Getting started with windbg - part II

This is a continuation of my previous post with the imaginative name Getting started with windbg - part I. I'll be assuming that you've read it, so if you haven't I suggest you check it out first. We're still working with the same sample dump, so I'll pretty much pick up right where we left off.

More useful commands

Last time we used some nice commands from the sos-extension to look at the running callstacks, the requests, the CPU load of the threads, etc. We also dug deeper into the callstack to see what distinguished name we used for a SearchRequest. We'll keep using these commands, but also learn a few new ones.

!dumpstackobjects (!dso)

Now, imagine that we're looking at a specific thread and would like to see all managed objects referenced to by the current stack. Is there a way for us to do this? - There most certainly is. It's called dumpstackobjects, or dso for short. If we run it on the current thread we'll see a listing of objects that are referenced by the callstack. The whole output would look something like this (trimmed down to size):

0:050> !dso
OS Thread Id: 0x1e8c (50)
ESP/REG  Object   Name
17a9e534 0741f860 System.RuntimeType
17a9e6b8 271fdfe0 System.DirectoryServices.Protocols.LdapConnection
17a9e6bc 27246f20 System.DirectoryServices.Protocols.SEC_WINNT_AUTH_IDENTITY_EX
17a9e740 271fdfe0 System.DirectoryServices.Protocols.LdapConnection
17a9e744 27246f20 System.DirectoryServices.Protocols.SEC_WINNT_AUTH_IDENTITY_EX
17a9e764 27246f20 System.DirectoryServices.Protocols.SEC_WINNT_AUTH_IDENTITY_EX
17a9e768 271fdfe0 System.DirectoryServices.Protocols.LdapConnection
17a9e780 271fdfe0 System.DirectoryServices.Protocols.LdapConnection
17a9e784 27246e38 System.DirectoryServices.Protocols.SearchRequest
17a9e794 271fdf14 System.DirectoryServices.Protocols.LdapDirectoryIdentifier
17a9e7a8 27246ef8 System.Collections.ArrayList
17a9e7bc 27246ef8 System.Collections.ArrayList
17a9e7c8 271fdfe0 System.DirectoryServices.Protocols.LdapConnection
17a9e8a4 27246e38 System.DirectoryServices.Protocols.SearchRequest
17a9e8d0 27246ed8 System.Object[]    (System.Object[])
17a9e8e0 073ff6b8 System.String    cn
17a9e8e4 271fdfe0 System.DirectoryServices.Protocols.LdapConnection
17a9e8f4 27246d00 System.String    CN=Dummy,CN=Accounts,CN=useradm,DC=Dummy,DC=net
17a9e8f8 271fdfe0 System.DirectoryServices.Protocols.LdapConnection
17a9e8fc 27246e38 System.DirectoryServices.Protocols.SearchRequest
17a9e910 03380310 System.String    
17a9e914 27246e24 System.Object[]    (System.String[])
17a9e918 272399a8 System.String    CN=OID-Dummy-ABC123,CN=Dummy,CN=Accounts,CN=useradm,DC=Dummy,DC=net
17a9e91c 27246ddc System.String    (CN=OID-Dummy-ABC123)

This is extremely useful when we want to see all the objects referenced by this thread alone. If you want to analyze one of the objects, simply copy the the address from the Object-column and use !dumpobject:

