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转载 String Format for DateTime [C#]

http://www.csharp-examples.net/string-format-datetime/String Format for DateTime [C#]This example shows how to format DateTime using String.Format method. All formatting can be done also u

2012-07-06 12:42:28 756

转载 C# MessageBox.Show

http://www.dotnetperls.com/messagebox-showDialog boxes interrupt users. They force users to respond before further action is taken. This is necessary in some situations. It is useful if a warnin

2012-07-06 10:09:53 1102

原创 New in WCF 4.0 Note & Filters for Message Logging Note

http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ee354381.aspxUsing Filters for Message Logging            -WindowsCommunication Foundation (WCF) message logging can be customized using anXPathfilter

2012-05-27 18:21:10 957 1

原创 Cryptography Note

Symmetric Cryptography (fast, one key)            - DES (dataencryption standard)                        -56-bitkey            - 3DES                        -3different keys, each key is 56

2012-05-27 15:15:03 407

转载 Learning WCF - Security Note

Fundamental security conceptsAuthentication                -We typically think aboutauthentication as identifying the message sender. Mutual authentication involves authenticating both the sender

2012-05-07 15:19:58 690

原创 Windows Communication Foundation Top to Bottom Video Note

WCF SecurityBasic Concept:                -MutualAuthentication: sender and receiver to identity one another                -Authorization:rights I have                 -Confidentiality:view/h

2012-04-30 01:56:28 761

原创 WCF Useful Command

netsh http add urlacl url=http://+:8000/ user=UserNamenetsh http show urlaclnetsh http delete urlacl url=http://+:8000/In the Visual Studio Command Prompt window, runthe command:svcutil Sh

2012-04-18 00:23:11 451

转载 WCF Message Size Quotas

http://geekswithblogs.net/smyers/archive/2011/10/05/wcf-service-message-timeouts-size-limits-tips-and-tricks.aspxvice Message Timeouts, Size Limits, Tips and TricksWednesday, October 05, 2011

2012-03-29 15:07:16 761

原创 DotNet Web Coding Best Practice

Web Coding1. Page Structure Overview#region properties // private const variable // private variable // property#endregion#region method#endregion#region event handler#endregion#

2012-03-22 22:22:56 489

原创 Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) Firestarter Note

WCFSOA (Service Oriented Architecture)-It is not a product. It is an architecture and design paradigmProblem in Procedural Programming (application were developed by continuously calling fun

2012-02-23 17:40:27 624

转载 Understanding FastCGI and “Gotchas” with Running Native Code

Refer to Programming Windows AzureIn the early days of the Web, most web servers used Common Gateway Interface (CGI) programs to execute code on incoming requests, and return a response to theus

2012-02-20 11:17:17 548

转载 Windows Azure Diagnostics Note

refer to : Microsoft Windows Azure Development CookbookThe configuration of Windows Azure Diagnostics is performed at the instance level. The code to do that configuration is at the role level, bu

2012-02-20 10:11:09 569

原创 SQL Azure Note

SQL Azure ArchitectureOne machine-oneSQL Server            -one"SQL DB" (physical database)                        -oneLogfile one mdf file                                    -a lot of parti

2012-02-19 23:34:33 514

原创 Windows Azure Appfabric ACS Note

Access Control Service (ACS) provides a facility forabstractingyour authentication code, as well asmapping disparate claims from multiple identity providers into a single token and claim structure.

