重定向常常和请求转发放在一起讨论(前者是两次不相关的请求,后者是一次请求服务器端转发),然而本文并不讨论两者的区别,而是HTTP 1.0规范和HTTP 1.1规范中关于重定向的区别,以及实际使用中的情况。
关于301、302、303、307的区别,找不到好的文章,因此打算直撸HTTP 1.0规范和HTTP 1.1规范,结合一些实际的案例和tomcat实现,来说清楚这几个状态码的差异。
1. 百度https重定向
2. tomcat重定向源码
http 1.0规范中有2个重定向——301和302,在http 1.1规范中存在4个重定向——301、302、303和307,其中302是值得讨论讨论的。
1. http 1.0
301状态码在HTTP 1.0和HTTP 1.1规范中均代表永久重定向,对于资源请求,原来的url和响应头中location的url而言,资源应该对应location中的url。对于post请求的重定向,还是需要用户确认之后才能重定向,并且应该以post方法发出重定向请求。
在http 1.0规范中,302表示临时重定向,location中的地址不应该被认为是资源路径,在后续的请求中应该继续使用原地址。
实现:浏览器和服务器的实现并没有严格遵守HTTP中302的规范,服务器不加遵守的返回302,浏览器即便原请求是post也会自动重定向,导致规范和实现出现了二义性,由此衍生了一些问题,譬如302劫持,因此在HTTP 1.1中将302的规范细化成了303和307,希望以此来消除二义性。
If the 302 status code is received in response to a request using the POST method, the user agent must not automatically redirect the request unless it can be confirmed by the user, since this might change the conditions under which the request was issued.
Note: When automatically redirecting a POST request after receiving a 302 status code, some existing user agents will erroneously change it into a GET request.
2. http 1.1
和http 1.0规范中保持一致,注意资源对应的路径应该是location中返回的url,而不再是原请求地址。
在HTTP 1.1中,实际上302是不再推荐使用的,只是为了兼容而作保留。规范中再次重申只有当原请求是GET or HEAD方式的时候才能自动的重定向,为了消除HTTP 1.0中302的二义性,在HTTP 1.1中引入了303和307来细化HTTP 1.0中302的语义。
If the 302 status code is received in response to a request other than GET or HEAD , the user agent MUST NOT automatically redirect the request unless it can be confirmed by the user , since this might change the conditions under which the request was issued.
Note : RFC1945 and RFC2068 specify that the client is not allowed to change the method on the redirected request. However, most existing user agent implementations treat 302 as if it were a 303 response, performing a GET on the Location field-value regardless of the original request method . The status codes 303 and 307 hava been added for servers that wish to make unambiguously clear which kind of reaction is expected of the client.
在HTTP 1.0的时候,302的规范是原请求是post不可以自动重定向,但是服务器和浏览器的实现是运行重定向。
把HTTP 1.0规范中302的规范和实现拆分开,分别赋予HTTP 1.1中303和307,因此在HTTP 1.1中,303继承了HTTP 1.0中302的实现(即原请求是post,也允许自动进行重定向,结果是无论原请求是get还是post,都可以自动进行重定向),而307则继承了HTTP 1.0中302的规范(即如果原请求是post,则不允许进行自动重定向,结果是post不重定向,get可以自动重定向)。
The response to the request can be found under a different URL and SHOULD be retrieved using a GET method on that resource. This method exists primarily to allow the output of a Post-activated script to redirect he user agent to a selected resource. The new URI is not a substitute reference for the originally requested resource. The 303 response MUST NOT be cached, but the response to the second ( redirected ) request might be cacheable.
The different URI SHOULD be given by the Location field in the response . Unless the request method was HEAD , the entity of the response SHOULD contain a short hypertext note with a hyperlink to the new URI ( S ) .
Note: Many pre-HTTP/1.1 user agents do not understand the 303 status. When interoperability with such client is a concern, the 302 status code may be used instead, since most user agents react to a 302 response as described here for 303.
在http 1.1规范中,307为临时重定向,注意划红线的部分,如果重定向307的原请求不是get或者head方法,那么浏览器一定不能自动的进行重定向,即便location有url,也应该忽略。
也就是307继承了302在HTTP 1.0中的规范(303继承了302在HTTP 1.0中的实现)。
If the 307 status code is received in response to a request other than GET or HEAD, the user agent MUST NOT atomatically redirect the request unless it can be confirmed by the user, since this might change the conditions under which the request was issued.
3. 小结
在HTTP 1.0规范中,302的规范并没有被服务器和浏览器遵守,即规范和实现出现了二义性,因此在HTTP 1.1中,将302的规范和实现拆分成了303和307。
1. 《http 1.0规范》
2. 《http 1.1规范》
3. 博客:点击打开链接