0:050> !do 271fdfe0 
Name: System.DirectoryServices.Protocols.LdapConnection
MethodTable: 14a2040c
EEClass: 149daf08
Size: 56(0x38) bytes
      MT    Field   Offset                 Type VT     Attr    Value Name
14a2078c  40000c3        4 ...NetworkCredential  0 instance 00000000 directoryCredential
14a2144c  40000c4        8 ...ificateCollection  0 instance 271fe018 certificatesCollection
1202af88  40000c5       10      System.TimeSpan  1 instance 271fdff0 connectionTimeOut
1466fe50  40000c6        c ...rectoryIdentifier  0 instance 271fdf14 directoryIdentifier
14a2034c  4000236       24         System.Int32  0 instance        2 connectionAuthType
14a223a4  4000237       18 ...dapSessionOptions  0 instance 271fe2d8 options
0fb896d8  4000238       28        System.IntPtr  0 instance 564180944 ldapHandle
120261c8  4000239       2c       System.Boolean  0 instance        0 disposed
120261c8  400023a       2d       System.Boolean  0 instance        0 bounded
120261c8  400023b       2e       System.Boolean  0 instance        0 needRebind
14a22084  400023e       1c ...pResponseCallback  0 instance 271fe03c fd
120261c8  4000243       2f       System.Boolean  0 instance        0 setFQDNDone
120261c8  4000244       30       System.Boolean  0 instance        1 automaticBind
120261c8  4000245       31       System.Boolean  0 instance        1 needDispose
120261c8  4000246       32       System.Boolean  0 instance        1 connected
14a2267c  4000247       20 ...s.QUERYCLIENTCERT  0 instance 271fe394 clientCertificateRoutine
0fd314bc  400023c       20 ...ections.Hashtable  0   shared   static handleTable
    >> Domain:Value  0019daf0:NotInit  11b42540:073fe504 <<
02c36ca0  400023d       24        System.Object  0   shared   static objectLock
    >> Domain:Value  0019daf0:NotInit  11b42540:073fe53c <<
0fd314bc  400023f       28 ...ections.Hashtable  0   shared   static asyncResultTable
    >> Domain:Value  0019daf0:NotInit  11b42540:073fe610 <<
14a21864  4000240       2c ...lResultsProcessor  0   shared   static partialResultsProcessor
    >> Domain:Value  0019daf0:NotInit  11b42540:073fe678 <<
12305e94  4000241       30 ....ManualResetEvent  0   shared   static waitHandle
    >> Domain:Value  0019daf0:NotInit  11b42540:073fe64c <<
14a21954  4000242       34 ...lResultsRetriever  0   shared   static retriever
    >> Domain:Value  0019daf0:NotInit  11b42540:073fe6a8 <<


!dumparray (!da)

As you might have noticed we have a couple of object arrays on the stack. Look for the System.Object[]-type in the listing above and you'll find them. If you execute !dumpobject on an array you'll only get information about the array itself, not it's contents. To get information about what's in the array we need to use the !dumparray-command, or !da for short.

0:050> !do 27239b98 
Name: System.Object[]
MethodTable: 02c3896c
EEClass: 02c388ec
Size: 24(0x18) bytes
Array: Rank 1, Number of elements 2, Type CLASS
Element Type: System.String

0:050> !da 27239b98 
Name: System.String[]
MethodTable: 02c3896c
EEClass: 02c388ec
Size: 24(0x18) bytes
Array: Rank 1, Number of elements 2, Type CLASS
Element Methodtable: 02c39310
[0] 272399a8
[1] 27239a44

As you can see the !dumparray-command gives us a bit more information about the object. We can see that it contains System.String data and we get the addresses of the two items in the array. Since they're System.String-objects we can simply use !dumpobject to view their contents.


If you look at the listing above you'll see that the size of the object is listed as 24 bytes. To paraphrase Obi Wan Kenobi: "This is true, from a certain point of view." The 24 bytes are the size of the System.Object[]-object itself. Not it's contents. As you can see when we execute !dumparray, the array only contains two references to two strings. These strings are individual objects and could be 32 MB for all we know, so the 24 bytes are not the totalsize of the array, but it would still be correct to claim that the System.Object[] is only 24 bytes large.

To get the total size of the object we use the !objsize command:

0:050> !objsize 27239b98 
sizeof(27239b98) =          348 (       0x15c) bytes (System.Object[])

!objsize will iterate through all the child objects referenced by the object, as well as all the grandchildren and so on. Apparently the total size of the array and it's child objects is 348 bytes.

