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原创 关于git的错误

在git中提交error: RPC failed; result=22, HTTP code = 411fatal: The remote end hung up unexpectedlyfatal: The remote end hung up unexpectedlyEverything up-to-date这样的话首先改一下git的传输字节限制

2014-09-22 14:02:55 762

原创 节约钱,自己用源代码编译compass.app

虽然compass.app是开源的,但如果你要用编译好的还是需要购买的,10美元,不过由于开源,所以自己可以编译。具体步骤如下,在我的Darwin机上。 $ rvm install 1.9.2 // tell rvm to install ruby $ rvm use 1.9.2 // tell rvm use ruby

2013-06-08 14:20:35 568

转载 PHP: How to easily provide JSON and JSONP

Would you like to grab some server-side data through an AJAX call? For example by using the handy jQuery.ajax method?A good data format to use then is JavaScript Object Notation, more commonly k

2012-01-28 01:53:22 511

原创 笔记本的夏天

<br />很多时候,我们常常会电脑的温度很高。这个情况特别是在笔记本上反应,因为笔记本为了减少它的体积,因此会尽可可能减少其散热地方。也有很多人埋怨自己的MAC笔记本,存在温度高的问题。其他无论是MAC还是其他品牌的笔记本都存在这样的情况。 <br /><br />我们有必要相信厂家在设计产品时候,是经过测试的,特别是苹果,当然还有以前的IBM。对于MAC笔记本,我将在下面具体说一下。 <br /><br />笔记本通常温度过高的有三个地方 <br />1)CPU <br />

2010-09-14 13:37:00 589

原创 重拾苹果

<br />若要追溯我第一次使用电脑,则是我在小学1年级时,使用的appleII,在徐汇区少年宫,学习BASIC语言,在那段时间,个人电脑唯独只有APPLE,后来有了DOS系统,JOBS离开苹果,微软和IBM占领了个人电脑的一大片江山。我至今还是那么认为——微软当时的成功是一大部分要庆幸于于JOBS被赶出自己创办的公司——APPLE。后来自我初中开始,接触WINDOWS,度过了一大部分我的学习时代,自从有了WINDOWS,则让我沉迷于游戏,从当时的红警直到现在的极品飞车13。使用电脑多年,不

2010-09-14 13:36:00 483


托马斯微积分第10版中文版 托马斯微积分第10版中文版 托马斯微积分第10版中文版 托马斯微积分第10版中文版


Beginning CAKEPHP

CakePHP is a leading PHP–based web app development framework. When asking a question on forums or chat rooms, many CakePHP beginners get little help from the experts. Simple questions can get a response like, “Well, just read the online manual and API.” Unfortunately, the online manual is depreciated, and who wants to absorb a programming language or framework from an API? Beginning CakePHP will do the following: # Leads you from a basic setup of CakePHP to building a couple applications that will highlight CakePHP’s functionality and capabilities without delving too deeply into the PHP language, but rather what the CakePHP framework can offer the developer. # Teaches you to use CakePHP by incorporating advanced features into your web development projects. # Targets beginners of CakePHP or web frameworks in general as well as experienced developers with limited exposure to CakePHP. A secondary audience may include developers undecided on adopting CakePHP or business managers trying to assess the value of incorporating CakePHP into their toolbox. What you’ll learn * Install and configure the CakePHP web framework. * Create your first CakePHP web application: to–do lists. * Progress by building a more complex blogging application. * Incorporate Ajax and Web 2.0 principles and techniques into your blogging and other CakePHP applications. * Apply these sample applications along with advanced techniques as a framework or template for building your own web applications with CakePHP going forward. Who is this book for? This book will speak to an audience of developers already familiar with PHP but who may not be PHP experts. This book is tailored for those new to CakePHP and who want a thorough tutorial. About the Apress Beginning Series The Beginning series from Apress is the right choice to get the information you need to land that crucial entry–level job. These books will teach you a standard and important technology from the ground up because they are explicitly designed to take you from “novice to professional.” You’ll start your journey by seeing what you need to know?but without needless theory and filler. You’ll build your skill set by learning how to put together real–world projects step by step. So whether your goal is your next career challenge or a new learning opportunity, the Beginning series from Apress will take you there?it is your trusted guide through unfamiliar territory!



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