Creating a Generic Object Factory

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The Introduction

Object factories are one of those extremely useful but often times overlooked constructs in programming.  To put it simply, object factories are like virtual functions but instead of dynamically choosing which function gets executed at runtime, object factories dynamically choose which class gets instantiated at runtime.

If you don't have a good understanding of object factories (sometimes also called pluggable factories) then I highly recommend reading Industrial Strength Pluggable Factories and Why Pluggable Factories Rock My Multiplayer World before continuing this article.

All set?  Good, then let's get started.

The Need

We already stated that object factories delay the choice of which object is created until runtime.  Before we go any further, it might be beneficial to list some examples of when need to delay the choice until runtime.  Here are just a few:


  • Scripting language support – The game must decide which command class to create and execute based on text commands entered by the user.


  • Serialization - One type of serialization would be communicating via TCP/IP.  The receiving side must be able to dynamically create the proper message class depending on the type of message it has just received.


  • Executing commands - Many games allow users to dynamically rebind keys to other commands.  Pressing the 'A' key should be able to create and execute the command of the user's choice.


  • To decreasing class dependencies – By not hard-coding the which class to instantiate we can greatly reduce class dependencies, as classes no longer need to know about other classes in order to create them.  This can result in greatly decreased compile times.

There are of course many other instances where object factories are useful, but I won't bore you with them all.  Instead, let's get on to something more exciting.

The Implementation

OK, now that we know when object factories are useful it's time to figure out how to actually implement one.  Below we have an object factory in its most simplistic form.

class ShapeFactory
  Shape *Create(int shape)
    if (shape == SQUARE)
      return new Square;
    else if (shape == CIRCLE)
      return new Circle;
    else if (shape == TRIANGLE)
      return new Triangle;

Not much to it, really.  The ShapeFactory class has a Create method which allows us to create a Square, Circle, or Triangle class simply by passing the appropriate unique identifier, in this case an integer.  This integer value could be hard-coded or passed in from an outside source such as a TCP/IP stream, a script file, or from the player himself.

The syntax to use our sample object factory class is simple enough:

ShapeFactory shape_factory;

Shape *shape1 = shape_factory.Create(TRIANGLE);
Shape *shape2 = shape_factory.Create(SQUARE);

Improving our object factory

While this implementation is a good start, there are quite a few ways to improve it.  The most noticeable flaw is that we must edit the ShapeFactory class to add the necessary support for every new shape class we add to our project.  This can be both time consuming and error prone.

A better solution over hard-coding our shapes would be to dynamically 'register' shapes with the ShapeFactory class.  Listing 1 shows an object factory class that does just that.

Ok, let's inspect this code closely.  First, notice we no longer create the shape instances inside our ShapeFactory class.  Instead, we'll use function pointers to do this for us.  These function pointers are passed to the ShapeFactory via the Register method and are internally stored in a map container for quick access.  When we ask to create an instance of a class the ShapeFactory class retrieves the function pointer that is associated with the unique identifier, and executes that function to create the new instance. Pretty simple, really.  The end result is that we no longer have to edit our ShapeFactory class to add support for new shapes!

The syntax for using this new implementation has changed from the sample implementation above.  Here's an example of how to use the object factory in this new version:

Shape *CreateTriangle()
  return new Triangle;

Shape *CreateSquare()
  return new Square;
ShapeFactory shape_factory;

shape_factory.Register(TRIANGLE, &CreateTriangle);
shape_factory.Register(SQUARE, &CreateSquare);

Shape *shape1 = shape_factory.Create(TRIANGLE);
Shape *shape2 = shape_factory.Create(SQUARE);

Right away you'll notice the two new functions called CreateTriangle and CreateSquare.  The sole job of CreateTriangle and CreateSquare is to simply create and return a new instance of the Triangle and Square class respectively.

The next difference is the addition of two Register calls. Since classes are no longer hard-coded in the ShapeFactory class they must now be dynamically registered via this method.  They can also be dynamically unregistered by calling the Unregister method.

A generic implementation

While we've improved our object factory there is another modification we could make that would greatly improve our design: make the object factory class generic enough to be used with any base class. This would allow us to create just one object factory class that could be used to create shapes, commands, monsters, or anything other class we may need it for.

This may seem like a tall order at first, but thanks the power of C++ templates it's not all that hard to do.  Listing 2 shows how we implement this.

