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原创 ggts

mac ggts java.net.UnknowHostException scutil --set HostName "localhost"scutil --get HostName org.grails.ide.eclipse.longrunning.client.GrailsProcessDiedExceptionPreferences -> Groovy ...

2015-04-21 16:11:50 377

原创 mySQL

datediff in OracleWITH T as ( SELECT starttime, endtime, TO_TIMESTAMP( TO_CHAR(endtime, 'dd-mon-yyyy hh24:mi:ss'), 'dd-mon-yyyy hh24:mi:ss') - starttime as d ...

2015-02-11 18:13:35 126

原创 Tooling

Decompiler on line.dll -> www.remotesoft.com/salamander

2015-01-14 11:43:56 148

原创 Exception list

IllegalStateException ajax Answer - The following was happening. I think i can put it down to a low impact issue.It happens when the browser opens a Socket and makes an Ajax request however it ...

2014-03-18 23:18:54 318

原创 performance tuning

laetcy GC log - heap tuninghow many time of gc how long of the testpeek loadinggc pwous timeISA ( IBM analysior )5% of gc timegrapWinkythread poolconnection poolgraciefrontcontroller...

2014-02-25 16:37:05 112

原创 Online design tooling

UML onlinehttps://www.gliffy.com/go/html5/launch?app=1b5094b0-6042-11e2-bcfd-0800200c9a66

2013-11-13 15:41:11 113

原创 doc command


2013-11-06 16:53:44 110

原创 JDE plugins

Integration with other toolsJdee-Eclipse-integration: different ways to profit from both IDEs or share configurationJdeeAndMavenPom: how to load Maven’s pom.xmlJdeeAndMaven2Pom: same, for...

2013-11-06 14:58:58 100

原创 Linux command

linux hostnamenano /etc/sysconfig/network check the cpu and memorycheck os version:cat /proc/version check general memory informaiton cat /proc/meminfo cpu:cat /proc/cpuinfo li...

2013-11-06 14:58:35 78

原创 emacs


2013-03-11 23:33:05 122

原创 JDE user guide


2013-02-18 15:18:04 417


特此声明,以下文章出自http://jdee.sourceforge.net/ Welcome to the home of the JDEE, an add-on software package that turns Emacs into a comprehensive system for creating, editing, debugging, and documen...

2013-02-08 10:34:20 200

原创 OO on js

var DomesticChinaDeal = function(){}; DomesticChinaDeal.prototype = { test: function() { alert("Hello World"); } }; DomesticChinaDeal.prototype.constructor = Domesti...

2012-11-28 19:57:37 123

原创 myJSP

JSP<%=xx != null? xx: ""%> GSP${xx?: ""} 

2012-06-29 12:07:59 138


1. two method to call another tab from one tab(^+^grails) 1.1 url= '<r2k:categoryUrl category="${cat}" retailerName="${retailer?.name?:''}"/>'1.2 url="${r2k.categoryUrl(category:cat, retaile...

2012-06-29 11:53:09 88


1. Multiple sortingHow Java? reference thishttp://stackoverflow.com/questions/1421322/how-do-i-sort-a-list-with-multiple-sort-parameters How Groovy? only one recursive + dynamic can instand th...

2012-06-29 11:30:45 138

原创 myOracle

--To check the free memory of the shared poolSELECT * FROM v$sgastat WHERE NAME = 'free memory';--To flush the shared poolAlter system flush shared_pool; Tuningselect * from v$sqlare...

2012-06-29 10:55:11 117

原创 myWAS

1. Keep the generated Java source for a JSP file landing this path/{your current project}/WebContent/WEB-INF/ibm-web-ext.xmi change like this<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>&...

2012-06-29 10:54:54 115

原创 myTrip


2011-11-14 22:50:54 125

原创 Source control

Compare & Merage http://www.imkevinyang.com/2010/03/%E8%AE%A9team-foundation-server-client%EF%BC%88tfs%EF%BC%89%E8%83%BD%E6%AF%94%E8%BE%83%E5%92%8C%E5%90%88%E5%B9%B6word%E6%96%87%E6%A1%A3.html...