If there are a lot of child objects it may take some time for !objsize to calculate the total size of the object. You should also be aware that !objsize may not always be as smart as you'd like. If, for example, you have a custom button control that references it's parent aspx-page you'd get the total size of the aspx-page and all it's child controls. In other words: If !objsize claims that the object in question is ridiculously large you might want to manually check what the object references using !dumpobject.


This is another command that I use frequently. It is, however a command that you will want to use with at least one argument. Dumpheap with no arguments will dump all objects on the heap, so I usually begin by using the -stat argument, which in itself will write a lot of info on the screen, but it will at least be summarized. Here' you'll find the trimmed down output of !dumpheap -stat:

0:050> !dumpheap -stat
Heap 0
total 2754508 objects
Heap 1
total 2761329 objects
total 5515837 objects
      MT    Count    TotalSize Class Name
16e0a6d8        1           12 System.Collections.Generic.ObjectEqualityComparer`1[[System.Data.ProviderBase.DbConnectionInternal, System.Data]]
16d9cd9c        1           12 System.Xml.Serialization.Configuration.DateTimeSerializationSection+DateTimeSerializationMode
16d9bf30        1           12 System.Diagnostics.OrdinalCaseInsensitiveComparer
16d9112c        1           12 System.Xml.Serialization.NameTable
16d7f664        1           12 System.Xml.Serialization.TempAssemblyCache
163ea85c        1           12 System.Data.Res
1501e4c4        1           12 System.Collections.Generic.ObjectEqualityComparer`1[[System.Web.UI.Control, System.Web]]
14efb138        1           12 System.Net.TimeoutValidator
14ef9964        1           12 System.Net.Cache.HttpRequestCacheLevel
14ef77a8        1           12 Microsoft.Win32.WinInetCache
14ef68e4        1           12 System.Net.WebRequest+WebProxyWrapper
14ef658c        1           12 System.Net.Configuration.ProxyElement+BypassOnLocalValues
14ef63d8        1           12 System.Net.Configuration.ProxyElement+AutoDetectValues
14ef5b68        1           12 System.Net.CaseInsensitiveAscii
14ef5610        1           12 System.Net.HeaderInfoTable
14ef4718        1           12 System.Net.HttpRequestCreator
14db6710        1           12 System.Web.Configuration.MachineKeyValidationConverter
14db3140        1           12 System.Collections.Generic.ObjectEqualityComparer`1[[System.Runtime.Serialization.MemberHolder, mscorlib]]
14b3f4d8        1           12 System.Web.UI.SupportsEventValidationAttribute
14a276a8    19578       704808 System.DirectoryServices.Interop.AdsValueHelper
14a2ea24     9196       735680 System.Web.UI.WebControls.Label
14a2e51c    16862       741928 System.Web.UI.WebControls.Style
125778ec    48015       768240 System.Collections.Specialized.NameObjectCollectionBase+NameObjectEntry
120261c8    65842       790104 System.Boolean
14a2ee7c     9198       809424 System.Web.UI.WebControls.Table
14b311c4     9647       810348 System.Web.UI.WebControls.Image
13a2b7dc    34913       837912 System.Web.HttpServerVarsCollectionEntry
14b303a4    10605       848400 System.Web.UI.WebControls.HyperLink
14d8e3d4    77748       932976 Microsoft.Web.UI.WebControls.BaseChildNodeCollection+ActionType
14db90ac    81372       976464 System.Web.UI.WebControls.FontInfo
14b30694    28648      1031328 System.Web.UI.WebControls.TableRow+CellControlCollection
14d8fdbc    38912      1089536 Microsoft.Web.UI.WebControls.TreeNodeCollection
14b3d0bc    86592      1385472 System.Web.UI.Pair
1466c5c4    39305      1414980 System.Web.UI.ControlCollection
14d8e48c    77748      1865952 Microsoft.Web.UI.WebControls.BaseChildNodeCollection+Action
1545061c    38874      2176944 Microsoft.Web.UI.WebControls.TreeNode
14b30eec    52668      2317392 System.Web.UI.WebControls.TableItemStyle
14a2f804    28515      2395260 System.Web.UI.WebControls.TableRow
14a2be6c    40894      2453640 System.Web.UI.LiteralControl
0fd3da00   228792      2745504 System.Int32
14b3e3ac   244793      2937516 System.Web.UI.IndexedString
14a2de94   198580      3177280 System.Web.UI.StateBag
1466c454    80512      3542528 System.Web.UI.Control+OccasionalFields
12302c2c   205849      4116980 System.Collections.Specialized.HybridDictionary
14b30024    52934      4446456 System.Web.UI.WebControls.TableCell
12302f2c   178294      4992232 System.Collections.Specialized.ListDictionary
14a2e284   412762      6604192 System.Web.UI.StateItem
14d8ce64   117078      7024680 Microsoft.Web.UI.WebControls.CssCollection
0fd314bc   132065      7395640 System.Collections.Hashtable
1230319c   422580      8451600 System.Collections.Specialized.ListDictionary+DictionaryNode
1202a58c   380438      9130512 System.Collections.ArrayList
0fd32050   133000     22582944 System.Collections.Hashtable+bucket[]
02c3896c   649842     23275900 System.Object[]
0fd3c12c     3471     36385536 System.Byte[]
001fee20      338     65409920      Free
02c39310   683083    161821000 System.String
Total 5515837 objects
Fragmented blocks larger than 0.5 MB:
    Addr     Size      Followed by
2adf31cc    2.0MB         2aff85d8 System.String
2b006a2c   20.3MB         2c4530d8 System.Net.SocketAddress