There's not much to it, really.  However, you may have noticed a new templated function called CreateObject.  I figured since we were already on board the template train we might as well make our life easier and create a templated version of those functions we used in the previous implementation.

Because of the changes made above, the syntax required to use our object factory has once again changed a bit, so let's look at the new syntax closely:

ObjectFactory<Shape> shape_factory;


shape_factory.Register(TRIANGLE, &CreateObject<Shape, Triangle>); shape_factory.Register(SQUARE, &CreateObject<Shape, Square>); Shape *shape1 = shape_factory.Create(TRIANGLE); Shape *shape2 = shape_factory.Create(SQUARE);

The first thing you should notice is we now include a new template parameter when we create our object factory class instance.  This required template parameter specifies the base class our object factory will return, in this case the base Shape class.

The other syntax change is in the Register method.  Instead of hand-writing new functions for each class we register, we can now just pass the address of the templated CreateObject function instead.  The syntax is more verbose, but it saves us the time of hand-writing new functions for every class we wish to register.

The end result is that we now have an object factory class that can be used to create any type of class, and we are no longer required to write any helper classes or functions to accomplish this.  Not too shabby.


Changes, changes, and more changes

While we do have a fairly generic object factory implementation, we have been ignoring one aspect of our object factory class that has been annoying me greatly.  We assume we'll always want to use an integer as the data type of the unique identifier, and this may not always be the case.

For instance, if we wish to allow users of our game to execute commands via a console or scripting language, it would be easier to map the text commands directly to the command classes that carry out those commands.  Since we've already templated the base class it should be a relatively simple matter to do the same with the unique identifier type.

We'll also see if we can make the syntax for registering classes a bit cleaner.

Lastly, we'll add code to allow users of our class to iterate through all registered unique identifiers.  This can be useful if they wish to display to the user valid unique identifiers.

Let's see how what the object factory looks like in Listing 3.

The change to our interface is simple enough, as you'll see below:

ObjectFactory<Shape, std::string> shape_factory;


Shape *shape1 = shape_factory.Create("triangle");
Shape *shape2 = shape_factory.Create("square");

First, we added a new required template parameter for the unique identifier type when we create our object factory class instance.

Second, notice that we register classes simply by passing the class name as a template parameter and passing the unique identifier as a function parameter.  This is a much-improved way to register classes compared to our previous versions.

The third, and last, change we made is to allow users to iterate through our registered classes.  This syntax is the same as iterating through any STL container so I won't go over examples of its use here.

The finishing touches

Despite all the improvements we've just made, there is one glaring omission I was waiting until the end of this article to address: allowing the user to pass constructor parameters to the object factory.

Modifying the object factory class to handle constructor parameters correctly is no small change, as it requires some heavy use of partial template specialization.  Listing 4 shows an example of how this can be accomplished.

Looking at the example source you can see that we need to create a new variation of our object factory for every constructor parameter we want to support.  In other words, if we support a possible 15 constructor parameters then we must create 15 variations of our object factory class.

Since this is a very time consuming and error prone process the source code attached to this article uses some macro magic so we only need to write our object factory one time, and still support as many constructor parameters as we'd like.

The syntax for using this final implementation of the object factory looks like this:

ObjectFactory<Shape *(int), std::string> shape_factory;


Shape *shape1 = shape_factory.Create("triangle", 10);
Shape *shape2 = shape_factory.Create("square", 20);

Notice the syntax used to create the shape factory instance.  We pass 'Shape *(int)', which is basically the signature of the constructor we want the shape factory to use.  It basically says the constructor takes one parameter, an integer, and returns a 'Shape *' object.  Because we specified 'Shape *(int) ' as the constructor signature we are now required to pass an integer value to the Create method.

If we didn't want to pass any constructor parameters, we'd define the object factory like this:

ObjectFactory<Shape *(), std::string> shape_factory;

The Conclusion

We've discussed when object factories are useful, and we've managed to create a generic and simple to use object factory implementation.

The source attached to this article contains our final implementation of the object factory, as well as two example programs that show how to use the object factory.

Important Note:  This code has been tested on Visual C++ 7.1.  However, because the final implementation of the object factory uses partial template specialization some non-compliant compilers, such as Visual C++ 6.0, will not be able to compile this code.


