Conclusion - Emotional Knot: A Vision for the Future of the Project
  • Ⅵ. Team Performance Assessment Plan
  • Ⅶ. Team photo

Ⅰ. Team UP

Team name

EmoGenius Grew
EmoGenius: This portion combines two key elements, “Emo” representing the abbreviation of “Emotion,” and “Genius” signifying “wisdom” or “genius.” This combination emphasizes the primary focus of the app, which is emotional intelligence and support. It indicates that the app will assist users in handling and comprehending emotions more intelligently, providing them with intelligent emotional support.

Grew: It denotes “growth” or “development,” implying the app’s objective of aiding users in growing and developing in terms of emotional well-being. It underscores that users can enhance their emotional health and achieve personal growth by using the app.

Team UP

Yifan Wang

  • FZU ID: 832102101
  • Member Name: Yifan Wang
  • CSDN Profile: 832102101王一帆
  • Personality: Laziness, procrastination, social phobia, arrogance
  • Technical Expertise: Deep learning, Android development, Embedded systems
  • Hobbies: Listening to music
  • Desired Software Engineering Role: back-end development
  • Slogan: Fit or Quit


  • FZU ID: 832102116
  • Member Name: YUHAO LU
  • CSDN Profile: 832102116陆宇豪
  • Personality: Sunshine, Self-confidence, Compassionate and Enthusiastic.
  • Technical Expertise: Embedded System Development, Android Development, XR Development
  • Hobbies: Playing Basketball, Listening to Music, Running
  • Desired Software Engineering Role: Front-end Development
  • Slogan: Try my best!

Yanbo Wang

  • FZU ID: 832102104
  • Member Name: Yanbo Wang
  • CSDN Profile: feixiangdeyumao6
  • Personality: Laziness, procrastination
  • Technical Expertise: Java
  • Hobbies: Playing games
  • Desired Software Engineering Role: UI development
  • Slogan: One should be better than yesterday

Binyue Zheng

  • FZU ID: 832102123
  • Member Name: Binyue Zheng
  • CSDN Profile: 832102123郑彬悦
  • Personality: Patience, meticulousness
  • Technical Expertise: C/C++ programming, Android development, Embedded systems
  • Hobbies: Taking photographs
  • Desired Software Engineering Role: Front-end Development
  • Slogan: True to yourself

Guohua Wu

  • FZU ID:832102112
  • Member name: Guohua Wu
  • CSDN Profile: 83210211吴国华
  • Personalities:easygoing,Self-confidence
  • Technical Expertise: C/C++ programming,Server development
  • Hobbies: Traveling
  • Desired Software Engineering Role: serve development

Xindan Zhang

  • FZU ID: 832102115
  • Member Name: Xindan Zhang
  • CSDN Profile: 832102115 张馨丹
  • Personality: Serious, rigorous, optimistic and positive,
  • Technical Expertise: Front-end development, Android development, Embedded systems
  • Hobbies: Listening to music
  • Desired Software Engineering Role: front-end development
  • Slogan: Happy every day

Tianjun Shi

  • FZU ID:832102125
  • Member name:Tianjun Shi
  • CSDN Profile: 832102125施天骏
  • Personality:diligent,easygoing
  • Technical Expertise:
  • Android development,C/C++ programming,data structure
  • Hobbies: Traveling
  • Desired Software Engineering Role: back-end development
  • Slogan:Android studio,START!!

Ⅱ. Introduction - Expression and Support: our APP program

In today’s fast-paced and digitized world, individuals grapple with growing emotional pressures and complex social challenges. To aid people in gaining a deeper understanding of their emotional well-being and effectively managing it, our team is passionately committed to developing an innovative Android application.
This application offers users a multifaceted range of core features. Initially, it empowers users to craft emotional diaries, allowing them to express their innermost sentiments. The application intelligently analyzes the textual content, dynamically adapting the user interface based on the polarity of emotions, whether they are positive or negative. This adaptive functionality provides users with a heightened awareness of their emotional states. Furthermore, our platform presents a unique social platform that permits users to share their personal emotional diaries and interact with fellow users. This promotes emotional support and fosters a distinctive social experience.
In addition to this, we have incorporated an emotionally intelligent condolence robot, designed to interact with users on an emotional level. This empathetic bot stands ready to offer encouragement and valuable suggestions, serving as an emotional companion.
Furthermore, we have taken into account user authentication and security. Users can create personal accounts, enhancing account security through facial recognition technology.
In this blog, we will delve into our team’s project plan, encompassing the project’s background, objectives, scope, and the allocation of responsibilities.