As you can see we now get a listing sorted by size of all object-types on the heap. You'll usually find strings down at the bottom since that's what is commonly used the most.

Other useful arguments are -type and -mt (which stands for MethodTable). Using them you're able to see all objects of a specific type. For example. If we want to look at all HttpRequestCreators on the heap (there are one) you'll simply copy it's MethodTable which you'll find in the listing above (14ef4718) and use !dumpheap -mt

0:050> !dumpheap -mt 14ef4718        
Heap 0
Address       MT     Size
0342ccf8 14ef4718       12     
total 1 objects
Heap 1
Address       MT     Size
total 0 objects
total 1 objects
      MT    Count    TotalSize Class Name
14ef4718        1           12 System.Net.HttpRequestCreator

This gives us the address of the object and if we'd like to inspect it closer we simply use !dumpobject on that address.

!dumpheap -type works pretty much the same way, except this time you filter the results by class name. !dumpheap -type performs a substring match, so if you write !dumpheap -type System.Web you'll get every object who's class name contains System.Web, which would be a lot.

Other useful arguments are -min and -max which accept a number representing the minimum/maximum number of bytes the object size should be. This can be really useful when troubleshooting string-abuse, etc. Also !dumpheap -stat -min 85000 would list all objects on the large object heap.

Putting the tools to use

I'd now like to use the commands we've covered in a bit more practical scenario. The dump we've been looking at is from a previous case of mine. The application in question was running on a Web garden with two workerprocesses. Session State was handled by a SQL Server. The customer was experiencing performance issues and the problem description was hazy at best. Anyway I had tons of dumps to work with, so I simply poked around to see what I could find. One thing I did pretty early on was to look at caching. According to the customer they weren't using the cache at all, but I usually find it best to double-check this type of thing.

