第7章 SportsStore — 一个真实的应用程序

C H A P T E R   7

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SportsStore—A Real Application
SportsStore — 一个真实的应用程序


We’ve built a quick,simple MVC application. We’ve looked at the MVC pattern. We’ve refreshed ourmemories about the essential C# features and tools that good MVC developersrequire. Now it’s time to put everything together and build a realistice-commerce application.

Our application,SportsStore, will follow the classic approach taken by online storeseverywhere. We’ll create an online product catalog that customers can browse bycategory and page, a shopping cart where users can add and remove products, anda checkout where customers can enter their shipping details. We’ll also createan administration area that includes create, read, update, and delete (CRUD)facilities for managing the catalog—and we’ll protect it so that only logged-inadministrators can make changes.
我们的应用程序,SportsStore(体育用品商店),将遵循随处可见的在线商店所采取的古典方式。我们将生成一个客户可以通过类别和页面进行浏览的在线产品目录、一个用户可以添加和删除商品的购物车、以及一个客户能够输入他们的邮寄地址细节的检验页面。我们也将生成一个管理区,包括生成、读取、和删除(CRUD)功能,以对产品分类进行管理 — 并对它进行保护,以使只有登录的管理员才能够进行修改。

The application we aregoing to build isn’t just a shallow demonstration. Instead, we are going tocreate a solid and realistic application that adheres to current bestpractices. You might find the going a little slow as we build up the levels ofinfrastructure we need. Certainly, you would get the initial functionalitybuilt more quickly with Web Forms, just by dragging and dropping controls bounddirectly to a database. But the initial investment in an MVC application paysdividends, giving us maintainable, extensible, well-structured code withexcellent support for unit testing. We’ll be able to speed up things once wehave the basic infrastructure in place.


We’ve made quite a bigdeal about the ease of unit testing in MVC, and about our belief that unittesting is an important part of the development process. You’ll see this beliefdemonstrated throughout this book because we’ve included details of unit testsand techniques as they relate to key MVC features.

But we knowthis isn’t a universal belief. If you don’t want to unit test, that’s fine withus. So, to that end, when we have something to say that is purely about unittesting or TDD, we will put it in a sidebar like this one. If you are notinterested in unit testing, you can skip right over these sections, and theSportsStore application will work just fine. You don’t need to do any kind ofunit testing to get the benefits of ASP.NET MVC.
但我们知道,这并不是一种通用的信念。如果你不想进行单元测试,这也很好。因此,说到底,我们是在纯粹地介绍单元测试或TDD(测试驱动开发),我们将把它作为我们手边的一种工具。如果你对单元测试不感兴趣,你可以跳过这些章节,SportsStore应用程序一样会工作得很好。你不一定需要做任何单元测试来获得ASP.NET MVC的好处。

Some of the MVC featureswe are going to use have their own chapters later in the book. Rather thanduplicate everything here, we’ll tell you just enough to make sense for thisapplication and point you to the other chapter for in-depth information.

We’ll call out each stepthat is needed to build the application, so that you can see how the MVCfeatures fit together. You should pay particular attention when we createviews. You can get some odd results if you don’t use the same options that weuse. To help you with this, we have included figures that show the Add Viewdialog each time we add a view to the project.

Getting Started

You will need to installthe software described in Chapter 2 if you are planning to code the SportsStoreapplication on your own computer as we go. You can also download SportsStore aspart of the code archive that accompanies this book (available in the SourceCode/Download area of www.apress.com). We have included snapshots of theapplication project after we added major features, so you can see how theapplication evolves as it is being built.

You don’t need to followalong, of course. We’ve tried to make the screenshots and code listings as easyto follow as possible, just in case you are reading this book on a train, in acoffee shop, or the like.

Creating the Visual Studio Solution and Projects

We are going to create aVisual Studio solution that contains three projects. One project will containour domain model, one will be our MVC application, and the third will containour unit tests. To get started, let’s create an empty solution using the VisualStudio Blank Solution template, which you’ll find under the Other ProjectTypes, Visual Studio Solutions section of the New Project dialog, as shown in Figure7-1.
我们打算生成一个含有三个项目的Visual Studio解决方案。一个项目含有我们的域模型、一个是我们的MVC应用程序、而第三个包含了我们的单元测试。为了能够开始,让我们用“Visual Studio空解决方案”模板生成一个空的解决方案,该模板位于“新项目”对话框“其它项目类型”的“Visual Studio解决方案”小节,如图7-1所示。

Figure 7-1. Creating ablank solution
图7-1. 生成空白解决方案

Give your solution thename SportsStore and click the OK button to create it. Once you’ve created thesolution, you can add the individual projects. The details of the threeprojects we need are shown in Table 7-1.

Table 7-1. The ThreeSportsStore Projects
表7-1. 三个SportsStore项目

Project Name

Visual Studio Project Template
Visual Studio项目模板



C# Class Library

Holds the domain entities and logic; set up for persistence via a repository created with the Entity Framework
保存域实体和逻辑,通过用Entity Framework(实体框架)生成的存储库建立保持


ASP.NET MVC 3 Web Application (choose Empty when prompted to choose a project template, and select Razor for the view engine)
ASP.NET MVC 3 Web应用程序(当提示选择项目模板时,选空模板,并选择Razor作为视图引擎)

Holds the controllers and views; acting as the UI for the SportsStore application


Test Project

Holds the unit tests for the other two projects

To create each of these projects,click the SportsStore solution in the Solution Explorer window, select Add äNew Project, and select the template specified in the table. The Test Projecttemplate isn’t in the Test Projects section; you’ll find it in the Testcategory in the Visual C# group, as shown in Figure 7-2.
要生成各个项目,在解决方案浏览器窗口中点击SportsStore解决方案,选择“添加”→“新项目”,并选择表中所指定的模板。“测试项目”模板不在“测试项目”小节,你会在“Visual C#”分组中的“测试”中找到它,如图7-2所示。


Figure 7-2. Creatingthe unit test project
图7-2. 生成单元测试项目

Visual Studio will createa couple of files that we won’t use and that you can delete: the Class1.cs filein the SportsStore.Domain project and the UnitTest1.cs class in theSportsStore.UnitTests project. When you are finished, your Solution Explorerwindow should look like the one shown in Figure 7-3.
Visual Studio将生成两个我们用不到的你可以删除的文件:SportsSDtore.Domain项目中的Class1.cs文件,和SportsStore.UnitTests项目中的UnitTest1.cs类。当你完成上述工作之后,你的解决方案浏览器窗口应该看上去如图7-3所示。


Figure 7-3. Theprojects shown in the Solution Explorer window
图7-3. 在解决方案窗口中显示的项目

To make debugging easier,right-click the SportsStore.WebUI project and select Set as Startup Projectfrom the pop-up menu (you’ll see the name turn bold). This means that when youselect Start Debugging or Start without Debugging from the Debug menu, it isthis project that will be started.

Adding References

We need to add referencesto the tool libraries we’re going to use. The quickest way to obtain andreference these is by opening the Visual Studio Package Manager Console (View → Other Windows → Package Manager Console), andentering the following commands. Remember you can press Tab to autocomplete thenames of the commands, and even the packages themselves.
我们需要把我们要用到的引用添加到工具库中。获取和引用这些的最快方法是打开Visual Studio包管理器(“视图”→“其它窗口”→“包管理控制台”),并输入以下命令。记住,你可以按Tab键来自动完成命令名,甚至包名。

Install-Package Ninject -Project SportsStore.WebUI
Install-Package Ninject -ProjectSportsStore.Domain
Install-Package Moq -Project SportsStore.WebUI
Install-Package Moq -Project SportsStore.Domain

Or, if you prefer, you candownload Ninject and Moq from their project web sites, and then manually addthe references shown in Table 7-2. We also need to set up dependencies betweenour projects, as listed in the table.

