
Visualization: Table


A table that can be sorted and paged. Table cells can be formatted using format strings, or by directly inserting HTML as cell values. Numeric values are right-aligned; boolean values are displayed as check marks. Users can select single rows either with the keyboard or the mouse. Users can sort rows by clicking on column headers. The header row remains fixed as the user scrolls. The table fires a number of events corresponding to user interaction.


class="framebox inherit-locale " src="" style="border-width: 0px; margin: 0px; padding: 0px; font-weight: inherit; font-style: inherit; font-size: 14px; font-family: inherit; vertical-align: baseline; overflow: auto; width: 924px; height: 200px;">
    <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
    <script type="text/javascript">
      google.load("visualization", "1", {packages:["table"]});

      function drawTable() {
        var data = new google.visualization.DataTable();
        data.addColumn('string', 'Name');
        data.addColumn('number', 'Salary');
        data.addColumn('boolean', 'Full Time Employee');
          ['Mike',  {v: 10000, f: '$10,000'}, true],
          ['Jim',   {v:8000,   f: '$8,000'},  false],
          ['Alice', {v: 12500, f: '$12,500'}, true],
          ['Bob',   {v: 7000,  f: '$7,000'},  true]

        var table = new google.visualization.Table(document.getElementById('table_div'));

        table.draw(data, {showRowNumber: true});
    <div id="table_div"></div>


The google.load package name is "table".

  google.load('visualization', '1', {packages: ['table']});

The visualization's class name is google.visualization.Table.

  var visualization = new google.visualization.Table(container);

Data Format

The DataTable is converted into a corresponding HTML table, with each row/column in the DataTable converted into a row/column in the HTML table. Each column must be of the same data type, and all standard visualization data types are supported (string, boolean, number, etc).

Custom Properties

You can assign the following custom properties to data table elements, using the setProperty() method of DataTable.

Property Name Applies To Description
className Cell A string class name to assign to an individual cell. Use this to assign CSS styling to individual cells.
style Cell A style string to assign inline to the cell. This will override CSS class styles applied to that cell. You must set the property allowHtml=true for this to work. Example: 'border: 1px solid green;'.


dataTable.setCell(22, 2, 15, 'Fifteen', {style: 'font-style:bold; font-size:22px;'});

Configuration Options

Name Type Default Description
allowHtml boolean false If set to true, formatted values of cells that include HTML tags will be rendered as HTML. If set to false, most custom formatters will not work properly.
alternatingRowStyle boolean true Determines if alternating color style will be assigned to odd and even rows.
cssClassNames object null

An object in which each property name describes a table element, and the property value is a string, defining a class to assign to that table element. Use this property to assign custom CSS to specific elements of your table. To use this property, assign an object, where the property name specifies the table element, and the property value is a string, specifying a class name to assign to that element. You must then define a CSS style for that class on your page. The following property names are supported:

  • headerRow - Assigns a class name to the table header row (<tr> element).
  • tableRow - Assigns a class name to the non-header rows (<tr> elements).
  • oddTableRow - Assigns a class name to odd table rows (<tr> elements). Note: the alternatingRowStyle option must be set to true.
  • selectedTableRow - Assigns a class name to the selected table row (<tr> element).
  • hoverTableRow - Assigns a class name to the hovered table row (<tr> element).
  • headerCell - Assigns a class name to all cells in the header row (<td> element).
  • tableCell - Assigns a class name to all non-header table cells (<td> element).
  • rowNumberCell - Assigns a class name to the cells in the row number column (<td>element). Note: the showRowNumber option must be set to true.

Example: var cssClassNames = {headerRow: 'bigAndBoldClass',
hoverTableRow: 'highlightClass'};

Note: In CSS, some elements override others. For instance, if you specify a background color for a <tr> element and a <td> element, the latter takes precedence over the former. Be sure to specify all relevant CSS styles in cssClassNames to avoid conflicts.

firstRowNumber number 1 The row number for the first row in the dataTable. Used only if showRowNumber is true.
height string automatic Sets the height of the visualization's container element. You can use standard HTML units (for example, '100px', '80em', '60'). If no units are specified the number is assumed to be pixels. If not specified, the browser will set the height automatically to fit the table; if set smaller than the size required by the table, will add a vertical scroll bar.
page string 'disable'

If and how to enable paging through the data. Choose one of the following string values:

