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翻译 使用socat实现Linux虚拟串口

(1)使用socatsocat -d -d pty:1,raw,echo = 0, pty:2, raw, echo =0cat

2014-05-23 15:11:00 9022

转载 索引文件的操作

索引文件的操作1.检索操作  检索分两步进行:   ① 将外存上含有索引区的页块送人内存,查找所需记录的物理地址   ② 将含有该记录的页块送人内存注意:   ①索引表不大时,索引表可一次读入内存,在索引文件中检索只需两次访问外存:一次读索引,一次读记录。   ②由于索引表有序,对索引表的查找可用顺序查找或二分查找等方法。2.更新操作

2013-05-06 16:55:07 1500

转载 Constant Member Functions

Declaring a member function with the const keyword specifies that the function is a "read-only" function that does not modify the object for which it is called.To declare a constant member functio

2013-03-07 16:43:55 872

原创 ThreadLocal 实例

java.lang Class ThreadLocaljava.lang.Object java.lang.ThreadLocalDirect Known Subclasses:InheritableThreadLocalpublic class ThreadLocalextends ObjectThis class provides thread-loc

2012-03-27 19:57:04 1057

转载 emacs 快捷键(包括C/C++模式) .

符号      C-  意思是按住 Ctrol 键M-   意指 Meta 键 (键盘上若无Meta键,则可以ALT ESC键来取而代之)DEL  意指退格键 (不是 删除(Delete) key)RET  意指回车键SPC  意指空格键ESC

2011-08-10 10:27:45 652

转载 Web app root system property already set to different value 的解决办法

<br /><br />Hi all, <br />when deploying two applications build from the riot skeleton within   <br />the same Tomcat servlet container, you get an <br />IllegalStateException: Web app root system property already set to   <br />different value: 'webapp.ro

2011-05-03 09:36:00 4281

原创 ActiveMQ5.4.2+Spring2.5实现异步邮件

(1)applicationContext.xml 添加命名空间xmlns:amq及对应的schemaLocation

2011-04-22 10:23:00 1657

转载 Sample log4j.properties file

<br /><br />http://www.benmccann.com/dev-blog/sample-log4j-properties-file/<br />I always find the hardest part of getting started with log4j is creating a log4j.properties file. For that reason, I’ve posted an example below. This file configures log4j to

2011-04-20 14:18:00 1266

原创 eclipse 3.6 安装 svn 插件

<br />eclipse 3.6 安装 svn 插件 <br /><br />update site: http://subclipse.tigris.org/update_1.6.x 

2011-01-04 19:41:00 1193

原创 安装SWT Designer (WindowBuilder Pro)

<br />http://code.google.com/intl/zh-CN/javadevtools/download-wbpro.html<br />Installing software by adding a new update site location<br />Follow these steps if the product has not been previously installed in this instance of Eclipse/IDE.In Eclipse, clic

2011-01-04 10:45:00 907

原创 TinyOS快速入门

 1、安装WMware PlayerWMware Player下载地址:http://www.vmware.com/download/player/player_reg.html 2、下载XubunTOS镜像,并解压镜像文件http://sing.stanford.edu/tinyos/dists/xubuntos-2.1-vm.tar.gz 3、在WMware Player下运行XubunTOS镜像,用户名:xubuntos,密码:tinyos3、插入TelosB节点,系统自动识别,选择连接该TelosB

2010-12-17 22:36:00 3096 1

转载 在 Debian GNU/Linux 中安装 TeXLive

本帖最后由 lj605 于 2010-5-22 16:29 编辑 <br /><br /> 在 Debian GNU/Linux 中安装 TeXLive<br />lj605 [at] bbs.ctex.org<br /><br />本作品采用署名-相同方式共享 2.5 协议发布<br /><br />视频教程 http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XMTc0NjIxNDk2.htm<br /><br />  Debian GNU/Linux 中 TeXLive 的中文支

2010-12-07 20:23:00 1876

原创 现代通信系统(MATLAB版)(第二版) 图1.3 矩形脉冲的各种傅利叶级数的近似

<br />%%%fourier tranform%draw the rect signalclear;x=[-2:0.01:2];y=rect(x);plot(x,y);axis([-2,2,-0.2,1.2]);%draw the fourier serialshold on;%n=3;%z=fourierSerials(x,3);%plot(x,z);%text(0,1,'n=3');for n=1:2:9; z=fourierSeria

2010-12-05 15:56:00 1820

原创 Debian安装Matlab2010B

<br />Error:Error while loading shared libraries:libXp.so.6:cannot open shared object file:No such file directory<br />Solution:apt-get install libxp6<br /> 

2010-12-04 09:42:00 2325

原创 使用g++编译一个简单的cc文件

<br />#include <iostream>using namespace std;class Base{private: int lock_; int data_;public: void read_from(std::istream &i){ } void write_to(int i){ } virtual ~Base(){ }private: virtual void read_fro