Table 7-2. RequiredProject Dependencies
表7-2. 所需的项目依赖性

Project Name

Tool Dependencies

Project Dependencies












Right-click each projectin the Solution Explorer window, select Add Reference, and add the reference tothe tool library or one of the other projects as required.

Setting Up the DI Container

We are going to useNinject to create our MVC application controllers and handle the DI. To dothis, we need to create a new class and make a configuration change.

Create a new folder withinthe SportsStore.WebUI project called Infrastructure, then create a class calledNinjectControllerFactory and edit the class file so that it matches Listing7-1. This is very similar to the class we showed you in the “Applying Ninjectto ASP.NET MVC” section of Chapter 6.
在SportsStore.WebUI项目中生成一个名为Infastructurer的文件夹,然后生成一个名为NinjectControllerFactory的类,并编辑这个类文件与清单7-1相符。它非常类似于第6章“将Ninject运用于ASP.NET MVC”小节中所演示的类。

n Caution Throughout this chapter (and indeed the rest of the book),we usually won’t give you explicit instructions when you need to add a usingstatement to bring a namespace into scope. To do so would be repetitious andtake a lot of space, and it’s pretty easy to figure it out. For example, ifVisual Studio underlines a class name in a code file and warns you that “Thetype or namespace Product could not be found,” it should be obvious that youneed to add a using statement to bring the SportsStore.Domain.Entities namespaceinto scope in your class. The best way of doing this is to position the cursorabove the type that is causing the error and press Control+. (dot). VisualStudio will figure out which namespace is required and pop up a menu that willlet you add the using statement automatically. We will give you explicitinstructions if you need to add a reference to an assembly in order to find atype.
注意:整个这一章(以及本书的其余部分),在需要添加一条using语句以把一个命名空间带进范围时,我们不会给出明确的说明。这样做将显得重复并占用很多篇幅,而且这很容易想象。例如,如果Visual Studio在一个代码文件的类名上有一条下划线,这是警告你,“未找到Product的类型或命名空间”,这显然是需要你添加一条using语句把SprotsStore.Domain.Entities命名空间纳入到你的类的范围中来。做这件事最好的办法是把光标定位到引起错误的这个类型上,按Ctrl + .(点)。Visual Studio将猜出需要哪个命名空间,并自动地弹出让你添加using语句的菜单。如果需要你添加对一个程序集的引用以找到一个类型时,我们会给出明确的说明。

Listing 7-1. TheNinjectControllerFactory Class

using System;
using System.Web.Mvc;
using System.Web.Routing;
using Ninject;
namespace SportsStore.WebUI.Infrastructure {
    publicclass NinjectControllerFactory : DefaultControllerFactory {
        privateIKernel ninjectKernel;
        publicNinjectControllerFactory() {
            ninjectKernel= new StandardKernel();
        protectedoverride IController GetControllerInstance(RequestContext requestContext,
                   Type controllerType) {
            returncontrollerType == null
                            ? null
        privatevoid AddBindings() {
            //put additional bindings here

We haven’t added anyNinject bindings yet, but we can use the AddBindings method when we are readyto do so. We need to tell MVC that we want to use the NinjectController classto create controller objects, which we do by adding the statement shown in boldin Listing 7-2 to the Application_Start method of Global.asax.cs in theSportsStore.WebUI project.

Listing 7-2. Registeringthe NinjectControllerFactory with the MVC Framework

protected void Application_Start() {

Starting the Application

If you select StartDebugging from the Debug menu, you’ll see an error page. This is because you’verequested a URL that’s associated with a controller that Ninject doesn’t have abinding for, as shown in Figure 7-4.

Figure 7-4. The errorpage
图7-4. 错误页面

If you’ve made it thisfar, your Visual Studio 2010 and ASP.NET MVC development setup is working asexpected. If your default browser is Internet Explorer, you can stop debuggingby closing the browser window. Alternatively, you can switch back to VisualStudio and select Stop Debugging from the Debug menu.
如果你已经走到了这里,说明你的Visual Studio 2010和ASP.NET MVC开发环境的准备工作进行得十分顺利。如果你的默认浏览器是Internet Explorer,你可以通过关闭浏览器窗口来停止调试。否则,你可以切回到Visual Studio,然后从“调试”菜单中选择“停止调试”。

Easier Debugging

When you run the projectfrom the Debug menu, Visual Studio will create a new browser window to displaythe application. As a speedier alternative, you can keep your application openin a stand- alone browser window. To do this, assuming you have launched thedebugger at least once already, right-click the ASP.NET Development Server iconin the system tray and choose Open in Web Browser from the pop-up window, asshown in Figure 7-5.
当你从“调试”菜单来运行项目时,Visual Studio会生成一个新的浏览器窗口来显示此应用程序。作为一种较快的选择,你可以保持应用程序在一个独立的浏览器窗口中打开。为此,假设你已经运行调试至少一次之后,你可以点击“系统托盘”(屏幕右下角 — 译者注)中的“ASP.NET开发服务器”图标,并从弹出菜单中选择“在web浏览器中打开”,如图7-5所示。

Figure 7-5. Startingthe application without using the debugger

This way, eachtime you make a change to the application, you won’t need to launch a newdebugging session to see the effect. You simply compile the solution in VisualStudio by pressing F6 or choosing Build → Build Solution, and then switch to your browser window and reloadthe web page.
这样,每次你对应用程序作了修改之后,你不需要运行新的调试来查看效果。只要编译Visual Studio中的解决方案(按F6,或选择“生成” → “生成解决方案”),然后切换到刚才的浏览器窗口,并重新载入web页面。

Starting the Domain Model

We are going to start withthe domain model. Pretty much everything in an MVC application revolves aroundthe domain model, so it is the perfect place to start.

Since this is ane-commerce application, the most obvious domain entity we’ll need is a product.Create a new folder called Entities inside the SportsStore.Domain project andthen a new C# class called Product within it. You can see the structure we arelooking for in Figure 7-6.


Figure 7-6. Creatingthe Product class
图7-6. 生成Product类

You are already familiarwith the contents of the Product class, as we are going to use the same classyou saw in the previous chapters. It contains the obvious properties that weneed. Edit your Product class file so that it matches Listing 7-3.

Listing 7-3. The ProductClass File

namespace SportsStore.Domain.Entities {
    publicclass Product {
        publicint ProductID { get; set; }
        public string Name { get; set; }
        publicstring Description { get; set; }
        publicdecimal Price { get; set; }
        publicstring Category { get; set; }
We have followed theconvention of defining our domain model in a separate Visual Studio project,which means that the class must be marked as public. You don’t need to followthis convention, but we find that it helps us keep the model separate from thecontrollers.


