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2008-09-06 17:30:00 3026 5

原创 免费web打印控件 web打印控件 java web打印控件

 免费web打印控件ePrint是一个全面强大的web打印的解决方案。它可以直接在IE浏览器中可视化的设计各种复杂的打印模版, 轻松解决Web套打问题。也可以直接打印用ASP,JSP等动态程序生成的HTML页面。    ePrint内含一个在vc7.0上开发的ActiveX控件(180k), 这个控件主要实现对打印参数的控制,eprint使用户通过JavaScript脚本可以控制自定义纸张

2008-09-06 17:21:00 2096





1. 从 4.5 版本开始,OpenCV将正式使用Apache 2 授权协议,对开发者更加友好,避免专利算法进入OpenCV带来的潜在纠纷。 2. 因为SIFT 专利到期,成为公有技术,代码被移到主库(其实 4.4 版本已经进了)。 3. OpenCV中的RANSAC 算法进行了改进,相信做过图像匹配的同学都不陌生。 4. 新增了实时单目标跟踪算法SiamRPN++。 5. 改进了数字识别和文本识别的例程: 6. 针对RISC-V指令集进行了优化。 7. 增加Julia语言OpenCV绑定,Julia是一门高性能编程语言,但其一直缺少计算机视觉库的支持,这无疑对Julia社区是个大好消息。 8. 增加对 Macbeth 图检测的支持,Macbeth 图是用于相机颜色校正的图像色块。(很明显这么基础的功能,应该早就支持) 9. RGBD 新增基于 TSDF volume 的 Hashtable ,以支持大范围环境的深度图的融合。 11. 增加了对OpenCL多上下文的支持。 12. DNN 模块改进了对一些层和激活函数的支持(ONNX: ReduceSum, Gather, 改进的Reshape等),后端支持 OpenVINO 到2021.1版,并修复和优化了对CUDA 的支持。 特别值得一提的是,由国内公司OpenAI Lab优化后的OpenCV DNN 在ARM上的表现喜人,在新引擎 Tengine lite 加持下,速度获得了较大幅度提升。 13. OpenCV中的图计算模块G-API,也进行了大量更新。 14. 另外FLANN模块也被改进,新增了机器人手眼校准函数等。 由以上内容可知,OpenCV 4.5 版本没有特别重大的更新,大多是在修补、完善、优化,因为 5.0版本快要到来,4.x 系列版本“基本”已经进入“稳”而不张的维护阶段。



AutoIt 目前最新是v3版本,这是一个使用类似BASIC脚本语言的免费软件,它设计用于Windows GUI(图形用户界面)中进行自动化操作。它利用模拟键盘按键,鼠标移动和窗口/控件的组合来实现自动化任务。而这是其它语言不可能做到或无可靠方法实现的(例如VBScript和SendKeys).


Windows Server 2012 Opencv 缺少的DLL.zip

公司服务器使用的是Windows Server 2012,在上面装Opencv后,使用java代码 System.loadLibrary(Core.NATIVE_LIBRARY_NAME); 总是提示opencv_java410.dll: Can't find dependent libraries,搜索N多资源无解,最终通过Dependency Walker 取得缺失的DLL列表,然后百度逐个下载不同版本的DLL测试,最终找到了完整的DLL包,分享给大家


Spring Framework 5.3.0 下载

Spring Framework 5.3.0 发布了,此版本带来了 55 项修复和改进。 部分新特性包括: 引入带有 allowEagerInit 标志的 getBeanProvider 变体 允许从 DatabaseClient 访问基础 ConnectionFactory 优化 DefaultLifecycleProcessor::startBeans HandlerExecutionChain 中的重构机会 支持 crontab 中的宏 引入 CronExpression 在 AbstractSockJsService 中


redis6.0.6 windows x64

Redis 6.0.6 已发布,此版本修复了一些 bug,其中主要内容包括: 修复启用带前缀的 CLIENT TRACKING 时崩溃的问题 EXEC 始终会因 EXECABORT 而失败,并且已清除多状态 RESTORE ABSTTL 不会将过期的密钥存储到数据库中 redis-cli 能够更好地处理非优先键名 TLS:关闭 tls-auth-clients 时忽略客户端证书 Tracking:修复刷新时的无效消息 在 Sentinel 启动时通知 systemd 修复因滥用 STRALGO 而导致的崩溃


no webp-imageio in java.library.path(webp-imageio-0.4.2.jar dll so)

in java.library.path的解决办法及eclipse配置 java一般使用两个path:classpath 和 java.library.path classpath是指向jar包的位置 java.library.path是非java类包的位置如(dll,so) 解决办法: 1:LINUX下的系统变量LD_LIBRARY_PATH来添加java.library.path 2:在vm arguments里添加-Djava.library.path= /usr/local/lib