2011-10-26 11:14:26 128

原创 myJava

public long getSleepTime(Properties props){ long time = 0; String key = null; Object obj = null; String value = null; String[] values = null; Iterator it = props.keySet().iterator...

2011-10-25 10:55:32 136

原创 myShellScript

Pagination + InformixINFORMIXDIR=/usr/informixrowCount="your saved row count"# safe the row count in a temp txt file($INFORMIXDIR/bin/isql -s ??<<!EOFset isolation to dirty read;un...

2011-09-20 16:49:58 61

原创 STUDY EMBER query update


2011-09-06 11:31:11 69

原创 ssh by maven

1st,  http://huanyue.iteye.com/blog/483408 2nd, http://wunda.iteye.com/blog/655395 3rd, http://www.mkyong.com/struts/struts-spring-hibernate-integration-example/  

2011-08-22 20:46:53 89

原创 myXSL

1. use xsl attribute like gString <?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?><xsl:stylesheet version="1.0"xmlns:xsl="http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Transform"><xsl:template

2011-06-28 09:43:04 82

原创 SIP

Managed Delivery(MD) AO(Application Outsouring)/SIThe preferred model for SI projects is Managed Delivery: Scope Driven Work Package DS(Development Service)  EVALUATION CRITERIA       | ...

2011-06-23 17:48:12 127

原创 Code Review

Code reviewOptimization - Optimal Use of String Literals   - Use string buffer for concatenation operations instead of strign literal - Avoid Variable Instantiation Inside Loops - Optimize Loop Exit...

2011-06-22 14:08:25 85

原创 Unit Test

Code Coverage & Logic Coveragemake sure every executale statement is executed at least oncemake sure method every function logic is covered in testGeneral coverage types in Unit Test: Branch Cover...

2011-06-22 09:28:44 101

原创 myJDK

1. Maximum use memoryhttp://www.boobooke.com/bbs/viewthread.php?tid=7630&extra=page%3D1 set JAVA_OPTS=-XMx1024m –XX:PermSize=512m –XX:MaxPermSize=512m 2. Use another JDK.;%JAVA_HOME%\l...

2011-03-18 15:30:08 66

原创 Phrase

bump into 撞上

2011-03-08 16:44:18 196

原创 myJs

1. run js right now var wrapper = (function(){ var foo = "foo"; function f(){ return foo; } return f;})();  2. scrollWindow function scrollWindow() ...

2011-03-07 16:31:46 112

原创 book the air ticket


2011-02-15 12:00:42 146

原创 myRegex

1. delete the blank before and after tag $("[id=single-dropdown]").attr("innerHTML").replace(/^\s+/ ,'').replace(/\s+$/ ,'').replace(/>\s+</g ,"><");  red : delete the before bla...

2011-02-11 20:37:02 88

原创 ie fixfox - fiddler


2010-12-28 11:45:49 85

原创 (Trick) Map API

demogoogle 3D earth -> http://code.google.com/intl/zh-CN/apis/maps/documentation/javascript/v2/examples/services-earth-plugin.htmlstreet view -> http://gmaps-samples-v3.googlecode.com/svn/tr...

2010-12-09 11:07:25 88

原创 <a title> decodeHTML->Google search condition->javascript innerHTML decode

From the stackoverflow.com:http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2757203/how-to-decode-a-string-in-a-varible-in-javascript

2010-12-03 14:31:58 76


only use the command line for test, please observe1. packagetestspace/a/P.javapackage a;public class P { public void show() { System.out.println("hello world"); }} tes...

2010-12-03 10:52:05 70

原创 JDK6 new feature


2010-11-25 14:43:32 57

原创 Grails1.3.5+MySQL->GoogleSearchCondtion(cannot release connection)=solve problem


2010-11-19 18:33:09 88

原创 THIINK TWICE : Core J2EE Patterns

http://www.china-pub.com/24464 http://www.china-pub.com/26147

2010-11-16 10:32:31 120



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