Creating an Abstract Repository

We know that we need someway of getting Product entities from a database. As we explained in Chapter 4,we want to keep the persistence logic separate from the domain modelentities—and we do this by using the repository pattern. We don’t need to worryabout how we are going to implement the persistence for the moment, but we willstart the process of defining an interface for it.
我们知道,我们需要一些从数据库中获取产品实体的方法。正如我们在第4章所解释的那样,我们希望保持逻辑从域模型实体中独立出来 — 而且我们通过使用存储库的模式来实现这一点。我们此时不需要担忧我们要如何去实现保持,但我们将为它定义一个接口来开始这一过程。

Create a new top-levelfolder inside the SportsStore.Domain project called Abstract and a newinterface called IProductsRepository, the contents of which are shown inListing 7-4. You can add a new interface by right-clicking the Abstract folder,selecting Add ä New Item, and selecting the Interface template.
在SprotsStore.Domain项目中生成一个新的顶级文件夹,名为Abstract,和一个名为IProductsRepository的新接口,其内容如清单7-4所示。你可以通过右击Abstract文件夹 → “添加新项” → 选“接口”模板的方法来添加一个新接口。

Listing 7-4. TheIProductRepository Interface File

using System.Linq;
using SportsStore.Domain.Entities;
namespace SportsStore.Domain.Abstract {
    publicinterface IProductRepository {
        IQueryable<Product>Products { get; }

This interface uses theIQueryable<T> interface to allow a sequence of Product objects to beobtained, without saying anything about how or where the data is stored or howit will be retrieved. A class that uses the IProductRepository interface canobtain Product objects without needing to know anything about where they arecoming from or how they will be delivered. This is the essence of therepository pattern. We’ll revisit this interface throughout the developmentprocess to add features.

Making a Mock Repository

Now that we have definedan abstract interface, we could go ahead and implement the persistencemechanism and hook it up to a database. We are going to do that later in thischapter. In order to be able to start writing other parts of the application,we are going to create a mock implementation of the IProductRepositoryinterface. We are going to do this in the AddBindings method of ourNinjectControllerFactory class, as shown in Listing 7-5.

Listing 7-5. Adding theMock IProductRepository Implementation

private void AddBindings() {
    // Mockimplementation of the IProductRepository Interface
    Mock<IProductRepository>mock = new Mock<IProductRepository>();
    mock.Setup(m=> m.Products).Returns(new List<Product> {
        newProduct { Name = "Football", Price = 25 },
        new Product { Name = "Surfboard", Price = 179 },
        newProduct { Name = "Running shoes", Price = 95 }

Visual Studio will be ableto resolve the namespaces of all of the new types in these statements, butyou’ll need to add a using statement to import the System.Linq namespace inorder to get access to the AsQueryable extension method.
Visual Studio将能够解析这些语句中所有新类型的命名空间,但你需要添加一条using语句,引用System.Linq命名空间以获得对AsQueryable扩展方法的访问。

Displaying a List of Products

We could spend the rest ofthis chapter building out the domain model and the repository, and not touchthe UI project at all. We think you would find that boring, though, so we aregoing to switch tracks and start using the MVC Framework in earnest. We’ll addfeatures to the model and the repository as we need them.

In this section, we aregoing to create a controller and an action method that can display details ofthe products in the repository. For the moment, this will be for only the datain the mock repository, but we’ll sort that out later. We’ll also set up aninitial routing configuration, so that MVC knows how to map requests for theapplication to the controller we are going to create.

Adding a Controller

Right-click theControllers folder in the SportsStore.WebUI project and select Add → Controller from the pop-up menus.Change the name of the controller to ProductController and ensure that theTemplate option is set to Empty controller. When Visual Studio opens the filefor you to edit, you can remove the default action method that has been addedautomatically, so that your file looks like the one in Listing 7-6.
右击SportsStore.WebUI项目中的Controllers文件夹,并从弹出菜单中选择“添加” →“控制器”。将控制器的名称改为ProductController,并确保模板选项设置在“Empty”控制器上。当Visual Studio打开让你编辑的这个文件时,你可以删除已经自动添加进来的默认的动作方法,因此,你的文件看上去如清单7-6。

Listing 7-6. The EmptyProductController Class

using System.Linq;
using System.Web.Mvc;
using SportsStore.Domain.Abstract;
namespace SportsStore.WebUI.Controllers {
    publicclass ProductController : Controller {
        privateIProductRepository repository;
        publicProductController(IProductRepository productRepository) {
            repository = productRepository;

You can see that we’veadded a constructor that takes an IProductRepository parameter. This will allowNinject to inject the dependency for the product repository when itinstantiates the controller class. Next, we are going to add an action method,called List, which will render a view showing the complete list of products, asshown in Listing 7-7.

Listing 7-7. Adding anAction Method

using System.Linq;
using System.Web.Mvc;
using SportsStore.Domain.Abstract;
namespace SportsStore.WebUI.Controllers {
    publicclass ProductController : Controller {
        privateIProductRepository repository;
        publicProductController(IProductRepository productRepository) {
            repository= productRepository;
        publicViewResult List() {

As you may remember fromChapter 3, calling the View method like this (without specifying a view name)tells the framework to render the default view for the action method. Bypassing a List of Product objects to the View method, we are providing theframework with the data with which to populate the Model object in a stronglytyped view.

Adding the View

Of course, now we need toadd the default view for the List action method. Right-click the List methodand select Add View from the pop-up menu. Name the view List and check theoption that creates a strongly typed view, as shown in Figure 7-7.

Figure 7-7. Adding theList view
图7-7. 添加List视图

For the model class, enterIEnumerable<SportsStore.Domain.Entities.Product>. You will need to typethis in; it won’t be available from the drop-down list, which doesn’t includeenumerations of domain objects. We will use the default Razor layout later onto add a consistent appearance to our views, so check the option to use alayout but leave the text box empty, as we have done in the figure. Click theAdd button to create the view.

Knowing that the model inthe view contains an IEnumerable<Product> means we can create a list byusing a foreach loop in Razor, as shown in Listing 7-8.

Listing 7-8. TheList.cshtml View

    ViewBag.Title= "Products";
@foreach (var p in Model) {

We’ve changed the title ofthe page and created a simple list. Notice that we don’t need to use the Razortext or @: elements. This is because each of the content lines in the code bodyis either a Razor directive or starts with an HTML element.

n Tip Notice that we converted the Price property to a string usingthe ToString("c") method, which renders numerical values as currency,according to the culture settings that are in effect on your server. Forexample, if the server is set up as en-US, then(1002.3).ToString("c") will return $1,002.30, but if the server isset to fr-FR, then the same method will return 1 002,30 €. You can change the culturesetting for your server by adding a section to the Web.config<system.web> node like this: <globalization culture="fr-FR"uiCulture="fr-FR" />.
提示:注意,我们把Price属性转换成了一个使用了ToString(“c”)方法的字符串,它会根据你服务器的语言设置把数字值渲染成货币。例如,如果服务的设置为en-US,那么,(1002.3)ToString(“c”)将返回$1,002.3,但如果服务设置为fr-FR,那么同一方法将返回1002, 30 €。你可以修改服务器的语言设置,只要把以下小节添加到Web.config的<system.web>节点即可:<globalization culture=”fr-FR”uiCulture=”fr-FR” />

Setting the Default Route

All we need to do now istell the MVC Framework that requests that arrive for the root of our site(http://mysite/) should be mapped to the List action method in theProductController class. We do this by editing the statement in theRegisterRoutes method of Global.asax.cs, as shown in Listing 7-9.