Ⅲ. Team project planning - Planning the Application of Emotion: The Path to achieving goals

Project Background

In today’s society, emotional well-being is a prominent topic of concern. With the accelerating pace of life and the rapid spread of digital technology, people face unprecedented emotional challenges. Individuals may feel surrounded by emotions but are uncertain about how to effectively process and express them.
This is precisely the motivation behind our team’s decision to develop this emotional application. We are creating an Android app that integrates emotional analysis, social interaction, and emotional support. Our aim is to provide a platform where users can candidly record their emotions, gain insights into their emotional states, share with others, and receive support. The motivation behind this app is to encourage positive emotional expression, foster social connections, and enhance emotional well-being, enabling users to become more confident, positive, and emotionally resilient.

Project Target Management

The core function of our team’s main development:

  1. Emotional diary:
    Users can enter the diary text content, apply the text to the cloud server for emotional analysis, return the emotional polarity, determine whether it is positive or negative, and change the dynamic user interface accordingly. This helps users better understand their emotional state and can take measures to improve emotional health.
  2. Forum communication:
    Users can post a “circle of friends” in the application. Our system will automatically identify text content and analyze the theme, and then distribute different content into different theme forums. Users can reply and comment in these forums to share experience and emotional support with other users.
  3. Emotional condolences robot:
    We will integrated open source Openaigpt api to design a smart chatbot with emotional support and companionship. This robot will respond to the user’s emotional needs and provide encouragement and suggestions.

Supplementary function:

  1. User account and identity verification:
    We will implement user accounts and authentication functions, allow users to create personal accounts, log in, and protect their data. This includes face recognition technology to improve account security.
  2. voice recognition and emotional analysis:
    We will integrate voice recognition technology to allow users to use voice records into the emotional diary. This can include the basic voice entry function, it can be further developed, if possible, into voice transfers, and voice -to -voice analysis to identify emotions. This will provide users with a variety of choices to record emotions.
  3. Emotional diary sharing and collaboration:
    Users can share and collaborate with other users to write emotional diaries, which can be family members and friends. This function encourages social interaction and support to help users better understand each other’s emotional needs.
  4. Emotional Health Analysis:
    According to the user’s emotional diary data, the application will provide some emotional health suggestions, such as pressure management and anxiety relief. This will help users better manage their emotional health.


Phase 1 (Week 1 to Week 8):
Front-end Team: Study the basics of UI design and complete the UI design for the login and registration interfaces.
Back-end Team: Build the project, implement data transmission to the server and handle return values, sound recording, and voice modulation.
Server Team: Receive client data and interact with the database, implement emotion analysis, as well as facial recognition and voice recognition.

Phase 2 (Week 9 to Week 12):
Front-end Team: Optimize UI design to achieve dynamic UI changes based on the emotional polarity returned by the server.
Back-end Team: Develop and refine the core functions of the application, ensuring seamless collaboration with the front-end.
Server Team: Further optimize emotion analysis models and data processing workflows.

Phase 3 (Week 13 and 14):
Front-end Team: Modify and improve the UI layout of other interfaces to ensure a warm and cohesive overall UI experience.
Back-end Team: Integrate and test the project to ensure seamless collaboration among components.
Server Team: Continue to optimize emotion analysis and data processing performance.

Phase 4 (Week 15 to the end):
All Teams: Conduct comprehensive testing to verify the application’s functionality and performance. Collect user feedback and make improvements.
Perform final fixes and optimizations in preparation for the app’s release.

Ⅳ. Division of the project - The Division of emotional Projects: Co-creation

Student IDWork distributionContribution
Wang YifanBack-end development, Project planning & management9%
Zhang XindanFront-end Development8%
Zheng HaoyuanFront-end Development8%
Lu YuhaoFront-end Development8%
Fan JinzhengFront-end Development8%
Shi TianJunBack-end Development8%
Li GuandongBack-end Development8%
Zheng BinyueDocument Management8%
Wang YanboDocument Management8%
Wang zhaoyouDocument Management8%

Ⅵ. Team Performance Assessment Plan

This plan is designed to evaluate the performance of the “EmoGenius Grew” team throughout the project. It aims to ensure that the team remains aligned with project goals and maintains a high standard of work. The assessment will encompass the following key aspects:

1. Individual Contribution(50 points)

Front-end Team:

  • UI Design Quality: Evaluate the front-end team’s UI design, including aesthetics, user-friendliness, and integration with emotional analysis.
  • Dynamic UI Implementation: Check if the front-end team successfully implemented dynamic UI changes to adjust the user interface based on emotional polarity. This reflects the team’s technical capabilities and understanding of project objectives.
  • Communication and Collaboration: Assess communication and collaboration among front-end team members and their interaction with other teams. Effective communication and collaboration are essential for project success.