Determining the size of the cache

To find out how much data was kept in the cache I first needed to find the System.Web.Caching.Cache class. So I ran !dumpheap -stat -type System.Web.Caching.Cache. Note that I also used the -stat argument. Otherwise I would have gotten a very long list of System.Web.Caching.CacheKeys and System.Web.Caching.CacheEntrys as well. Anyway, here's the result:

0:050> !dumpheap -type System.Web.Caching.Cache -stat
Heap 0
total 665 objects
Heap 1
total 1084 objects
total 1749 objects
      MT    Count    TotalSize Class Name
123056f8        1           12 System.Web.Caching.CacheKeyComparer
1230494c        1           12 System.Web.Caching.Cache
1230500c        1           24 System.Web.Caching.CacheMultiple
1230514c        1           32 System.Web.Caching.CacheMemoryStats
123053b4        1           36 System.Web.Caching.CacheMemoryTotalMemoryPressure
123059bc        2           40 System.Web.Caching.CacheUsage
12304bdc        1           48 System.Web.Caching.CacheCommon
123054f4        1           52 System.Web.Caching.CacheMemoryPrivateBytesPressure
12305874        2           64 System.Web.Caching.CacheExpires
12304e64        2          200 System.Web.Caching.CacheSingle
1255b594       85         1360 System.Web.Caching.CacheDependency+DepFileInfo
123046c4       40         1440 System.Web.Caching.CacheDependency
123042ec       47         1504 System.Web.Caching.CacheItemRemovedCallback
123063fc      832        16640 System.Web.Caching.CacheKey
12306820      732        52704 System.Web.Caching.CacheEntry
Total 1749 objects

Okay, so now I had the MethodTable for the System.Web.Caching.Cache object. Therefore I could now get the address to the object itself. I did this by asking !dumpheap to list all the objects on the heap with that MethodTable. I knew that there was just going to be one hit:

0:050> !dumpheap -mt 1230494c        
Heap 0
Address       MT     Size
03392d20 1230494c       12     
total 1 objects
Heap 1
Address       MT     Size
total 0 objects
total 1 objects
      MT    Count    TotalSize Class Name
1230494c        1           12 System.Web.Caching.Cache
Total 1 objects

So now I ran !objsize on this object to see how big it was. This took a little time to calculate, since the cache is quite complex and there are a lot of children to iterate through.

0:050> !objsize 03392d20 
sizeof(03392d20) =    266640828 (   0xfe49dbc) bytes (System.Web.Caching.Cache)

So the cache is 266 MB in size. That's quite a lot considering the fact that the customer claimed that they weren't using the cache at all!

What is being cached?

To sample what the customer was caching I then took a look at a few of the CacheEntrys. I already had the MethodTable for the System.Web.Caching.CacheEntry from when I ran !dumpheap -type System.Web.Caching.Cache -stat (above), so I could use that to retrieve all CacheEntrys.

0:050> !dumpheap -mt 12306820      
Heap 0
Address       MT     Size
033950bc 12306820       72     
033a20d8 12306820       72     
033ac79c 12306820       72     
033da21c 12306820       72     
033f04c4 12306820       72     
03428ec8 12306820       72     
0344dab4 12306820       72     
03815d00 12306820       72     
038265d8 12306820       72     
03af7010 12306820       72     
03b291bc 12306820       72     
03b2c674 12306820       72     
03b6dca0 12306820       72     
03b797dc 12306820       72     
03b85318 12306820       72     
03ba9150 12306820       72     
03c258cc 12306820       72     
03de43c8 12306820       72     
03e160f8 12306820       72    
total 382 objects
total 732 objects

Another valid command that would have given me the exact same output would off course have been !dumpheap -type System.Web.Caching.CacheEntry.

