BootLoader & Grub详解

Tip0: 如何使用Grub启动Linux系统:
/                sda1 (hd0, 0)
/boot        sda2 (hd0, 1)
grub>root (hd0,0)  #指定/boot所在分区,因为kernel和initd镜像都放在那里
grub>kernel /vmlinuz   root =/dev/sda2  #如果前面没有指定root,那么kernel (hd0, 0)/vmlinuz。 root=/dev/sda2指定的是根目录(/)所在分区。
grub>initrd /initrd.img  #如果前面没有指定root,那么initd (hd0,0)/initd.img
title           Ubuntu, kernel
root          (hd0, 0)
kernel      /vmlinuz- root=/dev/sda2 ro noapic
initrd        /initrd.img-
说明:root命令告诉grub目录/boot位于哪一个设备分区。接下来kernel告诉grub要引导的内核镜像文件,并且grub会将内核镜像名后面的参数root=/dev/sda2 ro noapic传递给内核。参数root告诉内核根文件系统(/)挂载在哪一个分区。ro表示该分区初始化时通常以只读方式挂载,稍后(在执行检查之后)再以读写模式重新挂载。noapic是用来关闭高级可编程中断控制器的。initrd(init ramdisk)命令指定用来存放初始化RAM
How to use GRUB's Command Line to investigate a computer
GRUB is almost a miniature operating on it's own, it can take quite a few commands and perform some useful tricks. It's well worth a little of anyone's time to learn how to work with GRUB at the command line.
We'll see how to boot operating systems in a few minutes. First, here are a few useful tricks to help you learn to use GRUB interactively if your computer's BIOS supports that.  This is how to use GRUB to take a look around inside a computer.

Tab completion is a very useful feature of GRUB.  In the example shown below I want to use Tab completion to find out what hard disks and partitions ane in my computer,
grub>  root (hd_
There are some numbers that are supposed to follow '(hd' that we may not already know, so after we type: 'root (hd' we press our 'Tab' key. We use 'Tab' completion to allow GRUB to suggest some possibilities.

grub> root (hd
 Possible disks are:  hd0 hd1
Okay, I know my Linux partition in in my first hard disk, so I typed ' 0,' (zero, comma) in after '(hd' and pressed 'Tab again for a list of partitions,
grub> root (hd0,
 Possible partitions are:
   Partition num: 0,  Filesystem type is fat, partition type 0xc
   Partition num: 1,  Filesystem type is ext2fs, partition type 0x83
   Partition num: 3,  Filesystem type is ext2fs, partition type 0x83
   Partition num: 4,  Filesystem type unknown, partition type 0x82
These are a list of partitions in my computer. I want to choose one with a Linux kernel in it that I will be booting. It will likely be one of the partitions with the ext2fs file system, from here I can make a good guess.

Find Hard Disks
Here's another way to get GRUB to list all hard disks and partitions and give information on what filesystems are in a computer,
grub>  geometry (hd_
'Tab completion' is a very handy feature in GRUB's Command Line Interface. Make sure you use it as much as you can! In this example, I have typed the command 'geometry', and the first part only of a GRUB designation for a hard disk, without the number that normally belongs at the end of it, and press my tab key.

grub>  geometry (hd
 Possible disks are: hd0 hd1
After pressing my 'Tab' key with the disk designation half typed, I get a list of all the hard disks currently in use by the machine.

Find Partitions
Now I want to find out what partitions are in the first hard disk,
grub>  geometry (hd0)
I completed the rest of the command and then pressed 'Enter' to see what partitions GRUB can detect on the first hard disk.
grub>  geometry (hd0)
drive 0x80: C/H/S = 1023/255/63, The number of sectors = 156301488, LBA
     Partition num: 0, Filesystem type is fat, partition type 0x1b
     Partition num: 1, Filesystem type is ext2fs, partition type 0x83
     Partition num: 3, Filesystem type unknown, partition type 0x7
     Partition num: 4, Filesystem type unknown, partition type 0x82
     Partition num: 5, Filesystem type is ext2fs, partition type 0x83
     Partition num: 6, Filesystem type is ext2fs, partition type 0x83
     Partition num: 7, Filesystem type is ext2fs, partition type 0x83
Okay, those are my partitions on the first hard disk, now I want to find out what partitions are on the second hard disk.

grub>  geometry (hd1)
 drive 0x81: C/H/S = 1023/255/63, The number of sectors = 58605120, LBA
     Partition num: 2, Filesystem type is fat, partition type 0xb
     Partition num: 3, Filesystem type is ext2fs, partition type 0x83     

Now I know what partitions are in second hard disk.
I use these commands often to determine one hard disk from another before installing GRUB to a hard disk's MBR, to make sure I install the right GRUB to the right MBR.