  • 'enable' - The table will include page-forward and page-back buttons. Clicking on these buttons will perform the paging operation and change the displayed page. You might want to also set the pageSize option.
  • 'event' - The table will include page-forward and page-back buttons, but clicking them will trigger a 'page' event and will not change the displayed page. This option should be used when the code implements its own page turning logic. See theTableQueryWrapper example for an example of how to handle paging events manually.
  • 'disable' - [Default] Paging is not supported.
pageSize number 10 The number of rows in each page, when paging is enabled with the page option.
rtlTable boolean false Adds basic support for right-to-left languages (such as Arabic or Hebrew) by reversing the column order of the table, so that column zero is the rightmost column, and the last column is the leftmost column. This does not affect the column index in the underlying data, only the order of display. Full bi-directional (BiDi) language display is not supported by the table visualization even with this option. This option will be ignored if you enable paging (using the page option), or if the table has scroll bars because you have specified height and width options smaller than the required table size.
scrollLeftStartPosition number 0 Sets the horizontal scrolling position, in pixels, if the table has horizontal scroll bars because you have set the width property. The table will open scrolled that many pixels past the leftmost column.
showRowNumber boolean false If set to true, shows the row number as the first column of the table.
sort string 'enable'

If and how to sort columns when the user clicks a column heading. If sorting is enabled, consider setting the sortAscending and sortColumn properties as well. Choose one of the following string values:

  • 'enable' - [Default] Users can click on column headers to sort by the clicked column. When users click on the column header, the rows will be automatically sorted, and a 'sort' event will be triggered.
  • 'event' - When users click on the column header, a 'sort' event will be triggered, but the rows will not be automatically sorted. This option should be used when the page implements its own sort. See the TableQueryWrapper example for an example of how to handle sorting events manually.
  • 'disable' - Clicking a column header has no effect.
sortAscending boolean true The order in which the initial sort column is sorted. True for ascending, false for descending. Ignored if sortColumn is not specified.
sortColumn number -1 An index of a column in the data table, by which the table is initially sorted. The column will be marked with a small arrow indicating the sort order.
startPage number 0 The first table page to display. Used only if page is in mode enable/event.
width string automatic Sets the width of the visualization's container element. You can use standard HTML units (for example, '100px', '80em', '60'). If no units are specified the number is assumed to be pixels. If not specified, the browser will set the width automatically to fit the table; if set smaller than the size required by the table, will add a horizontal scroll bar.


Method Return Type Description
draw(data, options) none Draws the table.
getSelection() Array of selection elements

Standard getSelection implementation. Selection elements are all row elements. Can return more than one selected row. The row indexes in the selection object refer to the original data table regardless of any user interaction (sort, paging, etc.).

Note that the selection(s) toggle: clicking a cell the first time selects it; clicking the cell again deselects it, resulting in a selection event, but no selected items in the retrieved selection object.


An object with the following properties:

  • column - (number) Index of the column by which the table is sorted.
  • ascending - (boolean) true if the sort is ascending, false if descending.
  • sortedIndexes - (numeric array) Array of numbers, where the index in the array is the row number as sorted (in the visible table), and the value is the index of that row in the underlying (unsorted) data table.

Call this method to retrieve information about the current sort state of a table that has been sorted (typically by the user, who has clicked on a column heading to sort the rows by a specific column). If you have disabled sorting, this method will not work.

If you have not sorted data in code, or the user has not sorted data by selecting code, the default sort values will be returned.

setSelection(selection) none Standard setSelection() implementation, but can only select entire rows, or multiple rows. The row indexes in the selection object refer to the original data table regardless of any user interaction (sort, paging, etc.).
clearChart() none Clears the chart, and releases all of its allocated resources.


Name Description Properties
select Standard select event, but only entire rows can be selected. None
page Triggered when users click on a page navigation button. page: Number. The index of page to navigate to.
sort Triggered when users click on a column header, and the sort option is not 'disable'.

An object with the following properties:

  • column - (number) Index of the column by which the table is sorted.
  • ascending - (boolean) true if the sort is ascending, false if descending.
  • sortedIndexes - (numeric array) Array of numbers, where the index in the array is the row number as sorted (in the visible table), and the value is the index of that row in the underlying (unsorted) data table.
ready The chart is ready for external method calls. If you want to interact with the chart, and call methods after you draw it, you should set up a listener for this event before you call the draw method, and call them only after the event was fired. None


Note: The table visualization has a set of formatter objects that have been superceded by generic formatters, which behave the same way, but can be used in any visualization.

The following table shows the legacy table formatter and its equivalent generic formatter. You should use the generic formatter when writing new code.

Table Formatter Equivalent Generic Formatter
TableArrowFormat google.visualization.ArrowFormat
TableBarFormat google.visualization.BarFormat
TableColorFormat google.visualization.ColorFormat
TableDateFormat google.visualization.DateFormat
TableNumberFormat google.visualization.NumberFormat
TablePatternFormat google.visualization.PatternFormat

Important: Formatters often use HTML to format their text; therefore, you should set the allowHtml option to true.

Data Policy

All code and data are processed and rendered in the browser. No data is sent to any server.

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