After hours of work on December 3, 2017, my blog is finally online! Quite excited!
I will be recording my progress here, and enjoying sharing my learning with everyone.
Human knowledge belongs to the whole world.
I searched for the easiest way to do it, and here are the 3 steps:
1) Create a Jekyll powered website by Forking A Starting Point on, and get a domain:; Host it on my GitHub account, and use my own domain (purchased in step 2).
2) Purchased a domain “” from “”, which is the biggest supplier as it claims. Set DNS: set CNAME record value is "", so that my domin will point to it. (右上控制台 - 左下域名与网站 - 云解析DNS)
Remark: DNS(Domain Name System, 域名系统),万维网上作为域名和IP地址相互映射的一个分布式数据库,能够使用户更方便的访问互联网,而不用去记住能够被机器直接读取的IP数串。通过域名,最终得到该域名对应的IP地址的过程叫做域名解析(或主机名解析)。但浏览器在域名解析前是先查询本机上的hosts 文件的,如果有记录则不再被DNS 解析了。hosts 文件位置:C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc
3) Customize the Website by updating the variables in _config.yml file and make new post on Github desktop, then publish it.