2010-11-26 17:50:00 2749

原创 编译一个简单的GTK程序

<br />Makefile:<br />CC = gccall: $(CC) -Wall -g base.c -o base/ `pkg-config --cflags gtk+-2.0` `pkg-config --libs gtk+-2.0`<br /> <br />代码:<br />#include <gtk/gtk.h>int main(int argc,char *argv[]){ GtkWidget *window; gtk_init(&argc,&argv)

2010-11-19 16:55:00 873

原创 The Linux Cross Reference(Linux交叉引用)

<br /><br />Welcome to lxr.linux.noLXR (formerly "the Linux Cross Referencer") is a software toolset for indexing and presenting source code repositories. LXR was initially targeted at the Linux source code, but has proved usab

2010-11-14 10:06:00 2885

原创 insmod: Unknown symbol in module or no symbol version for

insmod: Unknown symbol in moduleHello everyone!I am trying to make two kernel modules which uses each other functions. My problem is that I got modules properly compiled, but the symbol is not resolved for one of them.To make things simple, let'

2010-11-08 21:48:00 4286

转载 POSIX thread (pthread) libraries

<br />Thread Basics:<br /> Thread operations include thread creation, termination,synchronization (joins,blocking), scheduling, data management andprocess interaction.A thread does not maintain a list of created threads, nor does it know thethread

2010-11-01 22:09:00 943

转载 Java时钟

<br />import java.awt.Color;<br />import java.awt.Dimension;<br />import java.awt.Graphics;<br />import javax.swing.*;<br />/**<br /> * @author Administrator<br /> * 用三角函数画时钟<br /> */<br />public class SimClock extends JFrame{<br /> double

2010-11-01 13:44:00 921

原创 FFmpeg 屏幕录像

在我看来,FFmpeg 绝对是一个很酷的应用。那么,它究竟有什么用呢?简单地讲,FFmpeg 相当于一个屏幕录像机。你可以使用它将屏幕上的操作过程录制下来,然后再将其播放给别人看。我们可以利用它制作教学影片、产品演示等等。以下是补丁、编译、使用步骤。1.下载源码包wget http://linuxtoy.org/ files/src/ffmpeg-0.4.9-p20051216.tar.bz22.解压tar xvjf ffmpeg-0.4.9-p20051216.tar.bz

2010-10-31 09:36:00 5854

原创 51单片机独立按键抖动演示及软件消抖

程序参考郭天祥老师的视频开发板普中科技 HC6800 V2.8 连接方式如图所示,按下按键K1,LED D1点亮,数码管DS1显示计数,说明抖动现象。/******************************************************************//* 按键状态显示试验 */* */* 连接方法:连接JP10(P0)与JP5(按钮接口) *

2010-10-30 22:05:00 10087 4

转载 石英晶体(Crystal)振荡电路

石英晶体(Crystal)振荡电路[日期:2006-08-21]来源:学校课件  作者:佚名[字体:大中小] <br />在实际应用中,要求振荡电路产生的输出信号应具有一定的频率稳定度。频率稳定度一般用频率的相对变化量来表示,为频率偏移,f为实际频率,f0为标准振荡频率。 <br /><br /><br />对于RC振荡电路振荡频率稳定度比较差,LC振荡电路的频率稳定度比RC振荡电路好得多,但通常只能达到10-3数量级。为了提高振荡电路的频率稳定度,可采用石英

2010-10-29 13:40:00 7088

原创 the update-modules command is deprecated and should not be used

<br />Hello bob:<br />try<br />sudo dpkg --configure -a<br />and try<br />If it doesnt work please report a bug here:<br />https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kqemu/<br />Regards<br />Bhavani Shankar.Bob Pearson said on 2008-05-0

2010-10-25 17:08:00 1988

原创 Prevent parport0 module from loading(kernel 2.6.28)

I am installing and fine tuning Debian on my HP/Compaq NC6230 laptop. While trying to to some kernel debugging, my kern.log filled up with messages that the fifo for the parallel port was full. That was not really relevant since the NC6230 doesn't have

2010-10-25 17:03:00 691

原创 编译新内核

8.6. 编译新内核<br />为什么有些人想要编译新内核? Debian 自带的默认内核已经包含了绝大部分配置,所以编译新内核并不是必需的。并且,Debian提供了多个内核供选择。所以您应该先确认一下,有没有适合您硬件的内核映像软件包存在。然而,基于下列理由,编译新内核还是很有用的: <br />支持某些特殊的硬件,或者默认的内核配置和某些硬件冲突 <br />使用某些不为所提供的内核支持的选项 (例如,支持 high memory) <br />通过删除无用的驱动程序来优化内核,以减少启动时间 <b

2010-10-25 16:06:00 773

原创 51单片机+74hc595锁存器驱动一个静态数码管

/******************************************************************************** 标题: 试验数码管上如何显示数字(共阳极) ** ** 连接方法:P2 与P3 用8PIN排线连接 *****************

2010-10-24 13:19:00 11153 3

原创 size_t&loff_t(2.6.32)

7#ifndef _SIZE_T 58#define _SIZE_T 59typedef __kernel_size_tsize_t; 60#endif 49#if defined(__GNUC__) 50typedef __kernel_loff_tloff_t; 51#endifinclude/linux/types.h, line 50[usage...]