Find out which partitions contain a Linux kernel
To find more information we can use the 'find' command, for example:
grub>  find /vmlinuz

The feedback from the above command should give you one or more answers like:
grub>  find /vmlinuz
or something similar. These answers are all partitions that contain a Linux kernel.
Well, really, to be accurate, they are partitions which contain a symlink to a Linux kernel.
These partitions could be /boot partitions if an installation has separate /boot  and / (root) partitions.

Find out which partition is your '/' or 'root' partition
grub>  find /sbin/init

The results from the above command might appear as shown below,
grub>  find /sbin/init

There are ways to have GRUB find out even more interesting information for us if it might help. We can open plain text files in any of those partitions we may be interested in with the 'cat' command. For a few examples, 
grub>  cat (hd0,7)/boot/grub/menu.lst
The installation's menu.lst file is certain to contain information useful to know for booting the machine's operating systems.
grub>  cat (hd0,7)/etc/fstab
The /etc/fstab file usually contains good information that might be useful to know for booting purposes 

and also:
grub>  cat (hd0,7)/boot/grub/

The file might occasionally be interesting to be able to see.

By the time you have tried out some of those extra commands you will be getting the idea that you can find out almost anything about any computer with GRUB's CLI.
That's probably all the information we need for getting GRUB to boot any Linux system.
Tip2:How to boot Linux from GRUB's CLI (Command Line Interface)
1. Set the GRUB's root device to the same device as GUN/Linux's. Probably the command find /vmlinuxz or similar can help you (你也可以输入grub>root(hd0, ,然后按Tab键,会提示你各个分区的文件系统信息,一般ext3的都可以作为启动区):
    grub>root (hd0,1)    #The first command is 'root(hdx,y)' to set GRUB's root device to the partition that contains a linux kernel.
2. Load the kernel. Probably the command find /sbin/init or similar can help you to find out which partition is your '/' or 'root' partition.(假设返回(hd0,8),再利用cat去查看fstab,看(hd0,8)映射成什么设备名字:grub>cat (hd0,8)/etc/fstab),另一个有用的命令是grub>cat (hd0,8)/boot/grub/,一般来说,(hd0,x)映射为hda[x+1]:
    grub>kernel /vmlinux root=/dev/sda2  #Presuming /dev/sda2 is the partition of you root file system (containing /sbin/init).
3. If you use an initrd, execute the command initrd after kernel:
    grub>initrd /initrd.img  #The initrd command will be 'initrd'
4. Finally, run the command boot:

What You Absolutely Need to Know

In order to use grub to boot a computer, you need to know the following:
  1. The partition containing the kernel
  2. Within that partition, the directory path and filename of the kernel
  3. The partition containing /sbin/init (也就是你的root partition: the partition your '/' mounted to)
In addition, you might need the partition, path and filename of the initrd file, but usually this is not necessary with grub.

Now let's take a look at an example. Imagine a system in which  /dev/hda1 is mounted as /boot, and /dev/hda9 is mounted as / (你的根目录). Within  /boot the kernel filename is  vmlinuz-i686-up-4GB. Now let's answer the four questions:
  1. The partition containing the kernel = /dev/hda1, or (hd0,0) in grub-speak
  2. Within that partition, the directory path and filename of the kernel = /vmlinuz-i686-up-4GB
    (Remember, /dev/hda1 is mounted directly to /boot, so it contains the kernel directly)
  3. The partition containing /sbin/init is /dev/hda9
In that case, here are the grub commands you would input to boot that system:
grub> root (hd0,0)
grub> kernel /vmlinuz-i686-up-4GB root=/dev/hda9
grub> boot
The preceding is usually sufficient to boot a Linux box.  The standalone root statement tells the partition containing the kernel. The  kernel statement describes the path and filename,  within the partition containing the kernel of the kernel.  The argument to the root= argument to the kernel statement tells the partition containing /sbin/init, which of course turns out to be the root partition in the booted system. 