微软有Windows版本的Redis,但是那个最新就是3.X的,现在redis都5.X了,自己编译一个高版本5.0.5 其它历史版本下载:https://github.com/microsoftarchive/redis/releases


Druid 1.1.20版本,修复MySQL数据库主备切换连接池无法恢复问题

连接池修复MySQL主备切换时连接池无法恢复的问题。在阿里云RDS主备切换时,出现连接池没有及时恢复,问题和handleFatalError机制相关,已修复并通过验证。 连接池Connection支持更多JDK 1.7的JDBC新增方法 连接池内置监控页面修复WaitThreadCount值输出不对的问题 连接池PGValidConnectionChecker增强对pgsql Driver 9.0及以下版本兼容 增强SQL防火墙 PageUtils.limit方法支持offset=0的设置 Parser修复MySQL CHECKSUM Sum输出带中文逗号的问题



著名的mysql-fornt客户端工具6.1版,作者是个德国青年,已于2019年初停止对mysql-fornt软件的开发和下载说是要“全神贯注于与上帝一起寻求和平与爱”,上次停更是因为mysql要求的,这次八成也是新东家oracle干的。这里我为大家提供2019年1月的最后一个版本。且用钱珍惜。下面是作者停止mysql-fornt的声明文稿 MySQL-Front is not longer available Hello, my name is Nils. 18 years, I developed the application „MySQL-Front“. But I stopped the development of it and do not l onger offer it. Today, there multiple other alternatives available. Now, I focus my whole live to finding peace and love, together with god. If you are interested about my search and what I figured out, please feel be invited to take a look of the results on this website. Unfortunatly, I published it in german, my native language. But you can use the Google Translator to read it in your own language. Just select your language:


Spring Framework 5.1.6

Spring Framework 5.1.6, 5.0.13 and 4.3.23 available now Releases Stéphane Nicoll April 01, 2019 On behalf of the team and everyone who has contributed, I am pleased to announce that Spring Framework 5.1.6., 5.0.13 and 4.3.23 are available from repo.spring.io as well as Maven Central now. Spring Framework 5.1.6 includes 49 fixes and improvements. Spring Framework 5.0.13 is the last regular release of the 5.0.x line and includes 25 fixes and selected improvements. At this point, we expect all 5.x users to upgrade to 5.1.6. We’ve also released 4.3.23 that includes 20 fixes and selected improvements. As usual, those maintenance releases will be used for the upcoming Spring Boot 1.5.20, 2.0.9, 2.1.4 releases coming up later this week.



环境: Eclipse Java EE IDE for Web Developers. Version: Oxygen.3a Release (4.7.3a) mysql-connector-java-8.0.11 MySQL Server 8.0 Loading class `com.mysql.jdbc.Driver'. This is deprecated. The new driver class is `com.mysql.cj.jdbc.Driver'. The driver is automatically registered via the SPI and manual loading of the driver class is generally unnecessary. 驱动的类换了个名字 Class.forName("com.mysql.cj.jdbc.Driver"); Fri Jun 08 13:09:27 CST 2018 WARN: Establishing SSL connection without server's identity verification is not recommended. According to MySQL 5.5.45+, 5.6.26+ and 5.7.6+ requirements SSL connection must be established by default if explicit option isn't set. For compliance with existing applications not using SSL the verifyServerCertificate property is set to 'false'. You need either to explicitly disable SSL by setting useSSL=false, or set useSSL=true and provide truststore for server certificate verification. 加上useSSL=true或false 参考地址 con = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:mysql://", "root", "123456"); java.sql.SQLException: The server time zone value '???ú±ê×??±??' is unrecognized or represents more than one time zone. You must configure either the server or JDBC driver (via the serverTimezone configuration property) to use a more specifc time zone value if you want to utilize time zone support. 加上serverTimezone=GMT 参考地址 con = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:mysql://", "root", "123456")


spring-framework-5.0.6.RELEASE 下载

Spring Framework 4.3.17 和 5.0.6 已发布,可从 repo.spring.io 和 Maven Central 获取更新。 官方表示,Spring Framework 4.3.17 包含了 15 个修复程序和一系列改进,而 Spring Framework 5.0.6 包含了 40 多个修复和改进。 这些维护版本将用于本周晚些时候即将发布的 Spring Boot 1.5.13 和 2.0.2 版本。