Listing 7-9. Adding the Default Route

public static void RegisterRoutes(RouteCollectionroutes) {
        "Default",// Route name
        "{controller}/{action}/{id}",// URL with parameters
        new{ controller = "Product",action = "List", id =UrlParameter.Optional }

You can see the changes inbold—change Home to Product and Index to List, as shown in the listing. We’llcover the ASP.NET routing feature in detail in Chapter 11. For now, it’s enoughto know that this change directs requests for the default URL to the actionmethod we defined.
你可以看到以黑体表示的修改 — 将Home改为Product,及将Index改为List,如上面的清单所示。我们将在第11章涉及ASP.NET路由特性的细节。现在,知道这种修改是把对默认URL的请求改到了我们所定义的动作方法,这就够了。

n Tip Notice that we have set the value of the controller in Listing7-9 to be Product and not ProductController, which is the name of the class.This is a compulsory ASP.NET MVC naming scheme, in which controller classesalways end in Controller, and you omit this part of the name when referring tothe class.
提示:注意,我们在清单7-9中所设置的控制器的值已经是Product而不是ProductController,这是类的名字。这是一个强制实行的ASP.NET MVC命名模式,控制器类总是以Controller结尾,而在对这个类进行引用时,要忽略命名的这一部分。

Running the Application

We have all the basics inplace. We have a controller with an action method that is called when thedefault URL is requested. That action method relies on a mock implementation ofour repository interface, which generates some simple test data. The test datais passed to the view that we associated with the action method, and the viewcreates a simple list of the details for each product. If you run theapplication, you can see the result, which we have shown in Figure 7-8.


Figure 7-8. Viewingthe basic application functionality

The pattern of developmentfor this application is typical for the ASP.NET MVC Framework in general. Weinvest a relatively long period of time getting everything set up, and then thebasic functionality of the application comes together very quickly.

Preparing a Database

We can already displaysimple views that contain details of our products, but we are still displayingthe test data that our mock IProductRepository returns. Before we can implementa real repository, we need to set up a database and populate it with some data.

We are going to use SQLServer as the database, and we will access the database using the EntityFramework (EF), which is the .NET ORM framework. An ORM framework lets us workwith the tables, columns, and rows of a relational database using regular C#objects. We mentioned in Chapter 4 that LINQ can work with different sources ofdata, and one of these is the Entity Framework. You’ll see how this simplifiesthings in a little while.
我们打算用SQLServer作为数据库,而且我们将用EntityFramework(实体框架 —EF)来访问该数据库,EF是.NET ORM框架。ORM框架让我们可以用规则的C#对象对一个关系数据库的表、列、行进行工作。我们在第4章提到过,LINQ可以与不同的数据源一起工作,其中之一就是Entity Framework。你一会儿就会看到这是多么简单的事情。

This is another area whereyou can choose from a wide range of tools and technologies. Not only are theredifferent relational databases available, but you can also work with objectrepositories, document stores, and some very esoteric alternatives. There aremany ORM frameworks as well, each of which takes a slightly differentapproach—variations that may give you a better fit for your projects.
这是你可以从广泛的工具和技术进行选择另一个领域。不仅有不同的关系数据库可用,而且你也可以与不同的对象存储库、文档存储、以及其它十分深奥的技术等进行工作。也有很多ORM框架,每一个都有点不同的方法 — 也许给你一点更适合于你项目的变化。

We are using the EntityFramework for a couple of reasons. The first is that it is simple and easy toget it up and working. The second is that the integration with LINQ is firstrate, and we like using LINQ. The third reason is that it is actually prettygood. The earlier releases were a bit hit-and-miss, but the current versionsare very elegant and feature-rich.

Creating the Database

The first step is tocreate the database, which we are going to do using the built-in databasemanagement tools included in Visual Studio. Open the Server Explorer window(Figure 7-9) by selecting the item of the same name from the View menu.
第一步是生成数据库,我们打算用Visual Studio内建的数据库管理工具。通过选择“视图”菜单中选择“服务器浏览器”来打开“服务器浏览器”窗口(图7-9)。


Figure 7-9. The ServerExplorer window

Right-click DataConnections and select Create New Database from the pop-up menu. Enter the nameof your database server and set the name of the new database to SportStore. Ifyou have installed SQL Server on your development machine, the server name willbe .\SQLEXPRESS, as shown in Figure 7-10.
右击“数据连接”并从弹出菜单中选择“生成新数据库”。键入你数据库服务器的名字,并把新数据库的名字设为SportsStore。如果在你的开发机器上已经安装了SQL Server,此服务器名将是.\SQLEXPRESS,如图7-10所示。

Figure 7-10. Creatinga new database

Click the OK button tocreate the database. The Server Explorer window will be updated to reflect thenew addition.

Defining the Database Schema

We need only one table inour database, which we will use to store our Product data. Using ServerExplorer, expand the database you just added so you can see the Table item andright-click it. Select Add New Table from the menu, as shown in Figure 7-11.

Figure 7-11. Adding anew table
图7-11. 添加新表

A template for creating thetable will open. Add the columns shown in Figure 7-12. For each of the columns,be sure to select the right data type and to uncheck the Allow Nulls options.


Figure 7-12. Creatingthe table columns
图7-12. 生成表的列

Right-click the ProductIDcolumn and select Set Primary Key. This will add the small yellow key that youcan see in Figure 7-12. Right-click the ProductID column again and select theProperties menu item. In the Properties window, set the value of the IdentityColumn property to ProductID.

n Tip Setting the Identity Column property means that SQL Serverwill generate a unique primary key value when we add data to this table. Whenusing a database in a web application, it can be very difficult to generateunique primary keys because requests from users arrive concurrently. Enablingthis feature means we can store new table rows and rely on SQL Server to sortout unique values for us.
提示:设置标识列属性意味着,在我们向该表添加数据时,SQL Server会生成一个唯一的主键值。当在一个web应用程序中使用一个数据库时,生成唯一主键可能是很困难的,因为用户的请求是并发出现的。使这一特性生效意味着我们可以存储新的表行数据而依靠SQL Server为我们排出唯一值。

When you’ve entered all ofthe columns and changed the properties, press Control+S to save the new table.You will be prompted to enter a name for the table, as shown in Figure 7-13.Set the name to Products and click OK to create the table.
当你已经键入了所有列,并修改了这些属性时,按Ctrl + S来保存这个新表。这将提示你输入这个表的名字,如图7-13所示。将此名设为Products,点击OK以生成此表。


Figure 7-13. Namingsthe database table

Adding Data to the Database

We are going to manuallyadd some data to the database so that we have something to work with until weadd the catalog administration features in Chapter 9. In the Solution Explorerwindow, expand the Tables item of the SportsStore database, right-click theProducts table, and select Show Table Data. Enter the data shown in Figure7-14. You can move from row to row by using the Tab key.

n Note You must leave the ProductID column empty. It is an identitycolumn so SQL Server will generate a unique value when you tab to the next row.
注:你必须让ProductID列为空。它是一个标识列,因此,当你跳到一下行时,SQL Server将生成一个唯一的值。

Figure 7-14. Addingdata to the Products table

Creating the Entity Framework Context

Version 4.1 of the EntityFramework includes a nice feature called code-first. The idea is that we candefine the classes in our model and then generate a database from thoseclasses.
Entity Framework 4.1版包含了一个叫做code-first(代码优先)的很好的特性。其思想是我们可以定义我们模型中的类,然后通过这些类生成一个数据库。

This is great for greenfield developmentprojects, but these are few and far between. Instead, we are going to show youa variation on code-first, where we associate our model classes with anexisting database. The first step is to add Entity Framework version 4.1 to ourSportsStore.Domain project. The MVC 3 Tools Update that we installed in Chapter2 automatically installs Entity Framework 4.1 on MVC Framework projects, but weneed to do it manually for class library projects.
这很适合于绿色字段(greenfield)开发项目,但这些很少而且相差很大。因此,我们打算给你演示代码优先的一个变种,这里,我们把我们的模型类与现有的数据库关联在一起。第一步是把Entity Framework 4.1版添加到我们的SportsStore.Domain项目。我们在第2章安装的MVC 3工具更新在MVC框架项目上自动地安装了Entity Framework 4.1,但我们需要为类库项目手工地完成它。

Right-click References andselect Add Library Package Reference from the pop-up menu. Search or scrolldown the list until you find the EntityFramework package, as shown in Figure7-15, and then click the Install button. Visual Studio will download andinstall the latest Entity Framework version.
右击“引用”并从弹出菜单选择“添加库包引用”。搜索或滚动列表,直到你看到EntityFramework包,如图7-15所示,然后点击“Install”按钮。Visual Studio将下载并安装最终版的Entity Framework。

Figure 7-15. Addingthe EntityFramework library package
图7-15. 添加Entity Framework库包

The next step is to createa context class that will associate our simple model with the database. Add anew class called EFDbContext in the Concrete folder, and then edit the contentsso that they match Listing 7-10.

