TrinityCore2 guide for WoW 3.1.3 using UDB 382 or TDB 0.0.5

Epic Guide: Setup your TrinityCore2 server!

Hello, before we start i want to tell you i've spent my last 5 days trying to get my server working correctly without errors with the last UDB. And i decided(after getting help with several things in this forum) to support "beginners" & others ofc on setting up a fully working TrinityCore2 server! Also, i know there are several other guides, but most of them are out-dated and some doesnt have all details included so i will try to keep this as up-to-date i can! It's very similiar to a few other guides, and as i said, i will try to keep mine more UP-TO-DATE. Lets start! (NOW INCLUDING TDB 0.0.5)

CREDITS GOES TO Evaneo FOR THE ORIGINAL GUIDE. I rewrote it and updated it and added some contents to make it more up-to-date.

TrinityCore2 guide for WoW 3.1.3 using UDB 382 or TDB 0.0.5!


1 - Programs required
2 - Setup + cloning the Repository using TortoiseHG
3 - Compiling using Microsoft's Visual Studio C++ 2008
4 - How to extract maps, vmaps & dbc files
5 - Editing config(.conf) files correctly to make things work
6 - Setting up your database properly with latest UDB
7 - Starting your server(making account etc)
8 - Windows SDK

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1 - Programs Required
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Note: The following programs are all REQUIRED, means you can't follow this guide without them.

1. World of Warcraft - Client version 3.1.3
2. A database, in this guide i will be using the newest release of UDB(382)
3. Your own compiled Core(repack versions doesnt work)
4. TortoiseHG
5. Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 (this is express edition, im using it as well)
6. NET framework 3.5
7. SQLyog OR Navicat (SQLyog gives less errors while executing SQL-files)
8. MySQL(i prefer using XAMPP also including Apache & Filezilla)

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2 - Setup + cloning Repo using TortoiseHG
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First, create a folder where you want your server to be stored, im using C:/Documents And Settings/Myname/Desktop/TrinityCore2/

Now create 2 folders inside your "TrinityCore2"-folder
Name them "Data" and "TrinityCore2"(name the second one whatever you like to)

Now, right-click on the "C:/Documents And Settings/Myname/Desktop/TrinityCore2/TrinityCore2"-folder
and under the TortoiseHG menu click "Clone a repository". Now you will see two fields. Fill in the fields according to the picture.

Once all filled in press the "CLONE" button to start the process! ^^
When its done you should see "COMMAND COMPLETED SUCCESSFULLY!" at the bottom of the window.

If all done correct, you are now done cloning the repo.

Known problems: "Transaction abort! Connection ended unexpectedly!", i think its caused when they upload changes to the repo, not sure tho, happened to me a few times, so just keep trying if it occures.

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3 - Compiling using MS Visual C++ 2008
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Now we're at the intresting part where alot of errors can appear, so be patient!

Now open "TrinityCore&Script VC90.sln" located at "C:/Documents and Settings/Myname/desktop/TrinityCore2/TrinityCore2/ win/"

When it has been loaded correctly look for a window where it says: "Debug"(might say Debug_NohCP if you installed Windows SDK) and next to it "Win32". Make sure to change Debug to Release. Now look for the tab called Build, then press Build Solution. This should start the building process and it should start saying "compiling blablah.cpp.." etc in the very lowest window. Now just wait until the process is complete. If successful it should say:

11>TrinityScript - 0 error(s), 0 warning(s)
========== Build: 11 succeeded, 0 failed, 0 up-to-date, 0 skipped ==========

(note: on old versions it will say 12 succeeded because of the zthread file, which now is removed)

You have now successfully compiled your own core! Congratz! ^^

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4 - Extracting maps, vmaps & dbc files
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Where now going to copy the files from the WoW directory to make the server have something to run on!

Extracting Maps & DBC:

Navigate to "C:/Documents and Settings/Myname/Desktop/TrinityCore2/TrinityCore2/contrib/ad.exe" and copy the file to your World of Warcraft folder. Now run ad.exe and it will open a new window where you can follow the whole process to see everything works without errors. When done(should take 5-20 minutes depending on computer speed)copy the folders created("maps" and "dbc") into your "TrinityCore2/Data" directory.

Extracting Vmaps:

Navigate to "C:/Documents and Settings/Myname/Desktop/TrinityCore2/TrinityCore2/contrib/vmap_extract_assembler_bin/" and you will see a file called "makevmaps_simple.bat". The folder created will be called "vmaps". Copy also that into your Data folder in TrinityCore2 directory.

You have now successfully created your Data files for the server(the most annoying part imo^^)

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5 - Editing config files!
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First of all, copy your files inside(yes, all of them) "C:/Documents and Settings/Myname/Desktop/TrinityCore2/TrinityCore2/bin/Win32_Release/" to "C:/Documents and Settings/Myname/Desktop/TrinityCore2/TrinityCore2/"

Now you will see 2 files we will use, those are the following:


Delete the ".dist" phrase from both of their names and you should be able to open them with any text editor. Those both files are used to make configurations on the server, (mainly TrinityCore.conf). You can change rates of anything almost^^.