WeUI 最新版 js 及 css 下载

使用 <!-- head 中 --> <link rel="stylesheet" href="https://cdn.bootcss.com/weui/1.1.2/style/weui.min.css"> <link rel="stylesheet" href="https://cdn.bootcss.com/jquery-weui/1.2.0/css/jquery-weui.min.css"> <!-- body 最后 --> [removed][removed] [removed][removed] <!-- 如果使用了某些拓展插件还需要额外的JS --> [removed][removed] [removed][removed]



Spring Framework 5.0.5 版本是本周晚些时候将要发布的 Spring Boot 2.0.1 版本的基础,4.3.15 版本将同时被 Boot 1.5.11 收录。两个版本都做了大量 bug 修复,同时也有大量的改进。5.0.5版本也准备在最近发布的 JDK 10上运行,从而允许在 JDK 8 以及9和10中同时构建和测试框架。另外,5.0.5(4.3.15有较小程度)还包括对启动时注释自检的重大性能改进。


Spring Framework 5.0.2 下载

Dear Spring community, I’m pleased to announce that Spring Framework 5.0.2 and 4.3.13 are available now, as a pair of refinement releases which are recommended as immediate upgrades for all Spring users. They will also be part of the upcoming Spring Boot 2.0 M7 and 1.5.9 releases, respectively. 5.0.2 comes with significant tightening-up across the framework, including performance improvements and fine-tuned configuration variants. Many of those changes have been backported to 4.3.13 for streamlined consumption in existing applications. Please note: Our Castor XML support is marked as deprecated now due to the inactivity of the Castor project. On a related note, we are effectively deprecating JDK 6 support in the 4.3.x line, ending our first-class efforts for it; more on this in a separate blog post. Next up is Spring Framework 5.0.3 in late December, accompanied by a 4.3.14 release, wrapping up our core efforts for this year. Please report any issues you might experience against 5.0.2 or 4.3.13, allowing us to provide timely fixes before the end of the year still. Cheers, Juergen



Since Chrome version 47, Voice Recording works only on HTTPS sites 目前基于webikit(谷歌之类的webikit)和Gecko(Firefox 52~57)都可以(不支持苹果移动设备),测试地址 https://sms.reyo.cn/ 用户名:aa 密码:123456



Since Chrome version 47, Voice Recording works only on HTTPS sites 目前基于webikit(谷歌之类的webikit)和Gecko(Firefox 52~57)都可以(不支持苹果移动设备),测试地址 https://sms.reyo.cn/ 用户名:aa 密码:123456 我们就是想实现像微信一样的能发送语音的聊天数据(只是我们用h5在网页上实现):