Okay, so now I had a long list of CacheEntrys. To sample the contents I just picked an address and examined it by using !dumpobject

0:050> !do 03b2c674 
Name: System.Web.Caching.CacheEntry
MethodTable: 12306820
EEClass: 122f6470
Size: 72(0x48) bytes
      MT    Field   Offset                 Type VT     Attr    Value Name
02c39310  4001327        4        System.String  0 instance 03b2c600 _key
0fb8f1f8  4001328        c          System.Byte  0 instance        2 _bits
0fd3da00  4001329        8         System.Int32  0 instance -1314181915 _hashCode
02c36ca0  4001330       10        System.Object  0 instance 03b2c644 _value
120219d0  4001331       1c      System.DateTime  1 instance 03b2c690 _utcCreated
120219d0  4001332       24      System.DateTime  1 instance 03b2c698 _utcExpires
1202af88  4001333       2c      System.TimeSpan  1 instance 03b2c6a0 _slidingExpiration
0fb8f1f8  4001334        d          System.Byte  0 instance        7 _expiresBucket
123062d8  4001335       34 ...g.ExpiresEntryRef  1 instance 03b2c6a8 _expiresEntryRef
0fb8f1f8  4001336        e          System.Byte  0 instance 4294967295 _usageBucket
12306738  4001337       38  1 instance 03b2c6ac _usageEntryRef
120219d0  4001338       3c      System.DateTime  1 instance 03b2c6b0 _utcLastUpdate
123046c4  4001339       14 ...g.CacheDependency  0 instance 00000000 _dependency
02c36ca0  400133a       18        System.Object  0 instance 033d8344 _onRemovedTargets
120219d0  400132d      1bc      System.DateTime  1   shared   static NoAbsoluteExpiration
    >> Domain:Value  0019daf0:NotInit  11b42540:03395104 <<
1202af88  400132e      1c0      System.TimeSpan  1   shared   static NoSlidingExpiration
    >> Domain:Value  0019daf0:NotInit  11b42540:03395114 <<
1202af88  400132f      1c4      System.TimeSpan  1   shared   static OneYear
    >> Domain:Value  0019daf0:NotInit  11b42540:03395124 <<

This dumped the CacheEntry and it's properties. I figured the most interesting piece of information would be the _value, so I simply copied the address of that property (look in the Value column) and used !dumpobject again.

0:000> !do 03e160c8 
Name: System.Web.SessionState.InProcSessionState
MethodTable: 14dbad5c
EEClass: 14e43af8
Size: 48(0x30) bytes
      MT    Field   Offset                 Type VT     Attr    Value Name
1466c9d8  4001d89        4 ...ateItemCollection  0 instance 1a7f5438 _sessionItems
1292672c  4001d8a        8 ...ObjectsCollection  0 instance 00000000 _staticObjects
0fd3da00  4001d8b        c         System.Int32  0 instance       20 _timeout
120261c8  4001d8c       18       System.Boolean  0 instance        0 _locked
120219d0  4001d8d       1c      System.DateTime  1 instance 03e160e4 _utcLockDate
0fd3da00  4001d8e       10         System.Int32  0 instance        1 _lockCookie
1202bf60  4001d8f       24 ...ReadWriteSpinLock  1 instance 03e160ec _spinLock
0fd3da00  4001d90       14         System.Int32  0 instance        0 _flags

Here I found something interesting. The value stored was in fact an InProcSessionState object, which -in case you didn't know this before- is stored in the Cache. This meant that the claim that the application was using SQL Server Session state was incorrect.

As it turned out the customer had temporarily switched to In-process for a brief test, but forgotten to switch back again. Had the application been live they would have spotted this in no time, but since they were stress testing they weren't really paying attention to what the server was returning as long as it returned something. Unknowingly running session state in-process compromised the stress-test in a number of ways. For example:

  • Memory usage for the worker process was a lot higher than expected
  • The load on the network was not as high as it would be under normal circumstances
  • The response times were no longer accountable
  • The SQL-server was not stressed to the extent it should have been, so any potential bottlenecks there went unnoticed

This was in no way the final solution for their performance issue. There were a lot more things we had to deal with, but I think it's a really nice example of how to use only three commands (!dumpheap, !objsize & !dumpobject) to dig up some really useful information.

Later! / Johan





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