begin={\begin{tikzpicture}[scale=1,line width=0.7pt]
\useasboundingbox (-0.5cm,-1cm) rectangle(6.5cm,5.5cm);
\coordinate (p1) at (-0.25,0);%
\coordinate[label=below:$x$] (p2) at (6,0);%
\coordinate (p3) at (0,-0.25);%
\coordinate[label=left:$y$] (p4) at (0,5.4);%
\draw [->,name path = xaxisline](p1)--(p2);
\draw [->,name path = yaxisline](p3)--(p4);
\node[below left,name intersections={of=xaxisline and yaxisline, by=po}] (po) at (po){$O$};
\coordinate [label=below:$A$](A) at (0.5,0.5);%
\coordinate (p5) at (3,5);%
\draw (A) rectangle (p5);
\node at ($(p5)+(-1.5,-0.25)$){ 金属壁};
\coordinate [label=below:$L$](L) at (5.5,0.5);%
\coordinate [label=below:$L_0$](L0) at ($(A)!(p5)!(L)$);%角点
\draw (p5) rectangle (L);
\node at ($(p5)+(+1.5,-0.25)$){ 保温层};
\coordinate[label=135:$P$] (P) at ($(A)+(0,4)$);%
\coordinate[label=left:$t_1$] (t1) at ($(P)+(-0.5,0)$);%
\coordinate[label=left:$t_0$] (t0) at ($(A)+(-0.5,0)$);%
\coordinate[label=below:$B$] (B) at ($(A)+(0.5,0)$);%
\coordinate[label=below:$C$] (C) at ($(A)+(1.5,0)$);%
\coordinate[label=225:$D$] (D) at ($(p5)+(0,-3)$);%
\coordinate[label=225:$E$] (E) at ($(p5)+(0,-2)$);%
\coordinate[label=225:$F$] (F) at ($(p5)+(0,-1.4)$);%
\coordinate[label=left:$G$] (G) at ($(p5)+(0,-1)$);%
\coordinate[label=135:$H$] (H) at ($(p5)+(0,-0.75)$);%
\coordinate[label=below:$I$] (I) at ($(L0)+(0.4,0)$);%
\coordinate[label=below:$J$] (J) at ($(L0)+(1.0,0)$);%
\coordinate[label=below:$K$] (K) at ($(L0)+(1.7,0)$);%
\coordinate[label=right:$M$] (M) at ($(L)+(0,1)$);%
\draw[dashed] (t1)--(P);
\draw[dashed] (t0)--(A);
%金属壁面划线 保温层划线
\begin{scope}[dashed,green!80,line width=0.5pt]
\draw(P)..controls ($ (P)!.7! -5:(B) $) and ($ (B)!.3! 15:(P) $)..(B);
\draw(P)..controls ($ (P)!.7! -10:(C) $) and ($ (C)!.2! 25:(P) $)..(C);
\draw(P)..controls ($ (P)!.7! -10:(L0) $) and ($ (L0)!.2! 25:(P) $)..(L0);
\draw(P)..controls ($ (P)!.75! -10:(D) $) and ($ (D)!.2! 25:(P) $)..(D);
\draw(D)..controls ($ (D)!.5! -15:(I) $) and ($ (I)!.3! 15:(D) $)..(I);
\draw(P)..controls ($ (P)!.7! -5:(E) $) and ($ (E)!.3! 15:(P) $)..(E);
\draw(E)..controls ($ (E)!.6! -10:(J) $) and ($ (J)!.3! 10:(E) $)..(J);
\draw(P)..controls ($ (P)!.6! -5:(F) $) and ($ (F)!.3! 10:(P) $)..(F);
\draw(F)..controls ($ (F)!.5! -15:(K) $) and ($ (K)!.3! 15:(F) $)..(K);
\draw(P)..controls ($ (P)!.5! -5:(G) $) and ($ (G)!.3! 5:(P) $)..(G);
\draw(G)..controls ($ (G)!.6! -10:(L) $) and ($ (L)!.3! 10:(G) $)..(L);
\draw(P)..controls ($ (P)!.5! 0:(H) $) and ($ (H)!.3! 0:(P) $)..(H);
\draw(H)..controls ($ (H)!.6! -5:(M) $) and ($ (M)!.3! 5:(H) $)..(M);
\node at(3,-0.65){\small 图3-2:~非稳态导热过程中复合壁温度的变化};
%金属壁面划线 保温层划线
\draw[red,line width=1.5pt] (P)--(A)--(L);\newframe %0
\draw[red,line width=1.5pt] (P)..controls ($ (P)!.7! -5:(B) $) and ($ (B)!.3! 15:(P) $)..(B)--(L);\newframe %0
\draw[red,line width=1.5pt] (P)..controls ($ (P)!.7! -10:(C) $) and ($ (C)!.2! 25:(P) $)..(C)--(L);\newframe %1
\draw[red,line width=1.5pt] (P)..controls ($ (P)!.7! -10:(L0) $) and ($ (L0)!.2! 25:(P) $)..(L0)--(L);\newframe %2
\draw[red,line width=1.5pt] (P)..controls ($ (P)!.75! -10:(D) $) and ($ (D)!.2! 25:(P) $)..(D);
\draw[red,line width=1.5pt] (D)..controls ($ (D)!.5! -15:(I) $) and ($ (I)!.3! 15:(D) $)..(I)--(L); \newframe %3
\draw[red,line width=1.5pt] (P)..controls ($ (P)!.7! -5:(E) $) and ($ (E)!.3! 15:(P) $)..(E);
\draw[red,line width=1.5pt] (E)..controls ($ (E)!.6! -10:(J) $) and ($ (J)!.3! 10:(E) $)..(J)--(L);\newframe %4
\draw[red,line width=1.5pt] (P)..controls ($ (P)!.6! -5:(F) $) and ($ (F)!.3! 10:(P) $)..(F);
\draw[red,line width=1.5pt] (F)..controls ($ (F)!.5! -15:(K) $) and ($ (K)!.3! 15:(F) $)..(K)--(L);\newframe %5
\draw[red,line width=1.5pt] (P)..controls ($ (P)!.5! -5:(G) $) and ($ (G)!.3! 5:(P) $)..(G);
\draw[red,line width=1.5pt] (G)..controls ($ (G)!.6! -10:(L) $) and ($ (L)!.3! 10:(G) $)..(L);\newframe %6
\draw[red,line width=1.5pt] (P)..controls ($ (P)!.5! 0:(H) $) and ($ (H)!.3! 0:(P) $)..(H);
\draw[red,line width=1.5pt] (H)..controls ($ (H)!.6! -5:(M) $) and ($ (M)!.3! 5:(H) $)..(M)--(L);
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