Back-end Team:

  • Functionality Completeness: Evaluate the work of the back-end team, including the implementation of various functions mentioned above. Focus on whether core functions have been achieved and performance stability.
  • Collaboration: Examine collaboration between the back-end team and the front-end team to ensure accurate data transmission and processing. Efficient collaboration is critical for the overall project’s success.
  • Problem-Solving and Adaptability: Assess the back-end team’s ability to resolve technical issues and adapt to changing project requirements. Swift problem-solving and adaptability are key indicators.

Server Team:

  • Emotion Analysis Performance: Evaluate the performance of the server team’s emotion analysis model, including accuracy and processing speed. High-quality emotion analysis is crucial for the core functionality of the application.
  • Database Interaction: Check the server team’s database interaction, including the effectiveness of data storage and retrieval. Ensure data security and consistency.

2. Cooperation and Work Docking (20 points):

  • Actively participate in group discussions and give reasonable suggestions (6 points):
    Regular attendance and active engagement in team meetings and discussions.
    Contribution of valuable insights and ideas during team interactions.

  • Prompt Responses to Team Members’ Requests and Queries (6 points):
    Timely and constructive responses to team members’ requests and questions.
    Efficient communication and cooperation with team members.

  • Coordination of internal conflicts in group cooperation (4 points):
    Involvement in conflict resolution within the team.
    Contribution to maintaining a harmonious team environment.

  • Sharing Knowledge and Experience to Help Team Members Grow (4 points):
    Willingness to share expertise, insights, or experiences for the benefit of team members.
    Active participation in knowledge-sharing activities and helping team members develop their skills.

3. Key Qualities in Team Collaboration (20 points)

  • Punctuality (4 points):
    Timely completion of assigned tasks and consistently meeting project or task deadlines.
    Ensuring that your work is completed on time to avoid delays for the team.

  • Adaptability (4 points):
    Demonstrating the ability to adapt to changing circumstances or project requirements.
    Being flexible and open to adjustments as needed.

  • Responsibility and Accountability (4 points):
    Taking ownership of your tasks and responsibilities.
    Being accountable for your work and any mistakes or issues that arise.

  • Creativity and Innovation (4 points):
    Bringing creative ideas and innovative solutions to the team.
    Contributing to the development of new approaches or strategies.

4. Quality Assurance and Testing (10 points)

  • Ensuring the Quality and Stability of Project Deliverables (5 points):
    Ability to maintain high standards of quality and stability in project deliverables, ensuring meet or exceed specified requirements.

  • Active Participation in Unit Testing and Integration Testing (5 points):
    Emphasizes the commitment to thorough unit testing and integration testing processes, which are critical for identifying and resolving issues in the project.

After the project concludes, the contribution scores consist of the following four components:

  • Individual Presentation: Each team member has the opportunity to showcase their work achievements. This segment helps team members convey their contributions, areas of expertise, and efforts within the project more clearly.
  • Self-Assessment: Self-assessment is a crucial segment as it requires each team member to reflect upon and assess their own work. This aids in enhancing their understanding of their contributions and the challenges they encountered during the project.
  • Peer Assessment: Peer assessment is a collaborative method among colleagues that fosters cooperation and team spirit. Team members evaluate the work of their peers, revealing interactions and mutual assistance within the team.
  • Leader’s Assessment: Leader’s assessment typically carries authority as leaders are often more deeply acquainted with the work of team members. This form of assessment provides an additional perspective and helps identify leaders and high-achievers within the project.

The final score is determined by aggregating self-assessment, peer assessment, and leader’s assessment. This comprehensive score integrates feedback from multiple sources, offering a more holistic reflection of each team member’s performance within the project.

Ⅶ. Team photo

Team Photo of EmoGenius Grew

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