Listing 7-10. TheEfDbContext Class

public class EFDbContext : DbContext {
    publicDbSet<Product> Products { get; set; }

To take advantage of thecode-first feature, we need to create a class that is derived fromSystem.Data.Entity.DbContext. This class then defines a property for each tablethat we want to work with. The name of the property specifies the table, andthe type parameter of the DbSet result specifies the model that the EntityFramework should use to represent rows in that table. In our case, the propertyname is Products and the type parameter is Product. We want the Product modeltype to be used to represent rows in the Products table.

We need to tell the EntityFramework how to connect to the database, and we do that by adding a databaseconnection string to the Web.config file in the SportsStore.WebUI project with thesame name as the context class, as shown in Listing 7-11.

 Listing 7-11. Adding a Database Connection

        <addname="EFDbContext" connectionString="DataSource=TITAN\SQLEXPRESS;Initial
                Catalog=SportsStore;PersistSecurity Info=True;User ID=adam;Password=adam"
This connection stringconnects to TITAN, which is our database server. If you have installed SQLServer Express on your local machine, then the connection will be as shown inListing 7-12.

这个连接字串连接到TITAN,这是我们的数据库服务器。如果你已经在本地机器上安装了SQLServer Express,那么这个连接可以如清单7-12所示。

Listing 7-12. Connectingto a Local SQL Server Express Installation

        <addname="EFDbContext" connectionString="Data Source=.\SQLEXPRESS;Initial
               Catalog=SportsStore; "Integrated Security=SSPI"

It is important that thevalue of the name attribute in the connection string matches the name of thecontext class, because this is how the Entity Framework finds the database thatwe want to work with.

Creating the Product Repository

We now have everything weneed to implement the IProductRepository class for real. Add a class to theConcrete folder of the SportsStore.Domain project called EFProductRepository.Edit your class file so it matches Listing 7-13.

Listing 7-13.EFProductRepostory.cs

using System.Linq;
using SportsStore.Domain.Abstract;
using SportsStore.Domain.Entities;
namespace SportsStore.Domain.Concrete {
    publicclass EFProductRepository : IProductRepository {
        privateEFDbContext context = new EFDbContext();
        publicIQueryable<Product> Products {
            get{ return context.Products; }

This is our repository class. It implementsthe IProductRepository interface and uses an instance of EFDbContext toretrieve data from the database using the Entity Framework. You’ll see how wework with the Entity Framework (and how simple it is) as we add features to therepository.
这是我们的存储库类。它实现了IProductRepository接口并使用了一个EFDbContext实例,以使用Entity Framework来接收数据库的数据。你将看到我们如何与Entity Framework架进行工作(而且它是多么简单)以及如何把特性添加到存储库。

The last stage is toreplace the Ninject binding for our mock repository with a binding for our realone. Edit the NinjectControllerFactory class in the SportsStore.WebUI projectso that the AddBindings method looks like Listing 7-14.

Listing 7-14. Adding theReal Repository Binding

private void AddBindings() {
    // putadditional bindings here

The new binding is shownin bold. It tells Ninject that we want to create instances of theEFProductRepository class to service requests for the IProductRepositoryinterface. All that remains now is to run the application again. The resultsare shown in Figure 7-16, and you can see that our list now contains theproduct data we put into the database.


Figure 7-16. Theresult of implementing the real repository
图7-16. 实现实际存储库的结果

Adding Pagination

You can see from Figure7-16 that all of the products in the database are displayed on a single page.In this section, we will add support for pagination so that we display a numberof products on a page, and the user can move from page to page to view theoverall catalog. To do this, we are going to add a parameter to the List methodin the Product controller, as shown in Listing 7-15.

Listing 7-15. AddingPagination Support to the Product Controller List Method

using System.Linq;
using System.Web.Mvc;
using SportsStore.Domain.Abstract;
namespace SportsStore.WebUI.Controllers {
    publicclass ProductController : Controller {
        public int PageSize = 4; // We willchange this later
        privateIProductRepository repository;
        publicProductController(IProductRepository repoParam) {
            repository= repoParam;
        publicViewResult List(int page = 1) {
            return View(repository.Products
                    .OrderBy(p =>p.ProductID)
                    .Skip((page - 1) *PageSize)

The additions to thecontroller class are shown in bold. The PageSize field specifies that we wantfour products per page. We’ll come back and replace this with a bettermechanism later on. We have added an optional parameter to the List method.This means that if we call the method without a parameter (List()), our call istreated as though we had supplied the value we specified in the parameterdefinition (List(1)). The effect of this is that we get the first page when wedon’t specify a page value. LINQ makes pagination very simple. In the Listmethod, we get the Product objects from the repository, order them by theprimary key, skip over the products that occur before the start of our page,and then take the number of products specified by the PageSize field.


We can unit test thepagination feature by creating a mock repository, injecting it into theconstructor of the ProductController class, and then calling the List method torequest a specific page. We can then compare the Product objects we get withwhat we would expect from the test data in the mock implementation. See Chapter6 for details of how to set up unit tests. Here is the unit test we created forthis purpose:

public void Can_Paginate() {
    // -create the mock repository
    Mock<IProductRepository>mock = new Mock<IProductRepository>();
    mock.Setup(m=> m.Products).Returns(new Product[] {
        newProduct {ProductID = 1, Name = "P1"},
        newProduct {ProductID = 2, Name = "P2"},
        newProduct {ProductID = 3, Name = "P3"},
        newProduct {ProductID = 4, Name = "P4"},
        newProduct {ProductID = 5, Name = "P5"}
    //create a controller and make the page size 3 items
    ProductControllercontroller = new ProductController(mock.Object);
    controller.PageSize= 3;
    IEnumerable<Product>result = (IEnumerable<Product>)controller.List(2).Model;
    Product[]prodArray = result.ToArray();
    Assert.IsTrue(prodArray.Length== 2);

Notice how easyit is to get the data that is returned from a controller method. We call theModel property on the result to get the IEnumerable<Product> sequencethat we generated in the List method. We can then check that the data is whatwe want. In this case, we converted the sequence to an array, and checked thelength and the values of the individual objects.

Displaying Page Links

If you run theapplication, you’ll see that there are only four items shown on the page. Ifyou want to view another page, you can append query string parameters to theend of the URL, like this:


You will need to changethe port part of the URL to match whatever port your ASP.NET development serveris running on. Using these query strings, we can navigate our way through thecatalog of products.

