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转载 C/C++中的日期和时间
C/C++中的日期和时间撰文/周翔摘要:本文从介绍基础概念入手,探讨了在C/C++中对日期和时间操作所用到的数据结构和函数,并对计时、时间的获取、时间的计算和显示格式等方面进行了阐述。本文还通过大量的实例向你展示了time.h头文件中声明的各种函数和数据结构的详细使用方法。关键字:UTC(世界标准时间),Calendar Time(日历时间),epoch(时间点),clock tick
2006-05-18 10:02:00
Matlab for Engineers 3rd ed.
This book grew out of my experience teaching MATLAB® and other computing
languages to freshmen engineering students at Salt Lake Community College.
I was frustrated by the lack of a text that “started at the beginning.” Although there
were many comprehensive reference books, they assumed a level of both mathematical
and computer sophistication that my students did not possess. Also, because
MATLAB® was originally adopted by practitioners in the fi elds of signal processing
and electrical engineering, most of these texts provided examples primarily from
those areas, an approach that didn’t fi t with a general engineering curriculum.
This text starts with basic algebra and shows how MATLAB® can be used to solve
engineering problems from a wide range of disciplines. The examples are drawn
from concepts introduced in early chemistry and physics classes and freshman and
sophomore engineering classes. A standard problem-solving methodology is used
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