6.S081 Lab book 第二章阅读

Chapter2 Operating system organization

Thus an operating system must fulfill three requirements: multiplexing, isolation, and interaction.

2.1 Abstracting physical resources

The first question one might ask when encountering an operating system is why have it at all?

  • In this plan, each application could even have its own library tailored to its needs.
  • Such a cooperative time-sharing scheme may be OK if all applications trust each other and have no bugs.
  • To achieve strong isolation it’s helpful to forbid applications from directly accessing sensitive hardware resources, and instead to abstract the resources into services.
  • This transparency allows the operating system to share CPUs even if some applications are in infinite loops.
  • The Unix interface is not the only way to abstract resources, but it has proven to be a very good one.

2.2 User mode, supervisor mode, and system calls

  • RISC-V has three modes in which the CPU can execute instructions: machine mode, supervisor mode, and user mode.
  • If an application in user mode attempts to execute a privileged instruction, then the CPU doesn’t execute the instruction, but switches to supervisor mode so that supervisor-mode code can terminate the application, because it did something it shouldn’t be doing.
  • CPUs provide a special instruction that switches the CPU from user mode to supervisor mode and enters the kernel at an entry point specified by the kernel.
  • It is important that the kernel control the entry point for transitions to supervisor mode; if the application could decide the kernel entry point, a malicious application could, for example, enter the kernel at a point where the validation of arguments is skipped.

2.3 Kernel organization

monolithic kernel:

  • The entire operating system resides in the kernel, so that the implementations of all system calls run in supervisor mode.
  • This organization is convenient because the OS designer doesn’t have to decide which part of the operating system doesn’t need full hardware privilege. (because the entire operating system runs with full hardware privilege)
  • A downside of the monolithic organization is that the interfaces between different parts of the operating system are often complex and therefore it is easy for an operating system developer to make a mistake.
  • In a monolithic kernel, a mistake is fatal, because an error in supervisor mode will often cause the kernel to fail.


  • minimize the amount of operating system code that runs in supervisor mode, and execute the bulk of the operating system in user mode.
  • In a microkernel, the kernel interface consists of a few low-level functions for starting applications, sending messages, accessing device hardware, etc. This organization allows the kernel to be relatively simple, as most of the operating system resides in user-level servers.

2.5 Process Overview


  • To help enforce isolation, the process abstraction provides the illusion to a program that it has its own private machine.
  • A process also provides the program with what appears to be its own CPU to execute the program’s instructions.
  • Xv6 maintains a separate page table for each process that defines that process’s address space.
  • Instructions come first, followed by global variables, then the stack, and finally a heap area (for malloc) that the process can expand as needed.
  • Xv6 uses these two pages to transition into the kernel and back; the trampoline page contains the code to transition in and out of the kernel and mapping the trapframe is necessary to save/restore the state of the user process, as we will explain in Chapter 4.
  • Each process has two stacks: a user stack and a kernel stack (p->kstack). The kernel stack is separate (and protected from user code) so that the kernel can execute even if a process has wrecked its user stack.
  • In summary, a process bundles two design ideas: an address space to give a process the illusion of its own memory, and, a thread, to give the process the illusion of its own CPU.

2.6 Code: starting xv6, the first process and system call

  1. bootloader loads the xv6 kernel into memory.

  2. machine mode, CPU executes xv6 starting at _entry(kernel/entry.S:7), The RISC-V starts with paging hardware disabled: virtual addresses map directly to physical addresses.

  3. The loader loads the xv6 kernel into memory at physical address 0x80000000. 0:0x80000000 for IO devices.

  4. The instructions at _entry set up a stack(stack0) so that xv6 can run C code. xv6 loads sp with stack0 + 4096, the top of stack, because the stack on RISC-V grows down. Now that the kernel has a stack, _entry calls into C code at start (kernel/start.c:21).

  5. Before jumping into supervisor mode: mret: return to supervisor mode from machine mode. Function start do: a. set mstatus register to supervisor mode; b. set mepc register using main address; c. disables virtual address translation in supervisor mode by writing 0 into satp register; d. delegates all interrupts and exceptions to supervisor mode.

  6. generate timer interrupts, now start returns to supervisor mode by calling mret. Now PC changes to main

  7. main creates the first process by calling userinit (kernel/proc.c:226)

  8. Once the kernel has completed exec, it returns to user space in the /init process. Init (user/init.c:15) creates a new console device file if needed and then opens it as file descriptors 0, 1, and 2. Then it starts a shell on the console. The system is up.