Now open TrinityCore.conf and press "Ctrl+F" and search for DataDir. The second item found should be the following:

DataDir = "."

Now you have to change it to the following directory(to be able to have the server load the correct data files!)

DataDir = "C:/Documents and Settings/Myname/Desktop/TrinityCore2/Data"

Save the file and then Exit, you are now done configuring your conf files for default use! ;D

If you ever change your default trinity account info change the following highlighted lines to your new information, where the first phrase is your username, and the second one is password!


LoginDatabaseInfo     = ";3306;trinity;trinity;realmd"
WorldDatabaseInfo = ";3306;trinity;trinity;world"
CharacterDatabaseInfo = ";3306;trinity;trinity;characters"

LoginDatabaseInfo = ";3306;trinity;trinity;realmd"
If you are unsure on your config files read them, change stuff, experiment to make things work and you will learn more! remember, its to make things fun^^.

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6 - Setting up your Database with LATEST UDB / TDB 0.0.5
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First off, execute the create_mysql.sql file inside your sql folder under TrinityCore2 using SQLyog. You should now see 3 new Databases; Characters, Realmd & World.

Now we have to fill those databases with information. To do this follow the following instructions.

  • UDB_0.11.5_Core_7681_SD2_1012.sql <- Apply to EMPTY World Database - Get This From UDB SVN
  • 380_corepatch_mangos_7682_to_7894.sql <- Apply to World Database - Get This From UDB SVN
  • 380_updatepack_mangos.sql <- Apply to World Database - Get This From UDB SVN
  • 381_corepatch_mangos_7895_to_8016.sql <- Apply to World Database
  • 381_updatepack_mangos.sql <- Apply to World Database
  • 382_corepatch_mangos_8030_to_8280.sql <- Apply to World Database
  • 382_updatepack_mangos.sql <- Apply to World Database
  • UDB_382_to_TDB_TC2_4666_Converter.sql <- Apply to World Database - Get This From TDB SVN
  • world_script_texts.sql <- Apply to World Database - Get This From TC2 Repo
  • world_script_waypoints.sql <- Apply to World Database - Get This From TC2 Repo
  • world_scripts_full.sql <- Apply to World Database - Get This From TC2 Repo
  • world_spell_full.sql <- Apply to World Database - Get This From TC2 Repo
  • world_tmp_full <- Apply to World Database - Get This From TC2 Repo

TC2 Repo: Your sql folder inside your /TrinityCore2/Trinitycore2 folder.

If all done correctly inside SQLyog you should have a complete World Database!

The next step would be to fill the character and realmd databases!

Execute the " Characters.sql"(again under the sql folder) file into character database and it should complete successfully with no errors.

Execute the " Realmd.sql"(again under the sql folder) file into the realmd database and it should also complete with no errors at all ^^.

You have now filled your database correctly!

Known errors:

realmd.realmd_db_version error - Just ignore this one
characters.characters_db_version error - Just ignore this one

`Spell_proc_event` errors on core startup - This one can be solved by applying update-sqls from 4666-4701 under sql/updates/, if it doesnt work, post a reply in this thread!


Simply clone the TrinityDatabase SVN(for links & the latest release of TDB visit )

Anyways, using TDB is very simple, and it's also the official release for TC2. (Thanks Brian for reviving TDB!)
Just apply the TDB 0.0.5 to a clean World DB and apply all the updates from your tc2 repo(trunk/sql/updates) until you got the newest rev(or whichever suits you).

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7 - Starting your server!
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Before starting your server you have to make an account and enable WOTLK on it along with GM access! To do this start TrinityRealmd.exe located in your "C:/Documents and settings/Myname/Desktop/TrinityCore2" folder(also make sure mysql is running with Xampp, else start Xampp control panel and press start/install service on MySQL to make it work. Now, if started right it should say "server started" with name etc in the window. Now start TrinityCore.exe as well and if running without errors, you successfully made your server work :)

Making account:

When started both TrinityCore.exe and TrinityRealmd.exe write the following command in the TrinityCore window:

account create "username" "password" - Without the quotes!

Now to make WotLK work on it write the following command, also in TrinityCore window:

account set addon "username" 2

And the last thing, to enable GM commands on your account write the following ;):

account set gmlevel "username" 3

Now you should be able to successfully log into your account using WoW Client 3.1.3!(no older version of wow will work)

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8 - Windows SDK
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Windows SDK is a software which can remove some errors you might get upon compiling. I couldnt compile successfully without it because of a few errors. The ISO file is 1.3 GB big so google for it if intrested.

Also, if you script on your own remember to compile TrinityScript afterwards to include it.


Thanks for reading this guide and i will be pleased to answer any questions in this thread! Also, tell me if i forgot anything, i was pretty tired when i wrote this guide! Good luck!





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