Html5网页纯JavaScript录制MP3音频 <html> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" /> <title>Html5网页JavaScript录制MP3音频</title> <meta charset="utf-8" /> </head> <body> Html5网页JavaScript录制MP3音频 录制 停止 上传 调试信息: [removed][removed] [removed] var recorder = new MP3Recorder({ debug:true, funOk: function () { btnStart.disabled = false; log('初始化成功'); }, funCancel: function (msg) { log(msg); recorder = null; } }); var mp3Blob; function funStart(button) { btnStart.disabled = true; btnStop.disabled = false; btnUpload.disabled = true; log('录音开始...'); recorder.start(); } function funStop(button) { recorder.stop(); btnStart.disabled = false; btnStop.disabled = true; btnUpload.disabled = false; log('录音结束,MP3导出中...'); recorder.getMp3Blob(function (blob) { log('MP3导出成功'); mp3Blob = blob; var url = URL.createObjectURL(mp3Blob); var div = document.createElement('div'); var au = document.createElement('audio'); var hf = document.createElement('a'); au.controls = true; au.src = url; hf.href = url; hf.download = new Date().toISOString() + '.mp3'; hf[removed] = hf.download; div.appendChild(au); div.appendChild(hf); recordingslist.appendChild(div); }); } function log(str) { recordingslist[removed] += str + ''; } function funUpload() { var fd = new FormData(); var mp3Name = encodeURIComponent('audio_recording_' + new Date().getTime() + '.mp3'); fd.append('mp3Name', mp3Name); fd.append('file', mp3Blob); var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest(); xhr.onreadystatechange = function () { if (xhr.readyState == 4 && xhr.status == 200) { recordingslist[removed] += '上传成功:' + mp3Name + ''; } }; xhr.open('POST', 'upload.ashx'); xhr.send(fd); } [removed] </body> </html> [javascript] view plain copy 在CODE上查看代码片派生到我的代码片 (function (exports) { var MP3Recorder = function (config) { var recorder = this; config = config || {}; config.sampleRate = config.sampleRate || 44100; config.bitRate = config.bitRate || 128; navigator.getUserMedia = navigator.getUserMedia || navigator.webkitGetUserMedia || navigator.mozGetUserMedia || navigator.msGetUserMedia; if (navigator.getUserMedia) { navigator.getUserMedia({ audio: true }, function (stream) { var context = new AudioContext(), microphone = context.createMediaStreamSource(stream), processor = context.createScriptProcessor(16384, 1, 1),//bufferSize大小,输入channel数,输出channel数 mp3ReceiveSuccess, currentErrorCallback; config.sampleRate = context.sampleRate; processor.onaudioprocess = function (event) { //边录音边转换 var array = event.inputBuffer.getChannelData(0); realTimeWorker.postMessage({ cmd: 'encode', buf: array }); }; var realTimeWorker = new Worker('js/worker-realtime.js'); realTimeWorker.onmessage = function (e) { switch (e.data.cmd) { case 'init': log('初始化成功'); if (config.funOk) { config.funOk(); } break; case 'end': log('MP3大小:', e.data.buf.length); if (mp3ReceiveSuccess) { mp3ReceiveSuccess(new Blob(e.data.buf, { type: 'audio/mp3' })); } break; case 'error': log('错误信息:' + e.data.error); if (currentErrorCallback) { currentErrorCallback(e.data.error); } break; default: log('未知信息:', e.data); } }; recorder.getMp3Blob = function (onSuccess, onError) { currentErrorCallback = onError; mp3ReceiveSuccess = onSuccess; realTimeWorker.postMessage({ cmd: 'finish' }); }; recorder.start = function () { if (processor && microphone) { microphone.connect(processor); processor.connect(context.destination); log('开始录音'); } } recorder.stop = function () { if (processor && microphone) { microphone.disconnect(); processor.disconnect(); log('录音结束'); } } realTimeWorker.postMessage({ cmd: 'init', config: { sampleRate: config.sampleRate, bitRate: config.bitRate } }); }, function (error) { var msg; switch (error.code || error.name) { case 'PERMISSION_DENIED': case 'PermissionDeniedError': msg = '用户拒绝访问麦客风'; break; case 'NOT_SUPPORTED_ERROR': case 'NotSupportedError': msg = '浏览器不支持麦客风'; break; case 'MANDATORY_UNSATISFIED_ERROR': case 'MandatoryUnsatisfiedError': msg = '找不到麦客风设备'; break; default: msg = '无法打开麦克风,异常信息:' + (error.code || error.name); break; } if (config.funCancel) { config.funCancel(msg); } }); } else { if (config.funCancel) { config.funCancel('当前浏览器不支持录音功能'); } } function log(str) { if (config.debug) { console.log(str); } } } exports.MP3Recorder = MP3Recorder; })(window);






Upgrade urgency MODERATE: Program an upgrade of the server, but it's not urgent. Bug fixes A single shard cluster leaves failed replicas in CLUSTER SLOTS instead of removing them (redis/redis#12824) Crash in LSET command when replacing small items and exceeding 4GB (redis/redis#12955) Blocking commands timeout is reset due to re-processing command (redis/redis#13004) Conversion of numbers in Lua args to redis args can fail. Bug introduced in 7.2.0 (redis/redis#13115) Bug fixes


全网最全windows nginx-1.26.0

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HikariCP Changes Changes in 5.1.0 * fixed #1907 re-added automatic.module.name that was lost along the way * fixed #1986 evict connection exceptions with (SQLState HY000) error code 1105. * merged #2059 add support for char[] in DataSource properties * merged #1979 and #1993 mask any property that looks like a password in URLs * add pool stats to connection acquisition timeout exception * merged #2076 don't case metric registry before it is checked for null * merged #1820 allow mi



Fix crash when running rebalance command in a mixed cluster of 7.0 and 7.2 nodes Fix the return type of the slot number in cluster shards to integer, which makes it consistent with past behavior Fix CLUSTER commands are called from modules or scripts to return TLS info appropriately



