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转载 主项定理Master Method ——算法复习笔记

<br />在分析根据递归方程分析算法的时间复杂度时,常见到如下形式的方程,<br />T(n) = a * T(n/b) + f(n) <br />a ³ 1,b > 1,f(n)一般是个简单函数<br /><br />这时可以有2种方法,来计算时间复杂度。一是用递归树,逐层代入原式,最终形成一个级数,<br />然后用一个函数来表达,得到T(n)。<br /><br />二是应用主项定理Master Method 。其实,主项定理也就是对递归树方法的一种归纳,形成了<br />固定的计算方式,并分三种情

2010-09-30 16:55:00 13689 2

转载 中国计算机学会推荐国际学术刊物

<br /> <br />中国计算机学会推荐国际学术刊物<br />(数据库方向)<br />一、A类<br /><br />序号<br />刊物名称<br />出版社<br />刊物网址<br />1.          <br />TODS ( ACM Transactions on Database Systems) – <br />ACM<br />http://www.acm.org/tods/<br />2.          <br />VLDB Journal (VLDBJ)  <br />

2010-09-27 09:59:00 2797 1

原创 Effective Access Time

A paging scheme uses a Translation Loo-aside Buffer (TLB) A TLB access takes 10 ns and a main memory access takes 50 ns. What is the effective access time (in ns) if the TLB hit ratio is 90% and there is no page-fault?a) 54b) 60c) 65d) 75Dear student,the c

2010-09-16 22:12:00 1949

原创 Reservation Table Analyzer

Reservation Table Analyzerhttp://www.ecs.umass.edu/ece/koren/architecture/ResTable/SimpRes/

2010-09-16 13:49:00 884

原创 Superscalar

• A superscalar architecture is one in which several instructions can be initiated simultaneously and executed independently.• Pipelining allows several instructions to be executed at the same time, but they have to be in different pipeline stages at a giv

2010-09-15 19:10:00 754

转载 Teach Yourself Programming in Ten Years

Teach Yourself Programming in Ten YearsPeter Norvig<br /> Why is everyone in such a rush?<br />Walk into any bookstore, and you'll see how to Teach Yourself Java in 7 Days alongside endless variations offering to teach Visual Basic, Windows, the Internet,

2010-09-15 12:27:00 801

转载 Epigrams on Programming

from: http://www-pu.informatik.uni-tuebingen.de/users/klaeren/epigrams.htmlEpigrams on ProgrammingAlan J. PerlisYale University<br />This text has been published in SIGPLAN Notices Vol. 17, No. 9, September 1982, pages 7 - 13. I'm offering it here online u

2010-09-15 12:24:00 608

转载 Cache Mapping and Associativity

A very important factor in determining the effectiveness of the level 2 cache relates to how the cache is mapped to the system memory. What this means in brief is that there are many different ways to allocate the storage in our cache to the memory address

2010-09-14 13:45:00 1075

原创 how to solve aliasing problem

Aliasing causes a substantial problem because it is often difficult or impossible to decide what objects a pointer may refer to. A compiler must be conservative; some compilers will not allocate any local variables of a procedure in a register when there i

2010-09-14 12:43:00 1071

转载 Interleaved memory

<br />One way of allocating virtual addresses to memory modules is to divide the memory space into contiguous blocks. The CPU can access alternate sections immediately, without waiting for memory to catch up (through wait states). Interleaved memory is one

2010-09-13 10:18:00 4618

原创 Divide and conquer algorithm

<br />In computer science, divide and conquer (D&C) is an important algorithm designparadigm based on multi-branched recursion. A divide and conquer algorithm works by recursively breaking down a problem into two or more sub-problems of the same (or relate

2010-09-08 11:55:00 672

转载 No desire's desire

<br />做听众的过程中我也在慢慢地思考和成长, 我想无论是谁, 在选择的过程总是有得有失的过程, 这也是大家为难的地方. 所以如果能够不那么患得患失, 多半就能走大道干大事了. 生活告诉我们: 你觉得清苦艰难的路其实往往就是那条对的路. 所以我一直很喜欢一个词:  "无欲则刚", 英文叫做"No desire's desire.", 或者“Having no desire is firm and uncompromising.”    当然,要做到完全无欲是不可能的,  不过稍微寡欲点, 自然点, 随性

2010-09-08 09:22:00 969

转载 你需要知道的NoSQL数据库10件事

<br />from: http://sd.csdn.net/a/20100906/279134.html<br /><br />知名数据库专家Guy Harrison曾写过一篇博文《10 things you should know about NoSQL databases》,对NoSQL的优势与劣势进行了一个简单总结,其中包括NoSQL的5个优势和NoSQL的5个挑战。阿里巴巴的DBA童家旺对该文进行了翻译,现转载于此,供大家借鉴学习。全文如下:<br />关系数据模型已经流行了几十年了,但是一种新型

2010-09-07 21:14:00 466

原创 K-ary N-cube

N = dimension K = number of nodes on each edge e.g., 4-ary 2-cube is a 4x4 2D mesh Hypercube is a 2-ary N-cube Has been shown that larger K and smaller N is more effective, scalable, easier to build

2010-09-07 20:33:00 1209

原创 对剖宽度

<br />from: http://zh.wikipedia.org/zh-sg/%E5%AF%B9%E5%89%96%E5%AE%BD%E5%BA%A6#<br /> <br />网络的对剖宽度(Bisection Width)是指对分网络所要移去的最少边数。 其数目等于对剖平面的链路数,与每条链路的连线数(或称作链路宽度或通道宽度)二者之间的乘积,即表示穿越对剖平面总共的连线数。

2010-09-07 20:15:00 2667

转载 Cache coherent NUMA (ccNUMA)

FORM: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cache_coherenceIn computing, cache coherence (also cache coherency) refers to the consistency of data stored in local caches of a shared resource. Cache coherence is a special case of memory coherence.When clients in a sy

2010-09-07 15:46:00 1664


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