2.7 Security Model

  • The operating system must assume that a process’s user-level code will do its best to wreck the kernel or other processes.
  • Kernel code is expected to be bug-free, and certainly to contain nothing malicious.
  • It’s worthwhile to design safeguards into the kernel against the possibility that it has bugs: assertions, type checking, stack guard pages, etc.

2.8 Real world

  • Modern operating systems, however, support several threads within a process, to allow a single process to exploit multiple CPUs.

2.9 Exercises

Add a system call to xv6 that returns the amount of free memory available.



#define SYS_lsmem  22


// something...
extern uint64 sys_lsmem(void);

static uint64 (*syscalls[])(void) = {
[SYS_fork]    sys_fork,
[SYS_exit]    sys_exit,
[SYS_wait]    sys_wait,
[SYS_pipe]    sys_pipe,
[SYS_read]    sys_read,
[SYS_kill]    sys_kill,
[SYS_exec]    sys_exec,
[SYS_fstat]   sys_fstat,
[SYS_chdir]   sys_chdir,
[SYS_dup]     sys_dup,
[SYS_getpid]  sys_getpid,
[SYS_sbrk]    sys_sbrk,
[SYS_sleep]   sys_sleep,
[SYS_uptime]  sys_uptime,
[SYS_open]    sys_open,
[SYS_write]   sys_write,
[SYS_mknod]   sys_mknod,
[SYS_unlink]  sys_unlink,
[SYS_link]    sys_link,
[SYS_mkdir]   sys_mkdir,
[SYS_close]   sys_close,
[SYS_lsmem]   sys_lsmem,

// something


  return (uint64)(kfmstat());


// kernel free mem stat
    int res = 0;
    struct run *r;
    r = kmem.freelist;
    while (r) {
        res += PGSIZE;
        r = r->next;
    return res;

user/defs.h中声明int kfmstat(void);
user/user.h中声明int lsmem(void);


avaiable memory: 133386240B, 130260KB


qemu-system-riscv64 -machine virt -bios none -kernel kernel/kernel -m 128M -smp 3 -nographic -drive file=fs.img,if=none,format=raw,id=x0 -device virtio-blk-device,drive=x0,bus=virtio-mmio-bus.0


4.3 Code: Calling system calls

这部分在之前Lab util的报告中已分析过,不赘述。

4.4 Code: System call arguments

在执行syscall时,kernel在有些时候会从user space读取参数,在xv6中,可以通过argint, argaddr, argfd等内核函数(可以简单理解为在kernel文件夹下),通过argraw从相应的寄存器中读取对应的参数。

有些情况下,kernel会直接通过user space传递的指针直接从user memory读写数据,这样会带来安全性的问题:用户传递的参数指针很可能有bug或者是恶意的,而且最关键的是xv6内核的页表和用户空间页表不共享,因此无法通过原始的load store指令直接从user space读取数据。

因此内核实现了一些安全的函数,来实现从user space移动数据到内核空间。fetchstr是一个例子(kernel/syscall.c:25),通过调用copyinstr完成工作。

fetchstr(uint64 addr, char *buf, int max)
  struct proc *p = myproc();
  int err = copyinstr(p->pagetable, buf, addr, max);
  if(err < 0)
    return err;
  return strlen(buf);
// Copy a null-terminated string from user to kernel.
// Copy bytes to dst from virtual address srcva in a given page table,
// until a '\0', or max.
// Return 0 on success, -1 on error.
copyinstr(pagetable_t pagetable, char *dst, uint64 srcva, uint64 max)
  uint64 n, va0, pa0;
  int got_null = 0;

  while(got_null == 0 && max > 0){
    va0 = PGROUNDDOWN(srcva);		// #define PGROUNDDOWN(a) (((a)) & ~(PGSIZE-1))
    pa0 = walkaddr(pagetable, va0);	// Look up a virtual address, return the physical address
    if(pa0 == 0)
      return -1;
    n = PGSIZE - (srcva - va0);
    if(n > max)
      n = max;

    char *p = (char *) (pa0 + (srcva - va0));
    while(n > 0){
      if(*p == '\0'){
        *dst = '\0';
        got_null = 1;
      } else {
        *dst = *p;

    srcva = va0 + PGSIZE;
    return 0;
  } else {
    return -1;

有一个问题是,xv6获取va对应的pa是通过获取对应page的首地址之后加offset这种方式获得的,所以直觉上可以有一个函数,类似uint64 va2pa(uint64 va)直接返回pa,这种实现并不难,只需要在调用PTE2PA之后在或一个va的[11-0]即可,但是为什么没这么做,是因为va连续并不代表pa连续,即va上连续的两个page在pa上很可能不连续

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