the function Passing and returning

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Passing & returning by value

To understand the need for the copy-constructor, consider the way 
C handles passing and returning variables by value during function 
calls. If you declare a function and make a function call, 
int f(int x, char c); 
int g = f(a, b); 
how does the compiler know how to pass and return those 
variables? It just knows! The range of the types it must deal with is 
so small – char, int, float, double, and their variations – that this 
information is built into the compiler. 
If you figure out how to generate assembly code with your 
compiler and determine the statements generated by the function 
call to f( ), you’ll get the equivalent of: 
push b 
push a 
call f() 
add sp,4 
mov g, register a 
This code has been cleaned up significantly to make it generic; the 
expressions for band awill be different depending on whether the 
variables are global (in which case they will be _band _a) or local 
(the compiler will index them off the stack pointer). This is also true 
for the expression for g. The appearance of the call to f( )will 
depend on your name-decoration scheme, and “register a” depends 
on how the CPU registers are named within your assembler. The 
logic behind the code, however, will remain the same. 
In C and C++, arguments are first pushed on the stack from right to 
left, then the function call is made. The calling code is responsible 
11: References & the Copy-Constructor  481 
for cleaning the arguments off the stack (which accounts for the 
add sp,4). But notice that to pass the arguments by value, the 
compiler simply pushes copies on the stack – it knows how big 
they are and that pushing those arguments makes accurate copies 
of them. 
The return value of f( )is placed in a register. Again, the compiler 
knows everything there is to know about the return value type 
because that type is built into the language, so the compiler can 
return it by placing it in a register. With the primitive data types in 
C, the simple act of copying the bits of the value is equivalent to 

copying the object. 

Passing & returning large objects
But now consider user-defined types. If you create a class and you 
want to pass an object of that class by value, how is the compiler 
supposed to know what to do? This is not a type built into the 
compiler; it’s a type you have created. 
To investigate this, you can start with a simple structure that is 
clearly too large to return in registers: 
//: C11:PassingBigStructures.cpp 
struct Big { 
char buf[100]; 
int i; 
long d; 
} B, B2; 
Big bigfun(Big b) { 
b.i = 100; // Do something to the argument 
return b; 

int main() { 
B2 = bigfun(B); 
} ///:~ 
Decoding the assembly output is a little more complicated here 
because most compilers use “helper” functions instead of putting 
482 Thinking in C++ 
all functionality inline. In main( ), the call to bigfun( )starts as you 
might guess – the entire contents of Bis pushed on the stack. (Here, 
you might see some compilers load registers with the address of 
the Bigand its size, then call a helper function to push the Bigonto 
the stack.) 
In the previous code fragment, pushing the arguments onto the 
stack was all that was required before making the function call. In 
PassingBigStructures.cpp , however, you’ll see an additional 
action: the address of B2is pushed before making the call, even 
though it’s obviously not an argument. To comprehend what’s 
going on here, you need to understand the constraints on the 
compiler when it’s making a function call. 
Function-call stack frame
When the compiler generates code for a function call, it first pushes 
all the arguments on the stack, then makes the call. Inside the 
function, code is generated to move the stack pointer down even 
farther to provide storage for the function’s local variables. 
(“Down” is relative here; your machine may increment or 
decrement the stack pointer during a push.) But during the 
assembly-language CALL, the CPU pushes the address in the 
program code where the function call came from, so the assemblylanguage RETURN can use that address to return to the calling 
point. This address is of course sacred, because without it your 
program will get completely lost. Here’s what the stack frame looks 
like after the CALL and the allocation of local variable storage in 
the function: 
Function arguments
Return address
Local variables
11: References & the Copy-Constructor  483 
The code generated for the rest of the function expects the memory 
to be laid out exactly this way, so that it can carefully pick from the 
function arguments and local variables without touching the return 
address. I shall call this block of memory, which is everything used 
by a function in the process of the function call, the function frame. 
You might think it reasonable to try to return values on the stack. 
The compiler could simply push it, and the function could return 
an offset to indicate how far down in the stack the return value 
The problem occurs because functions in C and C++ support 
interrupts; that is, the languages are re-entrant. They also support 
recursive function calls. This means that at any point in the 
execution of a program an interrupt can occur without breaking the 
program. Of course, the person who writes the interrupt service 
routine (ISR) is responsible for saving and restoring all the registers 
that are used in the ISR, but if the ISR needs to use any memory 
further down on the stack, this must be a safe thing to do. (You can 
think of an ISR as an ordinary function with no arguments and 
voidreturn value that saves and restores the CPU state. An ISR 
function call is triggered by some hardware event instead of an 
explicit call from within a program.) 
Now imagine what would happen if an ordinary function tried to 
return values on the stack. You can’t touch any part of the stack 
that’s above the return address, so the function would have to push 
the values below the return address. But when the assemblylanguage RETURN is executed, the stack pointer must be pointing 
to the return address (or right below it, depending on your 
machine), so right before the RETURN, the function must move the 
stack pointer up, thus clearing off all its local variables. If you’re 
trying to return values on the stack below the return address, you 
become vulnerable at that moment because an interrupt could 
come along. The ISR would move the stack pointer down to hold 
484 Thinking in C++ 
its return address and its local variables and overwrite your return 
To solve this problem, the caller couldbe responsible for allocating 
the extra storage on the stack for the return values before calling 
the function. However, C was not designed this way, and C++ 
must be compatible. As you’ll see shortly, the C++ compiler uses a 
more efficient scheme. 
Your next idea might be to return the value in some global data 
area, but this doesn’t work either. Reentrancy means that any 
function can be an interrupt routine for any other function, 
including the same function you’re currently inside. Thus, if you put 
the return value in a global area, you might return into the same 
function, which would overwrite that return value. The same logic 
applies to recursion. 
The only safe place to return values is in the registers, so you’re 
back to the problem of what to do when the registers aren’t large 
enough to hold the return value. The answer is to push the address 
of the return value’s destination on the stack as one of the function 
arguments, and let the function copy the return information 
directly into the destination. This not only solves all the problems, 
it’s more efficient. It’s also the reason that, in 
PassingBigStructures.cpp , the compiler pushes the address of B2
before the call to bigfun( )in main( ). If you look at the assembly 
output for bigfun( ), you can see it expects this hidden argument 
and performs the copy to the destination insidethe function. 