2012-02-12 23:58:55 726

转载 SQL Azure Transactions

Handling Transactions in SQL Azurehttp://social.technet.microsoft.com/wiki/contents/articles/handling-transactions-in-sql-azure.aspxLocal TransactionsSQL Azure supports local transacti

2012-02-05 02:05:11 709

原创 Windows Azure VM Role Note

VM Role            -GreatControl VM Level, To migrate existing application            -hosted onwindows imageVM Role is PaaSThe first thing to note about the VM role in its current formis th

2012-02-05 01:20:43 682

原创 Windows Azure Virtual Network Connect & Traffic Manager Note

Windows Azure Connect (Jan 2011): http://www.microsoft.com/en-gb/showcase/details.aspx?uuid=c7764a37-be8e-4c47-b908-837a4f0b3059Cloud Computing in PaaS with Windows Azure Connect (Part 2/2) http://b

2012-02-02 00:47:35 1149

原创 Windows Azure Appfabric Service Bus Code

Service BusQueueQueueDescriptionSessionDuplicate Message DetectTransactionDefer MessageDelete Letter QueueSender:using System;using System.Collections.Generic;using System.Linq;us

2012-01-31 18:22:50 1079

原创 Windows Azure Appfabric Service Bus Note

Service Bushttp://windowsazurecat.com/2011/07/exploring-topics-and-queues-by-building-a-service-bus-explorer-toolpart-1/“Understanding Windows Azure AppFabric Queues (and Topics)”video on the

2012-01-31 00:43:13 662

转载 use Fiddler to debug Development Fabric

http://blogs.msdn.com/b/partlycloudy/archive/2009/12/08/configuring-the-storage-client-with-connection-strings.aspxDevelopment storage connection stringsThere are only two options you ca

2012-01-30 17:30:26 580

原创 Windows Azure Platform 2nd Edition Note 2

NamingService                -The Naming service allows youto assign DNS-capable names to your service, which makes the serviceeasilyresolvable over the Internet.ServiceRegistry                -

2012-01-29 23:47:23 493

原创 Microsoft Press Windows Azure Step by Step Note

WCF Data Services and ODataOpen DataProtocol (OData) is an emerging protocol for querying and updating data acrossthe web. Ituses existing technologies such as HTTP, JSON (JavaScript Object Nota

2012-01-29 21:34:14 588

原创 Windows Azure Platform 2nd Edition Note

How will cloud computing help? To understand, let’s go backto the original business requirement:the business owner has an immediate need to deploy an application, and the timeframe is within three

2012-01-29 02:37:45 664

原创 Programming Windows Azure Note

Cloud Computing It is data center resources delivered like tap water. It is always on, and you pay only for what you use.Microsoft describes Windows Azure as an “operating systemfor the cloud.”OS

2012-01-28 12:59:59 1152

原创 Azure Storage Note - Code

Two approaches to create storage client via Azure Client Library via connection stringvia base URI and storage credentialusing System;using System.Collections.Generic;using System.Linq;

2012-01-18 23:03:07 801

原创 Azure Storage Note

Windows Azure Storage-Availability-Durability-ScalabilityBasic Knowledge-PartitionKey                                -Blob - Container name + BlobName

2012-01-16 20:04:56 697

原创 Conditional Update (Optimistic Concurrency)

Windows Azure provides a number of mechanisms to help developers deal with concurrency around storage:Blobs and tables use optimistic concurrency (via ETags) to ensure that two concurrent changes

2012-01-09 23:42:16 521

原创 Windows Azure Learning Note (5)

ACSAndWindowsPhone7ACSV2FederationAdvanced Web and Worker Roles            -Exercise1: Registering Sites, Applications, and Virtual Directories                        -one web role can host mu

2011-12-27 18:10:59 1169

原创 Windows Azure Learning Note (4) - Updating

Moving an Existing Database to the CloudThe SetForeignKeyEnabledStatus stored procedure will be used todisable foreign key constraints during data migration. This will permit you to load your ta

2011-12-23 13:09:25 417

原创 Windows Azure Learning Note (3)

PARTITION DATAPartitioning support in Azure can be summarised as follows: Table entities are horizontally partitioned on partition key Blobs are partitioned based on their container Queue

2011-12-19 11:47:06 697

原创 Windows Azure Learning Note (2)

Learning windows azure: http://channel9.msdn.com/Events/windowsazure/learnWhy Cloud-Save time and money-Enable new scenariosWindows Azure-Usage Based-Automated-restful API-Ma