Because of this, the source attached to this article also contains a special version of the object factory written specifically for Visual C++ 6.0.  To get around the lack of partial template specialization support on Visual C++ 6.0 we must have a separate object factory class for each constructor parameter.  Also, because of Visual C++ 6.0's lack of 'explicit template argument specification for member functions' support we must use a hack on the Register function.  Below is an example of how to use the object factory in Visual C++ 6.0:

ObjectFactory1<Shape, int, std::string> shape_factory;

shape_factory.Register("triangle", Type2Type<Triangle>());
shape_factory.Register("square", Type2Type<Square>());

Shape *shape1 = shape_factory.Create("triangle", 10);
Shape *shape2 = shape_factory.Create("square", 20);

Notice we append a number to the ObjectFactory class name, which specifies the number of constructor parameters we wish to use.  We then must list each constructor parameter as a separate template parameter.  If we didn't want to specify any constructor parameters, we'd define the object factory like this:

ObjectFactory0<Shape, std::string> shape_factory;
class ShapeFactory
   typedef Shape *(*CreateObjectFunc)();

   bool Register(int shape, CreateObjectFunc create_object)
      if (m_object_creator.find(shape) != m_object_creator.end())
         return false;

      m_object_creator[shape] = create_object;

      return true;

   bool Unregister(int shape)
      return (m_object_creator.erase(shape) == 1);

   Shape *Create(int shape)
      std::map<int, CreateObjectFunc>::iterator iter = m_object_creator.find(shape);

      if (iter == m_object_creator.end())
         return NULL;

      return ((*iter).second)();

   std::map<int, CreateObjectFunc> m_object_creator;

template<typename BaseClassType, typename ClassType>
BaseClassType *CreateObject()
   return new ClassType;

template<typename BaseClassType>
class ObjectFactory
   typedef BaseClassType *(*CreateObjectFunc)();

   bool Register(int unique_id, CreateObjectFunc create_object)
      if (m_object_creator.find(unique_id) != m_object_creator.end())
         return false;

      m_object_creator[unique_id] = create_object;

      return true;

   bool Unregister(int unique_id)
      return (m_object_creator.erase(unique_id) == 1);

   BaseClassType *Create(int unique_id)
      std::map<int, CreateObjectFunc>::iterator iter = m_object_creator.find(unique_id);

      if (iter == m_object_creator.end())
         return NULL;

      return ((*iter).second)();

   std::map<int, CreateObjectFunc> m_object_creator;
template<typename BaseClassType, typename ClassType>
BaseClassType *CreateObject()
   return new ClassType();

template<typename BaseClassType, typename UniqueIdType>
class ObjectFactory
   typedef BaseClassType *(*CreateObjectFunc)();

   typedef typename std::map<UniqueIdType, CreateObjectFunc>::const_iterator ConstIterator;
   typedef typename std::map<UniqueIdType, CreateObjectFunc>::iterator Iterator;

   template<typename ClassType>
   bool Register(UniqueIdType unique_id)
      if (m_object_creator.find(unique_id) != m_object_creator.end())
               return false;

      m_object_creator[unique_id] = &CreateObject<BaseClassType, ClassType>;

      return true;

   bool Unregister(UniqueIdType unique_id)
      return (m_object_creator.erase(unique_id) == 1);

   BaseClassType *Create(UniqueIdType unique_id)
      Iterator iter = m_object_creator.find(unique_id);

      if (iter == m_object_creator.end())
         return NULL;

      return ((*iter).second)();

   ConstIterator GetBegin() const
      return m_object_creator.begin();

   Iterator GetBegin()
      return m_object_creator.begin();

   ConstIterator GetEnd() const
      return m_object_creator.end();

   Iterator GetEnd()
      return m_object_creator.end();

   std::map<UniqueIdType, CreateObjectFunc> m_object_creator;
template <typename CtorSignature, typename UniqueIdType> class ObjectFactory;

template<typename BaseClassType, typename ClassType>
BaseClassType CreateObject()
   return new ClassType();

template<typename BaseClassType, typename UniqueIdType>
class ObjectFactory<BaseClassType (), UniqueIdType>
   typedef BaseClassType (*CreateObjectFunc)();

   BaseClassType Create(UniqueIdType unique_id)
      return ((*iter).second)();

template<typename BaseClassType, typename Param1Type, typename ClassType>
BaseClassType CreateObject(Param1Type param1)
   return new ClassType(param1);

template<typename BaseClassType, typename Param1Type, typename UniqueIdType>
class ObjectFactory<BaseClassType (Param1Type), UniqueIdType>
   typedef BaseClassType (*CreateObjectFunc)(Param1Type);