Of course, only we knowthis. There is no way for customers to figure out that these query stringparameters can be used, and even if there were, we can be pretty sure thatcustomers aren’t going to want to navigate this way. We need to render somepage links at the bottom of the each list of products so that customers cannavigate between pages. To do this, we are going to implement a reusable HTMLhelper method, similar to the Html.TextBoxFor and Html.BeginForm methods weused in Chapter 3. Our helper will generate the HTML markup for the navigationlinks we need.

Adding the View Model

To support the HTMLhelper, we are going to pass information to the view about the number of pagesavailable, the current page, and the total number of products in the repository.The easiest way to do this is to create a view model, which we mentionedbriefly in Chapter 4. Add the class shown in Listing 7-16, called PagingInfo,to the Models folder in the SportsStore.WebUI project.

Listing 7-16. ThePagingInfo View Model Class

using System;
namespace SportsStore.WebUI.Models {
    publicclass PagingInfo {
        publicint TotalItems { get; set; }
        publicint ItemsPerPage { get; set; }
        publicint CurrentPage { get; set; }
        publicint TotalPages {
            get{ return (int)Math.Ceiling((decimal)TotalItems / ItemsPerPage); }

A view model isn’t part ofour domain model. It is just a convenient class for passing data between thecontroller and the view. To emphasize this, we have put this class in theSportsStore.WebUI project to keep it separate from the domain model classes.

Adding the HTML Helper Method

Now that we have the viewmodel, we can implement the HTML helper method, which we are going to callPageLinks. Create a new folder in the SportsStore.WebUI project calledHtmlHelpers and add a new static class called PagingHelpers. The contents ofthe class file are shown in Listing 7-17.

Listing 7-17. ThePagingHelpers Class

using System;
using System.Text;
using System.Web.Mvc;
using SportsStore.WebUI.Models;
namespace SportsStore.WebUI.HtmlHelpers {
    publicstatic class PagingHelpers {
        publicstatic MvcHtmlString PageLinks(this HtmlHelper html,
                      PagingInfo pagingInfo,
                      Func<int, string>pageUrl) {
            StringBuilderresult = new StringBuilder();
            for(int i = 1; i <= pagingInfo.TotalPages; i++) {
                TagBuilder tag = newTagBuilder("a"); // Construct an <a> tag
               tag.MergeAttribute("href", pageUrl(i));
               tag.InnerHtml = i.ToString();
               if (i == pagingInfo.CurrentPage)

The PageLinks extensionmethod generates the HTML for a set of page links using the information providedin a PagingInfo object. The Func parameters provides the ability to pass in adelegate that will be used to generate the links to view other pages.


To test the PageLinkshelper method, we call the method with test data and compare the results to ourexpected HTML. The unit test method is as follows:

public void Can_Generate_Page_Links() {
    //Arrange - define an HTML helper - we need to do this
    // inorder to apply the extension method
    HtmlHelpermyHelper = null;
    //Arrange - create PagingInfo data
    PagingInfopagingInfo = new PagingInfo {
        CurrentPage = 2,
        TotalItems= 28,
        ItemsPerPage= 10
    //Arrange - set up the delegate using a lambda expression
    Func<int,string> pageUrlDelegate = i => "Page" + i;
    // Act
    MvcHtmlStringresult = myHelper.PageLinks(pagingInfo, pageUrlDelegate);
    Assert.AreEqual(result.ToString(),@"<a href=""Page1"">1</a><aclass=""selected""

This testverifies the helper method output by using a literal string value that containsdouble quotes. C# is perfectly capable of working with such strings, as long aswe remember to prefix the string with @ and use two sets of double quotes("") in place of one set of double quotes. We must also remember notto break the literal string into separate lines, unless the string we arecomparing to is similarly broken. For example, the literal we use in the testmethod has wrapped onto two lines because the width of a printed page isnarrow. We have not added a newline character; if we did, the test would fail.

Remember that an extensionmethod is available for use only when the namespace that contains it is inscope. In a code file, this is done with a using statement, but for a Razorview, we must add a configuration entry to the Web.config file, or add an@using statement to the view itself. There are, confusingly, two Web.configfiles in a Razor MVC project: the main one, which resides in the root directoryof the application project, and the view-specific one, which is in the Viewsfolder. The change we need to make is to the Views/Web.config file and is shownin Listing 7-18.

Listing 7-18. Adding theHTML Helper Method Namespace to the Views/Web.config File

            Culture=neutral,PublicKeyToken=31BF3856AD364E35" />
            <addnamespace="System.Web.Mvc" />
            <addnamespace="System.Web.Mvc.Ajax" />
            <addnamespace="System.Web.Mvc.Html" />
            <addnamespace="System.Web.Routing" />

Every namespace that weneed to refer to in a Razor view needs to be declared either in this way or inthe view itself with an @using statement.

Adding the View Model Data

We are not quite ready touse our HTML helper method. We have yet to provide an instance of thePagingInfo view model class to the view. We could do this using the View Dataor View Bag features, but we would need to deal with casting to the appropriatetype.
我们还没有做好使用HTML辅助方法的准备。我们还要给视图提供一个PagingInfo视图模型类的实例。这事我们可以用View Data(视图数据)或View Bag(视图包)特性来做,但我们需要处理对相应类型的转换。

We would rather wrap allof the data we are going to send from the controller to the view in a singleview model class. To do this, add a new class called ProductsListViewModel tothe Models folder of the SportsStore.WebUI folder. The contents of this classare shown in Listing 7-19.

Listing 7-19. TheProductsListViewModel View Model

using System.Collections.Generic;
using SportsStore.Domain.Entities;
namespace SportsStore.WebUI.Models {
    publicclass ProductsListViewModel {
        publicIEnumerable<Product> Products { get; set; }
        publicPagingInfo PagingInfo { get; set; }

We can now update the Listmethod in the ProductController class to use the ProductsListViewModel class toprovide the view with details of the products to display on the page anddetails of the pagination, as shown in Listing 7-20.

Listing 7-20. Updatingthe List Method

public ViewResult List(int page = 1) {
    ProductsListViewModelviewModel = new ProductsListViewModel {
        Products= repository.Products
                   .OrderBy(p => p.ProductID)
                   .Skip((page - 1) * PageSize)
        PagingInfo= new PagingInfo {
            CurrentPage= page,
            ItemsPerPage = PageSize,
            TotalItems =repository.Products.Count()

These changes pass aProductsListViewModel object as the model data to the view.


We need to ensure that thecorrect pagination data is being sent by the controller to the view. Here isthe unit test we have added to our test project to address this:

public void Can_Send_Pagination_View_Model() {
    // -create the mock repository
    Mock<IProductRepository>mock = new Mock<IProductRepository>();
    mock.Setup(m=> m.Products).Returns(new Product[] {
        newProduct {ProductID = 1, Name = "P1"},
        newProduct {ProductID = 2, Name = "P2"},
        newProduct {ProductID = 3, Name = "P3"},
        newProduct {ProductID = 4, Name = "P4"},
        newProduct {ProductID = 5, Name = "P5"}
    //Arrange - create a controller and make the page size 3 items
    ProductControllercontroller = new ProductController(mock.Object);
    controller.PageSize= 3;
    ProductsListViewModelresult = (ProductsListViewModel)controller.List(2).Model;
    PagingInfopageInfo = result.PagingInfo;

We also need to modify ourearlier pagination unit test, contained in the Can_Paginate method. It relieson the List action method returning a ViewResult whose Model property is asequence of Product objects, but we have wrapped that data inside another viewmodel type. Here is the revised test:

public void Can_Paginate() {
    // -create the mock repository
    Mock<IProductRepository>mock = new Mock<IProductRepository>();
    mock.Setup(m=> m.Products).Returns(new Product[] {
        newProduct {ProductID = 1, Name = "P1"},
        newProduct {ProductID = 2, Name = "P2"},
        newProduct {ProductID = 3, Name = "P3"},
        newProduct {ProductID = 4, Name = "P4"},
        newProduct {ProductID = 5, Name = "P5"}
    //create a controller and make the page size 3 items
    ProductControllercontroller = new ProductController(mock.Object);
    controller.PageSize= 3;
    ProductsListViewModelresult = (ProductsListViewModel)controller.List(2).Model;
    Product[]prodArray = result.Products.ToArray();
    Assert.IsTrue(prodArray.Length== 2);

We wouldusually create a common setup method, given the degree of duplication betweenthese two test methods. However, since we are delivering the unit tests inindividual sidebars like this one, we are going to keep everything separate, soyou can see each test on its own.