2010-10-23 15:28:00 1103

原创 What's this: __attribute__((packed))

<br />Here is how I think it works (please correct me if I'm wrong!)<br /><br />__attribute__((packed)) ensures that structure fields align on one-byteboundaries. If you want to ensure that your structures have the samesize on all processors, the pac

2010-10-23 10:47:00 887

转载 Find Grep

<br />grep -F MASQUERADE -R /path   查找内容含特定字符串的文件find /path -name filename    查找指定名字的文件<br />**************************************************************************************************<br /><br />从文件内容查找匹配指定字符串的行:<br />$ grep "被查找的字符串" 文件名<br

2010-10-22 22:25:00 1204

原创 Emacs 配置文件

<br />;;滚动条右至(customize-set-variable 'scroll-bar-mode 'right);;设置自动换行模式(setq-default truncate-lines 1)(desktop-save-mode 1);;;;设置标题栏显示文件的完整路径名(setq frame-title-format'("%S" (buffer-file-name "%f" (dired-directory dired-directory "%

2010-10-17 22:41:00 896

转载 Step by Step tutorial howto compile kernel in Debian 5.0 (Lenny)

<br />This tutorial will explain Howto compile kernel in Debian 5.0.The default kernel that comes with Debian is better suited for servers. It’s optimized for high thoughput and low interactivity. When you compile your own, you can among other things o

2010-10-08 21:06:00 876

转载 mysql 数据库字段为datetime类型时默认值为:0000-00-00 00:00:00 查询时异常 java.sql.SQLException:Value '0000-00-00' can not be represented as java.sq

<br />mysql<br />数据库字段为datetime类型时默认值为:0000-00-00 00:00:00 <br />查询时异常<br />java.sql.SQLException:Value '0000-00-00' can not be represented as java.sql.Date<br />解决方法在url后添加 &zeroDateTimeBehavior=convertToNull<br />datasource.url=jdbc:mysql://loc

2010-09-29 22:33:00 1668

转载 更改debian下mysql数据库的存放路径

<br />1.保证/etc/my.cnf配置文件来自/etc/mysql/my.cnf<br /><br />2.修改配置文件/etc/my.cnf<br /><br />#datadir        = /var/lib/mysql<br />datadir        = /root/mysqldata/mysql<br /><br />3.移动现有数据库<br /><br />mv /var/lib/mysql /root/mysqldata/<br /><br />4.

2010-09-29 20:08:00 1550

转载 转载 Servlet 跳转 redirect与forward跳转的区别

<br />Servlet:<br />当然,在servlet中,一般跳转都发生在doGet, doPost等方法里面。<br />一、原理<br />1) redirect 方式<br />response.sendRedirect("/a.jsp");<br />页面的路径是相对路径。sendRedirect可以将页面跳转到任何页面,不一定局限于本web应用中,如:<br />response.sendRedirect("http://www.ycul.com");<br />跳转后浏览器地址栏变化。<

2010-09-28 21:16:00 558

转载 According to TLD or attribute directive in tag file, attribute value does not accept any expressions

总结:JSTL1.1的库 在JSP2.0(Servlet 2.4)及以后(推荐用JSTL1.1及以上)用:Java代码   web.xmlJava代码

2010-09-28 21:15:00 1807

原创 Content assist

<br />Bind the command to 'ALT+/',but you should unbind the command 'Word Completion" to 'ALT+/'<br /> 

2010-09-26 19:05:00 544

转载 Debian安装jdk及配置Java environment

<br />在/etc/profile(或 ~/.bashrc)脚本文件中加入类似如下内容<br /><br />PATH=$PATH:/usr/lib/j2sdk1.5-sun/bin:/usr/lib/j2sdk1.5-sun/jre/bin<br /> JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/j2sdk1.5-sun<br /> JRE_HOME=/usr/lib/j2sdk1.5-sun/jre<br /> CLASSPAT

2010-08-31 11:19:00 819

转载 2010最新SCI影响因子 - SCI检索收录期刊目录(分类目录)

2010最新SCI影响因子 论文写作资源SCI论文润色北大核心期刊2010最新SCI影响因子 - SCI检索收录期刊目录(分类目录)2010年的影响因子公布,共有7347个期刊杂志被贴上了影响因子的标签,其中影响因子超过10的期刊有128个,IF>15的期刊有62 个,IF>20的期刊有36个,IF>30的期刊13个,影响因子超过40的杂志有4个,分别为 CA-Cancer J. Clin.(IF=87.925),Acta Crystallogr. Sect. A(IF=49.926), New

2010-08-06 09:57:00 1859

原创 一个简单的 Linux Driver(Debian 2.6.26-2-686 kernel)

<br />一个简单的例子,这里要注意,2.4内核模块与 2.6内核模块的编译的方式是不同的。<br />#include <linux/module.h>#include <linux/kernel.h>static int hello_init(void){printk(KERN_EMERG "Hello World enter!/n");return 0;}static void hello_exit(void){printk(KERN_EMERG "Hello w

2010-08-06 00:21:00 949

Map Projections-A Working Manual

Map Projections-A Working Manual












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