   BaseClassType Create(UniqueIdType unique_id, Param1Type param1)
      return ((*iter).second)(param1);

template<typename BaseClassType, typename Param1Type, typename Param2Type, typename ClassType>
BaseClassType CreateObject(Param1Type param1, Param2Type param2)
   return new ClassType(param1, param2);

template<typename BaseClassType, typename Param1Type, typename Param2Type, typename UniqueIdType>
class ObjectFactory<BaseClassType (Param1Type, Param2Type), UniqueIdType>
   typedef BaseClassType (*CreateObjectFunc)(Param1Type, Param2Type);

   BaseClassType Create(UniqueIdType unique_id, Param1Type param1, Param2Type param2)
      return ((*iter).second)(param1, param2);
### 回答1: 这个错误通常是因为在创建事务性连接工厂时发生了问题。事务性连接工厂用于创建连接到消息代理(例如ActiveMQ或RabbitMQ)的对象。 解决此错误的方法可能因具体情况而异,但以下是可能有用的一些步骤: 1. 确保您的连接工厂配置正确。这可能包括检查连接工厂的主机名、端口和认证信息等。 2. 确保您的消息代理已启动,并且已正确配置。 3. 检查您的代码以查看是否存在语法或逻辑错误。 4. 如果您正在使用第三方库或框架,请查看其文档或社区以获取帮助。 5. 最后,您可能需要查看日志文件或调试输出以获取更多信息,以确定问题的根本原因。 ### 回答2: "error creating transactional connection factory" 是一个常见的错误信息,它通常出现在使用 Java Persistence API(JPA)时创建连接工厂的过程中,具体原因可能是以下几个方面: 1. 数据库连接信息错误 在创建连接工厂时,需要提供正确的数据库连接信息,包括数据库 URL、用户名和密码等。如果其中任何一项填写错误,都会导致连接工厂创建失败。 2. 缺少数据库驱动程序 JPA 需要使用相应的数据库驱动程序来连接数据库,如果没有正确的驱动程序,那么连接工厂将无法创建。在创建连接工厂之前,需要确保已经正确地安装了数据库驱动程序。 3. 事务管理器配置错误 如果想要在应用程序中使用事务管理器,就需要对其进行相应的配置。如果在配置事务管理器时出现了错误,就会导致连接工厂无法创建。检查是否正确地配置了事务管理器可能有助于解决这个问题。 4. 数据库连接池问题 在创建连接工厂时,可能会使用连接池来管理数据库连接。如果连接池配置有误,或者连接池中的连接被其他程序占用,就可能导致连接工厂创建失败。尝试检查连接池配置是否正确,或者尝试清除连接池中的占用连接可能会有所帮助。 综上所述,“error creating transactional connection factory” 这个错误提示通常是因为连接工厂创建过程中出现了问题。检查数据库连接配置是否正确、是否缺少数据库驱动程序、是否正确配置了事务管理器、连接池问题等可能有助于定位问题并解决错误。 ### 回答3: 当我们在使用Java连接数据库的过程中,可能会碰到"error creating transactional connection factory"的错误提示信息。这个错误提示信息通常跟Spring框架相关,主要是因为Spring框架中所使用的JDBC数据源连接池实现类,例如Tomcat的"org.apache.tomcat.jdbc.pool.DataSource"与Spring框架中所使用的"org.springframework.jdbc.datasource.DataSourceTransactionManager"不兼容导致的。 Spring框架在连接数据库的过程中,使用了DataSourceTransactionManager来进行事务相关操作,在这个过程中,需要对连接池进行相应的配置。如果连接池的配置出现错误,或者配置文件中的数据源不存在,就可能会出现"error creating transactional connection factory"的错误提示信息。 解决这个错误问题的方法主要有以下两个: 1.检查配置文件中的数据源配置是否正确: 需要检查Spring配置文件中的数据源相关的配置是否完整,包括数据库连接所需的IP、端口、数据库名称、用户名和密码等信息;还需要检查数据源所对应的JDBC驱动是否被正确地引入到项目中。 2.检查连接池相关的配置是否正确: 连接池的相关配置项需要根据具体的使用情况进行配置,如连接池的大小、连接超时时间、最大连接数等等。需要确保连接池所需的所有配置项都已正确设置,并且Spring框架所使用的连接池实现类与DataSourceTransactionManager兼容。 总之,出现"error creating transactional connection factory"错误提示信息,我们需要仔细检查数据库连接的相关配置,确保能够正确地连接到数据库,从而避免此类错误的出现。




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