At the moment, the view isexpecting a sequence of Product objects, so we need to update List.cshtml, asshown in Listing 7-21, to deal with the new view model type.

Listing 7-21. Updatingthe List.cshtml View

    ViewBag.Title= "Products";
@foreach (var p in Model.Products) {

We have changed the @modeldirective to tell Razor that we are now working with a different data type. Wealso needed to update the foreach loop so that the data source is the Productsproperty of the model data.

Displaying the Page Links

We have everything inplace to add the page links to the List view. We have created the view modelthat contains the paging information, updated the controller so that thisinformation is passed to the view, and changed the @model directive to matchthe new model view type. All that remains is to call our HTML helper methodfrom the view, which you can see in Listing 7-22.

Listing 7-22. Calling theHTML Helper Method

    ViewBag.Title= "Products";
@foreach (var p in Model.Products) {
    @Html.PageLinks(Model.PagingInfo, x =>Url.Action("List", new {page = x}))

If you run the application, you’ll see thatwe’ve added page links, as illustrated in Figure 7-17. The style is stillpretty basic, and we’ll fix that later in the chapter. What’s important at themoment is that the links take us from page to page in the catalog and let usexplore the products for sale.

Figure 7-17.Displaying page navigation links


If you’ve worked withASP.NET before, you might think that was a lot of work for a prettyunimpressive result. It has taken us pages and pages just to get a page list.If we were using Web Forms, we could have done the same thing using the ASP.NETWeb Forms GridView control, right out of the box, by hooking it up directly toour Products database table.

What we have accomplishedso far doesn’t look like much, but it is very different from dragging aGridView onto a design surface. First, we are building an application with asound and maintainable architecture that involves proper separation ofconcerns. Unlike the simplest use of GridView, we have not directly coupled theUI and the database together—an approach that gives quick results but thatcauses pain and misery over time. Second, we have been creating unit tests aswe go, and these allow us to validate the behavior of our application in anatural way that’s nearly impossible with a Web Forms GridView control.
我们到目前为止所完成的看上去并不太多,但它与拖拽一个GridView到一个设计界面十分不同。首先,我们建立了一个具有彻底的且可维护的、包含了恰当关注分离体系结构的应用程序。与GridView最简单的使用不同,我们没有把UI和数据库直接耦合在一起 — 耦合可以快速得到结果,但会长期痛苦。其次,随着我们的前进,我们一直在生成单元测试,这些允许我们以自然的方式去检验应用程序的行为,这对Web表单GridView控件几乎是不可能的。

Finally, bearin mind that a lot of this chapter has been given over to creating theunderlying infrastructure on which the application is built. We need to defineand implement the repository only once, for example, and now that we have,we’ll be able to build and test new features quickly and easily, as thefollowing chapters will demonstrate.

Improving the URLs

We have the page linksworking, but they still use the query string to pass page information to theserver, like this:


We can do better, specificallyby creating a scheme that follows the pattern of composable URLs. A composableURL is one that makes sense to the user, like this one:


Fortunately, MVC makes itvery easy to change the URL scheme because it uses the ASP.NET routing feature.All we need to do is add a new route to the RegisterRoutes method inGlobal.asax.cs, as shown in Listing 7-23.

Listing 7-23. Adding a New Route

public static void RegisterRoutes(RouteCollectionroutes) {
        null, // we don't need to specify aname
        new { Controller = "Product",action = "List" }
        "Default",// Route name
        "{controller}/{action}/{id}",// URL with parameters
        new{ controller = "Product", action = "List", id =UrlParameter.Optional }
It is important that youadd this route before the Default one. As you’ll see in Chapter 11, routes areprocessed in the order they are listed, and we need our new route to takeprecedence over the existing one.


This is the onlyalteration we need to make to change the URL scheme for our product pagination.The MVC Framework is tightly integrated with the routing function, and so achange like this is automatically reflected in the result produced by theUrl.Action method (which is what we use in the List.cshtml view to generate ourpage links). Don’t worry if routing doesn’t make sense to you at themoment—we’ll explain it in detail in Chapter 11. If you run the application andnavigate to a page, you’ll see the new URL scheme in action, as illustrated inFigure 7-18.
这是我们产品分页的URL方案需要进行修改的唯一选择。MVC框架与路由函数是直接集成的,因此像这样的修改将自动地在由Url.Action方法(这是我们在List.cshtml视图用来生成我们的页面链接所使用的方法)中处理的结果中反映出来。如果你此时对路由还不熟悉,不用着急 — 我们将在第11章详细解释它。如果你运行这个应用程序,并导航到一个页面,你将看到这个新URL方案在起作用。如图7-18所示。


Figure 7-18. The new URL scheme displayed in the browser
图7-18. 在浏览器中显示的新式URL模式

Styling the Content

We’ve built a great dealof infrastructure, and our application is really starting to come together, butwe have not paid any attention to its appearance. Even though this book isn’tabout web design or CSS, the SportStore application design is so miserablyplain that it undermines its technical strengths. In this section, we’ll putsome of that right.

n Note In this part of the chapter, we will ask you to add CSSstyles without explaining their meaning. If you want to learn more about CSS,we recommend Pro CSS and HTML Design Patterns by Michael Bowers (Apress, 2007)and Beginning HTML with CSS and HTML by David Schultz and Craig Cook (Apress,2007).
注:本章的这部分,我们将要求你添加CSS样式而不解释它们的意义。如果你想学习更多关于CSS,我们推荐Pro CSSand HTML Design Patterns(《精通HTML与CSS设计模式》,Michael Bowers著,Apress 2007年出版)….

We are going to implementa classic two-column layout with a header, as shown in Figure 7-19.


Figure 7-19. Thedesign goal for the SportsStore application
图7-19. SportsStore应用程序的设计目标

Defining Common Content in the Layout

The Razor layout system isthe equivalent of the ASPX master page system. We can define content in oneplace, and then selectively apply it to individual views to create a consistentappearance in our application. We explained how Razor layouts work and areapplied in Chapter 5. When we created the List.cshtml view for the Productcontroller, we asked you to check the option to use a layout, but leave the boxthat specifies a layout blank. This has the effect of using the default layout,_Layout.cshtml, which can be found in the Views/Shared folder of theSportsStore.WebUI project. Open this file and apply the changes shown inListing 7-24.