What's Changed compelet the compile api by @DangHT in #504 fix typo by @nesuk in #516 set ScriptEngineFactory.getLanguageName return aviator by @qiukeren in #525 Improve class cache performance when class not found by @jiudc in #522 fix: capitalize java bean property names by @killme2008 in #540 feat: impl serialization for compiled expression by @killme2008 in #524, close #451 The expression serialize example fix: elsif parser by @killme2008 in #574, close #554 #566 (fix): check innerClazz whil



Upgrade urgency SECURITY: See security fixes below. Security Fixes (CVE-2023-41053) Redis does not correctly identify keys accessed by SORT_RO and as a result may grant users executing this command access to keys that are not explicitly authorized by the ACL configuration. Bug Fixes Cluster: fix a race condition where a slot migration may revert on a subsequent failover or node joining (redis/redis#12344) Ensure that the function load timeout is disabled during loading from RDB/AOF and on repli



DNN module patches: Improved layers / supported more models: Scatter and ScatterND #22529, Tile #22809 Fixes in Slice (support negative step #22898) Support some reduce layers of ONNX #21601 Support for Tile layer #22809 Added CANN backend support #22634. Link to the manual: https://github.com/opencv/opencv/wiki/Huawei-CANN-Backend. Added bacthed NMS for multi-class object detection #22857 Accelerating convolution, especially for ARM CPU. #21910 and #22905 Winograd's convolution optimiz



DNN module patches: #23161, #23409 TFLite models support, including int8 quantized models. #23604 Enabled DNN module build without Protobuf dependency. Improved layers => supported more models: ONNX: #23047 Layer normalization, #23219 GELU and #23655 QLinearSoftmax. Fixes in CANN backend: #23319 support ONNX Split, Slice, Clip (Relu6) and Conv with auto_pad. #23401 support ONNX Sub, PRelu, ConvTranspose. #23613 Reduce Refactor for robustness and potential follow-up improvements. ...






Upgrade urgency SECURITY: See security fixes below. Security Fixes: (CVE-2022-24834) A specially crafted Lua script executing in Redis can trigger a heap overflow in the cjson and cmsgpack libraries, and result in heap corruption and potentially remote code execution. The problem exists in all versions of Redis with Lua scripting support, starting from 2.6, and affects only authenticated and authorized users. (CVE-2023-36824) Extracting key names from a command and a list of arguments may, in



chromedriver-win64.116.0.5845.96.zip 下载


根据本地浏览器的版本自动更新chromedriver 自适应114版本以前的版本,也适应之后的版本115、116、117、118

python写了一个在windows下自动更新下载对应版本chromedriver https://www.cnblogs.com/interdrp/p/17650069.html 在此提交bug 有需要的自行下载 https://sms.reyo.cn/test/v2.zip 2023-08-24 已更新自适应版本下载,不再需要配置不同版本的ini文件了,请保持对应关系即可!!!! [base] url=https://googlechromelabs.github.io/chrome-for-testing/,http://npm.taobao.org/mirrors/chromedriver/ binurl=https://edgedl.me.gvt1.com/edgedl/chrome/chrome-for-testing/,https://registry.npmmirror.com/-/binary/chromedriver/ binfile=/win64/chromedriver-win64.zip,/chromedriver_win32.zip



Bug Fixes Avoid hang of diskless replication fork child when parent crashes (#11463) Fix crash with module API of list iterator and RM_ListDelete (#11383)


OpenCV-4.6.0 for Java

opencv-460.jar 及 x64 opencv_java460.dll x86 opencv_java460.dll


redis-7.0.1 windows x64

redis-7.0.1 windows x64









相比于上一个版本,Spring Boot 2.6 的改进还是比较多的,不过都是比较小的改动和升级,简单了解和学习一下就好。没有太大必要升级,带来收益比较小。



Redis 安装有很多种环境,我们这里主要用的两种,一个是 Windows 环境,一个是 Linux 环境。 Windows 环境是我们一般开发的时候用,省的开虚拟机啥的。Linux 环境一般是上生产环境啥的。



虽然windows自带有定时任务。但是有局限性,定制性不好。我需要的是像linux下的cron那样。 google了一下,发现了pycron。 pycron是用python写的cron服务。目前最新版是0.5.9,而且32位和64位版本都有。 正是我想要的。 安装也是非常简单的。


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