Function-call stack frame
When the compiler generates code for a function call, it first pushes 
all the arguments on the stack, then makes the call. Inside the 
function, code is generated to move the stack pointer down even 
farther to provide storage for the function’s local variables. 
(“Down” is relative here; your machine may increment or 
decrement the stack pointer during a push.) But during the 
assembly-language CALL, the CPU pushes the address in the 
program code where the function call came from, so the assemblylanguage RETURN can use that address to return to the calling 
point. This address is of course sacred, because without it your 
program will get completely lost. Here’s what the stack frame looks 
like after the CALL and the allocation of local variable storage in 
the function: 
Function arguments
Return address
Local variables
11: References & the Copy-Constructor  483 
The code generated for the rest of the function expects the memory 
to be laid out exactly this way, so that it can carefully pick from the 
function arguments and local variables without touching the return 
address. I shall call this block of memory, which is everything used 
by a function in the process of the function call, the function frame. 
You might think it reasonable to try to return values on the stack. 
The compiler could simply push it, and the function could return 
an offset to indicate how far down in the stack the return value 

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Sure, here is an example implementation of the ChangeToUpperCaseInputStream and ChangeToUpperCaseOutputStream classes: ```java import*; public class ChangeToUpperCaseInputStream extends FilterInputStream { public ChangeToUpperCaseInputStream(InputStream in) { super(in); } @Override public int read() throws IOException { int c =; return (c == -1 ? c : Character.toUpperCase((char) c)); } } public class ChangeToUpperCaseOutputStream extends FilterOutputStream { public ChangeToUpperCaseOutputStream(OutputStream out) { super(out); } @Override public void write(int b) throws IOException { super.write(Character.toUpperCase((char) b)); } } ``` In the above code, the ChangeToUpperCaseInputStream class extends FilterInputStream and overrides the read() method to read the data using the superclass's read() method and convert it to upper case before returning it. Similarly, the ChangeToUpperCaseOutputStream class extends FilterOutputStream and overrides the write() method to convert the data to upper case before calling the superclass's write() method to write it to the output stream. To use these classes in your main program, you can create an instance of ChangeToUpperCaseInputStream or ChangeToUpperCaseOutputStream and pass it to your FileInputStream or FileOutputStream, respectively. Here is an example: ```java import*; public class MyProgram { public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException { FileInputStream in = new FileInputStream("input.txt"); ChangeToUpperCaseInputStream upperCaseIn = new ChangeToUpperCaseInputStream(in); FileOutputStream out = new FileOutputStream("output.txt"); ChangeToUpperCaseOutputStream upperCaseOut = new ChangeToUpperCaseOutputStream(out); int c; while ((c = != -1) { upperCaseOut.write(c); } upperCaseIn.close(); upperCaseOut.close(); } } ``` In the above code, we first create a FileInputStream and wrap it in a ChangeToUpperCaseInputStream. We also create a FileOutputStream and wrap it in a ChangeToUpperCaseOutputStream. We then read data from the input stream using the read() method of the ChangeToUpperCaseInputStream and write data to the output stream using the write() method of the ChangeToUpperCaseOutputStream. Finally, we close both streams to release any resources they are holding.




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