2011-12-18 22:43:54 742

原创 Windows Azure Learning Note (1)

Package Software            unit:DiskInfrustruction As Service            unit:box=>Amazon EC2Platfrom As Service            unit:Application=> Windows Azure Software As Service

2011-12-18 22:02:03 824

原创 Troubleshooting - Using Azure Dev Fabric Log File

c:\users\\AppData\Local\dftmp\DevFCLogsc:\users\\AppData\Local\dftmp\DFAgentLogsScenarios:When I first start Azure project, I encountered the issue as http://stackoverflow.com/questi

2011-11-09 14:31:27 1017

原创 WCF Note9(Configuring Tracing, Microsoft Service Trace Viewer)

Configuring Tracing http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms733025.aspx <add name="xml" type="System.Diagnostics.XmlWriterTraceListener"

2011-11-08 16:30:20 559

转载 IIS & Application Pool & App Domain & ...

http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13319996/httpmodules-and-global-asax-asp-net-page-life-cycleASP.NET applications in IIS are structured like my image below. I know it is probably scary looking

2013-09-30 16:45:51 1569

转载 AOP - Interception with Unity 2.0

http://www.palmmedia.de/Blog/2010/9/26/aop-interception-with-unity-20Blog > AOP - Interception with Unity 2.0AOP - Interception with Unity 2.0Unity is a well known dependency injection conta

2013-09-04 23:27:53 959

转载 SmtpClient deliveryMethod

http://bartwullems.blogspot.sg/2010/02/smtpclient-deliverymethod.htmlSmtpClient deliveryMethodOne of the nice but little known possibilities of the System.Net.Mail.SmtpClient class is

2013-08-29 23:08:10 1153

原创 Ajax and ASP.Net Web Service

Web Service (ASMX, ASPX, WCF ) and Ajax Call1.      Use JQuery Ajax call ASMX web method directlyThe reason need to add [System.Web.Script.Services.ScriptService] is Ajax does not support SOAP mes

2013-08-11 12:56:00 1014

原创 lock in C#

http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/c5kehkcz(v=vs.110).aspxlock ensures that one thread does not enter a critical section while another thread is in the critical section of code. If another

2013-07-04 22:48:50 648

转载 Implementing the Singleton Pattern in C#

http://www.yoda.arachsys.com/csharp/singleton.htmlImplementing the Singleton Pattern in C#The singleton pattern is one of the best-known patterns in software engineering. Essentially, a sing

2013-07-04 00:54:12 507

MCTS Self-Paced Training Kit(70-516)

EXAM PREP GUIDE Ace your preparation for the skills measured by MCTS Exam 70-516—and on the job—with this official Microsoft study guide. Work at your own pace through a series of lessons and reviews that fully cover each exam objective. Then, reinforce and apply what you’ve learned through real-world case scenarios and practice exercises. Maximize your performance on the exam by mastering the skills and experience measured by these objectives: Modeling data Managing connections and context Querying data Manipulating data Developing and deploying reliable applications PRACTICE TESTS Assess your skills with the practice tests on CD. You can work through hundreds of questions using multiple testing modes to meet your specific learning needs. You get detailed explanations for right and wrong answers—including a customized learning path that describes how and where to focus your studies.


Microsoft Press Windows Azure Step by Step

Teach yourself how to build and host scalable applications in the cloud using Windows Azure—one step at a time. Ideal for those with basic programming skills, this tutorial provides practical, learn-by-doing exercises for working with the core services and features of the Windows Azure platform. Discover how to: Extend your existing skills to the cloud development model Build a simple web role application and deploy it to the cloud Create a worker role project to perform backend processes Store persistent data with Windows Azure Storage Develop a scalable database application in the cloud using Microsoft SQL Azure™ Connect several cloud-based applications with Windows Azure AppFabric Design a multitiered solution that can scale to meet user demand



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