Be careful of these duelling  root keywords. The standalone one is the root as seen from grub, and contains the kernel. The argument to the  kernel statement is the root as seen from the fully booted system, and contains  /sbin/init.

Be careful also of where you use grub partition notation and where you use Linux partition notation. You use grub partition notation ( (hd0,0)) everywhere except the  root=argument to the  kernel statement. In the  root= argument you use the Linux partition notation. Note that in Linux notation, the drive starts with  a for the first IDE port master, then  b for the first IDE port slave, then  c for the second IDE port master, and   d for the second IDE port slave, on and on throughout your IDE ports.  In Linux notation, the partition number within the drive starts with 1.

In grub partition notation, the first accessible hard drive is  (hd0), the next accessible hard drive (even if it's on the 3rd, 4th or higher IDE port) is  (hd1), and so forth. In grub partition notation, the partition number is zero based. Thus:

/dev/hda1 is the same partition as (hd0,0)

Occasionally you'll need to specify an  initrd, although this is rare. If so, after the kernel statement and of course before the  boot statement, insert the following:
initrd /initrd-i686-up-4GB.img
It's absolutely essential that if you do use an  initrd statement, that the  initrd file you reference must match the kernel you referenced earlier.

I have seen cases in which a kernel would kernel panic without an initrd statement, and would boot with it. The interesting thing is, once I got it booting, I could remove the initrd statement, rerun grub's setup, and it would now boot without the initrdstatement. If you get kernel panics and it isn't obvious why, don't hesitate to insert an initrd statement.

Another documented way to boot from grub is to put the grub-root in the kernel statement itself instead of as a separate entity:
grub> kernel (hd0,0)/vmlinuz-i686-up-4GB root=/dev/hda9
grub> boot
If you do that, you'll need to also specify the grub root ((hd0,0)) on any initrd statement.
Tip3:How to boot Windows from GRUB's CLI (Command Line Interface)
1. grub>root (hd0,0)   #指定你的Windows系统所在分区
2. grub>makeactive  #set the 'boot flag' to mark the partition as 'active'
3. grub>chainloader +1  #Point GRUB at the boot sector loader with the command 'chainloader +1' . Chainloading means it passes control to the other system's bootloader(NTLDR for example)
4. grub>boot
Control of GRUB:
BIOS  [jump to]---->MBR [jump to(accoring to the 'boot flag')]---->Partition Boot Sector (Ubuntu)  [chainloading to]---->NTLDR
now the control is chainloading to NTLDR
Control of NTLDR:
MBR[jump to(according to the 'boot flag')]---->Partition Boot Sector(Windows)--->boot
Tip4: How to reinstall your MBR or partition boot sector
方法是使用GRUB for DOS。下载GRUB for DOS,将其中的grldr放在你的Windows系统分区根目录,如一般的C:/grldr。用记事本打开C:/boot.ini,在最后添加一行:
C:/grldr="GRUB for DOS"
1. For Windows:使用FixMBR工具。
2. For Linux:使用setup命令或grub-install命令。
2.1 使用setup命令:这种情况下一般是原来的Linux系统已经无法进入,在GRUB for DOS的grub命令行下,输入如下命令:
1. grub>find /boot/grub/stage1   #stage1才是要装入MBR的引导程序,而不是整个GRUB
2. grub>root (hd0,x) #x为步骤1返回的结果之一
3. grub>setup (hd0) #for MBR
3. grub>setup(hd0,y) #for y partition boot sector
grub>setup (hd0) (hd0,x) #install the stage1 of (hd0,x) to MBR
1. 使用LiveCD:
然后使用grub-install /dev/hda[x] (or sda[x] for SCSI hardisk)
2. 使用GRUB for DOS:
Tip:对于Tip4,你会发现sudo lshw命令十分有用,该命令用于查看硬件信息,如硬盘各个分区的映射。

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