Listing 7-24. Modifyingthe Default Razor Layout

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <linkhref="@Url.Content("~/Content/Site.css")"rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />

    <div id="header">
        <divclass="title">SPORTS STORE</div>
    <div id="categories">
        Will put something useful here later
    <div id="content">

Adding CSS Rules

The HTML markup in Listing7-24 is characteristic of an ASP.NET MVC application. It is simple and purelysemantic. It describes the content, but says nothing about how it should belaid out on the screen. We will use CSS to tell the browser how the elements wejust added should be laid out.
清单7-24中的HTML标记是一个ASP.NET MVC应用程序的特征。它简单而且是纯静态的。它描述了内容,但对它如何布置在屏幕上什么也没做。我们将用CSS来告诉浏览器我们刚添加的元素如何显示。

Visual Studio creates aCSS file for us automatically, even when creating an empty project. ThisSite.css file can be found in the Content folder of the SportsStore.WebUIproject. This file is already referenced in the _Layout.cshtml file, asfollows:
Visual Studio为我们自动生成一个CSS文件,甚至生成一个空项目时也会生成它。这就是可以在SportsStore.WebUI项目的Content文件夹可找到的Site.css文件。这个文件在_Layout.cshtml文件中作了引用,如下:

<linkhref="@Url.Content("~/Content/Site.css")"rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />

n Tip Notice that the CSS and JavaScript files that are referencedin Listing 7-24 are done so using the @Url.Content method. Unlike the ASPX viewengine, Razor doesn’t automatically interpret the tilde character (~) as areference for the root of the application, so we must do this explicitly usingthe helper method.

Open the Site.css file andadd the styles shown in Listing 7-25 to the bottom of the file (don’t removethe existing content in Site.css). You don’t need to type these in by hand. Youcan download the CSS additions and the rest of the project as part of the codesamples that accompany this book.

Listing 7-25. DefiningCSS

BODY { font-family: Cambria, Georgia,"Times New Roman"; margin: 0; }
DIV#header DIV.title, DIV.item H3, DIV.item H4,DIV.pager A {
  font: bold1em "Arial Narrow", "Franklin Gothic Medium", Arial;
DIV#header { background-color: #444;border-bottom: 2px solid #111; color: White; }
DIV#header DIV.title { font-size: 2em; padding:.6em; }
DIV#content { border-left: 2px solid gray;margin-left: 9em; padding: 1em; }
DIV#categories { float: left; width: 8em; padding:.3em; }

DIV.item { border-top: 1px dotted gray;padding-top: .7em; margin-bottom: .7em; }
DIV.item:first-child { border-top:none;padding-top: 0; }
DIV.item H3 { font-size: 1.3em; margin: 0 0 .25em0; }
DIV.item H4 { font-size: 1.1em; margin:.4em 0 0 0;}
DIV.pager { text-align:right; border-top: 2pxsolid silver;
  padding:.5em 0 0 0; margin-top: 1em; }
DIV.pager A { font-size: 1.1em; color: #666;text-decoration: none;
   padding:0 .4em 0 .4em; }
DIV.pager A:hover { background-color: Silver; }
DIV.pager A.selected { background-color: #353535;color: White; }
(注:根据W3C的HTML以及CSS等标准规范,HTML文档中的标签、以及CSS样式表中的HTML对象均应当用小写字母进行标记。上述CSS样式设置应当说是不太规范的,比如:DIV应当用div,H3应当用h3等。目前的HTML及CSS虽然仍是大小写兼容的,但未来就不好说了,希望读者不要养成用大写字母的习惯。— 译者注)

If you run theapplication, you’ll see that we have improved the appearance—at least a little,anyway. The changes are shown in Figure 7-20.
如果你运行应用程序,你将看到我们已经改善了其外观 — 至少改善了一点。其变化如图7-20所示。


Figure 7-20. Thedesign-enhanced SportsStore application
图7-20. 增强设计的SportsStore应用程序

Creating a Partial View

As a finishing trick forthis chapter, we are going to refactor the application to simplify theList.cshtml view. We are going to create a partial view, which is a fragment ofcontent that is embedded in another view. Partial views are contained withintheir own files and are reusable across views, which can help reduceduplication, especially if you need to render the same kind of data in severalplaces in your application.

To add the partial view,right-click the /Views/Shared folder in the SportsStore.WebUI project andselect Add → View fromthe pop-up menu. Set the name of the view to ProductSummary. We want to displaydetails of a product, so select the Product class from the Model classdrop-down menu or type in the qualified class name by hand. Check the Create asa partial view option, as shown in Figure 7-21.
为了添加部分视图,右击SportsStore.WebUI项目中的/Views/Shared文件夹,然后从弹出菜单中选择“添加” →“视图”。将视图名设为ProductSummary。我们希望显示一个产品的细节,因此从“模型类”下拉列表框中选择Product类,或手工输入可用的类名。检查“生成为部分视图”选项,如图7-21所示。

Figure 7-21. Creatinga partial view
图7-21. 生成部分视图

Click the Add button, andVisual Studio will create a partial view file atViews/Shared/ProductSummary.cshtml. A partial view is very similar to a regularview, except that when it is rendered, it produces a fragment of HTML, ratherthan a full HTML document. If you open the ProductSummary view, you’ll see thatit contains only the model view directive, which is set to our Product domainmodel class. Apply the changes shown in Listing 7-26.

Listing 7-26. AddingMarkup to the ProductSummary Partial View

@model SportsStore.Domain.Entities.Product
<div class="item">
Now we need to updateViews/Products/List.cshtml so that it uses the partial view. You can see thechange in Listing 7-27.


Listing 7-27. Using aPartial View from List.cshtml

    ViewBag.Title= "Products";
@foreach (var p in Model.Products) {

<div class="pager">

    @Html.PageLinks(Model.PagingInfo,x => Url.Action("List", new {page = x}))


We’ve taken the markupthat was previously in the foreach loop in the List.cshtml view and moved it tothe new partial view. We call the partial view using the Html.RenderPartialhelper method. The parameters are the name of the view and the view modelobject.

n Tip The RenderPartial method doesn’t return HTML markup like mostother helper methods. Instead, it writes content directly to the responsestream, which is why we must call it like a complete line of C#, using asemicolon. This is slightly more efficient than buffering the rendered HTMLfrom the partial view, since it will be written to the response stream anyway.If you prefer a more consistent syntax, you can use the Html.Partial method,which does exactly the same as the RenderPartial method, but returns an HTMLfragment and can be used as @Html.Partial("ProductSummary", p).

Switching to a partialview like this is good practice, but it doesn’t change the appearance of theapplication. If you run it, you’ll see that the display remains as before, asshown in Figure 7-22.


Figure 7-22. Applyinga partial view
图7-22. 运用部分视图


In this chapter, we havebuilt most of the core infrastructure for the SportsStore application. Itdoesn’t have many features that you could demonstrate to a client at thispoint, but behind the scenes, we have the beginnings of a domain model, with aproduct repository that is backed by SQL Server and the Entity Framework. Wehave a single controller, ProductController, that can produce paginated listsof products, and we have set up DI and a clean and friendly URL scheme.
本章我们已经建立了SportsStore应用程序最核心的基础结构。它此刻并没有很多你可以演示给客户端的特性,但在幕后,我们具备了基本的域模型,带有一个产品存储库,背后有SQL Server和Entity Framework的支持。我们有了一个控制器,ProductController,它可以产生分页的产品列表,并且我们已经建立了DI和一个清晰友好的URL方案。

If this chapter felt likea lot of setup for little benefit, then the next chapter will balance theequation. Now that we have the fundamental elements out of the way, we canforge ahead and add all of the customer-facing features: navigation bycategory, a shopping cart, and a checkout process.





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